Chapter One

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Chapter One

New York, Present day

Lucas Monteiro was a fast-rising entrepreneur. He became a threat to every wealthy businessman in New York when he assumed his duty as vice president of the Monteiro International Holdings Corporation.

Even more when he established an affiliate company, Monteiro Land Group Inc., an innovative American property development company.

Lucas started his passion in developing properties after he took over his family's business. When he made an oil refinery joint venture in Dubai, he was impressed at the country's amazing buildings, like the palm-shaped islands and the sail-shaped hotel. He wanted to bring to New York the same innovative designs and elegance of the said Arab country.

Lucas' achievements became a sensation. He acquired many foreclosed real estate properties like malls, hotels, condominiums, and other mortgage properties in New York and in different states. He developed the properties into very impressive and innovative skyscrapers with unique landscapes, hi-tech designed houses, very modern and elegant five-star hotels, and others.

Lucas was a hardworking young man. He worked eighteen hours a day. He seldom went out on dates and did not complicate his life with girlfriends or mistresses.

He stayed at the penthouse of the Monteiro International Holdings Corporation skyscraper, the tallest and the biggest in Manhattan New York.

Most often, Lucas travelled to different states, countries, and continents. He had his own helicopter at the top of their office building. When he was not so busy, he would fly the helicopter on his own. He was so confident about it, just like he was driving his car. He had his own private jet on standby at the company's own airport. He often flew his jet along with his co-pilot when he was travelling short distances, but in long distances, he would concede immediately and attend to other more important things.


At nine a.m., Lucas was already in his office, behind his mahogany desk, studying the monthly cost accounting report of Monteiro Steel Corporation.

What the fuck! His temper instantly rose as he observed some discrepancies between the materials and production cost reports.

Dammit! He called the finance department head, Mrs. Murphy.

Lucas had a type A personality. He was competitive, short-tempered, and impatient. He wanted everything to be organized and excellent especially with regards to his businesses and people working for him.

"Good morning, Mr. Monteiro." The middle-aged woman answered the phone happily. She was in a great mood that morning. She drove her new Mercedes convertible for the first time in the office. She bought it from her mid-year bonus, and she was so proud to show it off to her colleagues.

"Mrs. Murphy, I want you to send the internal auditors to the materials department. I noticed discrepancies in their reports. They're releasing massive hot coils and yet the production department produces lesser roof profiles. And what the hell! Where's the report for bended accessories? This is not a complete report! I want to know if they're using the excess coils in bended products. Is that clear? Don't forget to also get the percentage of wastage if there's any. Dammit! These people could be stealing the hot coils, cutting it into plain sheets, and selling it at the junk shops!"

"Yes sir. I'll...I'll have them audited immediately."

"If they can't justify these discrepancies, I swear, all of them in that department will be fired."

"Oh! Okay, sir." Mrs. Murphy's voice trembled. ", is there anything else, sir?"

"Yes! Mrs. Murphy, your monthly cost accounting report showed a lot of adjusted entries. Tell your team to do their job very well. It's irritating to see lots of corrections in the report. Minimize it!"

"Oops, I'm so sorry, Mr. Monteiro, I...I'll tell my team."

Lucas put down the phone then studied the next monthly report from another department when he saw a group of men working outside his floor-to-ceiling glass windows, exactly across from where he was sitting. They were installing a giant billboard.

He ignored the men and continued working. He would not let them distract him, he had tons of work to do.

After an hour of working, he got so tired. He leaned back against his chair and instantly, his eyes collided with the newly installed giant billboard in front of him.

Fucking shit!

It was a giant picture of Samantha Miller, smiling and waving at him with a caption. MISS UNIVERSE SAMANTHA MILLER. YOU ARE THE PRIDE OF AMERICA.

What happened next? As expected, Lucas cursed and dragged his heavy mahogany desk in the opposite direction so his back would be facing Samantha Miller's billboard.

After the strenuous effort, he sat down behind his desk and sighed with relief that he would not be seeing Samantha's face while working. He turned on his laptop again and leaned back on his chair while waiting for it to process. Then, there she was again, on his laptop screen, a reflection of her smiling and waving at him. Dammit!

Lucas instantly became angry. After four years, Samantha Miller still haunted him. He thought she was a bitch who made him fall in love with her intensely. He had never loved any woman before the way he did to her.

But she betrayed him and played with his emotions. She lied to her parents to save herself. It was so convenient for her to throw all the blame at him when she was the one who was so hardheaded, going to the bar despite his warning. She turned the table, and her parents believed her.


Lucas remembered clearly the moment his parents found out. His father, Enrique Monteiro, was in rage and his mother, Sophia Castello Monteiro, freaked out.

"How could that newspaper tell lies about you, Lucas? You only drink alcohol during occasions. You don't even smoke. And what's worse, they accused you of being under the influence of drugs! Oh my goodness, Enrique, we have to do something about this. This could ruin Lucas. His eligibility to graduate summa cum laude could be affected."

"I'm not really after that, Mom, it doesn't matter anymore."

"It matters to us because we know how much you worked hard for it. You're very brilliant, you deserve that award." Lucas' father said, then turned to his wife.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll make sure that this newspaper will learn a lesson for writing fake news. They're doing it to get more sales."

"Thanks, honey. I'm so worried." She immediately went to her husband's comforting arms.

That same day, Enrique called his lawyer and sued the newspaper publication company. In the end, the said publisher stopped its operation. They lost the case and paid one hundred million dollars to Lucas Monteiro for moral damages.

Lucas could not get Samantha out of his mind. He missed her so much. He was willing to forgive her and give their relationship another chance. He called her phone and texted her several times. He wanted an explanation, but she never answered him.

He was desperate to see her, so he went to Miller's house. Instead, Samantha's mother faced him by the doorstep.

"My daughter doesn't want to see you again. Stop bothering her."

"Mrs. Miller, I already proved my innocence about the incident in the bar. The newspaper company also admitted that it was fake news. I'm not an alcoholic or a drug addict, my lab results I showed to the media could attest that."

"I don't give a damn, young man. The damage has been done. Get out of here, and don't bother coming back. Leave my daughter alone."

"I can't, I have to see Samantha."

"I told you she doesn't want to see you again. Get out or else, I'll have you arrested for trespassing."

Lucas noticed movement on the second floor of the mansion. It was Samantha looking at him from her bedroom window.

"Samantha! Samantha, please, let me talk to you. I love you!" He called out, but Samantha just looked at him then left.

"Take this man away from here." Hillary Miller ordered the guards.

Lucas shoved a guard's hand and said. "Don't bother, I'm going anyway."

As he left the Miller's mansion, he swore not to set foot there again.

He realized that Samantha was nothing but a spoiled brat, a lying bitch, and a woman who can never be trusted. She shattered his heart. Nobody has ever hurt him the way she did. He felt like a dirty sock that she could discard any time she pleased. She and her parents were the same. Proud and arrogant, treating him like a piece of dirt.

Lucas swore that someday, he would get even with Samantha. He would make her pay for what she did to him. He would destroy her slowly until she would crawl and beg for his mercy.


A phone call brought Lucas' mind back to the present. It was his mother.

"Hey, Mom, how's Malaysia?"

His parents were in Malaysia to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They were inseparable, always honeymooning like a newlywed couple.

"The beaches are like paradise. Your father and I had so much fun. By the way, I'm calling to inform you that we're already here in California. We decided to visit Natalie and see how her modelling career is going. In fact, we're on our way to her apartment right now."

"Did you call her first? She's often out of town."

"No, we want to surprise her. She often cries when she sees us on her doorstep and leap with joy. She would be very ecstatic."

"She's not a child anymore. She's twenty-one."

His mother sighed heavily. "You'll only understand what I'm saying Lucas when youhave a kid of your own. Anyways, I have to hang up now. I'll see you soon, love you, son, bye."

"Love you too mom, bye."

The moment his mom hung up, he called his sister.

"Natalie, where are you?"

"I'm here on the beach, in the middle of my photoshoot. Why?"

"Where's Rafael? Is he still in your apartment?"

"Um yeah...why?"

"Mom and Dad are back in California. They're on their way to your apartment to surprise you."

"Oh shit! Rafael is still there. I left very early for my photoshoot!"

"Okay, I'll hang up so you can call Rafael now. We don't want Dad to have a heart attack once he finds out that both of you are sleeping together."

Natalie called Rafael's phone, but he did not answer. She remembered that he put his phone into silent mode last night. Oh god help me! Natalie thought.


Enrique Monteiro pushed the doorbell button at his daughter's apartment. It took so long for Natalie to answer. He was about to use his spare key when the door suddenly opened by a half-naked gorgeous young man with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

Enrique and Sophia's eyes grew so big. They were shocked.

"Rafael!" Sophia exclaimed.

"What are you doing in here?" Enrique snarled like a mad dog.

Rafael Valiente's eyes widened. He was utterly shocked, too, that his tongue froze. Oh shoot. The last thing he ever expected after spending a wonderful night with Natalie was seeing her parents the moment he woke up.

"Holy shit! You better give me a good explanation why you're here!" Enrique was maddeningly angry. He pushed the door wider to let himself and his wife in.

"Where's Natalie?" Sophia asked Rafael. But he was still speechless.

"Natalie!" Enrique went to Natalie's bedroom, but she was not there. He went out, slamming the door noisily, making Rafael and Sophia flinch.

"Rafael! Tell me where she is and explain to me why you're here, half-naked, in our daughter's apartment, before I punch your face!" Enrique was breathless with rage as his eyes glared at Rafael with intense anger. 

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