Chapter 9: Beginning to See

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I woke abruptly, not remembering for several seconds where I was or what had transpired. My eyes popped open to see a room full of sunshine from a bank of nearly floor-to-ceiling windows. I became aware of someone sitting beside me, and I turned my head.

A man—no, an angel—a very weary-looking angel sat in a chair, leaning forward, elbows on his knees, watching me. His hair looked black like jet, and his eyes shone blue like cornflowers. His waiting had rumpled his clothes, and he hadn't shaved in some time.

"Lucifer," I gasped his name.

"Welcome back, Olivia." His voice cracked, and he swallowed. I wondered how long he'd been sitting there, observing.

"Did—did I almost die?" I asked.

His brow wrinkled. "Yes. It was a very close thing."

"And, you would have had to collect? Do I recall that right?"

"Yes," he answered, careful to say no more.

I watched him. "Would you have collected?"

He closed his eyes and swallowed. "I would have had no choice."


He looked at me again, "Why would I have collected?"

"No. Why would you have had no choice?"

His voice was thin. "Because this is my job, Olivia."

"Who says?"

"By His decree."

"I don't understand." I scowled.

"I made a deal with Him."

"A deal?" My eyes widened. "With God?"

"Yes. I wanted to be free. In return for that freedom, and at the cost of my soul, He placed me in this role. It seemed a good bargain at the time."

"Wait. Did you say soul? As in He made a soul deal with you? He owns your soul?"

"Yes," he said, nodding once.

"So, if you renege on your deal, you go to Heaven?"

He sighed. "Yes."

I blinked, not quite believing what I was hearing. "You... hate Heaven that much?"

"I hate being controlled that much."

"But why this job? Why torturing souls? Why dealing with the sinners?" I craved to know everything.

"Because He no longer wanted to get his hands dirty."

Confusion settled on me. I didn't know what to say.

He stood. "I will go." He raised his hand to create a portal.

"No!" I reached to stop him. "Wait! I want you to stay."

"You do?" he asked, eyebrows raising.


He lowered his hand. "I am sorry, Olivia."

My brow creased. "For what?"

"For leaving you at the party."

"Oh." I'd almost forgotten. It seemed so long ago.

"I wish I could explain, but I cannot."

"It has something to do with my contract, doesn't it?"

"Yes. I will say no more." He knelt beside the bed, taking my hand once more, "I thought I was too late, Olivia. I thought I had lost you."

"I don't understand. You own my soul. How could you lose me if I die?"

He cleared his throat. "This is the price I am paying to ask a favor of you. If you fail while under contract, I am forced to collect your soul, but I don't get to keep it. He does. If that happens, He will force me to take Deirdre; He will keep you apart forever as punishment for helping me."

"Wait. So, Heaven, in essence, becomes Hell for me?"

"Yes," he whispered.

I closed my eyes, and he squeezed my hand.

"You have my word I would care for Deirdre well," he insisted. "She does not belong with me."

I smiled weakly and opened my eyes. I knew with all my being what Lucifer said was true.

"I am sorry, Olivia," he repeated.

I trailed the back of my hand down his rough cheek. "You made a deal with me fair and square. I intend to complete it."

He closed his eyes and sighed.

I sat at the kitchen counter as Lucifer cooked for me. He had insisted on brunch and I, starving, readily agreed. He started snapping up ingredients until I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Why not just snap me an omelet if you're going to call in all these things?"

"Because I want to cook for you."

"But it's so much work," I pointed out as he whisked the eggs and milk together.

"I want to do this for you, Olivia," he said, stopping to look at me. "Is that okay? I can snap up an omelet if you wish..."

"No, cooking for me is nice, Lucifer. Thank you." I reached and stole a hunk of cheese.

He continued, and I watched, realizing I had, after all, succumbed to dating the Devil. Sort of. Maybe it was just the afterglow from him saving me. When it faded, then I'd take a closer look.

"So, what is scrying?" I asked. I figured we could at least talk about something other than deals with Him and my almost death.

"It is a way to see people and events you wouldn't otherwise," he said, pouring the egg mixture into a pool of melted butter in the hot pan.

"Hmm. Yes, okay, but I'm not sure I understand how you think I will put it to use."

"If you need help with the scrying, ask my sister. She can show you how it works."

"Oh! She's allowed to help me?"

"To a point, yes. Neither of us can help you discover, locate, and choose who the Virtues are, but we can, in some instances, provide tools for you to use."

"Hence, the fire-snap travel," I concluded.

"Hence, the fire-snap travel," he agreed and nodded. He worked the sides of the omelet away from the pan and folded it perfectly. Grabbing a plate, he was soon sliding it toward me. "Eat slowly and only until you feel full. You have not eaten in days. Eating too fast or too much will make you sick."

I did as he told me, but I could only manage to eat half of it. "I'm sorry I can't finish." I pushed it away.

"Honestly, I did not expect you to. I can eat the rest. I have not had a lot of food either."

"Why didn't you fix yourself one?" I exclaimed.

He grinned. "I did. I just let you eat what you wanted of it first."

I laughed, "So, this wasn't you being sweet to me, just you sharing your brunch?"

"Right," he smirked before eating, his manners impeccable.

I rolled my eyes, smiled, then slipped off the stool. "I'm going to take a shower and get dressed."

"Okay, I will clean up, but then I have to go. I have some deals which I need to make today. Do you want me to send my sister around in about an hour to help you with the scrying?"

"Yes, that would be great!" I wandered off to the bathroom. It wasn't until I was under the spray I realized I would have liked to have kissed goodbye. But we hadn't had our first kiss yet, and I wanted it to be meaningful.

Geeze, I thought to myself, you sound like Sarah.

Sarah. Hope? I wondered how the scrying was going to help solve that dilemma.

I had just poured myself a glass of ice water when someone rang the doorbell. I checked the monitor, then I opened the door and ushered Lucifer's sister through the door.

I beamed. "Lilith! Come in." I lead her to the living room, offering her a beverage as I did. She requested water. Turning to the coffee table, I asked, "So, what's with this stuff? Lucifer said something about Nostradamus?"

"This was his equipment. He wanted to predict the future, so Lucifer had this mirror made for him. It worked beautifully for the man once he settled on a topic, person, or event. He was just too dimwitted to explain what he saw in any form people could work with." She sipped her bourbon.

"So, Nostradamus is in Hell?" I asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Oh, yes. He writes children's stories now. He's quite good. Being dead suits him."

I blinked, saw her half-smile, then burst out laughing. "Seriously? Children's stories?"

She nodded with a wry grin. "Most of the demon children love them. It's quite comical," she said as she sat on the couch to play with my growing kitten. "But to the matter at hand. Let's get everything moved somewhere you can sit and be comfortable."

"My office should work nicely."

"I take it you don't know about scrying at all?" She had made herself comfortable in one of the leather guest chairs. She crossed her legs and sipped her drink.

"No, I know nothing."

"Well, it takes a bit of practice, but once you get the hang of it, it isn't hard."

I picked up the mirror from the desk. "You keep calling this a mirror, but I don't see a silver backing. In fact, it looks black. I mean, I see reflections from the surface of the glass, but not like a mirror."

She nodded, "Yes, it's called a 'black' or 'dark' mirror. It doesn't have a silvered back. The makers first cover it with a layer of black paint or tar, then a thick cloth or felt."

She had me adjust the mirror so I didn't see my reflection in it. "Okay, relax and let the images form inside. At first, you'll just see them around the edges, but when you look right at them, they'll disappear. But as you get used to it, you'll see the image get more and more clear. Expect it to take at least two or three days of serious practice to have this happen."

She lit the candle for me and set it beside the mirror. I thought its reflection would make things worse, but it gave me something slightly inside the mirror on which to focus. Soon, odd shapes and swirls were popping up along the edges, just as she said.

"It's working!" I exclaimed.

"You're doing well! You have no idea how long it took that man to get this far," she explained. "So, once you can see the images clearly, you then focus on your person. Animals will work too. Your will determines what the mirror shows you."

I closed my eyes, the strain giving me a headache. I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Okay, I'm going to need to practice!"

"Yes, but I have a feeling you will be a natural." She smiled and reached for her purse. "Here, I have something for you." She brought out a jewelry box and gave it to me.

"What is it with you two and jewelry?" I chuckled.

She laughed too and said, "Well, this is nowhere near as nice as diamonds and rubies, but I think you will find it immensely more helpful."

I opened the top to find a miniature replica of the scrying mirror as a pendant on a long chain. I lifted it out of the box and put it on. I was on a long chain; I could easily tuck it under just about anything I wore.

"Once you get good at the big mirror, the little one becomes your portable tool. You can scry on the go!"

"Oh! Yes, I can see why this would be very helpful!" I hugged her, "Thank you, Lilith. It's an excellent gift."

"You're quite welcome," she said and stood. "Now, I'm afraid I must go. I have a date!"

"Oh, sounds nice! Who's the lucky man?"

"Pfft. I swore off men centuries ago. I've got a wonderful butch waiting for me," she said with a wink.

I laughed with her, "Lucky woman, then."

"She seems to feel the same about me, so I am indeed fortunate."

"Well, no matter who it is, I hope there is love there for both of you."

"Thank you, Olivia. That's kind of you. Now, I really must be off!" she said and fire-snapped a portal. Only, hers led to a beautiful garden, not Lucifer's office.

Before I could ask, she had disappeared.

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