Chapter 3

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Your POV:
I was surprised that Lucario woke me up. He kinda blushed and looked away. All of my other Pokémon were up too. I hugged my Pokémon, My Eevee and Dragonair we're still tired. So I gave them I little kiss on the forehead. But with Lucario. He just stared at me... In a cute way. So I kisses him on the cheek and went off to the Pokémon Center to eat breakfast. Then I heard Nurse Joy say:"Um..(y/n), your Jiggypuff is better now"
Me:"Really?..Yay! Can I see her?! Please please please! 8D"
Nurse Joy:"*giggles* Sure sweety. :3"
I ran into the room my Jiggypuff was in and hugged her.
You:"I miss you Puffy! X3"
Jiggypuff:"Puff puff! X3"
She was my second Pokémon I caught. I loved her ever sense. I call him Puffy cuz she looks so puffy and cute. I also rarely call Lucario, Luke and Dragonair, Drag and Eevee, Eevs. So yeah I took her back to my place let her play with the other Pokémon.
You:"Hey guys! Puffy back! :D" my Pokémon danced in joy for her.
Then after that I went shopping for stuff for my Pokémon. And I left Lucario in charge.

Lucario's POV
Puffy: Hey guys! I'm back!
Dragy:Hey!.. Long time no see.
Puffy: hey Lucario
Me: Hey..
Puffy: :3
Puffy can be pretty annoying at times. She would mostly sneak up and try to scare me(even though it never worked). Or just say the most annoying things, like about what happened today or what she just saw. All though we were great tag buddies. We both got each other's back on the battlefield.
Eevs: Oh EEEEV!!! Puffy puff your back!*tackles her with joy*
Puffy:Yes! I miss you too Eevs! X3*hugs her back*
To be honest Me and Dragy barely hang out. He's pretty jolly and shy most of the time. a completely different story. She was really girl ish and most is just lazy.
Eevee: Hey puffy.. We got something to tell you😏
Puffy:Ooo. What is it?
Me: Nothing really...
Eevee:Come on....
Me: -_-
Eevee: Lucario likes likes (y/n)!
Puffy:.....*gasp* OMG! You like her?!
Puffy: wait.....You love her...don't you.
Me: grrr..fine I do.
Puffy: EEEE! You love her you love her!!!
Me: shut up. ÒwÓ
Dragy, Eevee, Puffy: Lucario and (y/n) k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love and..uhhhhh.
Me: Shut the fuck up! ÒwÓ
Puffy: Aww. Don't be embarrassed. Its cute.
Eevs: Yeah you two would make a great couple. ^^
Dragy: Yeah and you will probably have"Movement in the bed" with her.😏
Dragy was the dirty one in the group. He also a softy.
Me: Really😑....Just because I like her doesn't mean you have to be all up on us... its none of your business. So fuck off.
Eevs: Geez Lucario ... You don't have to be so rude.
Me: but its just none of your business.... I'm new at this kinda stuff and I'll find it out myself.
Dragy:Kk... 😏
Puffy: We can help you. :3
Me: uhh I don't need your help no thanks.😑
Dragy: Of course you need our help.. So you can rub your body all over her.😏
Before I could say a word she came.
(Y/n):"I'm back!"
Shit!0_0.. I was nervous as fuck

Your POF:
While I was eating pancakes and cereal. I was wondering if my Lucario REALLY loves me? He really did. But is it right to love my Lucario so much?.... That's its a crush? Well.. Love doesn't have any limits so why not. I went back to my Pokémon Center room. I saw Lucario and my other Pokémon."Hi Lucario." I said to him in a friendly way. He blushed at my. I knew that he was nervous around me (now sense I know he likes me)."You OK Lucario?" I petted his head and then his tummy. I gave him a tiny kiss on his forehead and he looked at me with his cute little eyes. "Lucario.. Um.... Let's go look around the city and see what's new."
Lucario:"*shrug* sure."
He kinda blushed. And so we went off. To look around. We looked around the place. It was big and beautiful! But Lucario didn't seem to have much interest. We decided to sit on the bench near the fountain. Then....Ben showed up.
Ben:"Oh hi (y/n). Didn't expect to see you here."
Me:" uhh yeah... Me either."
Ben:"so wanna go for a smoothie?"
Me:"I would love too but... Actually. Sure why not."
We went to the smoothie place in Kalos and I saw my Lucario looking a bit down. So told Ben how impressive and awesome he was(hoping he would be more happier.) But it didn't work.

Lucario's POV:
I was pretty nervous the whole time we were looking at the place. I was afraid that someone would see us like... Boyfriend and Girlfriend. And they would think its gross. Then it became worse when "Ben" showed up. I was pretty...... Jealous.... I decided to talk to his Pokémon.
Steelix:Hey sorry.. For the fight... I really didn't mean it.
Me:not your fault... I almost killed you.. Sorry for hitting you so hard.
Steelix: Its OK bruh.. Your actually kinda awesome out there.
Me: Thanks.*looking at (y/n)(mostly at her boobs)*
Steelix:*seems concern* uh you OK?
Me: yeah
Steelix: Do you like your trainer?
me: Yeah... I think were more than just partners
Steelix: Yeah I like my trainer too! One time we went to a Pokémon competition and we one and after that we ate pizza and.... Wait.. Do?You?..Love your trainer? Are you? love with her?
me: Uhhhhh what? No.
Steelix: come on I just saw you looking at her in a sexual way.
Me:.... fine I do like her.
Steelix: Oh wow!.. Did you confess your love?
Me:eh not yet.
Steelix: you better.. Before my trainer Ben fucks her.
Me: I do it before that little bastard does.
Steelix: yeah he hooks alot of girls.
me: Wait what?
Steelix: yeah..
Me:Oh I gotta tell her..but she wouldn't believe me.
Ben:"Hahaha that was fun! But I gotta go."
You:"*giggles* yeah.. Bye! :D"
Finally that was over.

To be continued...
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