Man in Black

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Jug and I continued exploring, finding different symbols in all sorts of places. Looking at an artwork plastered across the wall of a building, I grabbed Jugs arm and pulled him along. Stopping in front of a giant beast painting, as the sound of Jugs camera clicked. My ears perked at the sound of young girls laughing. Looking around I spotted them all on the back of a red Ute. Jug and I strolling along to the little group of teenagers, seeing them playing Griffins and Gargoyles, Something I haven't seen in a while. Observing the game board, I spotted a packet of fizzle rocks beside the board. Empty. A girl, she looked at us with her tired eyes and dirty long brown hair and asked.

"Are you a king? And are you a queen?"

"I'm actually a game master." Jug stated to her as he jumped on the back of the truck with them. "Started as a hellcaster, like you."

"What level? And you miss, What are you?" A smaller blonde hair questioned. Whilst I rested up against Jug.

"I use to be a queen, a very long time ago." I explained, looking to Jug as he included.

"Almost three. On my way to four. Where'd you learn to play?"

"Our older brothers used to play, before they left town." The taller brown hair girl replied.

"Yeah, we noticed that there are no men here." I spoke for Jug and I.

"All gone tot work building a prison." The taller girl added.

"Prison?" Jug and I narrowed our eyebrows.

"My brother told me it's not just for prisoners. It's for making fizzle rocks, too." The brown haired explained.

"The prison doubles as a drug lab." Jug and I exchanged looks.

"Where you shacking up, game master and former queen?" The little blonde haired girl asked.

"Uh... lake farm."

"Agh, Gracie's house. We use to be friends with her." The taller brunette girl started to explain."Acts like she's too good for everybody, even though her daddy works for the man in Black like ours do."

"Who's the man in Black?" I asked.

"He's always in a black suit. Gets driven around in a black car. This towns His now." The blonde hair girl added, Jug and I looked at one another as the only man who it could be popped in our heads.


Jug and I starting to rush back to the farm, fear flooded through us as we left Archie alone, arcing last the tractor as sweat dripped down our faces. We grabbed ahold of each others hands, hiding behind the truck with a few stacks of hay left. My breath started to shake as the black car came to a stop at the front of the house, as the sound of the doors opened my heart dropped seeing his face. Hiram's face.

He walked around the car with a servant guy of his, chatting with the girls my mind could only wonder where Arch could possibly be. Him following the girls, I dragged jug along to the back entrance. Pulling the large wooden door open, seeing Arch half conscious and tied to a post. I sprinted over to him as Jug kept watch. "You Alright?" I questioned him, pulling the material out of his mouth and untying him. "Let's get you out of here."

"Laurie knocked me out. Where is she?" Archie was furious.

"She's inside." Jug filled him in. "With Hiram Lodge."

"What?! I don't understand. How do the girls know him?"

"Her Dad and brother work for him." I explained. "They make drugs inside the prison, which the kids takes then play G&G. All of this is connected, Archie. Hiram owns the whole town."

"Let's go." Jug pulled Archie to his feet. "We need to get going and get Luci and the baby somewhere safe."

"Or we could stay and fight." Jug and I stopped to look at Arch who stood there in vengeance.

"No, Archie. Did you hear what I just said?" Jug sighed heavily at him.

"This is our one take it all back. Hiram is gonna walk in thinking I'm tied up. Let's surprise him and take him out." Geez, Archie. You're over your head.

"That's a bad idea, trust me." Jug tried to say to him, Archie started walking back. Searching around the barn, jug looked to me as I followed Arch.

"There's gotta be something. A pitchfork."

"Hey. Look at me." I grabbed ahold of Archie's face. "You're not thinking clearly." Jug joined my side, as I took my hands away from Archie's face.

"It's three against four. They have guns. I get how bad you want this, but we are underprepared and remember we have a little one growing." Arch begun to pace around, Jug followed along side him. "They're going to kill us, Archie. Archie, look at me." Arch grabbed ahold of hedge clippers. Arch started walking to the door, jug pushed against him. "Don't say what I think you're gonna say-."

"Jughead." Archie shoved him away from him.

"I can kill him." Archie growled. "I can." I had enough.

"I know."I said softly walking towards the red headed kid, Archie's brown eyes looked to me. "But right now we're gotta go, while we still have time. I want to have this kid." I grabbed ahold of his hands, he dropped the clippers. Placing his hand upon my belly I added. "I want you to teach this kid many things." Archie placed his hands on my face.

"I know Luci, I wanna protect the both of you. But there's nowhere he won't follow me. I can't run from him. Just let me end this nightmare once and for all." As Archie lowered his hands from my face, just said in a loud whisper.

"He's coming." Walking over to my brother by the slightly opened cracked door, Archie and I looked out seeing him walking beside Laurie. Looking up to Archie, I held his wrist.

"Archie, I know he ruined your life. He's ruined mine, he's ruined a lot of lives. One day, he will get everything he deserves. I swear. But it's not today. It's not now. We have to go." I begged him.

"Lucifer. Jughead." I saw the anger and revenge in Archie's eyes as he watched Hiram. My heart knew hoe he was feeling.

"All right, if you do this, if you kill him... will Veronica ever forgive you?" I made him think, Archie looking to me. His mine turned. Picking up our stuff, we went through the back door. Archie lifting me over the fence, we all took off in a sprint up the grassy hill. Away from the man in Black.

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