July 10-14, 2017 -part 4 *

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Author's POV

With some guilt, but a need to share with the leader, Yoongi approached Namjoon worrying about all the ways the current situation could blow up. Namjoon seemed lost in his own thoughts, and Yoongi almost walked away. In the end he decided to talk to him about the letter that Jungkook had written. The 2 men sat and told each other everything about the situation.

Namjoon was very upset to hear that Jungkook is feeling defeated. He did a really nice thing by sending the letter, and it was brave of him to admit his feelings even without signing the letter. Neither man knows how to help their brothers. Hoseok should own the fact he didn't write it, but got himself stuck by not denying immediately. Namjoon decides maybe he'll talk with Ashley (Halsey) to see what she might know, and how serious this could be if it comes out that the author of the letter was Jungkook and not Hoseok. None of them wants to risk Catherine's mental health.

Halsey's POV

I got a call from Bridget today. She wants to plan a surprise party for Catherine's birthday next month. We spoke for a bit, and I'm excited to help out. These girls definitely know how to plan a party. I guess it IS their job after all... While thinking about how Cath is in England with Hoseok, I hear my phone ringing from the bedroom. I walk in to see Namjoon's ID. We've become good friends in the past couple months.


"Hi Joon"

"How are you?"

"Good. How are you doing?"

"Also good. Busy though."

"Did you just call to chat, or is there something you need?"

"Well... I'm wondering if you know anything about the letter Catherine received when she was in hospital."

"Bridget mentioned it after she and Catherine translated it. Why? Is there a problem?"

"They had to translate it?"

"Yes. It was written in Hangul. Bridget said that it came with no return address, but was post marked Seoul. What's going on Joon? Should I be worried? Is this some sasaeng shit?"

"No... It's nothing to do with sasaengs... Did Bridget say anything else?"

"Just that Catherine was so touched that Hoseok took the time to write her such a beautiful letter even though he's so busy. She said she's never had someone express such pure affection before..."

"..... Hoseok..... Uh...."

"You're worrying me Joon. What's going on?"

"Well.... If I tell you, please don't repeat it. I'm still figuring it out..."

"My lips are sealed. Now talk to me."

"Hoseok didn't write the letter..."


"I know... At first I think it was a misunderstanding, but now... I think he's in some trouble..."

"Do you know who DID write it?"

"I do... But I shouldn't say..."

"It wasn't someone writing it FOR Hoseok?"

"Nope... The person wrote from their heart... and now Hoseok has failed to deny he wrote it to Catherine when she mentioned it... It's a mess..."

"You really won't tell me who wrote it?"

"I would, but they didn't tell me themselves, I heard it second hand, and only because I'm the leader, and need to know when things like this might get between the members."

"How about if I guess... Will you confirm?"

"Ok... who do you think?"


"Yes... but really... you can't say anything. He'll die if he thinks she knows. He's so shy about this. He really likes her, but was too scared to tell her."

"I promise not to tell. I just wish I could help them all. I don't know what's going on in England, so I can't say how close they are getting. I guess when she gets back, we'll know better."

"All we can do is wait."

Catherine's POV

Today was a wonderful day. Hoseok took me to the hotel spa and we had a couple's massage and some other treatments. I'm currently sitting in an amazing whirlpool and waiting on Hoseok to come back from a treatment he decided to do. The pressure of being a K-pop idol is for real. Especially keeping their skin healthy and glowing. Watching him the past couple of days doing his regular routine makes me thankful that I have pretty good skin. I just have to keep it clean, and put moisturizer on it, and I'm good to go. He uses many different products, and rotates them day to day. He has a lot of patience, that's for sure.

I start thinking seriously about whether or not I'm ready for taking a new step in our sexual relationship. I'm scared honestly. I think that I'm ready, but is our relationship ready? Is he "the one"? He's been so sweet and understanding with me. The past couple days he hasn't even gone past kissing. I know it's so he doesn't make me feel pressured. But the letter he wrote, and the feelings he has for me, make me believe that I might be falling for him.

I feel a splash and look up to see a grinning Hoseok. He had jumped into the whirlpool like a kid and we both laughed. We sit and talk for a bit and then decide we want to go back to the room and order some room service. We are both leaving tomorrow and want to just stay in our room and watch some movies. Just be together. I am going to miss him when we separate. I've never had a more thoughtful boyfriend before.

Back in the room we ordered dinner and watched a couple movies. As the night went on, I could feel the sexual tension building between us. I started to get nervous thinking about my decision. I just don't know if I'm ready, but I don't want to lose him, so I think I'm going to go for it. He'll take care of me, right?

To lessen my anxiety I excuse myself to go and shower. The water washing away my nerves. I've decided. Tonight I'll give myself to him. I'm ready... I think...

When I get out, Hoseok went to shower and get ready for bed. Watching him walk to the bathroom, I smiled to myself about my decision. He's sweet, caring, and sexy as hell. No one could be better... I can't say I'm in love, but I'm close. I know I care about him alot, and maybe I just don't know what being in love actually feels like...


Hoseok's POV

Coming out of the bathroom, I saw Catherine lying on the bed. She had fallen asleep. She's so cute. I could look at her all night. I went to the bed and lay next to her. She was sleeping in just a t-shirt and panties. Her back was facing me. I placed my hand on her waist and pulled her to me. I started kissing the back and side of her neck. I then gently bit her earlobe. I placed my head in the crook of her neck and kissed her cheek. I moved my hand down to her panties and rubbed her clothed clit. 

Catherine suddenly rolled over which made me pull my hand back from her heat. She was now laying straight on  her back on the bed. She looks like an angel... She really is so beautiful. I couldn't keep myself from kissing her lips. I pulled her t-shirt up and started caressing her body. She's so perfect. She started responding to my touch and my hand made it's way back into her panties. Catherine let out a low moan and parted her lips. I pushed my middle finger inside of her and circled her clit with my thumb. She's so tight. She is so wet and I moved my finger in and out of her.

I was looking at her beautiful face while fingering her. Her expression started to change and she was now breathing heavily. I added a  second finger and continued finger fucking her. I wanted to make love to her so badly. I am hoping she'll open her eyes and that we'll move on to that next step. She's panting lightly, and moaning continuously. I wonder if she is having a wet dream, or if she is pretending to be asleep. I feel her walls clenching, and I know she's close. I whisper her name in her ear and lick her earlobe. She opens her eyes suddenly. She didn't look scared, but she was surprised.

She opened her mouth to speak and I took her lips with mine. She raised her hips to meet my hand, and moaned into the kiss. I increased the speed of my fingers and deepened them making her grab the sheets tightly and groan. I found her g-spot. She became a beautiful mess, moaning louder and louder. I fastened my speed helping her get to her climax. After a couple minutes she came hard on my fingers. I helped her ride out her orgasm, and took my fingers away, licking them clean. She watched me with her mouth hung open. I said "mmmm... good" 

I leaned in and hovered her, giving her a deep and passionate kiss, letting her taste how delicious she is. I moved my hand inside her shirt and started squeezing and massaging her breasts. I kissed  her neck and left marks along the side. I pinched her nipples earning more moans from her. I moved myself between her thighs, and she looked in to my eyes... I started to move my pants down, and she widened her eyes, and I could see it... PANIC...

Author's POV

The couple sat together in the Starbucks inside the airport. They were awkward and quiet with each other. Hoseok reached out and fiddled with Catherine's fingers. He smiled at her, but she looked down at their hands and sighed. She wants to apologize again, but she knows he'll not hear it. She is battling her mind, and blaming herself for what DIDN'T happen last night.

On the other hand, Hoseok is not upset or even disappointed. He's feeling guilty that she is struggling. He is trying to find words to express how much he cares for her, and wants to continue their relationship. He wants to tell her that there WILL be a next time. But he can't find the right thing to say.

Finally getting some courage, Hoseok asks Catherine a question.

"Are we ok?"

"What do mean?"

"How to say? You still want to talk to me?"

"Of course I do... I was thinking you might not want to talk to me anymore."

"I like you Cafferine. I not change that."

"I like you too Hobi. I'm sorry for what..."

"No! You no say sorry. I tell you it ok! I not mad!"

"I'm still sorry... But thank you for understanding."

"We be ok. We talk and text... We FaceTime... We see each other again later."

"I have had the best time with you. Thank you for everything. I'll miss you."

"I miss you too"

Hand in hand, the now relaxed two-some headed toward the first class lounge. When Catherine's flight was called for boarding they stood and embraced each other until the 5 minute call. They shared a sweet and gentle kiss that lasted longer than was probably appropriate, but they didn't care. Stepping back, Catherine smiled and waved goodbye to Hoseok. When Catherine walked out of his view, Hoseok stood and watched from the window until her plane had moved away from the gate.

"다음에 사랑할 때까지"

"Until next time love"


I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you to everyone who's reading this story. Love you all!!





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