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Boyoung was lost. Lost in her thoughts, lost in her pain and lost in a city she has never been before and wasn't fluent in its language.  Boyoung hated how her life turned out to be.

It's been almost a month since the nineteen-year-old had moved out of Seoul and moved to the buzzing city of Munich.

Germany was beautiful, Munich was a lively city, but Boyoung felt homesick ever since she had stepped into her new company.

Blaue Locken Management was a tiny artist company, where SM owned forty percent of.

It's CEO was a young man called Robert Langemann and he tried his best to make the young actress feel at home in his company.

On Boyoung's first day, he had walked up to her and started welcoming her in the most perfect and accent-free English Boyoung had ever heard.

Robert had shown Boyoung around, explaining how his company worked and how the money SM was giving them each month was helping him immensely.

He also signed Boyoung up for a language course and managed to get her a tiny role in a play for a tiny theatre in Munich.

Two days later, Boyoung was confronted with her new manager; Esther Kim was a German-born Korean who helped Boyoung organise an apartment and helped her throughout the day.

But today Boyoung had decided to walk through Munich by herself. She had big headphones on her head and was listening to music from back home, K-Pop.

After taking the wrong exit at a subway station she found herself in front of a running sushi restaurant and a big bus station. She sighed and rubbed her temples.

"And people call Seoul's exits difficult," she spoke to herself in Korean and decided to walk past the restaurant towards a bakery to grab a late breakfast.

Boyoung didn't actually hate Munich or Germany, but she did miss Seoul. Especially her Grandmother.

Boyoung stopped in her tracks, feeling tears well up in her eyes all of a sudden.

After her manager got fired and SM prepared her departure, she had only managed to see her Grandma for a day. Everything had gone by so fast and all of a sudden Boyoung had found herself in the business class of a plane to Munich.

Boyoung sighed and awkwardly rubbed her eyes when she saw a bunch of girls in her age walk past her, talking quickly in German. But the only word Boyoung could catch was NCT.

Triggered by why a bunch of German girls would talk about NCT, the actress decided to follow them into a street.

The houses were painted yellow and white and were looking almost nostalgic. Boyoung liked that about Munich.

It was the perfect mix of old and new.

She smiled looking at the houses when she saw the girls disappear in a store. Boyoung scanned the sign and breathed out a huff of air.

"A K-Pop store?" She asked herself, but feeling her fingers grab towards the doorknob and pushing the door open.

Inside the shop it was warm; music was blasting from the speakers and a few people were walking through aisles with Japanese Mangas.

"Guten Tag," the clerk behind the desk greeted Boyoung in German and the girl bowed awkwardly, leaving the man behind the desk nodding, equally as awkward.

Boyoung looked around the shop; here and there were posters of Bands like BigBang and Shinee, which made Boyoung miss Minho a little bit.

She hadn't spoken to Minho ever since the scandal was posted. Minho would be too disappointed in her.

She shook her head and walked towards a flight of stairs that led up to a gallery where shelves were filled to the brim with Korean albums.

Boyoung climbed the stage and almost bumped into a tall girl, that quickly nodded, pressing an album to her chest.

Boyoung quickly bowed as well and wanted to turn around when the girl approached her in Korean. "Excuse me?" The girl asked and Boyoung took the time to scan her. She was wearing a navy coloured raincoat and a white beret. Thick black glasses were framing her eyes and her cheeks were slightly pink, while she played with an NCT Dream album in her hands.

The girl had a German accent in her voice but alone the fact, that she had approached Boyoung in Korean made her feel nervous. She nodded since the taller female didn't continue her speech. The girl, definitely starstruck by whom she had in front of her, gulped.

"Are you by any chance Yoo Boyoung-sshi?"

Boyoung held her breath and her eyes widened. With a swift motion, she had pulled the headphones off and stared at the girl in front of her.

"You know me?" Boyoung asked and the girl nodded, her smile becoming even bigger. "I'm a big fan of your work!" The girl said and smiled but then looked down. "I wondered what happened to you after..." the girl stopped in her sentence but Boyoung nodded, wanting her to finish the sentence.

The beret-girl took a deep breath. "I wondered what SM did to you after the pictures of you and Lucas were online." The girl said and lifted her arms. "In my defence, even if I'm a big NCTzen I never ever send hate towards you and Lucas. My best friend and I swore to never hate the girls around NCT." The girl looked at Boyoung, a question on the tip of her tongue.

"What are you doing in Germany?"

Boyoung wanted to answer the girl, saying how grateful she felt to know not all of Lucas' fans hated her when another girl called the name of beret-girl. "Eine Sekunde noch!" Beret-girl called and looked at Boyoung.

Boyoung wasn't sure if she was allowed to tell this fan what was happening, but for some reason, she felt safe around this girl. "They send me here for work. And to have a distance to Lucas for quite some time." Boyoung confessed and the girl nodded and started rummaging through her pockets.

She pulled out a card and held it towards Boyoung with two hands. "My name is Ilva Steumann, feel free to call or email me whenever you feel too lonely or overwhelmed by everything here. I might be a fan, but I hate seeing people down or depressed."

Ilva smiled and handed Boyoung a hand. Boyoung shook it, feeling like she suddenly found a new friend.

"Danke Ilva." She said in broken German which made Ilva smile. "Your welcome!" Ilva grinned and turned around seeing her sister wave towards her frantically. "I have to go now, it was a pleasure meeting you Yoo Boyoung-sshi!" Ilva waved and ran down the stairs to a girl, dressed similar to Ilva.

Boyoung looked down to the card, Ilva had handed her and read, Ilva Steumann, Freelancing Photographer. She smiled and felt happy for the first time since coming to Germany.


New Character


Name: Ilva Steumann

Age: 26

Portrayed by Maia Mitchell

❝I'd fight Lucas for being so dumb. I swear.❞

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