Our love is the strongest (Bullied Valt X Lui)

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NOTE: Valt is an only child in this Oneshot.


How much pain can someone have in their life? Everyone thought that their problems are big and always complaining about their problems, but the ones who have problems, always keep silent.

Take an example; Valt Aoi. What nothing bad happened in his life? His parents loved him as he was their only child. He was a very good student in his class. He has good grades. Everything was fine until life pushed him hard and he can't do anything. 

His parents were too busy with their work. Soon, they had to leave Japan and shift to America. After shifting to America, they always spent their whole time in their workplace which was far from their home in America.

After going to school, Valt thought he could make more friends, but everything was the opposite. Valt was good at everything which make others jealous of him. He was odd there. No one wants to take it to him. He gets bullied by the students there.

His parents never get a chance to notice, and even if they notice, Valt make excuses and hide the truth. He doesn't want that his parents have trouble just because of him.

He can't help but can show a smile like he hasn't had any problems in his life. He knew that his school is not going well from the day he came there, but he never thought like this. But There's only one face he is familiar with, the person he was afraid of sometimes, Lui Shirosagi.

When Valt transferred to America, he never thought that he will meet Lui there. When he entered the same class as Lui, They have never talked since that day, Not a single word Lui or Valt had spoken to each other. 

In early weeks, Lui just gave Valt death glares making Valt shiver in fear. As time pass, they never interact except for the classes. Whenever he look at him, he thought he will bully him cause he looks pretty scary, but he is so quiet. He doesn't talk or interact with anyone. Always keep silent.

Unlike other's in his class, he never gets attracted by Lui's silence. He has no interest in him. The friendly nature he has to, fade away. He hoped he can smile once again, however, that thought was fading day by day. 


It was a sunny morning. Everyone was heading to their jobs. Nearby the school, children were talking and heading towards the School. On other hand, Valt was looking down and just hoping that he will safely enter the school.

When he was about to enter the school gate, Someone called out his name as he sweat and shiver in fear. He knows what is going to happen now. He didn't turn around but kept walking. He didn't look up when someone grabbed him by his hoodie and pushed him to the ground.

He looked up and saw a group of boys and girls looking at him furiously. "What you want?" Valt asked scared. One of them hold him from his collar and pulled him harshly, "How dare you ignore us? Don't you know who I am?" He tightened his grip making Valt more scared.

"Leave him here. We will get rid of him later, class is starting." One of them said as the boy pushed Valt to the ground. They all smirked at him and walked to the class. Valt stands up and brushed his clothes. 

The school bell rang. Valt ran towards the school gate and get into his class. He takes his seat at the last bench. It was the only bench he can concentrate on his studies. Moreover, he wants a silent place and only the last seat is the best place. 

"I am not a backbencher but what to do now," he sighed when the room's door opened.  The teacher came inside and everyone greet the teacher. "Good morning everyone. Today I planned to change your seats and from now, you have to sit like that in every class, understood?" The teacher said. Everyone in the class replies yes and start whispering to each other.

"What a bad day," Valt sighed at his bad luck. The teacher starts arranging the seat. Some students are happy cause they can sit with their friends and some of them are disappointed by their new partners. 

"Valt, you sit behind Lui and Lui you sit at the first bench. I need you both to sit in front benches instead of sitting in backbenchers." the teacher said. 

That was the moment when that shiny brown eyes meet the purple ones of Lui. They both sit in their seat. Lui was looking backwards at valt who was looking at the ground with an expressionless face. 

"Akito, you sit beside Valt," suddenly fear took place on that expressionless face. Hearing the boy's name who bullied Valt and now going to sit beside him make Akito's friends smile crazily.

Valt looked up and his face meet Akito's face, Akito was smirking evilly. "pleasure to sit beside you, Valt Aoi," Valt gulped in fear and again turned his head to the ground. Lui noticed everything. He still can't understand Valt's situation. From the day Valt came to school, he never noticed anything about him. He doesn't know whether he has friends or not and he never even tried to find, cause he doesn't care. 

This time, he feel that Valt was acting weird. At first, he gets annoyed by his weird nature, but at the same time, he was curious about Valt's nature. In last he speaked, "Aoi, if you don't stop making weird faces, I will surely get rid of your face." Valt looked at him with surprise. It was the first time Lui speaked to him, but why so suddenly? Is he looking that weird?

"Ah, uh, S-sorry," He said and moved his head to the window. 

The first period ended and the second is physical education. "Hey, Valt, do you wanna play with me today?" Akito said smirking as his friends also smirked. Valt didn't reply but put his all attention on the book he was reading. 

"I think the freaking Aoi is afraid of Akito cause Akito is the best!" One of the girls said with a teasing tone. "You are right, Lisa." One of them agreed. Valt didn't look away from his book, making others annoyed and angry. "Can you hear Ao-"

"Don't talk in the class. It's school, Not your home," Lui said cutting off Akito. 

"Oh, S-sorry," he said with a shaky voice. Lui's sudden sentence make everyone a little scared. It seems that they all are afraid of him. "what's the problem," Akito whispered to himself, "And be aware that others don't listen to you when you are complaining to them behind their back, just like now," Lui listened to every single word Akito was saying. 

Everyone in the class make different faces, tried not to smile. Akito glared at everyone there as they ignored him. He will never forget this. The way Lui talked to him, which make him embarrassed in front of the whole class. 

everyone was on the playground. Some of them are playing and some are talking. Valt sit in the corner and looked at everyone when Akito reached to him. "Hey, you. Come, I challenge you to play a basketball match," he said. "I don't want to," Valt replied. "What you said?!" he grabbed valt by his collar, "You are so many and I am alone, then how can we play basketball?" Valt, defend himself. "There are no rules!" Valt can't help himself but can just accept Akito's challenge. 

They lead their way to the basketball court but there were already many students who were playing. "Hey, everyone, go and play somewhere else this court. Now it's ours," he said interrupting everyone there.

"What you want to do?" A very familiar voice came. It was Lui. Seeing Lui there, they all shiver in fear. "I mean, I also want to play," Akito said with a nervous smile. Lui's attention was taken away from Akito by the blue-haired male. He wonders if they all are valt's friends. He knows that he was wrong, cause valt never look so dull when he is with his friends, plus, he sees how Akito was talking to valt in class. It's not a familiar way to talk to friends.

"You wanna play, huh? then come. I will see how nice you play." Lui smirked as Akito smirked in return. "But, valt will be in your team then" Akito pointed at Valt who was looking at Akito with widened eyes, "Hey!" Valt complained.

"No problem." Lui finished as they all walked to the court and take their position. "I am the leader from here," Akito said. "I am from here," Lui said, "Wait, we didn't choose who is the leader," Valt said. "I was the first person here, so I am the leader," Lui said as Valt pouted.

They start the match, and it's Lui's team chance o take the ball first. Lui dribble the ball, but soon the ball was in Akito's hand. Lui groaned in annoyance. No one was able to take the ball from Akito's hand.

"Weak," Akito was smirking when he felt someone taking the ball away from his hand. He concentrate again on the match when he saw Valt taking the ball away and dribbling it to the basket. 

Valt throw the ball in the basket and scored one point. Everyone was still confused that what happened. "What the heck?!?" Akito said surprised. "Akito, I guess Valt is pretty good at basketball," one of the boys said. "I can see!" Akito shouted.

Lui looked at Valt with surprise. He didn't expect Valt to be good at basketball. "If you play basketball then why are you so short?" Lui sked. "Don't say others short when you are short too" Valt said. "I'm not," Lui said with disagreement. "yes, you're," Valt said.

"I'm Not!"

"Yes, You're"

"I'm Not!!"

"Yes, You're"

"OH!!! STOP! let's continue the match." Lui said giving up. "Sure," Valt smiled at him. They continued the match and as the result, Lui's team won the match. Akito groaned. Valt walked to Akito. "I won," Valt said. "You," Akito looked at him furiously. "You won't do anything now. I win, means I win." Valt said. 

"Let's go," Akito said to his friends as the bell rang and everyone lead back to their classroom. Lui looked at Valt and saw the blunette's sad expression. He doesn't know why but he feels something about the blunette. What is it? he doesn't know.

TimeSkip by drum heating mushrooms with Lui's hair

Valt came back home and saw a letter in the letterbox. He took the letter and went inside the house. He opened the letter and it was by his parents on which written,

Dear Valt,

How are you dear? I hope you're eating well and brushing your teeth daily after dinner. I am sorry that we will not be able to come home back to see your annual day at the time. We are trying to finish our work as fast as we can. I am always worried about you, I want to be there for you, but I am unable. I am a shame to be a mother of such a good child. I am sad that I can't give you the love you deserve but don't worry, We will come back soon. 

Love you, my Valty~

Your Lovely Mother and father.

"No mom, you're the best mother in the world," Valt smiled as tears came out of his eyes. Maybe, there is hope. He just wants someone who can help him to get out of all these problems.

But the question is, 'Is there anyone?'


The next morning, Valt was heading towards the school. He entered the school gate when he felt someone dragging him back from his jacket. When he turned to see who was he/she, he saw Akito. 

"let it go," he said as Akito tightened his grip. He forced Valt to kneel. "What you want now?" Valt struggled to get out of his grip but he was unable. 

"Why not make your hair shorter to make it easy for you," One of the boys gripped valt tightly and Akito was holding a scissor in his hand as they all were smirking evilly. 'N-no!'.


At the classroom, everyone was talking as someone stepped into the classroom. Lui, who was looking through the window, turned his head as his eyes widen in surprise. He saw Valt there, but he was looking...different. He was not wearing his headband. His hair's were covering his forehead. In Lui's mind, he has only one word for him, beautiful.

Lui shook his head and thought that was what he just thinking about. He again looked at the blue-haired boy and can see glimpses of sadness on his face. 'Something's wrong'  he thought as he saw Akito sitting on his chair and looking at Valt with a devilish smile. 

He glances at other children who were looking at Valt with pitiful eyes. There's something that other's know but Lui didn't. He thinks of searching out that what happened to Valt. 

He can feel something wrong happening to him. It wasn't the Valt he know. 'I will find out,' he thought.

After school, Lui walked to the corridor and saw two boys talking. He called out, "Athy, Ray," the two boys looked behind and saw Lui. "Hi, Lui," they both greeted him. "Do you know what happened to Valt?" he asked directly. 

"I didn't get it. What do you mean?" Athy asked. "There is something you know about Valt but I didn't. What is it?" He asked. they both looked at each other and then at Lui. They decide to tell him everything. they start speaking, and whatever they spoke, make Lui's eyes widen.

TimeSkip by Hyuga questioning Hikaru at freaking 3 AM

The school was over and Valt was still at school cause today was his duty to clean the classroom. Just when the door open and he looked at the door and saw Lui there who was having an expression of guilty on his face. 

"Lui, Why you're still here? You don't wanna go home?" Valt questioned. "no," Lui answered, "There's something we need to talk about," Lui said. "Talk?" Lui's sentence makes Valt confused.

Lui walked to him and asked, "What happened to your hair?" The question makes Valt speechless. He doesn't have words. How can he say the truth? 

"I cut them because I want to," he lied, looking at the ground, not seeing Lui. "Liar," Lui said with a disappointed look, "I want to know the truth, Tell me!" Lui raised his voice which make Valt lake of words. "I said I cut them," Valt again make an excuse which makes Lui angrier.

"You can't lie like that, I knew everything already!" Lui grabbed him by his jacket as Valt shouted, "Why are you asking when you already know?! Let it go," Valt struggled to get out of Lui's grip but can't. 

"I said go!" He pushed Lui to the ground as Lui looked at him with an annoyed look, "What's the problem," Valt grabbed Lui's collar. Now Valt was on the top and Lui at the bottom. 

"You don't need to know anything!" Valt yells at him as tears start running down from his eyes and fall on Lui's pale face. He never saw someone like this. He wants to help him. Valt get off of Lui and sat on the ground. He can't control his tears. Every time he tried to smile, there's something that make him sad like always. He had lost hopes.

Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms hugging him tightly as he wide open his eyes. The moment he saw Lui, he felt his pain disappear. "I know you aren't fine," he whispered in his ears. Valt didn't push him nor hug him back, but just cried. 

"Everything is alright, cause I am with you,"


A gang of kids were laughing loudly at the park. "It was hilarious to see his reaction in class," one of them said. "Yeah. You teach him nicely, Akito." the other one said as Akito laughed. 

Suddenly, they saw Valt walking towards them. "What was he doing here?" Akito said. "He needs one more lesson, I guess," Lisa said. 

Valt stopped and said, "Akito, I know you since I first came to school and I admits that I am always afraid of you, even when I just act to be brave. But now I want to say that I am not afraid of you anymore. Do whatever you want, but I am not afraid of you anymore." Everyone raised their eyebrow as Akito walked to Valt, "And what's the reason behind it?" his hand was going to grab his jacket when someone tightly gripped his hand and twisted it. He winced in pain and saw Lui. 

"L-Lui?!" he said with fear. "Cause I am with him Now," he answered Akito's question. "let it go!" Akito said when Lui tightened his grip. Lui ungripped his hand and push them harshly towards Akito. 

Valt and Lui left the place making everyone terrified and confused. While walking, Lui turned and Show his middle finger to all of them while smirking.

In their way, Valt stopped in between and said, "Thank you, Lui," he smiled at him as the flamed hair boy smiled back and walked up to him. "whenever you have any problem, you can ask me. I am always there to help you." 

He pulled Valt closer to him when their face was a few inches apart from each other. Lui pressed his lips against Valt's as they kissed under the sunset. In last, Valt found someone who can help him. He doesn't need to suffer anymore.

A few months later, they are all promoted to the new class and Lui and Valt become closer to each other day by day. Valt parents get time to spend and promise Valt that they will spend as much time as they can with Valt.

Lui, and Valt, both told about their relationship with each other to their parents, and luckily they agreed. Oh, and Akito and his friends? yeah, Lui and Valt complain about them and the teacher punishes them. Surely, they deserved it.

Their both life bloomed up, and they both trust each other every time. Many tough challenges are waiting for them and they will fight and will win. 

'Cause Their love is stronger than anything, and nothing can break it.

The End~

AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I CAN'T EXPLAIN HOW HAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW!!!!! It's My FIRST TIME to write a love story and I guess It was pretty good. 

I published this book for just Lualt. You can request too!

see ya!~


Word limit: 3185 (Lol! the Oneshot is bigger than my chapters in fan-fic stories!)

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