Graduation *

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Author's note: Before you read this chapter, there is some potentially triggering content in it. Please DO NOT read this chapter if you are sensitive to scenes of rape and the aftermath. Please stay well!! Love, author-nim

Catherine's POV

The day I've worked so hard for is here. I can't believe I finished! Bridget and I are getting ready for commencement, and talking about how we have 5 company Christmas parties we're organizing. Our friends are going to meet us for a group lunch before we go to the arena.

We get to the restaurant, and see that Bridget's Mom has actually set up a whole graduation themed buffet for our group. She's so amazing. It was a complete surprise considering we share the same work space.

Our group eats and pops some champagne. The atmosphere is light, and we are all having the best time. B's Mom comes in with a HUGE bouquet of flowers, and sets it in front of me.

I don't even know what to say, but I grab the card. I open it and read "Congratulations Catherine and friends! You should be so proud of your achievements. Have fun tonight! -BTS"
On the back there was a separate note that read "Catherine! I'm so proud of you! Can't wait to see you! I love you! Your Hobi!"

My friends are all loving that 'they' got flowers from BTS. I ask Mom to break the bouquet into 6 separate smaller ones, and she smiles at me nodding. I'll photo copy the card for them and make them their own card after tonight.

We all head out to commencement. Ash, Jess, and Samantha take one car, while Bridget and I bring Josh with us. Josh had his shoulder surgery a month ago, and is finally without the sling. He's talking about how he can't wait for the bar later. He's not alone! We even called ahead and they're holding our table for us! It's going to be a great night!!

The ceremony goes by quicker than we imagined. It's feels a little like life is suddenly on fast forward. Heading back outside, we pose for pictures.

Now it's time to P-A-R-T-Y!!! The 6 of us head to the bar and meet some of our other friends. Walking in to the bar that we've spent many nights at, I feel sad. Knowing that we have to "adult" from now on, and the carefree days are over is sad. But I quickly put those thoughts aside. We're here to celebrate!!

Too Many Drinks Later

*⚠️ Mature Content/Sexual Violence⚠️*

We've been drinking, dancing, and laughing for hours. Our friend Ash is passed out in the booth, but the rest of us are still going strong. I know I should stop drinking, but I feel good now, so I just keep going... Bridget is telling everyone that will listen, how much she loves them, and Josh is twerking randomly.

I head outside for a cigarette, and enjoy the cold air after the hot stuffy bar. I'm smiling at the thought that in a little more than 2 weeks I'm going to see Hoseok. I'm shivering from the cold, but it's helping me wake up some, since the alcohol is making me really tired. I'm about to head inside when I feel someone grab me from behind. I start to turn when he says "Miss me?"

Spinning around and pushing as hard as I can, I glare at Jacob. He laughs and grabs me by my arms, pulling me closer to him and slamming his lips on mine. I struggle to get away but he's too strong. I try to knee him, but he's too fast. He grips my arms harder and tears start to form in my eyes.

He pulls out from the kiss to catch his breath, and I scream at him.


Jacob - "Congratulating my girlfriend on her graduation... I'm so proud of you baby."

Me - "You're NOT my boyfriend so LET ME GO YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!"

Jacob - "No. You're coming with me. We're going to make up, and get back to where we're supposed to be."


The next thing I know he's choking me and I can't breathe... I am looking at his face full of rage and I've never been this scared before. I hit, slap, and claw at him but he doesn't budge. In fact it just makes his hold on my neck tighter... I feel myself getting weaker, and the black dots in my vision start. I try to slap his face but can't lift my arms anymore. He chuckles and releases my neck.

Jacob - "Sweet dreams baby"

That's the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness.


My scalp burning and tearing from being dragged...

Choking as his cock slams into my throat...

My dress torn away...

The air hitting my naked body...

A hand on my breast squeezing hard...

The sting of teeth biting my body...

The agony as he slams 3 fingers into my sex...

The belt cutting into my wrist as I struggle to break away...

My virginity stolen when he pushes himself into me roughly...

Over and over...

The pain in my jaw from the punch when I bit him...

The metallic taste of blood from the lip bite he gave me when I wouldn't open my mouth...

Suffocating into a pillow when he flipped me onto my stomach and raped me from behind...

The pain on my buttocks when he spanked me for being bad...

50 spanks...

His teeth biting hard on my nipple making me scream...

His grunts...

His moans...


The taste of his cum in my mouth as he gags me with his dick again...

My screams...

My pleas for him to stop...




The smell of a cigarette once he's satisfied...

The sound of his voice professing his love...

It starts again...

Spreading my legs wide...

His teeth biting my clit...

My scream...

Him slamming into me again...


Skin slapping...



Whispered pleas...

Black dots messing up my vision...



Pain... It's the only thing that registers. I hear my phone somewhere in the room, but can't move. Trying to open my eyes is impossible. My throat is on fire, and feels bruised. I lick my lips but whimper because they're split.

I'm ruined. He broke me. He should have just killed me.

Bridget's POV

I can't believe I drank that much... My head is splitting. I don't even remember when Catherine left. Josh and I closed down the bar. The owner brought us both home to my place. I have to call Catherine... I'll just shower and drink some water first.

The hot water helps clear some of the haze from last night. After I dry off, I pull on sweats and a hoodie. I head downstairs to see Josh passed out on my couch. I head to make something to eat and call Catherine while I'm waiting for the coffee maker. No answer... She must still be sleeping. I'll go over after I eat something and drink some coffee.

2 hours later

I've finally been able to wake Josh. He's in the shower now, and when he's done we're going to get an Uber to the bar to pick up my car that I left last night. I should probably stop in and thank the owner as well. Keeping good relationships with local businesses is important now that we are going to be expanding after the new year.

Josh is finally ready and our Uber is here. After 15 minutes we're looking at my car, which is one of many left from last night. I poke my head into the bar, and wave at the owner. Saying a quick thanks for the ride home last night, we promise to come in as often as we can. We get in my car and head towards Catherine's.

Josh asks "I don't remember when Catherine left last night, do you?"

"No... But she was pretty drunk... She must have gotten a ride or got an Uber."

"She usually tells us though..."

"Yeah... To be honest... The night is a blur, so maybe she did... ??"

We pull into Catherine's driveway, and slowly walk to the door. The first thing I notice is the front door is not closed. She must have been super drunk to not lock up. When we get inside, it's clear she's still sleeping. Josh heads to make her the 'chicken n stars' soup she loves when she's sick, while I get some water and headache meds.

Josh finishes the soup, and we make Cath a tray to bring up. We're heading to the stairs when I notice something... Blood... I point it out to Josh and we both stop. Paying more attention than before, I notice blood on the wall also.

Josh sets the tray down and we both sprint towards the stairs calling her name...

Throwing open her door, my breath is stolen. There lies my best friend covered in blood and bruises. Her eyes are black and blue and swollen. Her arms are tied by a belt to the headboard. She's completely naked, and I can tell what's happened by the blood on her inner thighs.

I rush to her and undo the belt from her wrists making her whimper. Josh turns away and says he'll call the police. As he's about to leave

Catherine grunts "No"

"Catherine... He should call. You need to get to the hospital too."

"I said no... Please... don't"

Her voice is soft and sounds hoarse. I offer her water, but she can't sit. I help her to prop herself against the headboard.

She reaches out with trembling hands to take the water, but she can't grasp the glass. Sitting forward, I help her take a few sips. I ask her again if I can call the police... She said no and says she just wants a shower. I tell her she has to wait until after the rape kit.

The tears start falling from her eyes and she's shaking her head. I know enough that I shouldn't cover her, but I can't leave her like this. She's shaking violently either from cold or fear. I try to take her hand, but she rips it away and screams at me.


"Cath... I want to help. Tell me what I can do... Please!"

She starts sobbing and curls into a ball on her bed. I reach out again and gently stroke her hair. She whines a little when I touch a spot that has blood. This fucker ripped her scalp...

"Catherine... Please... He can't get away with this. Don't let him. Let Josh call the police. I'll stay with you the whole time. Please Cath..."

I feel tears dripping from my eyes, but quickly wipe then away. I need to be strong right now.

"I'm so embarrassed... I don't want people to know..."

"What? You have nothing to be embarrassed about... You didn't do anything wrong."

"I was too drunk... I couldn't fight him... I was so stupid..."

"shhhhh.... Let's call... As soon as we do this, you can have the longest bath."

I'm relieved when she nods her head weakly.

"Please don't leave me... Please..."

"Never Cath. I'll never leave you."

I hear Josh on the phone, and know he's calling the police. Catherine is trembling violently and whispering how she's the worst person, that Hoseok will find her disgusting if he finds out, and how she wants to die... I won't let that happen. I stroke her hair as gently as possible and speak soothing words hoping that some of them get through to her.

We hear sirens and heavy footsteps and Catherine starts crying harder. The male officer approaches her, but backs away immediately when Catherine starts screaming. He leaves the room and a female officer comes in. She comes closer slowly. When Catherine has quieted some the officer gives her name, but I know Catherine isn't hearing.

After about 20 minutes the paramedics arrive. They are both females thank God. Maybe the reason it took so long is that they weren't females at first. They wrap a warm blanket around Catherine. She flinches but doesn't fight back. As soon as she's warmed up some they help her onto the gurney. They start to secure her so she doesn't fall and she freaks. Sharing a look with each other, they know they will have to take her out without the restraints. I take Catherine's hand and she looks at me. I smile and tell her she's so brave. I walk next to the gurney holding her hand while they bring her downstairs.

In the ambulance they try to secure her again, in case there's an accident, but they get the same result.

"B... Where's Josh? Did he leave because I'm disgusting?"

"No... He's at your house to let the police in to investigate. He loves you Cath. He'd never think you're anything other than beautiful. Don't say those things."

"Please... Don't tell Hoseok..."

"He's in love with you Catherine. He'll just want you to be alright. But I won't tell him... You should though."

"hmmm... I will think about it."

Catherine's POV

The detective just left. She took Bridget out with her... I freaked out... A nurse came to me and held my hand gently. I feel disgusted with myself. She's wearing gloves, so she must be disgusted by me too...

Laying back on the bed the tears pour out of my eyes, running into my ears. I just stare at the ceiling, and try to breathe. They want to examine me, but I've refused. I don't want anyone to touch me ever again... My neck is stinging as the tears run down and touch the raw skin.

People are talking, but I can't hear them... I feel a touch on my face and I flinch squeezing my eyes shut.... please go away... please...

Bridget's POV

The detective insisted on speaking to me so I had to leave Catherine. I watch her break down as I leave the room. Nothing I say is calming her, but the sooner I get this over with, the sooner I'll be back...

They asked me if I know who may have done this to her. She hasn't said, and even though I think I know, I won't falsely accuse someone. I tell them I don't know, but the detective says he can tell I have someone in mind. I deny it, but he's making me nervous. I understand his frustration. When they questioned Catherine, she wouldn't speak. It's like she's absent even though she's right in front of us.

They tried a bunch of ways to get her to say something, but she just won't talk. She's still mumbling to herself though. All those disgusting things about how she's dirty, and noone will ever love her anymore. How she wants to die... I asked her who did this to her but she didn't answer. If I find out it was Jacob, I'll kill him with my own hands...

My fear reaches it's peak when the detective starts asking about Josh. They want to know where he was last night. When I tell them he was with me, I feel like they don't believe me. Josh is one of our best friends and would die before EVER hurting any one of us. I give them the name of the bar owner who gave us a ride, and hopefully that'll end the strange and upsetting look into Josh for this.

When I reenter Catherine's room, she is catatonic. It hurts so much to see her staring but not seeing... The nurse lets go of her hand when I get beside her. She whispers that they are going to medicate her to give her some sleep hoping that when she wakes she'll be able to speak to us. I hope so too. Whoever did this deserves to be punished... They deserve to die...


Hello everyone! Sorry for the super depressing chapter.

PLEASE! If you, or someone you know, is the victim of sexual assault, speak out. There is no place in this world for deviant behavior like this!

I love you all!!!! Thank you for reading!





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