Chapter Nineteen: Detectives

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Riding a pegasus with Natalia was a brand new experience and one Caitlyn wouldn't mind repeating. She and heights weren't exactly compatible, but having a friend there who seemed to be enjoying herself helped immensely. Especially when flying in the night.

"Does this mean you're going to pay for my red hair now?", Natalia cheekily asked, grinning at Caitlyn.

"I tell you there's a conspiracy to do with Rectionem Scientiae and all you can think about is hair dye?!", hissed Caitlyn.

Natalia rolled her eyes, though Caitlyn couldn't see from behind the girl. "You should sleep on it. Then you'll understand why I deserve red hair."

She took it back, Caitlyn did not appreciate flying with Natalia. There was a reason they'd never been especially close and still weren't, it had just initially come in handy that Natalia was shifter and seemed the type of adventurous girl to view exposure to magic as enough of a reward without even having to pay her for her silence on top of that.

"Where are we going anyway?", asked Natalia, "You can't go anywhere near Rectionem Scientiae. You'll be brought to your parents right away."

"Look, just make sure the horse takes us there - uh, no disrespect, oh lord of the skies - I'll explain once we're there."

< | ■ | >

Caitlyn wasn't quite true her word. Both she and Natalia were exhausted upon arrival, so the two of them headed to her appartment. Quickly, she turned the key in the lock and invited Caitlyn inside.

"Dad, Jacqueline, Rachel, I'm home!", Natalia called out. Her father looked up from a small table, he had been reading a scientific journal. Caitlyn tensed up when his gaze landed on her. "I thought we said not to announce it."

"I trust my daughter's judgement. If she has brought you home, I trust there's a reason. I'm fine with all except one," he stated, leering at his daughter, who waved her hand. "No need to worry, Dad, the thought disgusts me."

"Good," he hummed, opening his newspaper again. Caitlyn took a chance to examine the room and found it smaller than most she was used to. It was painted a light brown and fully furnished with an eating and sitting area, yet the furniture wasn't especially tasteful. The walls were slathered in sketches and paintings, pressed flowers and dried herbs, embroidery and home crafts. A small plate hung from the ceiling on which there was a candle which was lit. Somehow Caitlyn had expected something more lavish and fashionable. Natalia wore fine clothes, fancy silk garments, yet this house was middle-class at best.

Upon being led into her companion's bedroom, she discovered the same was true of it; the bed seemed to be falling apart and one of the closet doors was askew. Caitlyn frowned.

"God, don't look like that. Sure, it's not what you're used to but I thought you were meant to be good at faking politeness!", whined Natalia, dropping down on her bed, "For that face you can sleep on the bare floor."

"Why do you dress like that if you live like this?", asked Caitlyn, trying to watch all of her friend simultaneously to avoid missing any telling body language.

"The clothes were my mother's, she was an army general and died in the war. I decided my best bet of moving up in the world was to keep up appearances and it's kind of worked. I got a job as a secretary at Rectionem Scientiae, didn't I? Requires practically no skill but better pay than those in manufacturing get. Besides, that doesn't exactly appeal to me."

"Sorry... I never knew."

"Why would you? We weren't exactly friends. You're Caitlyn Sequor, I know you're just using me," Natalia said, tossing a small felt ball from one hand to another, "And I was using you back. Having you in my debt isn't that trivial."

Caitlyn opened her mouth but Natalia spoke up first, "No. We are not talking. We're going on a stealth mission in a few hours. Unless you want us to fail, we'd ought to try and catch fourty winks."

No protest escaped Caitlyn's lips but she knew she couldn't sleep. Ever since she'd met the other chosen ones and their more competent friends, she'd been shown a new perspective, one she'd only ever read about or heard. Knowing that her family could be responsible for making the blade that one day might stab Hjalmar left her guilty - they'd never really spoken, but he at least seemed to be a decent person, though admittedly he didn't seem to have much of a personality. If she were responsible for Junior's death, that wouldn't upset her quite as much. Nevertheless, her family and people like Crayver weren't well-placed to control the army - those who were poor and had a meaningless name were seen as pawns that could just be used as living barbed wire, completely aware they'd be casualties. They knew a family lost a child, a sibling, a cousin, but they pushed that from their mind. It was just part of war. Who cared that it was only those lower down suffering from that kind of loss, over and over again?

Caitlyn remembered what Crayver had said about having preferred to have given the newer and fancier armour to a greater legion. It was probably because the others were just fodder. After all these tactical war meetings, he'd forgotten the placeholders he was moving around on a map represented real people with hearts and souls.

Maybe she shouldn't have left. Perhaps if as her parents had suggested, she should've married Crayver and messed with his head, trying to become some sort of master puppeteer. But if she hadn't left, her own perspective wouldn't have shifted. Sometimes space brought clarity and here it had. But the worst part was that she couldn't see a way of changing it. It seemed that this chosen one thing wouldn't be her last test.

< | ■ | >

Natalia and Caitlyn were stood outside Rectionem Scientiae's main building. Since anybody catching sight of Caitlyn could be disastrous, they made sure to stay out of sight as they stared up at the magnificent pearl structure. It was a domelike building and the prime of Soustrenan architecture, yet this didn't leave Caitlyn awe-struck since she'd grown up around this building.

"What's the plan?", asked Natalia, "You know I can only shift myself, right?"

Swiftly, Caitlyn placed her bag on the floor and pulled out a red cape, then fastening it around her. She explained, "This cape belonged to a friend of mine. It has many powers, one of which is invisibility."

"I seriously wouldn't mind joining you for the rest of your journey," admitted Natalia, eyeing the cloak enviously. Caitlyn rolled her eyes. "No. They're all annoying, food is trash and it's dangerous."

"Ayyy, sounds like I'd fit right in!", joked Natalia.

The two girls made their way into the building, Caitlyn making sure to touch Natalia with one hand so that her friend knew where she was. The issue was, helping somebody invisible through a building wasn't exactly easy. Already at the main entrance they ran into minor problems, for Natalia opened the door and then had to linger awhile so that Caitlyn could get in. A few people gave her confused looks, while Natalia walked on as if she didn't have a care in the world. It was agreed that Natalia would search the files in her office while Caitlyn searched through where ever she could snoop around without anybody noticing drawers opening themselves. Caitlyn found herself waving at Natalia as the shifter made herself on her way even though nobody could see the small action. Wow, was she starting to become a sentimentalist? She frowned at herself.

Hastily, she made her way through, searching for the senior offices. It was truly lucky that her father's office was empty, though then again, he often had business to attend to. Quickly she tried out the door handle, but as she'd expected, it was locked. However when she had been old enough to start spending more time at the company, her father had shown her where to find a spare key.

Cautiously, she made her way into her father's secratary's office. She scanned her surroundings, double- and triple checking that nobody was around to notice. Trying to remain completely silent, she turned the eight number lock - Edison Sequor was extremely careful - to 45177835. She remembered him telling her he'd chosen a completely random number, for that would always be far more secure than any number which contained logic or sentimental value. Supposedly using the same digit twice in direct sequence was also good.

The lock popped open and she slid it off, then slid out the drawer. Not willing to waste a moment, she plucked out the key and gripped it tightly while she shut the drawer again and put the lock back on. Now she rushed back to her father's office and turned the key in the lock. A triumphant smile appeared on her face as the door opened.

The next step was simple: Search. Within the office were files regarding most aspects of Rectionem Scientiae, including the clients they dealt with and products. Naturally Caitlyn's first thought was to look through a section with newspaper articles related to the company. Maybe there'd been a robbery and some of the gear had been stolen? However this proved itself to be a false assumption.

Upon examing the clientele, it soon became clear that all the gear was going straight to Crayver. Caitlyn even searched through more secret files but it seemed this conspiracy wasn't down to her father. Caitlyn let out a sigh of relief, the idea that her father had played a role in Dale's demise had been scaring her. This relief couldn't last forever though. Uncovering Timothy Crayver's wrong doings would be a significantly harder task. Luckily, she was friends with a shifter.

< | ■ | >

"You know, I'm not actually a shifter. I'm a Forti," said Timothy Crayver, alias Natalia, as he walked with nobody, alias Caitlyn.

"You shapeshift. Pretty sure that makes you a shifter. Besides, maybe don't try talking to thin air when you're trying to pull of a convincing Crayver," hissed Caitlyn, trying to remain inaudible for foreign ears.

"Shifters have shifter heritage. I originate from Forti," said Natalia, making an effort to keep her voice down that time.

The plan was non-existant. Well, not quite, though it was still rather disappointing considering Caitlyn had had until Natalia had finished work to come up with it. Go to the Camil, the building from which the Soustrenan military was controlled, hope for somebody to just happen to mention whatever the conspiracy was and make their way to Crayver's office on the off-chance they could get in. Also, pray that the man himself didn't catch them. Explaining why there were two Crayvers was a situation Caitlyn and Natalia rather wanted to avoid.

Entering the Camil was the easiest part, but even though Caitlyn was familiar with the layout of the building, it was hard to guess where any useful information would be. Timothy Crayver's office seemed to be a good goal, however the place wasn't well sign-posted. Surprisingly, Natalia began to lead the way with impressive confidence.

"Have you ever been here before?", asked Caitlyn, not completely trusting the shifter.

Natalia shook her head. "Left right left right usually works out though."

Caitlyn had to fight herself so much not to facepalm herself. Was this really what they'd been reduced to? Unfortunately, there didn't really seem to be a better way.

It was then that out of the shadows crept a short androgynous elf. "Mr. Crayver!"

"Yes?", responded Natalia, trying to put on her best man voice. While her voice wasn't particularly close, she spoke with such confidence that she could carry it off. The elf was tricked.

"Mr. Crayver, I hate to bother you but they're still not back. We think they were intercepted," said the elf.

"You mean to say they failed?", spoke Natalia, straightening herself and raising her chin in the hope of intimidating the elf. From the slight sparkle in her eye and the tiniest upturn to her lips, Caitlyn could tell that she was enjoying this more than she should be.

The elf averted their gaze, staring holes into the floor and fiddling with their hands. "Not necessarily failure, but we fear Caitlyn and the little band provided more resistance than anticipated. They never returned."

"I see. And what do you plan on doing about it?", asked Natalia with a frown.

"Imperon is at the lab. He hopes to speak to you regarding the matter."

The name rang a bell, Caitlyn was fairly sure that had been one of the mages.

"Of course. Could you write me the address again? I've got a new carriage-ier... An awfully incompetent fellow. Will only take a written address."

Caitlyn winced when Natalia said carriage-ier. Nevertheless, the girl's lying skills were astounding. Hopefully the need never arose for her to lie to Caitlyn, it was highly probable that the blonde would be fooled.

The elf had started to grow a bit suspicious and asked why they needed to write it. Natalia made up some story about how the fictional driver couldn't read her handwriting and luckily the elf fell for it. Not too long afterwards, Natalia had an address.

Once they left the Camil, Caitlyn hugged her friend gratefully, after having turned visible again. In the meantime, their surroundings had started to change as dusk approached. The trees' leaves had an orangey hue and the sun had disappeared behind the tall buildings. Caitlyn was reminded of just how tired she was.

"We should head to the place-"

"No, thank you. I died at work today, and I have work again tomorrow. I need food and sleep. You can go but if you feel how you look, you're going to walk thirty metres and then collapse and fall asleep in the gutter."

Caitlyn wanted to protest, but when she looked at Natalia's face, she just felt touched. All she could do was nod and follow her home. They deserved a break. Especially Natalia. It had been unfair of Caitlyn to drag her into this, but the shifter didn't seem to mind. When she returned for good, she'd have to start actually being friends with her.

< | ■ | >

The next morning, Natalia went to work and Caitlyn headed to her home. She stared up at the pretty marble house from the gate, then climbed over it. Her height came in handy for this. Even though she could've opened the gate herself, she didn't want to risk a door being seen opening itself.

The Sequor daughter trudged through the perfectly groomed garden - with shaped hedges, pretty planned out flower beds and vegetable beds and fruit trees that provided their cook with the produce needed for nutritious home grown cooking. Returning home left Caitlyn reminiscing. Soon things could go back to normal.

Caitlyn crept in through the back - a gardener had left the door open - and made her way upstairs, in the direction of her room. It didn't take her long to reach her childhood haven. A pale blue room with wooden furniture that had been painted white. Caitlyn couldn't resist lying on her bed for a moment, savouring the sensation of a comfy mattress beneath her. Never before had she truly appreciated how blessed she had been in her parentage.

After a few minutes, she got down to business. She quickly changed clothes, taking a few moments to inhale her new garments. The sweet scent of garden flowers and raspberries rose into her nose and filled her mouth too. She grabbed a bag and selected a few more practical outfits, then put in two hair brushes and some ribbon for tying up hair. All of the women would surely be grateful.

Next she headed downstairs. She took a loaf of bread, a jar of jam and some basic first aid supplies: bandages, scissors and some basic herbs. Last but not least, she went to the family safe - the one she had access to - and took out half the savings inside. This filled her with guilt but they could all do with new supplies.

"Whose there?"

Caitlyn spun around, panicking, but soon relaxed when she saw who it was. Julie, their cook and maid. After a moment, Caitlyn decided to take a risk and deactivated the invisibility enchantment. Julie stumbled back in shot and went as white as a sheet. "Miss Sequor!"

"I'm sorry to intrude, Julie, but I was in the area and I thought-"

"Your parents are worried sick!", Julie shout-whispered, "They told us that you'd gone to your aunt but we all overheard snippets of conversations and..." She grew silent, blushing slightly.

"Look, I had a chosen one dream and the trail I was following lead me here. I don't know quite what's going on, but something's off with Soustren. Well, parts of Soustren. I can't tell you it all, but please tell my parents that I wasn't lying about the chosen one thing and I miss them... And I'm sorry for waking them that one night only to immediately change my mind and disappear. And tell them... I've got people keeping me safe."

"Why don't you wait and tell them yourself?", asked Julie.

Caitlyn shook her head. "I've got people waiting for me. And... I can't risk my parents locking me in. I need to carry on. So, please, Julie."

Julie quivered slightly. "But, Caitlyn, if your parents found out you were here and I let you leave-"

Caitlyn's solution to this was to run out. Julie called after her but it was simple; if the maid was conflicted, then why not simplify the decision by removing it completely? She lept through the garden, bag in hand, and didn't bother to turn herself invisible again. Everyone would be too shocked to react anyway.

< | ■ | >

Sometimes, for time's sake, someone will stray from the initial plan. That morning Natalia and Caitlyn had agreed to sneak into the place they'd obtained the address for together after Natalia had finished her day's work. Caitlyn didn't want to risk getting Natalia into anymore prickly situations though. This was her problem and it was her job to handle it. Besides, the sooner she investigated, the sooner she could return to the others. To her surprise, she found herself missing Oburon slightly. He'd never betrayed her trust. She wondered why.

Quietly, she crept through the undergrowth, accompanied by birdsongs. Soustren was a place of extremely fertile land and great natural beauty. As soon as one left a large town, one could only marvel at the glorious landscapes. The address they'd recieved was in the Fevalé Woods, one of the lesser known woodland areas. Yvia Forest, for example, had terrific waterfalls and therefore attracted many tourists and hikers. Fevalé Woods could boast no such spectacles, but it was nevertheless a pretty forest, with blossoming trees and the soothing buzzing of bees.

Through the leaves, Caitlyn finally caught a glimpse of the building she was searching for. It was unmistakable, a building out of smoothed stone. Like most fashionable Soustrenan buildings, it had this artificiality to it that clashed with its surroundings. She sighed.

The question was how to enter. She stared at the surroundings, aware if an enterance, but not sure how to actually go in. If that Imperon person was there, he'd surely be suspicious at the sight of a self-opening door.

There's a saying, speak of the devil, that would almost be appropriate, however it wasn't Imperon. But Imperon had seen her coming. He knew to watch the chosen ones, especially Caitlyn and considering how much she had found out, he was glad. So, he had sent out a person and they now sprung out of the undergrowth and leapt onto Caitlyn. And Caitlyn screamed.

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