Say it's possible

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✿Ancient time        

✿Lui is 17, Valt is 16

✿Toll Lui :D


Ujeong Empire is one of the most powerful kingdoms. Known for peace and justice.  Ujeong Empire was also one of the oldest empires. People, there are always satisfied with their ruler. The people there love their crown prince most, Valt Aoi. From a very young age, Valt has gained popularity and also, he was talented. Everyone loves him. Everyone sees a very humble side of him and never they've ever seen him angry. Valt only believes in one thing, and that's peace. That's all he wants.

On the other hand, there is one more Empire and everyone says them Yong, which means dragons, they are Hananim Empire. Hananim empire is ruled by the Shirosagijo bloodline. They are known for their power and popularity. Especially their crown prince, Lui Shirosagijo. Everyone sees him as a great warrior. He is powerful and intelligent. There's no mercy in his eyes for his enemies. 

Knowing about these two empires, Everyone knows how powerful they are but there's a biter rivalry between them. A long time ago, these empires were neutral to each other, but because of matters between them growing day by day, they become bitter enemies.

Everyone hopes that the enmity between these two will end one day, but after knowing the situations growing worst day by day, it's hard to judge. 

Only question is, Will there be a friendship between these two empires?


It was a sunny morning and birds were chirping and like every day, everyone was doing their jobs. Inside the royal palace, a flammed haired boy was walking through the corridors. The guards open a big door for him as he entered the room. 

He bows down his knees in front of a male and a female. The female reaches him and gave the flammed haired male a warm hug. 

"Bless you, son. Wish you a very Happy Birthday," she smiled as he smiled back. 

Just when he turned to the other male and bowed down for respect. The male patted his back and said, "Neon Empire gave you wishes for your birthday. They also held a function for you there. We will leave soon. Get ready Lui"

"Sure, Father," he bows and left the room. After leaving the room he sighed. After knowing about the function, it was indeed true that he was an introverted person. He doesn't like attention, nor does he like to meet people. 

"Why do they organize a function? My birthday is already ruined," he said sighing.

After some time, they left for the Neon Empire. Neon Empire wasn't far away from their Empire. It was the nearest Empire and also, the Neon empire and Hananim empire are very close to each other. 

Being powerful empires and having so much wealth, they always have healthy competition. Neon empire is known for its wealth. They are intelligent and wealthy. This empire is ruled by De la Hoya bloodline. Their prince, Free de la hoys, has gained much popularity at a very young age. 

Lui and Free always have friendly competitions. Free treat him with respect as well as Lui too respects him. Free always advise him and Lui mostly follow his advice. However, when Free advise him to be friendly with the Ujeong empire, Lui never thinks about it nor did he was agreed with that. 

In the palace of the Neon empire, Free looked through the large balcony of the palace. 

"Prince Free, they've arrived," his butler said. Free gave the butler a tight nod and signalled him to leave.

"Lui, this is not just a function. I have my ways," Cold breeze touched his pale skin while he kept talking to himself, "I have my ways, to tell you hatred is not the solution"

Soon, the Shirosagijo family entered the palace and they all welcomed them. Free came out of the room and bowed in respect. 

"Wishes for you," Free said smiling, raising his hand in front of Lui. Lui grabbed his hand and they both handshake. 

"Welcome," Lui said smirking. "Free, go out and take Lui around the main city," King de la Hoya said as Free nodded. 

Soon, Free and Lui were walking around a beautiful garden. "So, I've listened that King and Queen want you to marry, huh?" Free questioned, breaking the silence between them. Lui rolled his eyes, recognising free's words. 

"Unfortunately, you're right," Lui said with a frustrated voice.

"So you didn't think about it?" Free asked. "What do you mean?" Lui raised his eyebrow at Free's question. 

"I mean you don't want to think about it?" Free asked. "Not till I am alive," Lui said as Free shrugged.

"Where are you going now?" Free asked when he saw the male walking through the bushes and flowers. "Peaceful place," Lui answered. Free didn't stop him but let him go. Even if Free follow him, there's no reason to follow. Lui has his ways.

"He never changes," Free smiled and walked away for his own space.

Somewhere near beautiful flowers. It was a bit surprising fact that there are different types of flowers and plants in the Neon empire that also grows in winters. Not even the Hananim empire has many kinds of plants that grow in winters.

Lui was walking around, seeing the beauty of nature when he got distracted by seeing a figure of a male near a pond. He raised his eyebrow and got closer to get a closer view of the male. The male was playing the flute as Lui saw birds near enjoying the environment. Hazel-nut eyes, Blue hair and pale skin. For the very first time, Lui saw someone like him. He admires the male's beauty. 

Lui stepped forward when the blue-haired male stop playing the flute and turned his gaze to Lui. He stands up and looked at Lui suspiciously. 

"Do I know you, sir?" He asked. "No. I don't think you're from here. You don't look like you're from here. Where are you from?" Lui asked.

"I'm not. I'm-" the boy got cut off when he saw the blonde coming straight towards them. "Free?" he said, making Lui confused.

"You know him?" Lui asked. "Of course, he does," Free answered.

"Meet him, He's the prince of Ujeong Empire, Prince Valt," Free said as Valt smiled. 

Lui's expression suddenly got changed hearing the name of their greatest rivals, the Ujeong Empire. His calm look suddenly turned to a disgusted look as he glared at Valt.

"And Valt, he's the prince of Hananim Empire, Lui," Free introduced Lui but Lui kept glaring at Valt. 

"Prince Lui! I've heard a lot about you. It's a pleasure to meet you" Valt reaches out to shake hands but Lui refuses to shake hands. Instead, he never stopped glaring and wants to know why Valt was here.

"I don't shake hands with weak and pathetic people," Lui said, "Mind tell me why he's here?" Lui turned to Free and asked. 

"We invited him to today's function," Free said. "Someone like him does not even deserve to be in the function" Hearing Lui's words, Valt eyes widen as he clenched his fist.

"Let me tell you prince Lui that you're not the one who will judge who will come and who will not," Valt said firmly. 

"Is that so? I thought it's held for my birthday," Lui said mockingly. Lui and Valt looked straight into each other's eyes. Free sighed seeing the tensed environment. He invited the Ujeong empire so that he can help to solves matters between them, but he felt he did a great mistake. 

"Calm down you two. The function is about to start. All empires have arrived, let's go back to the palace," Free said interrupting their glaring fight. Lui gave Valt a disgusted look before moving forward as Valt groaned in annoyance.

The three princes entered the palace where the function has started. Valt and Lui got awed by the scene as Free smirked. Valt move his sight throughout the place when he caught his siblings in his sight. 

He ran towards them as the twins looked at him and waved. "Where were you?" the aquamarine haired asked. "I was outside for some fresh air," Valt grinned as they kept talking. 

"Lui, you should wait upstairs. King and Queen are there," Free said as Lui make his way upstairs. Free waited and looked at the sight. There were many people around. He has never seen many empires together. He got interrupted from his thought when he saw an albino and a blonde walking towards him. 

"My pleasure to meet you, prince Free," the young males bowed as Free also bowed. "My name is Shu Kurenai, prince of the Hono empire," he said. 

"I am Wakiya Komurasaki. I am the commander of Hono Empire," The blonde said. "I am Free de la Hoya, Prince of Neon empire," Free replied. 

"It's nice to meet you. I never thought we'll meet here," Shu said. "Pleasure to meet you too. Come with me, I'll take you to the place," Free said and starts walking as the two males followed him. He came upstairs where he saw Neon empire, Hananim empire and Hono empire together. 

He searched for the flammed haired male and saw him leaning against the wall. "uh, Lui," He said as Lui turned his gaze to the blonde. "Meet him, He is Shu Kurenai, prince of Hono empire and He is Wakiya Komurasaki, Commander of Hono empire," Free introduced the two males as Lui raised his eyebrow.

"Shu Kurenai, huh? I've heard a lot about you," Lui smirked as Shu smiled. "Happy birthday, Prince Lui. Hope we can talk someday," Shu said.

The Hono empire was also powerful. Lui always liked Hono because of their power. He respects Shu as a great warrior. Although he never saw him fight or never did he know him that much, he has heard a lot about him. He believes that Shu is not a person who backs down. Shu's courage is his pride and that's why Lui respects him.

The conversation between the empires and the princes stopped when they saw the Ujeong empire coming. There was a dead silence. The Hananim King moved his gaze to the king of Ujeong as he got disgusted by the view. The two kings were glaring at each other. King Shirosagijo and King Aoi, this meeting is going to cost everyone. 

"King Aoi, It was unexpected to meet you here," King Shirosagijo twitched his eyes as King Aoi smirked. "You should be grateful that we're here to give your son blessings," King Aoi replied.

"Blessings?" King Shirosagijo said, "Our son doesn't need them. We don't take blessings from weak and terrible people," King Shirosagijo's statement made everyone shocked. King Kurenai just stared with silence while King De la Hoya know it was a must to stop them. 

Free understands his father's tension and broke the dead silence. "My highness, I guess it was a fun night today. I guess you all must be tired, let me show you your rooms," Free said with a visible tension on his face. He stayed calm when King Aoi nodded. 

"First you, king Shirosagijo," It was better to take out King Shirosagijo first. He wants the other royal families to talk to the Aoi family too. King Shirosagijo sighed and followed the blonde. Meanwhile, Lui gave Valt a death glare as Valt replied with a disgusted look in his eyes. 

Valt can't understand Lui's problem. Valt even tried to be friends with Lui, but Lui only wants war. Valt has his limits. It's obvious to get angry for Valt. 

Valt glared at Lui till he gets out of his sight. He suddenly got disturbed when he heard someone clearing his throat. He moves backwards and saw an albino and a blonde standing. 

"Sorry for bothering but I never got a chance to introduce myself because of the intense moment before," the albino said. "Ah, I'm sorry for that," Valt said with a nervous smile on his face. "It's okay. I am the prince of Hono Empire, Shu Kurenai. Mice to meet you." He said. 

"And I am the commander of Hono empire, Wakiya Komurasaki," Wakiya said grinning. "Prince? Commander?" Valt looked at them with a questioning look.

"Yeah. It's very rare to see Ujeong Empire somewhere. I was a bit surprised to see you here," Shu said. 

"Indeed true. We have less participation in functions," Valt said. 

"It is clear why after what happened just now," Wakiya said as Valt sighed. "Let's talk outside," Wakiya said as the two males nodded. 

Somewhere outside in the garden of the palace, the three males were talking under the moonlight. It was pretty cold at that time. Valt told them how they came here and what happened soon when he met Lui. Shu and Wakiya were aware of the violence between the two great Empires. Like everyone, they also thought that they will turn out well but the end is always a war.

"Sad to know it. Keep hopes, everything will be okay," Shu said making Valt's hopes as Valt smiled. 

"It's pretty late. Let's go inside," Wakiya said as Shu stands up but stops suddenly when the Blunette didn't reply. "Valt, Let's go," Shu said as Valt stands up and smile. "You go, I'll be coming right away," Valt said as Wakiya and Shu take their leave.

Valt sat on the stone nearby and sighed. Valt was always a kid who wants peace. He wants to make a new generation where everyone will respect each other. A new era of peace. However, his hopes got crushed when he came to know about the hatred between Ujeong and the Hananim empire.

He thought there was still some hope but when he looked inside that cold purple hues, he felt uncomfortable and hopeless. He stayed strong at that time but the only thing in his mind was fear. He fears that this enmity can turn into a cataclysm. He never wants that. He remembered when he was a child, everyone told them stories of the war between Hananim and the Ujeong Empire. He never liked that stories. Instead, he wants everyone to look at Hananim as their confidante, but all he came to know was that he was hidden from a bitter truth. 

The cold breeze touched his face as he keep sighing with tension and sorrow. He was puzzled at that time. He picks out his flute and starts playing it. That's what he can do to reduce the unwanted pressure.

Inside the palace room, the purple-eyed male was standing on the balcony in the cold night. Whatever happened today was hard for him. He doesn't care about the rivalry between the two Empires, but his mind was filled with the thought of the certain hazel-eyed male. He closed his eyes and remember the scene when he looked straight into the blunette's eyes and he saw something that made him think about it. Fear, sorrow, insecurity. What was that?

Not only that, he starts feeling weird about it. Aside from all this war and hatred, at the first sight when he saw Valt, he wants to talk to him. He admires his beauty and the innocence in his eyes. He knows it's not right to think about him, but his heart says something else. What was that he don't know.

Lui sighed as the cold breeze blew with his eyes close. He can't hear anything. There was a dead silence around him Until he heard a familiar tune making him open his eyes. "It is..." Lui thought when he saw the blunette playing gentle music, sitting on a rock. Lui can't avoid that sight. The only word he have was beautiful. The atmosphere made him calm. Maybe the thought will not bother him after listening to the music. 

Lui lay on his bed while listening to the gentle music. Making himself calm down.


It was the morning and there was a Hustle inside the palace. There were Three empires there at the time having breakfast. After yesterday's function, there were only three Empires stayed. Neon empire already wants Ujeong and Hananim empire to stay. They still have hopes that there can be a way to make a deal between these two Empires. Hono Empire is far away from Neon. After a long trip, they must need a rest so Neon Empire grants them to stay as long as they want.

After having their breakfast, Free took them to the garden of the palace. The princes looked at him in confusion of why he brought them here. Soon their confusion disappeared when they saw a target on a nearby tree. They all guessed that it must be a challenge and guessed they were right.

"Don't say you want us to attack the target," Wakiya said gazing at the blonde as he nodded quietly.

"Big brother's aim is not good though," the aquamarine haired said as Valt pouted.  

"No one needs your opinion," Valt said glaring at Toko while Nika chuckled. 

"Let him say, Aoi. Maybe he is right," Lui said as he bust out laughing. Valt glared at him and then smiled confidently. "Oh we'll see," Valt said.

"If you're challenging me, then I'm always ready," Lui said smirking as he took a bow and all of the sudden, an Ice arrow came. Valt watched him with curious eyes. 'Ice, huh?' Lui's power was Ice. He can control Ice or can make anything that is of ice. That's how he spawned the Ice arrow.

Lui focused on the target and waited for the moment. He stopped and aimed his target. But before it can touch the target, the Ice arrow is destroyed into pieces. Lui raised his brow and glance beside him from where the arrow came from. He saw Valt having a bow in his hand. Lui twitched his eyes, knowing it was the blunette who did all that.

Lui get steady and spawned one more arrow and aimed but Valt again destroyed it. Lui makes his move forward as so Valt. Lui was targeting but Valt was destroying the arrows again and again. Soon Lui loses his patience and turned his bow to Valt and attacked him as Valt jumped backwards.

"That was a fast move," Wakiya said. The others sighed knowing that the blunette is alright. 

"Shouldn't we stop them?" Nika said worried but Free shooked his head. "Nah! It's fun," Free said with a smirk. "You are not stopping them just to entertain yourself," Shu said with an awkward look as Free noded.

Meanwhile, Valt made his balance and attacked Lui and destroy his bow as Lui throw it away. Soon Lui made an Ice sword and launched himself on Valt as Valt avoid his attacks. Valt made a sphere with his hand as it becomes bigger and soon turned into a tornado enough to blow up someone. 

"tch," Lui dodged from the tornado made by Valt. "Wind," now Lui knows Valt elemental power. It seems like Valt is an expert in mastering wind. The way he made that tornado only experts can do. Maybe he took him easy. 

"That was huge," Shu said by seeing the sight of the large tornado which disappeared soon. 

"Big brother train for hours to control his powers," Toko continued, "He always keep practising and when it comes about duels, he always shows his best." 

Lui stood straight on his legs and pointed his sword towards Valt as the younger male looked in confusion. 

"I guess I took you too easily," Lui said. "But your end is here," he said, tightening the grip of his sword.

Valt smirked as he took out an arrow and aimed at Lui but it was destroyed. Valt picked out his sword as they both clashed together. Soon they both looked at the target at the same time and then at each other. 

'Hit the target!' they thought as they run towards the target. Stopping each other from aiming the target they kept attacking each other. It became a game. The one who reaches and aim the target first will win. 

Valt picked out his bow again and starts aiming but got interrupted by Lui attacking him. While the blunette was busy, Lui took his chance and spawned out a bow and arrow and starts aiming when he got attacked by Valt. 

"You," Lui said gritting his teeth as he brushed the dirt on his cloth. "Don't think I will let you win that easily," Valt said. 

Lui let out a little and looked at the blunette. "Nice try, but the fate is already written," he attacked Valt as Valt avoid his attacks. Soon they came close to the target as they get free from each other's attacks, they turned to the target and raise their bows.

"I will win this!" they synced but before they could aim, an arrow which was on fire already hit exactly the centre of the target. The arrow was so fast for Lui and Valt to notice. It hit the target so fast that the target burns down in seconds. 

Valt and Lui questioningly looked behind and saw the albino, with a bow in his hand and smirking. 

"Guess I win," Shu said. Lui and Valt still stayed confused. Did Shu just aim at the target? that's what they were thinking.

"Wait-" Valt realises the situation as so Lui. They both scream aloud as Shu covered his ears. 

"Loud enough," Shu whispered to himself. Just when Free clapped his hands and walked towards. "I guess Shu is the winner then. Whatever, I'm tired. I wanna sleep. Enjoy your day," Free said as he yawned and left everyone there. 

Lui groaned and turned to Valt. "huh?" Valt looked at Lui when he feels him staring at him and giving him death glares. "No need to be angry. It's like a tie," Valt said. 

"But I don't accept this," Lui stated. "It's your problem," Valt crossed his arms and sighed. 

Lui started walking away but stop in the middle as Valt looked at him questioningly. Lui glance at Valt and said, "I believe that you're strong. Hope you never disappoint me," he started walking away as Valt didn't stop looking at him. 

"Strong..." Valt thought, "That's what only came to your mind?" Valt started looking at the ground. He can't say no, but he has many hopes and thoughts about Lui. All of the sudden, he started feeling weird. He's trying to be close to Lui just that the enmity will vanish but after all, Lui will never change his thoughts. "Power and strength," he gritted his teeth, "That's all that you want?"

Toko, Nika, Wakiya and Shu looked at him. Shu understands Valt's problem but is unable to help him. He knows Valt is stressed after he saw the real rivalry between his Empire and Lui's empire. He knows Valt don't want to see a horrible future.

"Valt?" Shu put his hand on Valt's shoulder as Valt get out of his thoughts. "Ah, I'm sorry. I need some time. Excuse me," Valt said as he walked away from there.  

"Shu, let's get in," Wakiya said as Shu smiled and nodded. He was still worried about the blunette.

They came inside the castle as Free looked at him but found two males absent there.

"Where are those two?" Free asked. "They are out for some time. It will be okay for them to take some fresh air," Shu said as Free nodded.

 🔹🔷💜 🔷🔹

Outside the castle, inside a beautiful garden, Valt was lying on the green grass looking at the clear blue sky. He shook his head as he again starts feeling stress. 'Is it all okay?' he questioned himself. After seeing the situation of the empires, he can say no. But the best thing about him was that he always keep hope.

He got interrupted from his thoughts when he heard footsteps coming towards him. He got shocked by seeing the flammed haired male there as he quickly stand up and met his purple hues.

"So you're here," Lui said. "You were searching me?" Valt asked. "Who said that? I was just wandering. I thought you went inside the palace," Lui replied.

"I just came for some fresh air," Valt said Lui walked towards a stone and leaned against it. 

"How?" Lui asked making Valt confused. "What?" he asked in reply. "How you made that tornado at the morning battle? It's not something easy," Lui said. 

"I keep training and somehow I learned that thing," Valt said. "You liked that, didn't you?" Valt said with a wide grin.

"I hope I can say no but it impresses me," Lui said without any eye contact, "Maybe," he added.

"C'mon!" Valt said pouting. Lui laughed at the males' reaction. It was really cute! Lui can't say that he doesn't have a feeling for the blunette. He knows it's wrong but he can't avoid it. Neither he can stop it. It's growing much more. 

"By the way, you play the flute, yeah?" Lui said. "I do, but how you know?" Valt asked. "I heard you playing last night. It was peaceful and soft," Lui said, "In other words, it was beautiful," 

Valt felt like his heart got out of his chest. Abruptly he started getting hot. It was just a compliment but Valt felt weird when Lui said that. He tried to hide his red cheeks from the other male's sight.

"uh, T-thanks!" Valt said as his voice started to break. 

"How you learnt it?" Lui asked. "A-actually a cousin of mine used to play the flute so I learn from him. We usually play together," Valt answered. 

'He's sweet as I thought,' Lui know what he was thinking and he wasn't regretting thinking that. For now, it was just him and Valt. That's the time he thought he will make Valt his and his only.

"Anyways," Lui said standing up as Valt looked upward and the flammed haired male. "I guess I was all wrong," Valt didn't get what Lui said but Lui just smirked at his confused reaction.

Lui walked up to Valt and leaned down and lift Valt's chin, "You are better than I thought," he said as he pressed his lips against Valt's. 

Valt stayed shocked but he didn't move an inch. Lui broke the kiss as he left the blunette in shock without even glancing at him.

Valt stayed like a statue just took him too long to realize what happened.

'did we...' soon he starts shivering with fear, 'did we just....!' his eyes filled with horror as he felt haunted, 'Did we just kiss.....!?'

Timeskip by Lui vibing while singing on 'Baby Shark'

It was night while the albino looked outside of the window. He got worried about the absence of the blue-haired male. It was almost 3 hours since he was outside. 

"Shu," Free said looking at the visible worriedness on the albino's face. "He came?" Shu asked. Free shooked his head in reply.

"I asked Lui but he's quiet since he came back. He even skipped the dinner," Free said. "What's wrong with him?" Shu asked suspiciously. Just when they saw Valt entering the palace. 

"Valt," Queen Aoi walked towards his son in worry. "Where were you? Why does it take you so long?" she asked. 

"Sorry I don't want to make you worry. I didn't get the time. I was lost in my thoughts," Valt laughed nervously. 

"You wanna eat?" Wakiya asked. "No, I don't have any appetite. I will sleep instead," Valt smiled at them and walked to his dorm.

"He acts strange," Wakiya said and the two males nodded at his statement.

Valt walked through the dorms. Of course, he lied that he was going to bed. He was finding Lui's room. "Where is it?" he said when he saw King Shirosagijo getting out of a room and he hide behind a wall. 

"That surely be Lui's room," he said as he get close to the door. He hesitated to knock on the door but then he saw the room's door was open. He took a deep breath and entered the room and closed the door. 

"Lui," he said as the flammed haired male looked behind. "Valt? how you came-" Valt cut off Lui by covering his mouth. "Low voice," Valt said as Lui apologize. "Sorry, but how did you come here!?" Lui asked.

"You should ask if I'm fine or not," Valt said. "And one more thing," Valt slapped Lui hard on his right cheek as Lui stayed shocked and winced slowly in pain.

"Ow! What's that for?" he said holding his right cheek. "Have shame on kissing a stranger in open!" Valt said. "You want me to kiss you inside a room?" Lui questioned. 

"Do you have shame?" Valt asked. "No," Lui answered. "Why would I when I didn't do anything wrong?" Lui said.

"I'm not joking. You know what you did!? What we're gonna do now!?" Valt said walking wildly from one corner to another. "Calm down first," Lui said. 

"How can I!? What if anyone sees us!? What if anyone knows? What will happen to us if-" Lui put his finger of Valt's mouth as he quickly stopped. "You think so much," Lui said sighing.

"But you know why I'm worried!" Valt said. Lui grabbed Valt's hand and made him sit on his bed beside him. "Say truth only. You love me?" Lui asked simply. Valt cheeks became red as his heart starts throbbing. It was too direct but he knew he has to answer fast.

"I-I mean, Maybe yes," Valt answered. Lui holds Valt's hand making him look at him. "I want your help. We can do it together. We can make our parents accept us," Lui said which make Valt shiver down his spine. 

"But it's-" Valt was so afraid that he didn't even want to think what will happen if their parents came to know about their relationship, then everything will turn to worst. "Valt, believe me. We can. Just believe in yourself. If not, then believe in me," Lui said.

Lui was right. That's what Valt always wants the only thing he lacks is confidence. He can't turn back this time. "Valt, you will help me, yeah?" Lui smiled at him as Valt smiled back. "I will," Valt said as he grinned.

"Nice. By the way," Valt turned to Lui with a questioning look, "You want me to kiss you inside a room?" Lui asked. 

"You idiot! Don't remind me!" Valt said blushing as he throw a pillow on Lui's face. 

"You are so loud and I don't believe that no one sees you in the way. Someone will see you by your loud habit," Lui said. 

"Shut up," Valt pouted as Lui smirked. "By the way, if you want so we can cuddle-" before Lui can finish his sentence, Valt gave him a death glare as Lui stopped in the middle. "I said 'if' " Lui said. "Whatever, but I love you, really!" he said as Valt pouted. 

"Whatever," Valt said looking away from him when he felt someone's lips on his own. He saw Lui kissing him as he kissed him back.

From tomorrow, they decided they will do whatever to make their empires together. They will do whatever to make a deal between these two empires. Not just for themselves, but their empires' sake. They know the future and they are lucky that their fate is written like this. 

They will make it possible. Together.

🔹🔷 💙 🔷🔹

It was a sunny morning and like last time, all four empires were having a stay at Neon empire. King De la Hoya was still giving their efforts for a treaty between these two empires but none of their efforts was working. 

"What are they talking about?" Lui asked Valt. He and Valt were looking through a window inside a room where all four Empires were talking. "I don't know. I don't even know if it's okay to spy from here," Valt said. He was nervous because he was always told not to do things like this as it does not suit a prince. And if they get caught, they will die of course.

Valt and Lui keep silent and start listening to their conversation.

King De la Hoya cleared their throat and said, "So, King Shirosagijo and King Aoi, you both know that if we four Empires get together, We'll be able to help our people and fight our enemies. I hope you understand. If we get together then-"

"Never!" King Shirosagijo yelled, "I will never accept this! This is not beneficial, instead, It's all waste of time," he said and huffed.

"Don't get overconfidence. We all are here for our people's help. Don't think you know everything," King Aoi glared as so King Shirosagijo.

Valt and Lui, Who were watching this conversation from outside, sighed and were about to lose their hopes. "And I thought I am the one who always gets annoyed easily. I forgot I have this habit from my father," Lui said as Valt sighed when someone from behind said, "What are you two doing?"

The duo turned around as they saw took looking at the raising his brow. "A-ah, Toko! My brother!" Valt said. "What's wrong with you two?" Toko asked. "It's nothing, let's go, Lui. We'll continue our battle there," Valt said laughing nervously as he grabbed Lui's wrist and escaped from there. 

"My salute for the excuse," Lui said sighing in relief. "Thanks," Valt said. 

"So, as far as we know, the Neon empire wants a treaty between these two empires. And no doubt, our parents will never change their thoughts." Valt said.

"We need a plan. It's hard to think of a plan though," Lui said. 

"Calm down man," Lui said. Just when an Idea came into Lui's mind as he grabbed Valt from his wrist and drag him. 

"Where are we going?" Valt asked. "Outside. Let's walk outside the palace, it'll refresh your mind," Lui said. 

"I'm believing you," Valt said and following Lui from behind. 

Soon they were in the market of the Neon empire there was hustle everywhere. Valt was awed by looking at the sight. It was bigger than the market of the Ujeong empire. His eyes twinkled by seeing the sight.

"Hey Lui," he said as Lui looked at him. "What is it?" Lui asked as Valt tied a band around Lui's wrist as well as on his wrist too. "What's this?" Lui asked. "It's a lucky band. It gave us good luck," Valt said. 

"Superstitious. I don't believe in that stuff," Lui said. "Is that so?" Valt said, "Then believe in me. It is proof that we will be always together," Valt said smiling at the older male as Lui also smiled at him.

Somewhere in the Neon Palace, everyone was finding the duo without knowing that they were outside. "Where are they?" Wakiya thought out loud.

"They are not inside the palace," Free said. "Where are they then?" Shu questioned as a guard walked towards them and bowed. "My highness, Prince Valt and Prince Lui went outside to explore the market. They informed me before going outside," he said. 

"Outside??" They were all shocked. "Together?" Nika said. "Yes princess, together," he said. 

"I saw them looking through the window. They say they will continue their match," took said. 

"But then why do they go outside? And why together? I thought they were on bad terms," Wakiya said. 

They have both been acting weird since yesterday. Something's wrong," Fre said when he heard footsteps coming and saw the four Empires. They all bowed and greet them when King Aoi said, "Where's Valt?" 

'Shit!' They all cursed inside their thought by the sudden and unwanted question. 

"I am sorry but they both are not at the palace at the spot," Free answered. 

"What do you mean?" King de la Hoya asked.

"They both were outside the palace. I guess they are wandering somewhere near the market," Free answered.

"That's alright but they went alone or together?" King De la Hoya asked in worry. Worry because of Valt. Lui knows about the place but Valt doesn't. It will not be right if he lost the way.

Free was hesitating because of King Shirosagi and King Aoi. It's good that they are together but he hopes that no one will think wrong of it. "Together," he answered.

King De la Hoya was happy to know. Maybe they become friends then it will be a very nice thing. But King Aoi and King Shirosagijo looked suspicious on the answer of the blonde.

"Shirosagijo, don't say your son is manipulating my son," King Aoi glared at him. 

"Oh is that so? It's your son's problem that he's weak," King Shirosagijo replied coldly.

"Not again," Free said. "They just need a topic to fight. What's wrong with them?" Toko said. 

"We can't do a thing," Shu said. 'Where are you two?'  Shu thought of the two males. If somehow they become friends, they need to come here quickly. Otherwise, this fight is going to be worst.

Meanwhile, Valt and Lui return from the market right to the palace but stop when they saw their fathers arguing. 

"I guess we did a mistake by going out," Lui said. "Come fast," He walk forward but stop when he saw the blue-haired male didn't move an inch. 

"What's wrong?" Lui asked suspiciously. 

"I don't think we can stop them now," Valt said, "It's not right to tell them about this"

"Come on, we need to stop them. No excuses," Lui said and drag Valt harshly but Valt didn't want to face anyone there like this. He knows his father will never understand at all. How he will explain?

There was tension at the place when Shu saw Lui and Valt coming. "There they are," he said as others turned towards them.

"What's going on here?" Lui asked. King Shirosagijo walked up to Lui and he stayed calm. "Where were you? Especially with him," He asked.

"Actually," Lui don't know what to say. He clenched his fist. Valt see Lui panicked and there was a visible tension on his face. 

'Just do it Valt,' Valt thought as he move forward and Lui looked at him with wide eyes. "King Shirosagijo, What if I say I want a treaty between Ujeong and Hananim?" He said simply as everyone looked at him shocked a surprised.

"What he said?" Wakiya stayed shocked but no one has the answer to his question. King Aoi got disappointed by the question as he shouted, "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I know you think the enmity between us can't be changed but try. Why you don't want to be together? Why? Tell me, father," Valt asked sternly. For a moment, he made his father dumbfounded. There was no answer for it.

"He's right," Valt looked up at Lui who smiled at him. "Why there can't be a treaty? What's the matter?" Lui asked. 

"Don't you think you are speaking too much, son?" King Shirosagijo said coldly.

"It's not about that father. I have the right to speak. If you have a doubt, then ask King De la Hoya. He knows much more about it, am I right, My highness?" Lui said.

"Are you betraying us?" King Shirosagijo glared at the two males. "It's not betraying. I am doing what is good for our people," Lui said.

"Excuse me for the inconvenience but they are right, King Shirosagijo," Free said. King Shirosagijo looked at him as Valt and Lui nodded at Free as free smiled at them.

"Then I am also with them," Shu said.  Everyone started looking at Wakiya as he shook his head and said, "Don't look at me I am his friend and always right by his side"

"So it means you two?" King Aoi looked at the twins and they looked at each other and then at King Aoi. "I'm sorry, father, But we're with them," Toko said. 

Their mother was not feeling betrayed. She believes in their children. She was proud of them that they have grown much to make their own decisions. She smiled with pride in her eyes. 

King De la Hoya smirked seeing that their task is done by the young children. He knows there is no chance for the two Kings. 

Without saying anything, King Shirosagijo starts walking away as everyone looked in a questioning look. "We will talk about this tonight," he said and left. Soon the other kings also left. 

"What was that?" Valt thought. "I am suspicious about the talk," Lui said as Valt nodded.

"When you get together?" from nowhere, Free asked so simply like nothing happens as Valt looked at him like he had seen a ghost. 

"Why so direct?" Lui asked as Free shrugged. 

"You went out," he said, "together," he added.

"You have a problem if we're together?" Lui asked. "No I'm happy," Free smiled. Valt blushed like crazy. He just wants to punch both of them on their face. 

"It's okay Big brother. It's all okay," Nika said in a teasing tone as Valt pouted. "I know," he huffed.

Soon it turns darker and the two empires were having their dinner together. Valt and Lui were surprised when they saw the two empires talking about different things. Maybe they talked later about the morning's incident.

If yes, then it is nice. Valt never saw these two Empires talking like this. Otherwise, they always have arguments with each other.

Just when Queen Shirosagijo raised a topic that makes Lui and Valt choke their food, "So, we came to know about your relationship" She said. 

'I know it was Free. Should I thank him or kill him?'  Valt thought in his mind as the two twins sighed seeing the tension of their brother.

Lui and Valt nodded as the royals sighed. "Well, it's pretty hard because you two are crown prince of the main leading empires," She said. Valt got her. He knew she was right but love didn't happen by seeing what the other person is. He didn't even get any time to think about this topic.

"Still we agree with you two," King Aoi said. "Really?" Valt looked at his father with his eyes widened in surprise.

"We think a lot about it. It will be hard, but not impossible," King Shirosagijo said. 

"Thank you, father," Lui said as King Shirosagijo smiled at him. "My pleasure," he replied.

"By the way, please excuse me for the dinner," Valt said as he got out. Lui thinks to follow him but he let him go for his own space. 

After finishing the dinner, Lui walked through the dorms to find the blunette until he saw him sitting near a tree looking at the sky. 'Beautiful,' Lui smiled when the rays of moonlight touched the blunette's face making his face glow in the dark.

"You will catch a cold," Lui said. "Sorry I was busy looking at the sky. It's starry and beautiful," Valt said glancing at the moon and then at Lui. 

"Well, is our relationship is that hard?" Valt asked. 

Lui sat beside the blunette and showed him the band which Valt tied him in the morning. "You said this is proof yeah? then I promise I will be right by your side. Just believe it's possible. I will always be with you," Lui said as he gave Valt a warm hug as Valt hugged back.

Valt believes Lui and Lui believe him. That's what true love is.


3 Year later~

The blunette was sitting on the castle wall of the Ujeong Empire. His face shows how bored he got. Just when he saw royal people coming inside. He knows it was Hananim Empire. 

His bored face turned into a big grin as he rushed down. When the gate opened he can't control his urge to see the flammed haired male. 

"Lui!" the flammed haired male looked behind when the blunette hugged him from back tightly as he giggled. 

"Calm down!" Lui said letting out a little laugh. "Why does it take you so long?" Valt asked letting Lui follow him. 

"Sorry, my bad," Lui said. 

Exactly 3 years passed since they came into a relationship. They often meet each other as Ujeong is not too far from Hananim. However, they have all been busy for 3 years and Valt lost his patience to meet Lui. Anyways, he meets Lui after a long time. Everything was fine. 

They were talking while standing at the balcony of the palace when Lui said, "I am still wondering," 

"What?" Valt asked. "You want to kiss me inside a room?" he asked. 

"You Idiot! Don't you have any other things to think about!? Valt shouted as Lui grinned. 

"However, I'm happy you are alright," Lui said. "I love you"

"I love you too," Valt said as he gave Lui a warm hug.

There were challenges but they both proved that their love is strong enough to face all the challenges. And like said, True love stories, Never have endings.

The End~

Did I complete......? 

I was so lazy to complete it! I am pretty sure I will complete it in 4-5 days at least! But I took more than a week to complete this one-shot. 

Moreover, I'm happy that I have again broken my record at the word limit. And I think I kept writing for so long- Please don't mind the one-shot, I know I write whatever I want but just ignore the mistakes. I know I'm lazy to check :)

I'm tired phewww!

Meet you soon!~

Word limit: 7512 words (Yesh! long chapter!)

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