May 21, 2017 *

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Catherine's POV

After returning to my room last night, I called my best friend. I told her how I had embarrassed myself choosing their floor, faking a phone call, and sprinting away. This earned the heartiest laugh she's given in the past week. I was glad she found my humiliation entertaining. We stayed on the phone for more than an hour. I drank a bottle of wine while listening to her gush over the guy with the eyes. I kept looking at the pictures I took from the elevator, and we are both convinced he knew I took them. This just added to my suffering though... Pathetic girl move Cath... Pathetic...

I wasn't able to get much sleep though. I've been unusually heated the past couple days. That man, and his friend, have affected my hormones so much. I masturbated to the image of his face. Then when I finally fell asleep, I had the hottest dream of his hands on me and IN me... I woke up to my thighs slick from the orgasm I had from my lewd thoughts.

So here I am, tired, sexually unsatisfied, and starving! I drag myself out of the bed and head to the shower. Ashley (Halsey) is going to meet me downstairs for breakfast and we're going to talk about the plan for the day. I'm looking forward to the awards show, but I'm so nervous. Feelings of inadequacy are haunting me since Jacob's betrayal. I've been trying to forget about what he did, but I haven't had time to properly deal with my feelings. So here I am with these insecurities creeping up.

I dressed in some black capri cargo pants, a plain black t-shirt, and my pink flower Doc Marten combats for that pop of color. Hehehe... Throwing my hair up in a messy bun, putting some light makeup on to cover the dark circles I've got, and head out.

As I approach the elevator I almost hyperventilate... What if they are in there again?!? I pause for a minute and contemplate taking the 15 flights of stairs, but a wave of exhaustion takes over. With trembling fingers I press the elevator call button. I'm not strong enough to deal with more embarrassment, so I hope my fears are unfounded...

As the elevator arrives my phone rings. I answer the call immediately as it's Bridget, and look up into the opening elevator. There inside was not only the 2 hotties I keep thinking about, but a bunch of other men who were all sculpted by the gods... I stop speaking and stare.

Just before the elevator doors could close again, without me moving forward, the shorter guy from yesterday catches it and smiles at me.

"Hello again"


I watch as the guys all exchange looks and smiles. I feel really strange when a couple start saying something to 'eyes'... He looks embarrassed. Then I hear the distant voice of my forgotten friend on the phone...


C - Shhhh... Jeez B you're going to rupture my ear drums... Sorry... I was boarding the full elevator (trying to let her know I was with people)

B - ooooo... Is it them again?!?

C - They've multiplied... I don't even know what to do right now...


C - Briiidgeeettt... Stop screaming in my ear! I barely slept thanks to all the unholy thoughts I had about "eyes" last night... And now he's totally staring at me and I'm literally going to combust surrounded by him and his HOT friends..."

I hear some giggling from behind me...

B - Sorry sis... I can't believe you keep seeing him... That's some real destiny type romance shit. hehehe

C - oh shut up. I don't believe in any of that bullshit. The only person destined for me, is you. You're my soulmate sis.

B - You know I will always love you, but I'm not equipped to satisfy your needs babe...

C - Well, who cares?!? I don't need a dick because it's always attached to a dick...

I hear throat clearing behind me and I glanced up into the reflective surface and see 7 men with their mouths hung open... OH SHIT!! Me and my stupid mouth... I'm not even drunk... I feel my neck and face heat up, and I whisper a goodbye to Bridget. I hang my now burning face low, and wait patiently for the elevator to reach the lobby... Planning my escape, I feel a tap on my arm... Oh God... Please save me!!

I turn towards the person and it's the shorter hottie from yesterday.

"How are you?"

"Great... great. How are you?"

"I great too."
(He gives me the cutest smile and his eyes almost disappear... so CUTE)

(Screaming at myself in my head, I internally facepalm...)

I hear more giggles from behind and some talking about... cookies? What?

The elevator keeps stopping on each floor now that we're almost to the lobby. Everytime new people get in, I'm forced closer to these guys. 3 more floors to the lobby... Just keep breathing Cath... The door opens and I'm forced back again. I feel some of the guys move to give me space. Another stop... Further back, now I'm literally up against someone... People with luggage are coming in and I'm forced to try to back up again... I feel a pair of hands on my hips stabilizing me... Another floor, more people getting in... The firm grip on my hips tightens and pulled me back more and, I feel him. I feel his firm torso and chest, and... I feel his bulge... I can't breathe at all!! His thumbs make some lazy circles on my hips... And I feel like I could faint. My face must be a tomato. Any second now I'm going to wake up... It's just a dream... It's just a dream... It's just a dream...

A new voice speaks to me... "Are you alright?"


The chest I'm leaning on starts vibrating from laughter. The other guys with him join in and I put my face in my hands...

"you're pretty funny"

Huh? "I wasn't trying to be... But thanks."

Looking up at the guy who said that, I realize a few things all at once... 1. His English is really good so he probably understood my phone call with B... 2. He's looking at the guy who's got his hands on me... 3. He's got the deepest dimples I've ever seen! Adorable...

The elevator makes it's final stop at the lobby. I want to run but there are so many people between me and the door. So, I wait patiently for them to unload the luggage and start moving away from the warm hands and body. He gives me one last squeeze before dropping his hands. I turn towards him to say thank you, but my voice dies in my throat looking in his eyes. I offer a smile and turn away to leave.

The dimpled man calls to me as I try to get away. "Bye!!"

"Yeah! Bye!!"

I move out of the elevator quickly hearing their voices talking and laughing about cookies again... I look up to a voice calling my name and I almost run to Ashley. She smiles at me and asks if I'm alright. I tell her I am, but she comments that I look really red and flushed. I reassured her I was good and that it was just packed and hot in the elevator. She accepts that and we head off to breakfast. My head filled with the way his hands felt on my hips, and the bulge... God! Hopefully they have holy water at breakfast...

Jungkook's POV

Waking up this morning to Jin banging on my door yelling about breakfast, I groan. I slept maybe 2 hours last night. First it was Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyung teasing me about the girl from the elevator. Then the rest of the guys found out because my good friend Jimin hyung can't keep his big mouth shut...

After I was able to escape from the group, I headed right in to a shower. Of course I couldn't get her out of my mind and ended up having to handle the never ending erection I have lately. I sat on my balcony in a lounger and replayed the elevator ride. She has to think I'm a creep. I wish I wasn't such a coward so I could speak to her.

The dreams came on repeat, and I woke up in my own mess again... This is starting to be a problem. Of course I've had wet dreams before, but not this frequently. She's really done a number on me.

I head out to meet the guys by the elevators, and head down to get food. Jimin hyung makes some comment about my elevator girl and gets a bunch of laughs, but only a glare from me. He's never going to stop. I'm restless to get in the lift, but if I don't they'll just tease me more.

We're riding down and the elevator stops. The door opens and it's HER. Jimin giggles and just says "Wow Kook... Lucky again!" Basically letting the rest of the hyungs know that this is THE girl. I get a couple chuckles and thumbs ups from the guys, but she's not moving. She answered her ringing phone and is frozen like I was yesterday. The doors start to close, and thankfully Jimin stops it and greets her. She smiles and gets in the elevator.

Whoever she is talking to on the phone starts yelling since she hasn't spoken in a minute. She apologized to them, and they continue talking. I could listen to her voice all day. Namjoon hyung is smiling like a crazy at whatever she is saying. I wish I could follow what she's saying better. I only got a couple words... "Eyes" "HOT friends" "don't need a dick"... Is she gay? No... I don't think she'd be affected by us, by ME, if she is. I'm going to have to ask Hyung to tell me what she said...

Jimin talks to her and she keeps saying great... So cute. The elevator keeps stopping to let people in and she has to move closer to me. I'm trying not to sweat or do something dumb. Jin hyung says "Hey Kookie why don't you talk to her?" Before I can even answer, Yoongi hyung says "Our Kookie is too shy to talk to a beautiful girl." And then they laugh... They're not wrong though. I am painfully shy sometimes.

A few floors later and she's backed up in to me. I end up holding on to her so she doesn't step on my feet or fall. Who am I kidding?!? I just wanted my hands on her. I grab her hips gently and almost groan out loud. Her shirt is tucked in or I would have taken the opportunity to touch her skin. I want to have her against me, and a couple floors later I take my chance. As more people get in, I gently pull her back and against my body. I keep my grip firm and lean in to her. I circle my thumbs to try to soothe us both, since I can feel her heartbeat increasing with my own. My cock just jumped... I am so turned on just by having her next to me. She smells amazing. She must use a vanilla body wash, or perfume. So sexy...

Namjoon hyung suddenly asks her if she is alright, and she answers "great"... I start laughing quietly at that word again. We all do. She bends forward to put her red cheeks in her little hands and this affects me so much. I bit my lip to hold back the moan from the pressure on my growing erection... I'm so screwed when this elevator ride ends.

The elevator arrives at the lobby and I know I'm going to have to let go. As the crowd in front of us starts to exit, I feel her moving away slowly. I squeeze her and step forward to push my cock onto her one last time. I let my hands drop away reluctantly. She turns to me and I feel like she wants to say something, but our eyes connect in a profound way, and she just smiles and turns away.

As she's leaving the elevator the hyungs start the teasing. "Oooo Kookie's red" "Kookie is in loooove" and the worst from Jin hyung "Kookie's little kookie is awake!" Someone please kill me!! I watch her walk away further and see her meeting another woman. WAIT! That's Halsey! How does she know her? She did say she was going to be at the awards tonight. Maybe there will be another chance...


As always... Thank you for taking the time to read!



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