I Love You More

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Sitting down by the lake, the one closest to the bar. I heard a person rush up behind me, looking to the side of where he popped up. Klaus stood there out of Breathe. "Dilton is dead?" He questioned as he sat down beside me, Jug must've rung him.

"Yeah." I sighed heavily. "Ben is just holding on, they don't know if he's going to wake up." Klaus wrapped his arm around me, the cool breeze passed us as he kissed my head.

"He's lucky that you and Jug found him." He reassured me.

"Yeah. Sheriff Minetta asked us to keep it hush hush, but, Klaus, what we saw was..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

"What, Luc?" He looked down to me.

"It was like a ritual site. Their lips were blue. There were chalices, that were filled with poison or something. Animal bones were in a circle. The tree had markings on it. There was a winged totem, with a skull and branches." I explained with hand gestures.

"So was ur a murder of a suicide pact gone wrong?"

"I have no idea." I sat up, running my hand threw my hair. "Jug was telling me about when he was Ben and Dilton in Pops one time, they were playing a weird game. Dilton was raving about someone called the Gargoyle King." I fiddled with my fingers, he placed his hand on my back. Rubbing small circles.

"We'll figure this out, Betty and Jug would already be on the case."

The queen leaving for some air, she took the route down the road in the dark beast known as the impala to where her knight stood behind bars. Going through the system, she sat at the table waiting. Fiddling with the parting gift he gave her, she looked around to see all the families and girlfriends here to see their boys.  Hearing a loud ring, she smiled seeing her red headed rooster come around the corner. His big brown puppy dog eyes looking around, a smile grew on his face. The queen standing up, the knight rushed over to her. Embracing each other into a hug, a guard soon yelled for them to split it up.

"How are you Arch?" I asked as we sat back down.

"I'm ok." He shyly smiled. "How's Klaus, How are you?"

"Klaus is good, still his 'im the king' self." Archie huffed and smiled at my British accent.
"What's happening here?"

"Joaquin is here." My eyes widened.

"You serious?" My mouth dropped.

"Yeah, got picked up riot night. He's been testing me, wanting me to shive a ghoulie." I rolled my eyes, typical. Grabbing ahold on one of his hands, I told him how to win over Joaquin. So the serpents could keep him safe.

"Show them, show them all that you are not animals. Show them you are not afraid, shoe them where you came from. Ok?" Him nodding, he grabbed ahold of both of my hands in his. Bringing my knuckles to his lips, kissing where my ring was.

"Thank you Luci."

"Remember." I whispered. "Matter of life and death, go for the kidney." I winked as I stood up. "I love you."

"I love you more."

Hey guys, here's an update! Sorry it's taken me forever to update, I've been busy with school and work! Tell me what you think and what you want to see x

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