Oh, Baby

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Standing across from Mayor McCoy, I begun stating facts. Keeping three things in my mind, protect the serpents, my brother and Klaus. "This witch hunt has to end, Mayor. Serpents has nothing to do with that beheading. You know that. In the meantime, you'll tighten the screws, you'll send Sheriff Keller to sow seeds of unrest. Threaten to take our homes away? Since when, from all these years we've known one another. Care about a statue of a murderer?"

"Since Governor Dooley called and read me the riot act." She raised her voice at me. "That statue cost him a lot of money. He's furious."

"You're supposed to be an ally, Mayor McCoy. So, why are you doing this? Unless it's..." A lightbulb went off, leaning against the chair that faced her. My nails dug into the chair. Mayor McCoys face dropped. "Who's pulling your strings? Is it Hiram Lodge?"

"You're bright and charismatic, Lucifer. I have always liked you. I can see where Jughead gets it from. So, listen to what I'm telling you. Back down." She warned, standing up straight. I left, heading to the chemist. I walked the isles with my head down, my brain running through millions of thoughts at once. I grabbed a test, heading to the public toilet. Doing what I needed to do, I sat by myself in the park. Staring out to the lake, I held the test in my hand. Growing impatient, my phone buzzed. Seeing a message from Klaus.

Hey, finished with Archie. Sorted his dishwasher for Fred, wanna meet up? X

I looked up into the air, praying above. I messaged back saying. I'm not far from home, I'll meet you there x

See you soon x

Heading home, I sat in the study. Writing in one of my journals, whilst I waited for the result. I wrote the letters I always have done for Jughead, Archie, Dad and Klaus. Hearing the timer go off on my phone, my heart jumped out of my chest. Scurrying, I squealed seeing the result. Placing the test back onto the table next to the rocking chair, I placed my hand on my stomach. Whispering. "Hi little one."

A while passed, deciding to write a new set of letters for the newest addition. The child that belonged to Klaus and I. Hearing the front door open and the familiar sound of Klaus's heavy boots walking through the rooms. I smiled as I continued to write. Stopping, hearing the accent I oh so dearly fell in love with. "Which one of your many suitors is this one for? Fangs? Sweetpea? Archie? Jughead? *gasp* don't tell me it's me. I thought I was out of the running ages ago." Looking up and seeing him smile, I just shook my head.

"And the biggest ego goes to.." I joked, him huffing in response. "It's actually someone different." I begun, whilst he walked over to me. Crouching, using my leg to balance.

"And who might this person be, my love?" He questioned, taking his free hand. I placed his hand onto my stomach, he looked at me confused for a minute. But watching his face change, he came to a realisation. "Wait."

"Say hi to our baby." I smiled, him smiling in response.

Klaus bursted into laughter, wrapping his arms around me. Picking me up and spinning me in a circle with him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, crushing our lips together. He dropped me to the ground, holding my face. With a massive grin on his face, he promised. "I'll do whatever it takes to take care of you and this baby."

"I know you will, or dad will kill you."I poked his nose, he just rolled his eyes. Bringing me into a tight hug. I sighed heavily, my body relaxed. It was calm.

"But to be fair, yeah he would kill me. Wouldn't he?" I just laughed.

"You've got that right, right after I beat the shit out of you." We looked back at one another.

"Why am I marrying you again?" He narrowed his eyebrows.

"Cause I'm awesome." I cheekily smiled. Making our way to the whyrm, meeting with Jug at the front door. I held back the want to tell him about his nephew or niece, Klaus and I decided to keep it between us till I start to show more. Seeing it was Jugheads turn to get food, with the pops bag in his hand. We walked inside, as jug said loudly to everyone.

"All right, Order of the Ophidians..." He begun, we all froze. Seeing the snake charmer, sitting across from dad. Freezing, Klaus stood half in front of me.

"Jughead and Lucifer Jones. Did you really think you'd seen the last of me?" Penny directed at us.

"What's this bitch doing back here? Fp?" Klaus asked him, dad didn't say anything.

"Klaus, I brought her in to help us." Tallboy explained.

"We don't need Penny's kind of help." Jug rose his voice.

"You don't get a say anymore." Tallboy told the young prince, glaring over to him. I saw his chest ride and fall rapidly. "Not side you broke serpent law and hurt one of our own. Penny was about to tell your dad. Show him, Penny. Lucifer, Klaus. You two better have a look at this." Toni looked to me, eyes full of worry. Watching as Penny showed us the mark, I gritted my teeth.

"That used to be my serpent tattoo, until your son sliced my arm and left me bleeding in a ditch in greendale." After Penny said that, dad hid his head in his hand. Looking fo Jughead, his eyes looked to me for help. "But I'm still willing to help the serpents."

"She's the one that almost got Lucifer killed! Fp!" Klaus yelled at my father.

"The ghoulies went after Lucifer." Dad said to him, making me feel sick.


"Klaus, enough!" Dad shot down Klaus.

"Anyways." Penny started again. "Tallboy showed me those eviction notices. They're legit. But, luckily, I can think of about 42 ways to stall the process. And I'm talking years."

"What's your price, Penny?" Dad quizzed.

"Blood for blood." She replied. "An eye for an eye. I want back in with the serpents, and I want him kicked out." Dad leant back in his chair. Penny spun around, facing us three. "One more thing, I want his tattoo carved off. And I want to do it myself, with a dirty knife."

"Over my dead body." I stood in front of Jughead. Penny evilly smirked.

"You wanna bet on it?" She stepped towards me, stepping towards her. I added.

"Try me, you might do better than what the ghoulies done for you."

"Enough!" Klaus yelled, wedging himself between us. "Back off Penny."

"Klaus, take Jughead and Lucifer home. Now!" Fp ordered. Feeling Jug take my hand, we left to drop jug off at the van. Klaus took me home.

"Babe, you need to calm down."

"Klaus, Dad was making deals with that charmer bitch! After everything-!" My breath was ripped out of my lungs, struggling to breath. Klaus caught me as I dropped.

"Lucifer, love. You're having a panic attack, I need you to breath. In and out, in and out." Copying him, I calmed down. Resting into his chest, he wrapped his arms around me. Having my hand on my stomach, I soon came to the realisation it wasn't just me I was taking care of. 

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