» Night Swindler

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So this is the continuation of the earlier chapter except in the present time. Again, my own kingdoms made, my magic system, OCs, and such. The only thing is that I plan to change how Noel acts and speaks but that's a later problem.


Present time.

"Would you look at that? Prince Celestino has entered Dawnpoint."

"Oh, and he's with the feebleminded child again."

"He must pity that child. Why else would he allow such a filthy thing to follow him around like that?"

"Pity? Ha! What excuses you sputter! He only shelters that child since no one else dares to follow an abandoned prince!"

The various whispers glazed over with mockery and tease fluttered along with the wind to flow into the ears of those who drew near. Villagers took fleeting glances, sparing their attention for mere moments to watch the two young boys walk silently down the well-worn path. One had a calm expression, lips quirked up into a small smile. His deep violet eyes kept a steady gaze in front of him, brushing aside the harsh and pitiful comments thrown his way. At times, he would bring a bony hand to his hair and brush aside the scraggly midnight curls that tickled his eyelids.

Settled atop the charcoal hood he wore was a small creature who grasped the fabric with her black nubs. Her wide cerulean eyes stared intently at the people, her small rose lips screwed back into what appeared to be a snarl. Her eyebrow twitched, and the two shell white bows that adorned the sides of her head spiked up every once in a while with every single word that she heard. If she could, she would dish out a bunch of Psyshocks to shut their traps. She only curled her nubs around the fabric tighter.

Behind him, the other boy fiddled nervously with the yellow drawstring of his cloak. He separated the yarn strands, keeping his eyes locked on the thread while avoiding the curious eyes of the villagers following his every move. His vibrant crimson locks tickled his nape, but he did not dare raise a hand to rid himself of the uncomfortable feeling. The piercing gazes of the townsfolk were much more disturbing than the simple annoyance.

Treading beside him was a quadrupedal creature who stuck to his side in fear of straying away. The Pokémon shivered. A light, fear-filled yelp slithered out of the creature's vocal cords and his beige and brown ears pressed onto its sand-colored head. He tried to press his muzzle into his white tufted and rock decorated neck to skitter away from those judgemental looks.

"Celeste, do looks not bother you?" the second boy breathed softly, tugging the black hood further over his head to keep his peripheral vision to a minimum. He stared at the ground. He always hated those gazes.

"Bother? May I ask why those narrow-minded citizens should even spare a thought in my mind." the first boy replied swiftly as if he did not have a care for the words being tossed his way. Instead, he listened to the soft crunched of the sand and pebbles underneath the sole of his shoe and felt Gothita stop herself from throwing a tantrum.

"But-" the crimson-haired boy sputtered. He halted momentarily, eyebrows furring as he tried to string his next words as best as he could. "They keep saying abandoned. Queen is still with Celeste."

"Ah, yes, my dear, naive mother. The woman of this flourishing land reduced to a mere housewife. No, that would be a generous title. What a sad, cruel turn of events. Do you not agree, Noel? Because of me, my mother had thrown away her royal duty and the beautiful crown woven into her chocolate locks." Celestino chuckled solemnly into his pale hand, silencing his laughter as best as he could. Nestled into his hood, his loyal companion Gothita had drawn her arm back and delicately struck the side of his head before a sharp noise escaped her. It sounded like a complaint.

Celestino brought his strides to a halt and blinked twice. His shoulders drooped slightly, the thick fabric of his cloak swaying. He tilted his head back and smiled softly. "Sorry, I forget to speak casually. I don't think you grasped what I said entirely, right?"

Noel shook his head softly, a bit of guilt swirling in the depths of his brown irises. His lips pursed together into a deep line and he averted his gaze. "I... am sorry. I can't understand much. You're words. Hard to understand."

Pressing a hand to his forehead, the prince clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth unconsciously. "No, no. I'm in the wrong. I tend to keep speaking formally even without needing to. Habits die hard, do they not?"

A silence rang deep within their small space as they continued to walk down the path that ran down the town. Celestino was beginning to feel the exhaustion clinging to his muscles and the clink of the leather bag strapped across his body seemed to grow heavier with each step he took. Taking in a sharp breath, he swelled the bile settling in the depths of his throat.

What a fine curse the Legend of Death has brought upon me. I'll soon collapse without that elixir. Why I hope that beast is having a merry time in the depths of the distortion realm, Celestino cursed as gently as he could. Even he could not muster himself to insult such a creature, even if it was one of the Pokémon that could have brought ruin to the lands of Saoirse.

He bit the inside of his cheek. The familiar taste of metallic liquid stained his taste buds. A warm limb found its way to his cheek and his lips parted slightly to release a short chuckle.

"I know, Gothita. I will convey when that occurs once more. I will not allow a repeat of last time." the Zariyan prince reassured. He rubbed the side of the Psychí-Type's head with two fingers and allowed the chirps of delight to meet his ears.

By now the judgemental stares and curious looks were beginning to die down. However, they were only replaced with glimmers of glee and greed. The dark-haired boy could not help but allow the edges of his lips to curve upward.

Dawnpoint was one of the many towns that were located on the outskirts of the Zariya Kingdom. This one, however, was located a few miles away from the frozen lands that created what used to be the Ravaryn Kingdom. Zariya was known as the land of everlasting immortality. The royal family, basking in those pesky words that held little meaning, only showed what the people had wanted. Only to the people who proved to be useful to them. A pawn if you will.

This town was one that proved to hold no worth to the royal family, and thus, was cast aside like Trubbish. A town that was racked with harsh winters, little produce, and even less money, what use will it provide? None at all. Besides, should a town with no use even exist anymore?


"A Swindler! A Night Swindler!" A woman's high-pitched and raspy scream erupted from her throat.

People had no other way to live than to grab what they needed to survive or scam travelers to the point of nothingness. But a Night Swindler? Celestino felt his lips curl into a grin. How amusing.

As if on cue, a figure drowning in their charcoal cloak emerged from a developing in front of the two boys. The figure's cape fluttered behind them, the embroidered upside-down purple moon on display for everyone to witness. The Swindler sprinted forward, each step swift and nimble as they evaded the large swipes of swords arching and random jabs of knuckles in their direction.

One of the citizens, a male with tanned skin and dark black hair, unsheathed his dagger and slashed at the Swindler with force. Kicking off their heels, they allowed their body to fall back a bit, just enough for the tip of the weapon to narrowly miss drawing a gash down their chest. With a smirk slipping onto their lips, they bolted forward. Their fingers latched onto the man's arm in a tight grip while the other settled itself underneath his armpit.

Tugging him forward, they were quick to arch their back and use gravity to slam the man into the sand-coated ground with a loud bang. They swiped the knife from the now aching man before breaking off into another sprint. The Swindler hastily swept past Celestino and Noel, the latter yanking the former back in fear of him being thrown to the ground.

Another man had coiled his muscles as he drew his arm back. Without wasting another heartbeat, he thrust his fist forward, aiming for the side of the person's head. They kicked off their feet, tossing themselves back into a backflip to evade the fist. Landing directly on their feet, the Swindler smirked as another round of punches was swiftly evaded. Behind them, a woman with dirty blonde locks jabbed her finger in the thief's direction and her Floette released a sharp noise and swung its healthy five-petaled flower.

Blooming petals laced with a rose fragrance curled around the figure's feet. The sweet-smelling breeze suddenly erupted. What once was a minor zephyr transformed into a rushing gale wind embedded with mystical leaves that struck like obsidian knives at whoever dared to test it. The Swindler's smirk instantly curled into a frown and their teeth gnashed together in frustration at their sudden complication.

Celestino grasped the thick fabric of Noel's long sleeve and pulled him back while gesturing at the small Rockruff to follow until they stood mere inches away from one of the various berry carts. Noel scrunched his nose up and looked at the prince in confusion. The sickly male shrugged and picked Gothita off his head in response. The Psychí-Type whined in protest and glared at her master for taking her off her relaxing spot.

Meanwhile, the person had let out a pain-filled grunt as the Caelesti attack hacked at their arms. They whipped their head back and forth, searching for a way out of the swirl of razor-sharp petals. Biting harshly down on their lip, they silenced the string of curses waiting to burst out of their vocal cords. Without another option, they thrust their crimson-coated gloved hand into the depths of their small sack hanging from the leather belt wrapped around their waist. Another round of leaves swiped at their back, severing a good portion of their cloak before carrying it off in the gust.

The Zariyan prince's eyes widened slightly as the sunlight reflected off the spherical object in the Swindler's hand. It illuminated a soft white glow while the inner part radiated a crystalline turquoise. Celestino's eyebrow twitched and he hastily turned to Noel in what appeared to be panic.

"Pick up, Rockruff this instant." the purple-eyed boy ordered with a stern tone. The calm voice he spoke with earlier vanished. "Gothita, use Psyshock to limit the amount of damage that the area will consume."

Chirping gallantly, the Pokemon pressed her darkened nubs together to form a multi-colored orb brimming with Psychí energy. At the same time, Noel had swooped a startled mammal into his arms per his friend's warning. Yanking the silver chained necklace out of the depths of his shirt, Celestino held the one-inch sphere between his thumb and index finger. Unlike the blue glow in the Swindler's grasp, his radiated a soft magenta that pulsated with energy. The prince clenched his teeth.

Grinning, they yelled, "I hope ya have a grand ol' time meltin' the damnest of Frigo! Leave everythin' frozen. Glaciēs Rigescunt Indutae!"

"Obice Psychica,"

A wave of crackling, frigid shards of pristine ice collided with the luminosity of a magenta barrier swirling with various designs that disappeared as quickly as it came. Villagers screamed, ducking and cradling the young and elderly from the onslaught produced by the Frigo attack. Luckily, the barrier materialized fast enough for the ice to glide over it and freeze parts of the roofs and the signs of stalls. The barrier cracked, shattering into a rain of pelting Psychi energy to hit the ground. Startled, the people lifted their bowed heads with a gasp of relief to see that they have been protected by the same person who they were whispering so bravely about.

Celestino let out a raspy wheeze. His body lurched forward, a torrent of coughs erupting from his esophagus. He dropped Gothita, who landed on her tiny legs, and released a round of concerned and angry noises. One arm curled around his abdomen while the other hand pressed to his mouth to stifle the coughs. Noel released Rockruff in distress and the canine landed on his paws with ease.

Noel slung an arm over Celestino's back, bringing him toward his taller body to lean on as the prince struggled to regain his breath. After a few moments, the coughing died down. The black-haired male raised a hand to wipe the saliva dribbling down his chin. He heaved heavily, struggling to get the right amount of oxygen into his burning lungs. A sudden wave of exhaustion clung to his muscles, a far greater one than what he had been experiencing earlier.

"Celestino! Ah, must go to Sir Stallard! Sick, sick!"

With his legs nearly buckling underneath him, Celestino grasped Noel's shoulder to keep himself upright. Inhaling a raspy breath, the sickly pale teen said with a glint shining in his muddled purple eyes, "not yet. Wait."

The show was far from over after all.

Propelling themselves into a long jump, the soles of the Night Swindler's feet connected with the edge of a slightly frozen wooden crate. Swinging their arms back, they forced their leg muscles to boost themselves upward. Their fingers caught the side of the roof tiles and they swung their legs back as they nearly kicked one of the vendors in the face. The Swindler scampered up onto the tiled roof of one of the many stores with wholehearted content of escaping. Saluting to the citizens down below, a boisterous cackle erupted from the person before they took off, using the rooftops as a means of escape. Even with the ice coating the rooftops, they skid down without a fault, disappearing from sight.

Down below on the ground, citizens and Pokémon alike cursed the quick thief. Dawnpoint was thrown into a panic, many merchants thrown in disarray in fear that the Swindler had struck them without them noticing.

Celestino watched in curiosity as the people whose attention was once on him were turned elsewhere. It would have been easy if the citizens of this town had an Aero-Type or a Pokémon that knew Psychí moves to catch that person. He pressed a hand to his chin and hummed lowly in thought despite the pounding headache that was pummeling his temples. Noel was still holding his body up.

"Celeste?" Noel said quietly. "Must go."

Ignoring the concerning comment, Celestino asked, "tell me, Noel, what have I told you about Swindlers?"

Blinking thrice, the red-haired male looked down at his scratched brown boots. His eyebrows screwed together. "Night Swindlers are Zariya's threat. They... they bring harm to kingdom. Are bad guys who steal magic items and ex- expensive things. Also, threat to throne and Life Legend."

"Yes, yes. But Noel, in this town, is there anything of value?"


"Correct. Now," Celestino latched his fingers around a frightened Noel's wrist. He stumbled a few steps forward. "Let us give our greetings. Gothita if you please."

The bipedal creature sputtered in shock. She waved her arms and jumped, throwing a tantrum so her master would even entertain the idea of chasing after a Night Swindler. The enemy of his bloodline and the entirety of the Zariya Kingdom. It would be a suicide mission if the prince dared to weigh his own curiosity over his own health. The Pokémon was beginning to think her master had been inflicted with miasma madness. Likewise, Noel voiced his own worries alongside his yipping Rockruff.

Forcing himself to walk, Celestino grinned and laced his fingers behind his back. "Don't flash me that look. You should know by now that my life is nothing compared to the crown itself."


Drip. Drip. Drip.

Celestino despised the dripping of droplets hitting the mud. It caused the anguish attacking his brain to increase tenfold. And instead of heading in the direction of the town's doctor, he carried forth with trembling breaths and shaking limbs. The alleyway was damp and musty, and light barely seeped through the holes of the roofs hanging overhead. Old barrels and crates filled with nothing were scattered across the place and stacked high above each other. Both males and Pokémon took quick breaths, trying their best to not breathe in the Tamato like air. It burned their nostrils deeply and they wanted nothing else but to leave.

Nonetheless, they trekked forward into the depths of the lone alleyway. Noel had a firm grip on Celestino's forearm. The taller boy was frightened by the fact that his friend may as well collapse without warning. Both he and their two companions tried to convince Celestino to leave the Swindler be. Nothing but trouble will arise from it. Perhaps death will make its appearance.

But Celestino was driven by curiosity. He was like a person led by an unsatisfied hunger. It was a soul-deep flaw. One integrated so deep into his person that nothing could ever rewrite it. And because of this terrible flaw, the royal family did anything and everything to cover it up. A flaw, a dislikable trait must be veiled with sweet lies to present the most perfect reflection of what someone else wanted to see. One's selfishness must be fueled by someone's praise.

The prince recalled his teacher informing him that his curiosity would end with him lying in a pool of his own blood. It would be better to traverse the known instead of the unknown. The unknown killed those who dared to learn their secrets. But throwing yourself headfirst into danger seemed much more fun than sitting still with everything given at hand and foot. And if this caused him to throw his life away, well, it was nice knowing that it was not in vain.

"Celeste, where are we?" Noel questioned. The boy kept looking back and forth, searching for whatever could jump at them from the shadows. A hand was positioned over the dagger hanging from his belt.

"Who knows?" Celestino hummed back. He could feel his body breaking out in a cold sweat. "Somewhere in the depths of Dawnpoint."

"Why are we-"

Unexpectedly, about thirteen feet away, the roof fell through which a loud crack. Pieces of wood and broken slabs of tile collided with the ground followed by a cloaked figure who landed directly on their back. A pained moan alongside a line of curses filtered out of the person's mouth.

Smirking with a devious spark flashing in his violet eyes, Celestino revealed the same magenta sphere from earlier. He observed the dimming glow and the sudden yank from Noel. The two Pokémon protested down below.

With an almost crazed look, he said, "Presa Psichica."

Ribbons of pink instantly materialized out of the air. They wrapped tightly against the Swindler's body like an Ekins using Bind. The Psychí energy whisked them into the air, far from the ground where they could kick a piece of rubble in his direction. The cloaked person wriggled, swinging their body to and fro in order to escape. Frustrated grunts spilled from their lips and their fists balled at their sides. Only then did their eyes fall on the group.

"Look at that, I caught a shifty Ratatta that has scurried about." Celestino thought out loud. His throat was beginning to hurt.

The moment the Swindler leered at the prince is when their lips screwed back into a sneer. "Release me, royal scum!"

"Royal scum? My, my, what harsh words you toss my way, dear Swindler," the prince walked forward, lugging Noel with him as he drew close to the outlaw. "Nonetheless, this is the first that I have witnessed a treacherous Swindler steal a-? What have you swiped?"

The Swindler spit in his direction. A look of disgust was not visible on Celestino's face but the twitch of his eyebrow was more than enough to guess.

"Treacherous Swindler beats thrown away leftovers." They snarled with venom dripping from their words.

Whoever this was, they cleared hated royalty and nobles. If Celestino could see past the darkness of the Swindler's hood, he would be twelve feet under just by their leer.

"Dear Swindler, you wound me. Tell me, did you steal that scowl from your master's face. Might I say that it appears quite beautifully on you? Like a wilting flower covered in ashes." Celestino teased and whisked his hand. The ribbons tightened and the figure bristled.

Clearly not giving a damn about their situation, the outlaw kicked their legs and wriggled like a Caterpie."Shut yer mouth, ya sweet talkin' vermin! Release me this instant or me blade will swipe yer flesh wide open!"

Celestino blinked twice before chuckling heartedly. The laughter caused his chest to hurt but at this point, he could care less. "Such a strong threat for a person who has been caught. For a Night Swindler, you do not live up to the name. Would it not have been easier to strike at night? The shadows are more prominent then."

Suddenly the tight grip on Celestino disappeared. Pulling the dagger free from his belt, Noel instantly shoved Celestino away from the incoming cutlass arching in their direction. Raising the dagger, the taller male managed to block the deadly swipe aimed at the prince's back. The two sharp sheets of metal collided with a ring. Noel's arm trembled as the newcomer applied more force into the blade. Clenching his teeth, the boy shifted his legs to settle into a better stance. He swiped his hand, the dagger throwing off the cutlass.

The newcomer wore identical, albeit less damaged clothes than the Swindler held up by Psychi magic. The person was tall and muscular with a bulky frame which was poorly hidden by the purple and black cloak.

"Release the lass, vermin." A masculine voice boomed with authority.

Noel's eyes trailed down to the cutlass. "Not a magic weapon. Not deadly deadly. No core."

Celestino pressed himself to the wall. His heart pounded against his chest and he could hear the blood rushing in his ears. Gothita scrambled in front of him, pressing her nubs together for a Psyshock. Beside her, Rockruff snarled, back arching as his fur spiked up.

Grinning, Celestino said, "oh, is that what I am now? A vermin? I'm insulted."

The man did not like that answer as he swung his arm. Startled by the hasty movement, Noel barely managed to avoid getting stabbed in the abdomen by sidestepping away from the attack. The steel sliced clean through his cloak and the fabric dropped. Rockruff pounced, jaw open, and teeth revealed. He chomped down on the man's ankle, sinking his teeth into Swindler's skin before being kicked off. A pitiful whine left the Crystallo-Type's maw.


A fist rammed into Noel's ribcage, causing the oxygen in his lungs to escape. His body crumbled instantly and he wheezed. Gothita was a hair away from releasing her attack before Celestino nudged her with his foot to stop. Stunned, the move dissipated and Gothita instantly jumped in front of her master. She stretched out her limbs, trying to appear big but failed terribly. She was kicked out of the way.

Celestino bit down on his cheek, drawing blood. His palms pressed against the damp, brick wall and his spine followed soon after. Why must he be so, so selfish? He dragged his friend and two Pokémon into pain and he may as well be meeting his death very soon. And yet, he can't help but disregard the guilt festering in the pit of his stomach. He is such a terrible person.

The cutlass' tip was pointed at his neck. "I'll say it once more. Release the lass."

"Or you will drag that dagger across my throat?" Celestino shot back with an eerily calm.

"I don't mind gettin' me hands filthy, Castemont."

"I've finally been referred to my name. I was wondering whether or not you knew it. For a second I was thinking you lived underneath a rock of some sort." The prince replied with a quirk of his lips.

"Ya really 'ave a death wish, don't ya, scum?"

"And you are exceptionally eager to slice open a thirteen-year-old's throat."

Pressing a finger to the cutlass, he felt the sharpness cutting his skin. A drop of crimson dribbled down. "You will gain nothing by ending my life. Someone who cannot fight for the crown is a normal citizen at this point. I cannot be regarded as a noble any longer.

"At most, I am a chess piece with no more use. You could use me for ransom and not a single person would care. For all the lands of Saoirse believe I have committed a grave sin. I did no such thing. I did nothing at all. Pitiful really."

A charming smile danced upon Celestino's lips. "Would you like to take a gamble, Swindler?"

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