Truth Behind Four Walls

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What is it like? You may ask? To have your brother and his girlfriend roaming the streets as they play detective and a brother who sits in a cage. Becoming an animal.
"Lucifer!" An angry tone coming from Klaus downstairs, narrowing my eyebrows as I stand up from the throne like chair in the study. I made my way downstairs, seeing a very tense Klaus standing at the open front door.

"Klaus What's-?" I froze, seeing the man in Black. Hiram. "What do you want?"

"Hello Lucifer." He nodded, crossing his arms over his crouch.

"What is your business here Hiram, you have 10 seconds before I get my gun." Klaus threatened whilst I stood beside him. His eyes panned from Klaus to me, a slight evil smirk coming across his lips.

"I thought you would've liked to know that Archie Andrews is currently being held in a cell away from everyone, because he was the ring barrier to an escape plan. That he will also being punished along with the other almost escapers." In a quick reaction I launched myself at the man standing on our land, only being caught and placed back by the king.

"Leave." Klaus growled. "If you want to see the light of tomorrow morning, get off my property."

"Very well." He nodded, watching the man spin on the ball of his expensive shoes. He stopped at a step, saying a finale sentence. "You know, Archie is very brave and cunning like you two. I can see why he's so fond of you, especially Lucifer." Grabbing ahold of the back of Klaus's jacket. Klaus slammed the door, pounding his first against the wooden surface.

"Klaus!" I exclaimed, Klaus leant his head against the door. Sighing heavily, knowing he misses Archie as if he was his own son. Making him face me, I pulled him towards me. Holding his entire body weight as he calmed himself down.

The day continued as any normal day, laying on her back as the king rested his head on her bare stomach. She smiled as she played with his fluffy hair on top, admiring who she managed to have beside her for the rest of her life. Hearing a frantic knock from downstairs, a groan came from the king who wiggled from trying to stay asleep from the noise. Forcing him off of me, I got out of bed. Chucking on some clothes before heading down the palace like stairs.

Approaching the door, I was soon accompanied by Klaus. A Klaus in sweats and a baggy hoodie. Opening the door, there was a blonde Veronica standing there anxiously. "Hi V." I begun, observing her body language more. "What's wrong?" I questioned.

"I need your help, the b-both of you. It's regarding Archie, he's being used in some sort of prison boxing bid thing. They put prisoners against one another and bid for who wins." She started to explain, looking from her. Klaus and I looked to one another.

"I need your help, please. I don't want him to get hurt, or to kill someone. Most importantly I don't want him to get killed." She finished.

"We're in."

IM BACKKKKK, sorry everyone it has taken me forever to post. My life has been hella crazy and I know this is a small chapter, but it's something I guess? Let me know what you think !

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