Chapter 21: So Much Waiting

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I wanted to turn and see what Lucifer so closely watched, but I also didn't want to attract attention. I asked a question instead. "If his soul is as evil as you say, why not just wait until he dies? Surely he will make his way to Hell then?"

"He might."

"Why wouldn't he? You said he didn't belong in Heaven..."

"Only unless he has confessed and claimed forgiveness through Grace. If that happens, all is forgiven, and he slips through my fingers."

"Oh." I was quiet for a time. "So, you what? Want to guarantee you get him?"

"Yes. By making a deal, I know, beyond a doubt, he is mine." He looked at me, eyes fierce and nearly frozen in their blue cold, "And he will be mine."

I shivered as Lucifer stiffened and sat up a little straighter. I sensed a presence at my back, and I turned just as Sam stepped to me.

"Lucas! So good to see you," Sam said before focusing on me, "Who might you have as your companion tonight?"

Lucifer pursed his lips. I don't know what bothered him, the fact Sam, for whatever reasons, didn't offer him his hand for a handshake or that his awareness immediately focused on me.

"This is Olivia Chase. Olivia, this is Sampson Johnson."

Sam held out his hand to me, forcing me to give mine to him like a lady of old might so that he could kiss it. The prospect was disgusting, but if I didn't want to call immediate attention to myself, I would have to do it.

I gave him my hand.

He did as I thought he would; he brought it to his lips and kissed my knuckles. It was all I could do not to snatch myself away.

"Sam. Please, call me Sam. It is a pleasure to meet such beauty, Ms. Chase. Might you be the Chase who made such a generous donation to the cancer wing? And, you own one of the gaming companies, yes?"

"Yes," I uttered. There was so much more I could say, but I was disinclined to say it. The man's presence felt greasy and sticky at the same time; a nasty oil gone rancid.

"We thank you for your handsome donation, both from you and your company." He patted my hand, which he still held.

"You're welcome," I answered, "it was for a good cause." I pulled and slid from his grasp. I was grateful he didn't fight it.

"So, Lucas! It seems you are on the hook for your million dollars! We had quite the fundraiser."

"Yes, so I've heard. You know, of course, you can send the paperwork to my assistant. She will be happy to send you a check."

Sam nodded. "And how is your sister, Lilith?"

"She is very well, thank you. I will let her know you asked."

The head waiter took the lull in the conversation to step up and speak low with Sam. A Senator had arrived for dinner.

"If the two of you will excuse me," he said with a slight bow. "It seems we have important guests tonight!"

"Of course," Lucifer said, "My regards to the Senator in his recent election. Have Banks choose a suitable wine from my cellar and send it to him."

"Very generous of you! And good for business," Sam nodded. "I'll be off then." He turned and left, making a beeline for the Senator's table.

Lucifer sighed. I couldn't tell if it was in relief or frustration. He smiled at me, so it didn't matter; he wouldn't let it dampen our evening together.

I tried not to allow the Charity situation to distract me, but I began wondering how I would get closer to him when I proved he was guilty of trafficking. In Lucifer's usual way, which meant it appeared he was a mind reader, he said, "You know, Sam is gathering a committee for the hospital wing. Maybe you should volunteer."

I wasn't stupid; I understood Lucifer mentioned this to help-but-not-help. I immediately responded, "That sounds like an excellent idea. I'd love to help, specifically if there's a way to memorialize Deirdre. I'll need his contact info, though. Maybe a phone number?"

He grinned and picked up his phone. "This is his number. I will text him and tell him to expect your call in the next few days."

"You don't mind I'll be working with him?" I asked, "You don't seem to have a high opinion of him."

"You are correct. I do not like him. But I cannot deny he does a great deal of good work in the community with his charitable contributions."

I scowled. "Well, then, I'll be happy to help him spend some of the money he launders."

"Good. Now, let us drop the topic of Sam. I trust you will find suitable ways to... handle him."

It was as close to an admission I would get from Lucifer. He was right; I didn't want to spend the evening discussing my mission. I raised my glass, "To the proper handling of guilty men."

Lucifer clinked his glass on mine, we drank, then moved on to other, more pleasant topics such as what we would do to each other when we got home. We didn't make it far. I rode him hard in the car on the way. He seemed appreciative, given what I received in return.

After another tasty omelet breakfast, we parted ways for the day. As soon as he was out the door, I scryed with my pendant, watching Sam. I couldn't watch as closely as I would have liked, however; Shawna texted me while the car took me to work.


Shawna: John didn't come home last night. Worried.

Me: Worried?

Shawna: Something might have happened.

Me: Calling...


Shawna picked up immediately.

"Why are you worried, Shawna?" I asked. "If something did happen to him, wouldn't it solve your problem?"

"Well, on the personal front, yes. But not for the case."

I was curious. "What do you mean?"

Her voice lowered to almost a whisper. "Cross-examining him might have offered alibis."

I scowled. "I don't know how you thought you would get away with this, Shawna. As soon as they found out one of the Defense witnesses was your fiancé, they'd yank you from the case at best or declare a mistrial at worst."

I could hear the smile in her voice, "I know. Either way, it's a win for me, Olivia. I would be out of the case, and likely, my client would still be declared innocent, or at least couldn't be charged unless more evidence popped up."

Admittedly, it was clever. Nevertheless, I didn't like it. "But you know he's guilty!"

She sighed. "We've had this conversation before," she pointed out.

"Yes, we have." There was so much more I could have said, but it would fall on deaf ears. I asked about John instead. "Have you filed a missing person report on John?"

"You know those require twenty-four hours. But I called his partner and let him know John didn't come home. I don't know if this is common behavior for him or not. So far, he hasn't ever done this."

"And you want to seem like the dutifully concerned fiancé," I concluded. Again, very clever.

"Yes. If John were... gone... I'd be a lot safer. Still, there is a side of me that loves him. I might want him out of my life, but it doesn't mean I want him dead or something."

I wondered how long it would take to find the body. I checked my watch. It wasn't even noon. Housekeeping wouldn't enter the room until after checkout; they'd find him then.

"Yeah, I know," I reassured. "It's too morbid a thing to wish. But one can't help but think, 'What if?'"


"Okay, I'm at the office," I explained when I recognized the outline of my building through the tinted glass. "Keep me informed of anything you hear."

"Will do. Ta!"

It was my guess she'd know he was dead by mid-afternoon. Good riddance.

Once in my office, I gave Sam a call. "Sam? This is Olivia Chase."

"Olivia! Lucas said you might be calling. Something about wanting to be on my hospital committee?"

"Yes, I'd very much like to be. I don't know if you're aware my daughter recently passed due to cancer."

"Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. It is always a tragedy when children die," he offered, voice full of compassion.

"Agreed." I inclined my head, then quickly changed the subject. "So, how might I be of service?"

"Well, we will be having a committee meeting in a few days. Why don't you come, introduce yourself around, and let's see where you could fit?"

"Sounds perfect. Just let me know when and where."

"Great! I will text the details."

This meant I could watch a few days before seeing Sam again, confirming what I suspected; he was Charity, a philanthropist who earned his 'do good' money trafficking children.

It turned my stomach to think it was true. I wondered how Shawna would react if she knew how deeply John's involvement had been. Maybe, one day, I'll be able to tell her about all this, I thought, then scoffed at myself; no one would believe I was dating the Devil.

Sam spent a very dull day at the restaurant, working on the books. It surprised me he did them himself, though, as I considered it, it was one way to know what was going on with his businesses, both legitimate and not.

I spent some time thinking about how I would do my mission with Lucifer around at night. I didn't want to send him away, but he also couldn't interfere, which meant he couldn't see what I was watching. It was a conversation we would have to have.

Thomas knocked on my office door, and I waved him in. "Hey, we're having a development meeting in about fifteen. You want to join us?"

My phone dinged, and I glanced at it.


Lucifer: Let's have lunch.


I smiled and waved my phone at Thomas. "Can't. I have a lunch date!"

Thomas laughed, "Gotcha. I'll catch you up later, then."

"Sound like a plan," I called after him as he left, and I texted back.


Me: I could go for that. When and where?

Lucifer: How about Paris? Technically, it'd be dinner.


My stomach flip-flopped. Paris! I didn't much care what meal we ate if we were in Paris.


Me: I'd love to! Dress?

Lucifer: What you are wearing is fine. Not going formal.

Me: OK

Lucifer: I'll bring the car and will fetch you from there.

Me: 👍 💖

Lucifer: 💖


I tried to get work done, but it was only a half-hearted attempt. I was more than ready to go when Lucifer texted from the car downstairs. I had to work ridiculously hard to avoid running out to him. It wouldn't have been professional, and I had a reputation to uphold.

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