Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Lucas, you have to come here in California. Your father is so upset." Sophia said to her son over the phone. "We caught Rafael in Natalie's apartment! They're sleeping together."

"I don't see any problem with that, they're both consenting adults."

"It's Rafael! You know that your dad dislikes him." His mom's voice raised an octave.

"He has no choice but to accept it, Natalie loves Rafael."

"Your father is very stubborn. I doubt we can convince him easily." Her mom sighed heavily. "I want you to come and talk to Natalie. She won't answer our calls."

Lucas was in the middle of a luncheon business meeting with a group of Japanese investors in a Japanese restaurant in New York.

"I can't, Mom. I have a group of Japanese investors here with me. We're still negotiating for our expansion in Asia next year."

"This is a family emergency. Please talk to her. She only listens to you. Cancel your meeting, and let the Japanese go home to their families. You can go to Japan next week for that."

"Mom, I'm a very busy person. I have lots of commitments."

"You chose to be very busy, I don't know why. You don't even have time for a vacation. You can delegate it to your personal assistant. We will be flying back there this afternoon. Your dad will handle your other commitments. Just come here, son. Talk to your sister."

"Let Dad talk to her."

"I told you, she's not answering her phone right now. Your father is not even in his right mind to talk. They could end up hating each other."

Lucas exhaled heavily. "I can just video call her this evening instead of going there."

"No, you're missing the point. We want you to talk not just to Natalie but also to Rafael. I need your help to find out what's the score. If they're in a serious relationship...oh god, I hope not, for your father's sake."

Lucas then conceded. "Okay fine. I'll fly there tomorrow when you get here."

"No, we want you to fly now. The sooner this matter gets settled the better. Your dad and I will take a commercial flight later. He needs to be there tomorrow to speak in a convention for business entrepreneurship."

"Okay, okay...I'll have the jet refuelled."

"Thank you, son. Call me when you're on your way, so I won't worry."

"Okay, Mom."

Lucas finished his luncheon meeting and called his pilot to prepare the plane. They would be leaving after lunch. He settled the things that needed to be done in the office and endorsed some works to his personal assistant. He would take a three-day vacation in California.

He called his sister, Natalie, but only her voice message answered.

His lips twisted in annoyance as he called Rafael.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"It was insane, your man freaked out." Rafael groaned.

"What the fuck, I have to cancel tons of appointments because my folks want me to talk some sense to both of you, and personally."

"I'm sorry, man, for the hassle. My lip is still bleeding, your dad gave me a double dose of his Iron Man punch this morning."

"Serves you right."

"Come on...don't be so hard on me. When are you coming here?"

"I'm flying this afternoon. I'll be there at around six."

"Well, that's great. Finally, you'll have a vacation."

"Damn vacation. I was negotiating with the Japanese investors for our expansion in Asia, and because of what you guys did, we postponed our contract signing."

"I'll make it up to you. Cheer up! We'll have a good time at the beach. I have a new high-powered jet ski, you will love it. I'll tell Nicole that you're coming. She's managing the hotel where Natalie is having their photoshoot right now."

"Well, that's good to hear. I'm excited to see Nicole."

"I'm sure she is, too." Rafael answered.

Nicole was Rafael's younger sister. Lucas and Nicole used to hang out often when they were kids because they had the same personality—introverted, nerdy, and enjoyed music. Lucas was glad that she was managing their hotel already. It had been her dream since they were kids.

"You can stay in the hotel if you like. Natalie and the rest of her team are booked for a week. So, can I tell Nicole to reserve the presidential suite for you?"

"Yeah, give me the king's treatment or else I'll kill you for making this mess."

"No, you won't." Rafael chuckled. "Natalie will be very happy to see you. Are you flying in your private jet?"

"Yes. The one I bought from you last year."

"Great. I have a new one here. Maybe you can check it out."

"Okay sure."

"So, I'll have my driver pick you up at the airport?"

"Yes, do that."


Later that evening, Lucas got out of his private jet at Valiente's private airport. He looked more like a bad boy in his leather black jacket, white plain shirt, and faded jeans rather than a corporate businessman.

He was surprised to see Rafael leaning on his Lamborghini Reventon, waiting for him.

"Hey, I wasn't serious when I said I wanted a king's treatment."

Rafael forced a smile, afraid that his lip would bleed again. Then they hugged each other.

"You look like hell. Dad must have punched you so hard. You should see a doctor, that lip needs stitches."

"No, it's okay. I'll survive." Rafael replied, trying not to talk too much.

"Has Natalie seen that?"

"Not yet. I haven't told her yet."

"She will be furious Dad damaged your face." Lucas laughed richly.

"Don't make me laugh, this still hurts." Rafael complained.

"Why are you here? I thought your driver will fetch me."

"Yeah, but I have an important thing to tell you that couldn't wait."

Lucas smiled, curious what it was. "Oh, what about?"

"About Samantha Miller. She's here."

Lucas' eyes immediately darkened with intense anger. The thought of seeing her again brought turmoil in his whole being.

"Nicole told me that Samantha Miller checked in this afternoon for a week. The Miss Universe foundation booked the hotel's ballroom tomorrow for a fundraising event."

Lucas was brooding. His mind was nowhere. He still could not forget how he was embarrassed and betrayed by Samantha. Although it was four years ago, the wound was still there. It seemed like it just happened yesterday.

For four years, he never moved on. How could he? Whenever he would turn the television on, read the morning papers, and surf the internet, Samantha Miller was in the news. Even on the billboards in every state and in every country—her face was plastered on every corner of the world, smiling and waving. Even in his office! She was everywhere, and he could not escape from her. In fact, it just intensified his hatred for her.

He dated too many girls and avoided blonds. He hated blonds because they just reminded him of Samantha. Nice, a bit naughty, smart, and fun. But who knows? There could be just another Samantha—a liar, a lady-Judas who dumps her guy easily.

He got it. For years, he studied the Millers. Good public image and fame were two very important things for them because these brought them power and money.

They wanted to appear perfect in the eyes of the people. To get the sympathy, adoration, and VOTES. Senator Brad Miller would not take the risk of being kicked out of the office. It was his only job for years, basically their bread and butter.

As for Mrs. Hillary Miller, she was a celebrated Miss Universe before, respected for her advocacy of caring for the abused women. She created a foundation for abused wives and children, which relied on the support of her husband's connections in the private sectors. They had ample shares of the massive charity events they held three times a year. Once her husband is out of the office, her superior high class image and luxurious bag collection will also be gone.

As for Samantha, she became a replica of her mother and mingled politics in her projects at the same time. She was an only child and for sure, her parents aimed to have her join politics in the future.

"So, you'll be reunited with your ex. It's going to be fun!" Rafael interrupted Lucas' reverie.

"Don't joke about it, Rafael. It's not funny. I'm not here for a vacation. You forgot that my purpose here is to talk to you and Natalie about your so-called forbidden relationship."

Rafael let out a frustrated sigh. "That Romeo and Juliet thing again? I'm not even a fan of Shakespeare. How can I convince your father that I love Natalie, and I won't do anything to hurt her?"

"You have to come up with a good explanation to my old man. He's not your greatest fan."

"I know." Rafael sighed with dismay. "I'll work it out and make him love me."

"If you can." Lucas laughed aloud.

"Should I start sending him flowers?"

"Do that and you'll never see Natalie again."

They both laughed and talked about many funny ways on how to get Enrique Monteiro's affections.

"Seriously, I'm planning to give him the most expensive wine that I could find to replace the one I broke when I was kid." Rafael suggested.

"No...I don't think that would work. He can get that anytime with his connections. Maybe a change of your adventurous lifestyle...or a promise in writing that you won't take Natalie with you in your future life-threatening escapades. That would give him peace of mind. He's okay with you dying, just don't bring his princess with you in your grave."

"Oh fuck, that is so harsh."

"Sorry, brother, that's the hard truth about my old man."

The two talked endlessly about their businesses, the deal they were working on at the moment, and their investments.

The Monteiros were into real estate, property development, and luxurious five-star/seven-star hotels and condominiums. While the Valientes were into oil mining industries, aircraft manufacturing, and owning a famous beach hotel in Los Angeles, California.

"Your baby jet is still running good, huh?" Rafael asked.

"Yeah, flying smoothly like an eagle. Thanks for the frequent follow-up check-ups. Your men are very efficient, always on time."

"Of course. I hire the best people and compensate them well. By the way, I'll show you my new private jet. It's more hi-tech. We upgraded the aircraft engine with a turbojet that would compete with the top speed of fighter planes. We did a test run last month flying it to Malaysia."

"I'll be more impressed if it has faster WiFi and a jacuzzi."

Rafael laughed richly. "Believe me, brother, it has. If you're interested, you can trade your baby jet with it."

"Sounds good, but I want a good price."

"Of course. A good price for my future brother in-law."

They talked non-stop about their hobbies, watches, new car models and girls.

"Talking of girls, so what's your plan that your 'long lost love' is here? You want to reunite with her or hook up maybe?"

"You're crazy if you think that I'll do that. I'm done with her."

"Come on, where's your pride, man? She broke your heart savagely. Let her regret what she did and make her drool over you."

"Seriously? Drool?"

"Of course. It's your chance, brother. Show her what you've got and dump her like a hot potato. Isn't sweet revenge nice? I've seen it in many Korean dramas."

Lucas' lips twisted in amusement.

"I have no choice, Natalie loves Korean dramas." Rafael shrugged.

"And you're enjoying them."


Both men bubbled with laughter.

"But back to the game, that ex of yours is a wicked heartbreaker. You need to teach her a lesson." Rafael suggested. "Just an early warning, bro, don't be fooled again."

"You don't have to remind me. I won't make the same mistake again."

"Good." Rafael chuckled. "Let's go to the hotel. I miss Natalie, I haven't seen her since this morning."

Lucas groaned. He knew that Rafael and Natalie would end up in bed again. 

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