Chapter 7: Uncovered

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After the hairdresser, I spent the early evening going through my very spacious closet, frustrated that I couldn't find just the right pair of shoes. The shoe storage area alone had to be the size of the bedroom I had had as a child. Tonight, it was disappointingly empty of the appropriate footwear, despite the thousands of dollars of pumps, boots, sandals, and sling-backs.

My phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered and attempted not to fall on my face as I tried on yet another pair.

A familiar voice spoke. "Olivia! Come and answer your door!"

"What do you want, Lucifer? I'm trying to get ready."

Exasperated, he demanded, "Just come answer your door so that we can have a proper conversation."

I rolled my eyes and hung up but did what he asked. When I opened the door, he stunned me. I'd seen him in a suit before, but not one like the one he was currently wearing. It was black, expertly fitted, and looked astounding over the red silk shirt he wore. The color of scarlet matched my dress as if they were from the same dye lot.

My heart pounded and, by the way he looked at me, I was positive he knew.

He smirked. "Are you going to invite me in, Olivia?"

I broke out of my reverie and stepped aside, blushing, for him to brush by me. He kissed me on the cheek as he did.

I shut the door and took a deep breath, then turned around. I am not dating the Devil.

He looked at me from head to toe, then caught and held my eyes for a moment, the desire in his creating an ice-blue-driven heat. He grinned seductively and held out a flat black velvet case. "I brought you something to go with your dress."

"How did you know what my dress looked like?"

He scoffed. "Oh, come now. I am the Devil. I deal, and I know things. I made a deal with the seamstress. A very lucrative deal, I might add." He eyed my attire again.

I snorted a laugh until I realized he was serious. "You dealt with someone to find out about a dress?"

"Not a dress, Olivia. Your dress. It was a minor trade. You will find your seamstress seems a little more agile the next time you see her. Getting old was wearing on her. I helped ease it a bit." He held out the box a bit more, "Now, here. Let me help you with this."

I took the box, opened it, and found the most stunning jewelry set I'd ever seen: a necklace, earrings, and bracelet of diamonds, set with rubies as the focal points. They glittered against the black velvet backdrop of the case, the clarity and cut of each clear jewel a masterpiece in and of itself. The rubies, the central one as big as my thumb, were deep red and free of imperfection. The ensemble begged me to wear it.

"Good lord, Lucifer!" I exclaimed, running my hand over the jewels. "I make good money, but I'd still never buy something like this for myself. It's too much." I snapped the lid shut and tried to hand it back to him.

"Olivia. Do not insult me." His voice was low and enticing; I shivered from the sound of it and imagined him caressing my skin. "Tell everyone it is costume jewelry if you wish, but accept the gift. It is not every day I give a date such things... at least not without a deal."

"Oh, Lucifer, don't you see? That's part of the problem I have with being 'the date.' We are in a deal. Wouldn't it be, I don't know, against the rules or something for us to see each other romantically? Like, I'd have an unfair advantage or something?"

He chuckled. "I am the Devil, Olivia. Breaking the rules, and giving unfair advantages, is what I do."

I had to admit his logic was sound. "Well, there is that."

He took the box from me and lifted out the necklace, setting the bracelet and earrings aside on the entry table. "Now, come here and let me put it on you."

I turned my back to him to face the mirror in the hall. I held my hair up out of the way as he clasped it around my neck. I shivered as he trailed his finger down my bare spine.

"It's beautiful, Lucifer. Thank you."

"It is more stunning on you than in the box," he murmured in my ear.

I am not dating the Devil.

I changed the subject. "What do I do with the snake necklace? You said to wear it all the time."

He touched the golden clasp, and the tiny snake and chain came alive to work itself into the jeweled necklace's design, disguising itself. "Huh, nifty."

It wasn't long, however, before I lost myself in the feel of the necklace around my neck. It had weight. I touched it again. "It really is stunning."

"I am glad you like it." He offered to help with the bracelet next. I allowed him to clasp it on my wrist, his fingers brushing my racing pulse, before donning the earrings myself. They coordinated perfectly and looked amazing with my coloring. But then, they were glorious all on their own and would have looked astonishing on the skin of any woman.

"So, have you made up your mind about allowing me to accompany you tonight?"

My eyes narrowed. "Was the jewelry a bribe, Lucifer?"

He laughed, his emotion genuine. "No. But these are!" He snapped a shoebox into his hands with a smirk. He opened it; inside were the shoes I had spent all day searching out, to no avail.

I nearly squealed in delight, reaching for them, but he whipped the lid closed just before I touched them. "No. You cannot have them unless I can go with you."

I eyed the shoebox for some time. "I want to try them on before I decide."

"Reasonable," he concluded, surrendering the cardboard container.

I didn't even take them back to the closet before putting them on. Of course, they fit like... well, like one would expect the perfect pair of hell-shoes to fit.

"So, why do you want to go to the party so badly?"

Tsking, he reproached, "Olivia. It is not that I want to go to the party, though I do have business there which would be convenient to discuss. It is because I want to go out with you."

I frowned, confused. "Wait. So, this will be a working date for you? You're going to make deals while at the party?"

"I had thought to, yes. I am a practical man. Lawyers are almost always good for a deal or two, and there are some at Shawna's firm I have yet to entice. However, if you object, I will refrain."

"Well, it makes me feel rather used, Lucifer."

"Why? You know I can approach these people at any time. I do not need to be with you on a date to do that. I only thought to take advantage and kill several birds with one stone, as they say."

I scowled. "You're not going to abandon me for the evening, are you? Like, we get there, and you disappear, off doing your deals?"

"No, I promise. I have my ways. All you will see is the handshake."

I contemplated. The shoes felt marvelous. I'd have a hot date, and he'd likely be entertaining. Plus, he looks astonishing in that suit. "Okay. Yes. Come with me."

He grinned widely. "Why, thank you. I thought you would never ask. I accept."

We strode, fashionably late, into the party in full swing. Shawna would be even more fashionably late; she had gotten distracted by her police officer date before they'd made it out the door. It seemed she needed another shower.

As we entered, I could feel people looking at us and felt a little uncomfortable until Lucifer snaked his arm around my waist. Then I felt a lot uncomfortable.

I am not dating the Devil.

Peggy, somewhat intoxicated, came up first, 'flirt guns a'blazin,'' so to speak. "Well, you are amazing!" she declared, eyeing him with appreciation and ignoring me altogether. She swirled her finger. "Give us a whirl, and let's see what you've got."

Lucifer looked down on her, one eyebrow cocked. "No. Now, stop being rude."

His refusal flabbergasted Peggy. Men said no to Peggy even less often than to Shawna, and that was almost never. She opened her mouth to say something but then shut it when Lucifer held up a finger of his own.

"Olivia, will you introduce us, please?"

"Peggy, this is my date, Lucas. Lucas, this is Peggy, Jillian's admin assistant. Jillian is Shawna's boss."

He held out his hand, and she took it. The odd shift of a deal struck rippled in the space around us. "It has been a pleasure." Lucifer looked at her with disdain.

Peggy turned on her heel and sauntered away.

"What was that?" I asked before realizing what had happened. "Wait. You just made a deal!"

"Yes, I did. She will never poach on your date again."

"Oh? What does she get in return?"

He smiled wickedly, "Now, Olivia. A good Devil does not deal and tell... mostly. Come on. We will pretend like we acquired some party champagne, but I have two never-empty glasses of the best of that too."

I grinned in response. "Oooo! Hell-bubbly! That sounds amazing right about now."

He grabbed two glasses off the incoming tray. "Here, try this."

I sipped. "Oh my god, that's amazing!" He faked a wince and laughed. "I'm so sorry. Maybe, 'Fucking hell, that's the best champagne I've ever had!' would be more to your liking?"

"Now you are getting the hang of it!"

We went around the party meeting everyone, and Lucifer shook hands with nearly all of them. I only felt the shift five or six times, but it was enough to plaster a gigantic smile across his face.

We headed around a corner of a hallway looking for Jillian when Lucifer did an abrupt about-face and dragged me back the way we came.

"What the hell?" I admonished. "What's going on, Lucifer?"

"There is someone here I must not meet. I am sorry, Olivia, but I have to go." Before I could protest, he fire-snapped, stepped through the portal, and left.

I'd just closed my mouth when Sarah and her date rounded the corner, heads together, giggling. Something had smeared the lipstick she wore, yet his lips were oddly clean. I knew she'd shown him a good time at least. I hoped he'd returned the favor. Good ol' straight-laced, Ms. Pure, Sarah. But hey, when at a firm party...

She giggled when she saw me, saying something about having to fix her makeup in the Ladies Room. I smiled and nodded, but I didn't pay attention. As soon as they had each found their restroom, I made for the nearest supply closet so I could fire-snap, not trusting my abilities rendered it unseen on camera if there were any. One could never be too careful.

I found myself in his outer office, staring at an inner door. I presumed to knock but heard his sister behind me say, "He's not there, hon."

I spun around. "Where is he?" I demanded.

"I don't really know. I just know he came in, then went back out immediately. We didn't even speak."

"We were at a party when suddenly he said there was someone there he didn't want to meet, so he left."

She shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you. The Devil works in mysterious ways."

Sensing I would not get any information out of her, I fire-snapped back to the closet, determined to have fun without him.

I nearly crashed into Sarah as she came out of the bathroom.

"Oh! Hi, Olivia! That's a stunning necklace ensemble you have on."

"Thank you, Sarah. It's costume, but I thought it was so pretty, I just had to have it."

She looked smug, "Well, take a gander at this!" She lifted a silver-colored pendant on a long chain. It was a tiny box, about a finger's width on a side. "Michael bought it for me to add to my Pandora's Box collection!"

My inner alarm rang. I smiled, admiring the box. "It's quite nice, Sarah. Silver?"

"Platinum! Michael's a doctor, you know. I'm hoping it's going to work out."

"Yes, I see. No costume jewelry for you!"

"Nope!" she giggled, just a little drunk. "I've got to go. He's waiting for me."

"Okay, it was good chatting."

Is that Hope? I pondered. The reason Lucifer couldn't meet her? She'd recognize him, and he wasn't supposed to be helping me?

My gut said I was onto something.

My heart, on the other hand, was seething about the abandonment.

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