More Time

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It's the calm before the storm. The summer before the Scooby gang goes back to school, how do you spend it, when you no longer take part in a education system? Take care of the ones who bow down to your feet? Spend time with your brother?..well brother and his best friend. Or maybe you spent most of your June, July, and August in a courtroom, supporting one of many I hold close to my heart, Archie Andrews, who was on trial for a murder he didn't commit, despite the DAs closing arguments.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the evidence and testimony that was presented in this court tell a dark story. That Mr Andrews has a history of violent behaviour. That he started not one, but two masked vigilante groups. That he assaulted an innocent boy, who was helpless with two broken legs." Shaking my head, I rested it against Klaus's shoulder. Feeling Klaus's hand slip in between my thighs, he gripped one for comfort. "That he went wilding in the Southside of town, and threatened to shoot a young teen in the face." Seriously Sweetpea. "That while partying with his friends in the town of shadow lake, Mr Andrews ran into the woods and shot the victim, Cassidy bullock, point blank in the head. Now, Mr.Andres claims that is was his girlfriends fathers doorman who shot Mr. Bullock. A shot Mr.Andrews claims that he heard, but did not see. Who knows the truth of what happened that terrible night in the woods near shadow lake? I'll tell you who. That man." She spun around from the jury, pointing right at arch. "Archie Andrews may be a varsity athlete, and he may be a sensitive musician...but he is also...a cold blooded killer." That last bit of her sentence come out of her mouth, my whole body flinched. Watching the woman sit back down, Archie mum stood up.

"Come on second mama." I whispered under my breathe.

"Ladies and gentlemen,we know for a fact that Archie Andrews constantly puts the needs of others ahead of his own. We know that he helped to solve the murder of Jason blossom. We know that he offered both friends and enemies shelter when they had nowhere else to stay. We know that he punched through a river of ice to save the life of his classmate Cheryl blossom. Well, let me remind you that there were no witnesses to the actual killing. There was no murder weapons. There is no motive. At the end of the day, all the prosecution has is cloudy testimony from unreliable people. I would like to bring someone to the stand, if that's ok with you my honour?" Mary asked the judge, watching as they nodded. Mary's eyes locked with mine. "Lucifer Jones, please come to the stand." Standing up, Archie looked to me confused. I have him a reassuring nod as I sat down on the stand. "Hi Lucifer." Mary smiled at me.

"Hi Mary." I smiled back.

"Lucifer, I've known you for a long time now. You take care of Archie, as if he is family. Correct?"


"Lucifer, is it true. When you were in trouble a few years ago, you were in a bike accident. With Klaus. Could you tell me what happened that day?" Mary gave me that look, I knew she was doing her duties as a mother. I didn't want to see my red headed rooster to be thrown behind bars.

"Of course. That day, a driver came right at us. Causing Klaus to swerve, losing control and making the bike flip. Let's just say, we were both in pretty bad shape. In and out of cautiousness, Archie was the one that found us. Carried my unconscious body in his arms, while also holding Klaus up. Taking us both to the main highway, waiting for the ambulance. He never left my side the whole time, Jughead and dad were on a boys trip at the time. So Archie spent the two days in hospital, making sure we were both ok." I told the room, seeing a small smile come from Archie. Him mouthing, I love you.

"Thank you Lucifer." Mary dismissed me, sitting back down beside Klaus. He kissed my head, feeling Fred squeeze my shoulder. "You all see, my son takes care of people outside the group he loves. Now, it is my solemn duty, as a mother, to protect my son. But as an attorney, it's my duty to adhere to the facts, to the evidence. There is nothing here that proves that Archie Andrews is anything less than an innocent boy. Thank you." Mary sitting back down, the judge looked to the jury.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the charge is first degree murder. You may retire to begin your deliberations." The judge dismissing them, we were all asked to rise. We left to the hall, feeling someone pick me up in a hug. I soon realised from the scent of cologne, Archie.

"I love you so much, you're the best." He kissed my cheek a thousand times, huffing a small laugh. He placed me down on the ground.

"Least I could do Bub." I rubbed his arm, Klaus walking over. They brought one another into a hug.

"How you feeling big guy?" Klaus questioned him.

"Don't know." He replied, spotting Mary in the corner of my eye. I left Archie and Klaus to talk, walking over to Mary, jug, Betty and Fred. A smile came across the pair I call my 'second parents'.

"There she is." Jug smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"You were amazing Luci, thank you." Mary placed a hand on the side of my face.

"You helped Lucifer." Fred added.

"Did I?!" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yep, it's now 50/50." Betty explained.

"Well, I just wanted to say. You were amazing, I couldn't of been in that situation myself." I said to Mary as Veronica popped up beside me.

"Have you guys seen Archie?" She questioned, looking around. I realised Klaus wasn't about either.

"Klaus must've taken him somewhere for a talk." I realised. Jug, Betty and Veronica going to go find the red headed, who was off with the king. Finding dad, a smile came across his face.

"There's my baby, you done so well up there." He wrapped his arm around my head, kissing it.

"Thanks Dad, Hi Alice." I gave her a small smile. Knowing dad and her history together.

"Hi Lucifer." She smiled in return.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the judge asked for all of you to come back into the room." An announcer came into the hall, seeing Klaus jogging towards me. I raised and eyebrow as if I was asking is everything ok? Him giving me a nod, we made our way back to our seat along with everyone else.

"The jury is still deliberating. But I've dismissed them." The judge begun. "They're sequestered, And I've instructed them not to read anything about this case, nor to discuss it with anyone. We'll reconvene Tuesday morning, after Labor Day." Sighing in relief that we were given time. The judge looked to Archie. "My advice to you, young man, is to spend this weekend with your family and your loved ones. That's all." The judge dismissing the court, Klaus and Fred walked with Archie outside to protect him from the people outside with cameras. Jug, myself and Betty were in front of Mary.

Hearing arch and Klaus yell to Fred. "Stop!" Jug and I spun around, helping pull back Fred. Seeing he connected a swing with Hiram, the man and I exchanged looks. Looks of death and want to put the other in the ground, Hiram won't get the best of me.

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