Chapter 26: That Bitch

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"Love? Love..." Lucifer spoke to me, running the back of his fingers along my cheek.

I cracked my eyes open as best I could. "Yeah?"

"Morning," he said with a mischievous grin.

"What are you smiling about," I said, beginning to stretch. The pain between my legs blossomed and throbbed. I stopped moving immediately. "Damn!" I looked at him with narrowed eyes and a slight smirk, "You knew it would be like this, didn't you?"

He tried to hide his smile but couldn't help but laugh softly, "Yes, love, I did. I can fix the bath for you with Epsom salts if you want."

"Holy crap," I moaned as I sat up. "Yeah, I think you'd better. But why did you want me up?"

"I have to attend to some things. I do not know if I will be back tonight."

"Really?" I said, standing. Standing was better. "So, I'm on my own, huh?"

"Well, you will think about me today, so not completely alone," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I cocked my head at him.

"I would be lying if I said I did not like the idea of being on your mind."

"There are other ways to make me think of you, Lucifer." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Oh, I know. But most are not nearly as much fun." He kissed me lightly then drew back. "I wish I could stay, but I must go. I will text when I can return."

"Okay. I look forward to it, of course."

He snapped the tub ready, then opened a portal. "Love you," he said as he walked through.

"Love you!" I called from the bathroom.

Doing my business was an adventure in tenderness. I was grateful to sink into the tub and stayed there, relaxing, until the water grew cold enough that I was chilled. Sighing, I contemplated draining and refilling the tub for a longer soak. While the idea sounded enticing, I decided it was time to get the day started. I needed to figure out what the hell was going on with Shawna, Jillian, and Peggy.

I moved with care through the rest of my morning routine and had just settled against the counter with a cup of coffee, complete with real cream and fancy sugar, to begin scrying when my phone rang. It was Shawna.

"Hey! I was just thinking about you," I said. "How are you doing?"

"I—I don't know, Olivia. I just found out Sam is dead!" she exclaimed.

I was as honest as I could manage; the best lie was the one with truth. "I know! I didn't learn until a few days ago Lucas and Sam were partners in the Bistro. Were you aware? We found out about Sam last night when a member of the staff called."

"Yeah, I've known Lucas is—was—Sam's partner. Who refused to testify for us, by the way. I'm not sure if the defense planned to pursue him or not."

"Lucas has never said," I said before changing the topic. "The entire thing is an amazing coincidence with Sam and John dying so close to each other."

"I know, right? They'll do an autopsy, of course, but it seems pretty cut and dry."

"What does this do with your case?" I asked, sipping my coffee.

"What case? There is no case. Both my client and primary witness are dead." She stumbled over the last part.

"Hey, how are you doing? Case aside. Everything going okay with John's family?"

"They're great people," she said with a sniffle. "The Celebration of Life is tomorrow at noon. I know you didn't particularly care for John, but will you come? For me?"

"Of course! You tell me what you need, and I'll do my damnedest for you."

"Thanks, Olivia. I appreciate you. If I think of something, I'll let you know. But right now, I have to go. We're getting ready to have breakfast and then go through pictures of John."

We said goodbye and ended the call. I immediately picked up the scrying pendant and honed in on Jillian. For the second time in as many days, I found her in a compromising position in an office. This time, she was in an office I assumed to be hers, laid out across her couch with Plastic Surgeon Boyfriend kneeling between her legs.

I couldn't help but smile when I squirmed, a little uncomfortable about the whole privacy intrusion, and felt how sore I was. I smirked when I realized, while Jillian looked like she was enjoying herself, Plastic Surgeon Boyfriend would not be on her mind later every time she moved as Lucifer would be on mine.

I looked around her office as much as I could. She had nothing on her desk that was helpful. I had a choice: watch them fuck or find Peggy. I decided on the latter. It was just a matter of hopping perspective since Peggy was sitting outside Jillian's office. She was on the phone.

She scribbled something on a post-it: 9 AM tomorrow. From the folder on her desk, I could surmise the client was the Meeting Place Shooter. They would meet him in the morning. I made a mental note to be present when they did.

Jillian's office door opened, and a very self-approving Plastic Surgeon Boyfriend sauntered out. He tapped on Peggy's desk to say goodbye, and she rolled her eyes. She gathered the files on her desk and headed into Jillian's office.

Jillian sat at her minimalist desk as she checked her hair and makeup with her phone, adding a layer of lipstick. They spoke together for a few moments, then Peggy left the file folder on her desk with the note about the morning meeting stuck to the cover.

Jillian picked up her cell phone once more and called someone. On a whim, I checked to see if it was Shawna. I made the scrying pendant jump to her, and, just as I did, she answered her phone, excusing herself from a table full of pictures of John surrounded by those I could only assume to be his family and close friends.

Shawna went into the bedroom and pulled out her copy of the file, but before she could open it, she threw it on the bed. Her brow furrowed deeply, and her face turned red. I realized Jillian would have Shawna attend the interview in the morning. I guessed the meeting would run into John's Celebration of Life, causing Shawna to miss some, or all, of it.

I was lucky I held the pendant and not the actual scrying mirror; I'd have thrown it at the wall. That bitch! I can't believe Jillian would be so cold-hearted! I rolled my shoulders and paced before checking on Shawna again; I needed to see what was up with my best friend. While I was glad her case had ended, I still felt she could stand having something go right in her life.

She curled up on the bed and sobbed as I watched, helpless. I couldn't just leave her; I texted her under the guise of "checking up' on her.


Me: Hey, I'm just checking on you. You doing okay?


She didn't answer immediately. I could see she was crying in earnest, and my heart ached. After several minutes, she grabbed the box of tissue from the bedside, blew her nose, and looked at her phone.


Shawna: No. Bitch Jillian is putting me on a case starting tomorrow interviewing our client. John's thing is at noon. I don't think I will make it.

Me: You're kidding! Can't you take some time off?

Shawna: She's made it clear I have to go. It's the whole partner thing.

Me: Why don't you just find another firm?

Shawna: Too much invested here.


It was the same story she always gave. I wondered if she secretly enjoyed representing the guilty. Probably, it was more about the challenge of it. Either way, I had to admit, it disappointed me.


Me: Anything I can do?

Shawna: Can you be at the prison tomorrow to pick me up so we can go straight to the wake?

Me: Sure. What time?

Shawna: I don't know. I'll check.

Me: Okay. Let me know.


I watched her text someone else, presumably Peggy or Jillian. There was a flurry of back and forth until she finally texted me back.


Shawna: Pick me up at 11. I think I can make it out of there in two hours. Maybe.

Me: Okay. Text me the address. See you tomorrow.


I'd done all I could for the time being. I looked for the little book Lucifer had given me, hoping to get some enlightenment about the other Virtues. Each had to be someone I'd at least run into, and, so far, this had been correct. Which meant I could rule out the shooter himself, even though he was guilty as sin. It was too bad I couldn't harvest anyone and everyone I wanted to, but life always had limits. I contemplated it, though.

I thought about Jillian and wondered if she was one of them. I'd almost be happy if she were; she was horrible to Shawna. Not to mention she was bribing a Judge. But was this enough to condemn her?

Of course, there remained the question of which Virtue she'd be. I could see how she might fit as any of them. If she were Prudence, her insatiable need to look young could corrupt her. But, she could also be Justice; she was shady enough to represent a flawed Virtue. She didn't have a shred of humility or, it seemed, self-regulation, so Temperance was an option too. The only one I thought she was least likely to be was Faith; you had to have faith in something to lose it. I had no confidence she experienced the emotion in, or for, anything.

I realized I'd decided, without consciously doing so, Jillian was on my list. I would be following her for the next several days, or maybe even weeks, to find the proof I needed to harvest her soul for Lucifer. It tempted me to take her on a whim just for being such a bitch to Shawna and pushing my best friend into things she might not otherwise do. But I could never live with myself if I were wrong. I didn't want another mistake like the one I'd previously made. The next time might not turn out to have an acceptable outcome.

Watching Jillian in her library researching for her meeting in the morning wasn't helping fulfill my mission, I decided. Watching Shawna was only breaking my heart. Peggy was outside Jillian's office, not doing a lot, so scrying her didn't seem worth my time. The only other person I had seen recently was the Judge.

I found him in his chambers and looked around. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him until I noticed a picture of him shaking Shawna's hand as she stood in her graduation robes from Law School. The photo reminded me she interned for him when she was in college, and I'd seen him at a few of the firm's holiday parties. I had made a connection. Does this mean he, too, is a Virtue?

I sighed and let the pendant drop. I was getting a headache, and I needed to get up and move around. Standing brought both a groan and a smile to my lips. As soon as I thought about him, my phone dinged.


Lucifer: Hello, love. Thinking about me?

Me: You know I am. I just got up out of my chair. I think I need another soak.

Lucifer: 🤣 I have about an hour's break. I could come and give you another bath if you are free.

Me: That sounds awesome! Yes, please.


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