Chapter 39: Love Proclaimed

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When I woke, I was alone. I was still warm and comforted, though; Lucifer and Azza had tucked me in under the covers. They talked and bustled in the kitchen, sending the smell of bacon and coffee to me. I stretched and smiled. The lack of pain from the past five days reminded me of Azza, as the pain the week before had reminded me of Lucifer.

Just seven days ago. It seemed like a lifetime.

I did my business in the bathroom before padding out in clean sleep pants and a t-shirt to the kitchen.

Azza smiled at me as Lucifer came and wrapped me up, kissing me for all I was worth. I repaid him in kind.

"Are you okay, Olivia?" he asked.

"Yes, I am. More than okay." I beamed at him and hugged him tightly. "I'm just so glad to have you home."

"I love you," he murmured in my ear.

"As I, you," I echoed, borrowing his response.

Azza joined us and fell to his knees. "I love you both," he said, imploring us to respond. It was a simple thing for me to do, for I found it to be true. I cupped his face in my hand. "I love you too, Azza."

He breathed, closed his eyes, and rubbed his cheek into my palm. He stood and began to turn away when Lucifer stopped him.

"It's okay, Lucifer. I know you care for me in your way. You don't have to say it."

Lucifer grasped the back of Azza's neck, bringing him close to touch his forehead to Azza's. "I love you too."

Azza's head popped up, and his eyes widened. "You—You do?"

In response, Lucifer kissed him as deeply as he had me. My heart swelled at the sight. I wasn't jealous; I was joyful seeing the love blossom between them. I smelled roses.

Lucifer broke the kiss with a chuckle. "Roses again, Azza?"

Azza grinned. "You'll have to get used to them."

The three of us stood, entangled until the oven timer went off.

"Oh good!" I blurted, "I'm starving!"

The angels laughed, and Azza said, "Yes, it's been a while since you last ate, as it has been for Lucifer. Let's eat."

They dished up an egg, cheese, and bacon casserole thing. It was a mess to look at, but it was savory. By the time the three of us finished, we'd eaten the entire pan.

"What are the two of you going to do today?" I asked, sipping on more coffee.

They glanced at each other. Lucifer said, "We thought we would spend the day with you," he stated. "Are you sending us away?"

"Yes and no. I have work I need to do, which I've neglected for several days." I looked at Lucifer meaningfully.

"Ah. Yes."

"Besides, you should check on Lilith. What she endured being with you isn't the kind of thing any sister wishes to have to do, I'm guessing. Make sure someone has taken care of her and add a bit of normalcy to her life. Take her to lunch or something."

My angels smiled at each other. "I am certain someone takes my sister's care seriously. Eve would never let her suffer any more than we would allow you to."

"Wait," I paused, "did you say Eve?"

Lucifer laughed, "You did not know?"

"She said she had a nice butch waiting for her at home. Eve doesn't seem to fit the mold."

"It has been many, many millennia since Eve was beholden to Adam. They have parted ways, and Eve has 'found herself,' you might say. She and Lilith have been dating for a thousand years, give or take."

"Huh," I responded. "I suppose it makes sense, though it puts an interesting spin on Genesis, doesn't it?"

Both of them laughed, and I smiled. "Even if you don't feel the need to visit her, I do have to have some time alone to do what I do."

Lucifer nodded. "I understand. Azza can spend the day with me. I am sure I have a stack of work to look over or fulfill."

"About that..." Azza began, running a hand through his hair to rest on his neck, "I kind of sent Uzza out into the world..."

Lucifer's eyebrows lifted, and he stared at Azza. "Uzza?" He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as if he had a headache. "Oh, for fuck's sake, Azza! Uzza? Really?"

"I didn't have a choice! After Olivia threw him out..."

"You threw Uzza out?" Lucifer asked me, wide-eyed.

"He ruined my shirt!" I exclaimed, getting defensive.

Lucifer roared with laughter. "Dear Hell... threw him out... How long was he angry, Azza?"

Azza looked sheepish, "Umm... I think he still is. He's been going after horny grandmas again. He knows how much you hate it when he does."

Lucifer laughed so hard, tears formed in his eyes. He finally calmed and said, "Yes, love, you have the day to do your work. It seems I have a bit of housekeeping to do myself." He collected his dish and silverware to take to the kitchen. Azza gave me a look as he did the same.

"I'm getting the impression you just got off lightly, Azza," I whispered with a grin.

"You have no idea, Olivia," he whispered back. "The last time Uzza was out in the world, he caused a syphilis outbreak among the elderly in Los Angeles. Lucifer is still trying to clean it up. Syphilis is a persistent bastard."

I giggled and finished the task, but I sighed when I saw the disaster of a kitchen. "Azza, can I have my housekeeper back?"

"She's slated to come back tomorrow. I'll wash up."

Lucifer caught my hand and tugged me toward the bedroom. "Lucifer... I don't think I can, love."

He chuckled. "No, I just want some time together. Come lay with me for a while."

I smiled and cuddled up, sighing as he did too. After a moment, I rolled over. "Thank you, Lucifer."

"Hmm?" he said, opening his eyes. "What for?"

"For Deirdre."

"Ah. Yes. You are welcome, Olivia. I wish this whole situation had gone better between us. I am sorry too."

"Are you okay to go out and about today? Truly?"

"With Azza with me, yes. I do not feel up to being alone just yet."

"What did they do to you, love?" I whispered, both wanting and not wanting to know.

He winced, and his face clouded. "I will tell you at some point, Olivia. But not right now. I want to enjoy being here, with you and Azza."

"Home. Azza explained how love is home."

He snorted. "Did he explain vacation too?"

I grinned, "Well, yes, of course."

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, that was always his bit. He needed a reason he never seemed to feel fulfilled by sex. So, I let him believe it."

I caressed him, "Do you think he still believes it, truly?"

"I do not know. I do see he has gotten to be immensely powerful in his sexual prowess."

"He told me a little about his celibacy and study."

Lucifer blew out a breath. "He was furious when I ordered him to stop studying and start doing. Especially with the woman I loved."

"I'm sorry. I hope I didn't cause a rift."

"No, I would say not. Not if he loves you too."

"He said he did, as you heard. He seems sincere."

"Yes, he does. We will take it as face value and be grateful he cares for both of us."

"I don't pretend to understand what we did, why we did it, or how it was helpful to you, but I'm glad it was."

"As I said, this is home. That is what I feel about you. Having him boost your energy to reach Heaven was the only reminder I had. I would only ever trust him to do it."

"So, not Uzza then?" I grinned.

He rolled his eyes and groaned. "I suppose I need to see what I can do about whatever it is Uzza has done."

"He sounds, ultimately, harmless."

He looked at me sharply, "Do not underestimate Uzza. Ever. It is impressive you sent him away, but part of it was because he, it would seem, wanted to go. He knew he would have to deal with me if he harmed you."

I placed a finger on his lips. "He didn't. But he does owe me a shirt."

He kissed my fingertip and changed the subject. "Will you be okay for the day? Truly? You have had a potent five days, and coming down from it will likely be hard."

"I feel okay right now. But check on me? I also want to keep tabs on you. Oh, and, give my number to Azza."

"Okay. Yes, I will text. Maybe you will be free later?"

"I don't know what my days, evenings, or nights will look like in the near future. I haven't done any work on my mission in several days; who knows what has transpired since I last checked in."

Lucifer looked at me and asked, carefully, "Try to be free tonight?"

I knew there was a more significant request under what he was saying. "Yes. I will make it so I am free. I don't know if it will be late, but eventually, I want you with me."

The tension in his body drained away. He needed the feeling of home, I could tell.

"Will Azza be with you?"

"Azza will likely be with us for some time, though I do not know how long. Will that be okay?"

"Yes, but I think we all need to have a frank conversation about what is going on. This is unfamiliar territory for me."


We laid together, just petting each other, for a time, until Azza knocked on the door jamb, smiling at us. "Lucifer, we should probably go."

He nodded at Azza, then asked me, "Would you like a bath?"

"Yes, please." With his light snap, I knew it would be the perfect temperature.

Lucifer kissed me lightly and then rolled out of bed.

"We will text."

I sat up. "Okay, love." I smiled when Lucifer stopped to kiss Azza lightly.

"Ready?" Azza asked him.

"Yes. Let us go rescue the world's grandmothers from Uzza."

Azza blew me a kiss, and they stepped through the portal Lucifer snapped into existence.

I sighed when I realized how empty the place was with them gone. I began to understand what Lucifer meant about coming down from the last several days; the apartment seemed deserted without at least Azza.

I rolled out of bed, and George came to greet me as I undressed for the tub. I stepped in and enjoyed the warmth surrounding me. I wondered what kind of trouble my crew had gotten into while life had distracted me.

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