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Hearing the door open, Jug and I looked up seeing Betty walk through the door. "Jug, Luci, Oh my god!"

"Betty, you're hungry?" Jug joked opening the cupboard door, she looked to him and to me.

"What the hell?" She questioned.

"You don't have a trusty bobby pin or two, do you?" I asked.

"Always." Betty reached up to her pony tail, throwing me a bobby pin. She grabbed another as she started unlocking Jug as I unlocked myself. "Did your dad do this?"

"Yeah. He doesn't like me playing G&G, he locked Luci to keep her safe from my business." Jug filled Betty in.

"All this is my fault, I'm sorry." Betty looked between us. "It came out when I talked to all our parents."

"How'd that go?" I quizzed, able to hear my sarcasm. Jug gave me a glare. "Sorry."

"Penelope blossom said Daryl Doiley is the one who poisoned the chalices." Betty said as she finally got Jug out, getting myself out Betty helped me up.

"Diltons Dad? Isn't he-?" Jug got cut off by Betty.

"Dead? Yeah, pretty convenient right? The one man who can't confirm or deny Penelope's story."

"I don't buy that." Jug and I replied in sync. Betty huffed.

"Neither do I. So, I called Dr. Curdle Junior and asked if he'd pull Mr Doileys autopsy report."

"Think you can handle this yourself?" I wondered. "Sweetpea And Fangs maybe found Joaquin."

"Just be careful you two."

"I know, I'm gonna go and wait in the car." Kissing Betty's head, I headed out the door. Zipping up my leather jacket, my stomach twisted. Placing my hand on my stomach I took a deep breath. "You're okay Lucifer."


As the queen and the young prince made their way to where the king and knights were, the king grasped ahold of the one that betrayed us. "Get up." Klaus's voice was deep as he got Joaquin off of the forest ground. "Get up!" Joaquin groaned.

"Look what we found on him." Sweetpea showed me a Gargoyle mask, chucking it to me. I observed it.

"So, you jumped ship for the Gargoyle gang?" I looked to Joaquin, who's eyes glistened with fear. He knew what I was capable of. I threw the mask on the muddy ground. "You have a lot of explaining to do." I stated taking a step forward. Watching Fangs take the rag out of his mouth, Joaquin coughed and coughed. "Why not start." Jug passed me his knife. "With why you shivved Archie, instead of protecting him, like you were supposed to?"

"The warden said I had no other choice. You don't know what it was like in there Lucifer. You do anything to survive. For me, it was being the wardens pawn. A chess piece. In some ways, he was a pawn, too."

"What does that mean?" I questioned Joaquin as I twirled the knife.

"I saw him with these game cards that told him what to do. Whoever sent them wanted Archie dead. From the moment he was locked up, he was already marked." He replied.

"Marked with what?" Jug stepped in, standing behind me. Bringing out a marker and drawing on his hand. "This symbol, the warden branded on Archie's hip? What does it mean?" Joaquin flinched, making Klaus hold him against the tree with the boys help.

"I I don't know." He was lying.

"Pick him up." I ordered. Hearing Joaquin become distressed, Fangs just whispered him to stop.

"Klaus please, please don't let her hurt me." Joaquin begged.

"Tell her, what does it mean." He told him.

"Sacrifice." Joaquin gave in. "It means that— it meant that Archie had to die. Look, I'm sorry, Jug and Luci. I know he was your pal. I—."

"Oh, Archie alive." I stated.

"Then he won't be for much longer."

"Who's giving warden norton his orders?" Klaus asked.

"No." Joaquin lowered his head.

"Okay." I placed the knife upon Joaquin's throat. "I don't think you understand. I can't let you go until you talk." Joaquin saw the glow in my eyes, the one my father saw when I was born. The lights of hells fire.

"I saw them meet once. But you know him, Jones. The man in the black suit."


"Lucifer Jones, What a pleasant surprise." Hiram begun as he looked up at me from his desk.

"Two imbodiments Of evil, one of hell fire and the one of darkness." I stated with an evil grin.

"So... its offical you've lost your mind. Do you honestly believe you are the actual devil?"

"You met warden norton in high school." I changed the subject. "All this time, you've sent him quest cards." I placed my hands on his desk, smelling the scent of salt and vinegar in the small chip bowl on his desk. It made my stomach want to rumble. "Instructing him to torture and then kill Archie. You're not just the criminal kingpin of Riverdale." Hiram sighed. "You're the Gargoyle king."

"What did you call me?"

"The Gargoyle king. The ghoulies and this new gang of Gargoyles are just soldiers. The Southside is your kingdom. You orchestrated Archie's arrest to put him under Norton's sadistic thumb. The game is how you've been communicating with him, pulling the strings. Back in the day, you killed principal featherhead. In the same way you tried to kill me, my brother and in the same way you tried to kill Archie. You're the Gargoyle king, Hiram." Hiram smiled as he got up from his desk and walked around to meet me.

"I am not a 25 year old nerd playing games to live out my overactive hormonal fantasies." He leans against his desk as I took a step back. "I'm not the Gargoyle king. Because you know what? That's not a real thing. Nor am I the murderer that you and Betty and your brother are looking for. You know what I suggest to you Lucifer Jones, get out of your brothers messes and deal with your own problems. Like that little Fergus in your belly right at this moment in time." I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm not-."

"You are Lucifer, the glowing skin, the shiny hair, the way you look at the salt and vinegar chips on the desk, you're craving salt. That's what pregnant women do." As Hiram and I just look at one another, his phone on his desk started to ring. "Now if you excuse me, I must answer this. You're ok to see your self out? Once again, congrats on having a second chance."

As the passing day commenced, the queen overheard her little brother packing his things. Knocking on his door, he jumped in fright. "Luci. You scared me."

"Where are you running away to?" I asked.

"Archie is running away to try and keep cover. I'm gonna go with him." He explained.

"I'm coming with you."

In a quick swift of motion, without a fuss from one another. They said goodbye to their lovers, heading on the stretch to meet their redhead. Meeting at the train track, Archie eyes lit up. "Luci?"

"Hi baby." We hugged one another, stepping aside I heard Archie sniff. As if he was just crying. Jug passed him his bag.

"There's some money, a change of clothes. Granola bars, juice boxes."

"Thanks for coming out here Jug and Luci."

"Sure you want to do this man?" Jug asked.

"Leaving is my best option. It's my only option." Arch replied.

"Well, I don't disagree." Jug and I said at the same time as we started walking down the railroad track with Archie following.

"Joaquin is dead." Jug announced, Arch and I were a bit shocked. "That symbol you have branded on your hip, he had one on his forehead. It means sacrifice."

"What?" Arch softly said. "Who the hell is doing this?"

"I don't know. I have a feeling Hiram Lodge is a part of it." I yawned.

"Always is." Archie added.

"Don't worry. We're not letting you out of our sight. You ever hop on a train before?" Jug asked Archie.


"We'll figure it out."

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