October 2018 - New York - part 2 *

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Catherine's POV

Today's the day. I'm awake early, trying to figure out what to wear to meet PD Nim. He's going to bring me to the venue to meet the other tour managers and security staff. I got all in my head last night and couldn't sleep. I called Yoongi, but he was passed out after drinking too much. I ended up talking to Namjoon.

I had a sudden worry last night about the fact that every other female employee has to be married, and an exception is being made for me. I feel like that may cause some hard feelings. I hope not, since these women are ALREADY married, but you never know. Namjoon told me to stop making scenarios in my head. If problems come, we'll deal with them then. I know he's right, it's just in my nature to worry...

As soon as I'm dressed, I head out to the common room. Walking in I see Hoseok sitting alone. Getting a coffee first, I walked over to him and wished him good morning. He gave me his biggest smile and stood to hug me. He asks if I want something to eat, and PD Nim walks in at that moment.

"I'm taking care of that today. Ready young lady?"

I smile to him and nod. I tell Hoseok that I will see him later. He looks completely confused, and I feel a little bad leaving him that way, but no time to explain. We walk past the other members on the way to the elevator. Jin yells something to PD Nim and he laughs. I just look at him to see him beaming at me.

"He says not to steal you away. That you make the best pizza."

I laugh at that and just nod.

"He's not lying... I make a mean pizza."

"Maybe I WILL steal you then..."

We get to the venue, and when we get inside, there are about 10 men, and 2 women waiting patiently for him to arrive. Everyone looks at me, and I feel really self conscious. PD Nim says a few things to them, and gestures towards me. I get some confused looks now. I want to run...

People start talking to him, asking questions I assume. He answers whatever they're asking. I see some less than pleased looks from a couple of the managers. Just when I was about to freak out completely, I feel a presence behind me. I turn my head to see a grinning Jungkook. What is he doing here? He whispers in my ear, and I try not to giggle because it tickles.

"what you doing?"

"meeting people."

"why meet them?"

"i'm going to be working with them."

Looking at Jungkook's stunned face is the best.

"the problem right now is that I don't know what they're saying."

Jungkook totally giggled. I slapped his chest and then turn back to see the whole room looking at me.

"Jungkook-ah... What are your doing here?"

"I Sorry. I just passing and see Cafferine look lost."

"Oh... I'm sorry Catherine."

"No... It's fine."

A bunch of the managers all started talking at once, and Jungkook started to look upset. He was clenching his jaw and I could see him poking his tongue in his cheek.

"jungkook... what's wrong?"

"Excuse... PD Nim? I take her with me? I need help..."

PD Nim nods at Jungkook and he grabs my wrist to lead me away. I let him drag me a bit trying to figure out what just happened. They hate me... That's all I can think...

"Jungkook... Stop..."


"What happened back there. What do you need help with?"

"It nothing... Just want talk."

"Noooo.... You were mad. Tell me what happened."

"They not nice."

He's looking down at the floor and I can tell that I was right. They hate me, and this is going to be difficult.

"Thank you. I appreciate you trying to defend me. But I'm supposed to work with these people. This was a mistake... I can't even talk to them... I didn't even know they were talking bad about me..."

I feel the tear slip down my cheek, and a surprised Jungkook takes me by the shoulders and looks into my eyes. He cups my face and wipes the tears with his thumbs. He smiles at me, and leans forward to place a soft kiss on my forehead.

JK - "It be ok. I promise."

We walk towards where the members are and he pauses suddenly. I look at him confused. He grabs me by my waist and looking in all directions pushes me inside a room we were passing and closes the door. I look at him, and he comes quickly and grabs my face in his big hands. Not wasting any time, he leans down and joins our lips. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

I tangle my hands in his hair. When I feel his tongue enter my mouth I suck on it. I feel him grip my waist harder and groan. I pull away to catch my breath and he lifts me easily off the floor to have me wrap my legs around him. I feel his erection against my core and I can't stop the moan. Grinding down against him he whimpers.

"Aaaahhh .. Fuck... Jungkook..."

Throwing my head back I look into his eyes and smash my lips on his. His hand moves up to my breast and he squeezes. I'm suddenly pushed against a wall and he bucks his hips against me and I'm lost... His hands slide up under my shirt and he pushes my bralette up then grabs my exposed tits. I feel him flick my hardened nipples and I moan loudly.

"Shhhh... People hear..."

I bite hard on my bottom lip and I taste blood, but I don't care. He's slowly grinding against me and fondling my breasts and I'm already close. I don't know how this man brings me to almost orgasm so quickly every time.

I hear voices in the hall on the other side of the door, and I come back to my senses. I push lightly on his chest and seperate our mouths. Panting... I stare into his almost black eyes.

"We need to stop... There are people that could catch us..."

He grinds into me again and I whimper... Feeling like I've lost all control of my neck muscles, my head falls forward. He keeps a slow but firm pace where our hips are connected... I'm so close...

"I stop?... Just say..."

I can't speak right now... I have lost all sense of reason... I hear voices again closer than before.

"Jung...kook... aaaahhh... mmm... sto-stop... uuuunnnn...."

"You... mmmm...  always stop... Shit... "

I push his chest and manage to get him to stop before I moan out loud. Setting me on my feet, he leans down and kisses me again. I feel his hands pull my bralette back in place and then sensually run over my now covered breasts and down my sides to grip my waist tightly.

"Later... After concert... Don't say no..."

"Jungkook... I"

"Don't say no... Please..."

I don't say anything. Just look into his eyes and reach to caress his face. I place my lips against his...

"We will talk later... Promise."

I feel him back away from me and I almost whine at the loss of contact. He's looking at me and I'm unable to stop looking back. I want him so much, and I'm going to lose my control again if I don't leave this room...I move to the door but feel him backhug me pushing his obvious erection into my back...


Saying that he leans in and catches my earlobe with his teeth, playfully nipping then sucking it... I gasp and bite back the other sounds threatening to escape my throat.


Smiling in victory, he finally seperates from me completely. I crack open the door and peek my head out. When I don't see anyone, I open it fully and walk out. Jungkook waits in the room to try to calm his obvious bulge.

I enter the green room to find the rest of the members with PD Nim.

"Oh... There you are Catherine. Where did Jungkook go?"

His question causes Hobi to look up at me, and I freeze...

"Uh.. He w-went to"

"Bathroom PD Nim..."

I turn to him in surprise, and I know I look guilty. He's grinning wickedly at me, and I can feel my face heat up. Turning away, I don't miss the raised eyebrow of my BFF and the slight chuckle, and head shake, of her boyfriend...

PD Nim - "Well, now that everyone is here... I'd like to tell you that Big Hit has decided to hire a new tour manager for you."

Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung all started to object. They like their current managers, and don't want to see them replaced. Hobi just looked confused, and was still eyeing Jungkook for his weird behavior.

"The manager I've hired won't be replacing anyone, so please calm down."

Everyone stopped talking and waited. I was sweating suddenly because of the first reaction of some of the guys. What if they hate the idea? If they don't want me to do it, will they give me a hard time? I feel a hand squeeze mine, and another on my shoulder. I look to see Bridget and Yoongi giving me moral support.

"Ok. So, after an interesting suggestion by Namjoon and Yoongi, I had a conversation with this person. I'm happy to say that Catherine has agreed to work as your personal manager for tours. She will be in charge of all your personal needs, especially in English based countries."

The members looked shocked... I got really nervous, and opened my mouth to say something, but stopped.

Yoongi yells right away. "I am excited!!!"

I smiled but watched the rest of the members. They still didn't say anything.

"Ok... You guys are stressing me out. If you are against the idea, then I won't do it..."

"No... Cafferine... We not want that."

"This was not the response I expected... What's the concern here?"

"She not be allowed to be... friends... or more..."

He had whispered the last part, but PD Nim heard him...

"I have made exceptions here. I know your friendships with her are important. I am not blocking her from any relationship she wants to have with you all. I've just asked her to make sure that no compromising pictures be taken. But that is on you all too."

As soon as he finished saying that, Taehyung came and picked me up. He spun me around shouting "manager-nim" and making everyone laugh.

Namhoon scolds the members. "Took you guys long enough... The poor girl was gonna cry..."

When Tae set me back on my feet, I got hugs from everyone else. Thank God that went well. They really stressed me out. Now I just have to figure out how to deal with the existing managers...

"Ok... Let's get soundcheck started!"

Everyone started to head out, and I was about to follow, when Jungkook grabbed my hand.

"Uh... You help me?"

"With what?"

"Bring cameras to stage... Please."

I turned around and saw his multiple cameras, and I just nodded, and went with him to pick one up. He was looking so cute and excited. We got what he needed and headed up to the stage.

I could hear the camera click from behind me, and I knew he was taking my picture... A picture of my back that is.

"You like seeing me walk away?"

"Well... It not bad view."

I started laughing and turned my head to look at him and he took a picture just as my head turned.


I started walking faster to get away from him and he just quickened his pace.

"You not get away... I not let you."

Knowing he means more than just this moment, I blushed. This man...

The soundcheck was fun. The guys were so excited for their first foreign stadium concert. It is a huge milestone, and they want it to be perfect. Jungkook was taking photos and video for his G.C.F. vlog and I couldn't help taking his picture...

Good God he's adorable...


The rain made everything a challenge, but the guys did well. Hoseok didn't do a jump he normally does, and was beating himself up.

"You did really well! Stop being negative. It's slippery, and you could have been really hurt."

"I not do my best... ARMY deserve best..."

I gave him a hug and tried to make him feel better. He hugged me back tight, but had to leave as Jungkook's solo stage was almost done. Hobi took my hand and asked me to walk with him. When we got to the side of the stage I took my hand back because he had to walk out in front of the crowd. I just stood and watched while they all joined Jungkook to perform 'I Need U". I watched for a few minutes, in awe as usual, but moved back into the safety of the understage area to not be seen.

The concert was going really well. When they were doing their encore, I stood to the side of the stage and watched. PD Nim joined me and you could see the pride he has in them.

"I have a question Catherine."

"Ok. You can ask."

"Is Jungkook special to you?"

I was taken aback by this, and I just stared at him for a minute trying to read his expression.

"I ask because I've never seen him be so comfortable with a female before."

"He is special... I worry though..."

"About what are you worried?"

"Many things... I still feel quite attached to Hoseok... I don't want to hurt either of them. And there is also ARMY... If they find out that we have a friendship... I'd probably be killed for real."

PD Nim just nods his head, but puts his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

"I believe whatever you choose to do about Hoseok and Jungkook, it'll work out. I know you have 2 brothers in Yoongi and Namjoon who will support any decision you make."

"Thank you. Now... I have a question for you..."

"Ask anything."

"Why were the other managers upset when you told them about me?"

"They are concerned because... "

Me - "I'm American?"

"You're very smart. There are cultural differences that they think you don't understand. And honestly, you probably don't. But it is why I hired you. I want a western perspective."

"On what?"

"Everything... We'll talk more soon. For now, let's enjoy this moment."

I nodded and turned back to watch the guys performing their encore, and giving their ending speeches. My heart broke when Jimin started crying. I wanted to go and hug him. They ended really strong and it was amazing to see the reaction of ARMY. Hoseok gifted his small bag to an ARMY wearing a Mang headband.

The green room was crazy after the show. So much excitement for their first successful American stadium show. After things settled, everyone packed what they needed and headed to the vans.


I was feeling quite exhausted. We got out of the vans in the parking garage, and I couldn't wait to sleep. We were leaving early to go to the airport for the flight to London. Bridget and I entered our room and immediately packed our things. She's leaving to go home tomorrow, and I'm trying not to be sad. She finishes what she needs to do, and I can tell she wants to go to Yoongi's room, so I push her toward the door. I know I'll see her in the morning for a proper goodbye.

I'm finishing up my packing, and just about to go to the shower when the doorbell goes off. I put my towel and PJs on the bed and head to the door. I'm thinking it's Namjoon because he said he might come by, but boy was I wrong... I look up to see Hoseok AND Jungkook. SHIT!!

I invite them in, and head to sit on the couch. They both looked uncomfortable. Hoseok doesn't know about Jungkook and the kisses we share, so it's sort of awkward.

Hobi asked me. "You pack?"

"Yes. I'm all packed. How about you?"

"No. I still have much to do. I just want say goodnight... And say congratulations."

"Thank you. I hope I don't screw up too much."

"Jungkook-ah... Come on... Let's pack."

"Hyung. I pack already. I here to talk to Cafferine about something."

I could feel my heart pounding at the look on Hobi's face. He was not pleased, but Jungkook looked calm.

"Hobi... Do you need... "

"No... Hyung not like help... Right Hyung?"

"This right. I do it. Goodnight Cafferine... Jungkook."

He left after giving me a hug and looking at me sadly.

"Well... That was awful... Why did you do that?"

"What? I not do anything... He... What he to you?"

"Important... I hate hurting him."

"I not important?"

"You are Jungkook... I don't want to hurt you either."

"Then not hurt me... I stay?"

He said that as he took slow steps toward me. My breath hitched when he touched my hand. I looked up into his eyes and he pulled me up from the couch.

"Tell me... I stay?"

I swear he could hear my heart pounding, and I just nodded my head. That was all the permission he needed. He pulled my body against his, and put his hand into my hair. He gently cupped my face with his other hand and leaned close to my lips murmuring 'beautiful' and then landing his mouth on mine. It was just a gentle caress full of care.

He pulled back and connected our foreheads to stare into my soul.

"You remember I say I show you when you not drunk? You ready?"

I started trembling because of the way he was looking at me. Instead of trying to speak, I kissed him. It was a gentle kiss that turned hungry in a couple seconds. I dove my hands into his hair and tugged him closer to me. He moaned at my action and I could feel myself getting wet.

When we couldn't breathe anymore, he pulled back and moved his mouth to my jaw to leave open mouth kisses. I sighed and ran my hands down his chest. Playing with the hem of his shirt while tilting my head to give him more access to my neck. I put my hands under his shirt to feel his hot skin. My fingers were freezing and I could feel his muscles jump at the contact.

Pushing his shirt up, I pulled away from him to get it over his head. When he was shirtless, I took a minute to look at his beautiful torso. He's literally perfect. I ran my hands over his chest and abdomen in appreciation while he just watched me lust over him.

He reached down and took my shirt to lift it over my head. His hands went to the straps of my bra and he dropped them off my shoulders. His fingertips danced across my collarbones, and he licked his lips. I just watched while he took in every inch of me. He dropped my bra down to reveal my breasts and he literally growled at the sight of my naked form.

"I... I not stop this time... Ok?"

"Jungkook... I never..."

"huh? What you mean?"

Feeling suddenly shy and insecure, I covered my chest with my arms. He came and brought them away.

"You beautiful. Not hide."

He lowered himself to be able to look into my eyes.

"Tell me... You virgin?"

I felt a couple shameful tears pricking at my eyes. I will have to say HOW I lost my virginity and I hate it. Seeing that, he picked me up, pressing his naked torso against mine. I tried to look away, but he held my chin. He sat on the end of the bed and placed me on his lap, my legs straddling his.

"Tell me."

I tried to look away again. I'm so embarrassed.

"Don't look away. Tell me."

I whisper my confession. "I was raped Jungkook. That is the only time I've had actual sex. I'm sorry. I'll understand if you want to stop..."

Beyond my control the tears slid down my face. He just looked at me and wiped them away. He leaned in and kissed me sweetly. Leaning away to get into eye contact again.

"I so sorry. I will never hurt you. I can stop if you say."

I leaned in to kiss him again. I wanted this man. I don't know if he's "the one" that I've been waiting for, but I trusted him. I moved my hips against him making him groan at the friction. I repeated the action and he gripped my hip with his left hand while holding my hair with his right. Our lips joined, we moved our bodies together causing us both to moan.

He swiftly spun around and laid me down on the mattress hovering me. His mouth landing on my breast and he swirled my nipple with his tongue making me hot. I grabbed his hair and he moaned as I pulled lightly. His other hand moved down slowly caressing my curves and stopped at my pants. He released my breast with a pop and looked into my eyes again.


I nodded at him breathless.

"You say it."

"yes" I whisper.

He tugged my pants and panties down at once. Sitting back on his knees he ran his eyes over me. He leaned in and started at my neck with his mouth, continuing to place kisses over my shoulders and collar bones. His hands burning my skin with their touch as he massaged my body. Pausing at my breasts, he unclipped my bra that was still around my body uselessly, and threw it somewhere. His fingers danced across my stomach and I shivered. I felt him move his hand to my womanhood and slide a finger between my lips.


I felt him circle my clit with his finger, and I moaned loudly. He raised his head from my breast and smiled at the sound I made.

"Do again"

He pressed harder on my bundle of nerves and I threw my head back in pleasure moaning his name.

He continued pleasuring me while taking off his pants and boxers. I watched his erection spring out and slap his abdomen. I licked my lips at the sight of him. He's a God. I reached for his cock, and started pumping him slowly. He backed away and leaned down blowing on my wet cunt. His arm holding my hips down he inserted his middle finger in my heat. I inhaled sharply, and he ran his tongue through my folds.

Adding a second finger he started pumping in and out of me at a leisurely pace. I tried to buck my hips with need, but he wouldn't let me. I whined at him and grabbing his hair harshly, I pushed him closer to me. I heard him chuckle, but he just kept the slow pace with his fingers. He curled then inside me and I gasped when he hit my spot. Raising his head he looked at me in the eyes.

"Feel good?... Noona"

"What? Oh fuck you're torturing me... Faster please..."

"uh uh... Enjoy this... Noona."

I watched him dip his tongue back into my folds and felt him hum his appreciation... I was going mad... Moaning... Gripping his hair... He started sucking my clit and I squealed... His fingers began moving faster hitting my g-spot repeatedly. I was so needy for my release, but he wasn't in any hurry.

"Jun-Jungkook... I'm close...."

He hummed as a response and I felt it all over my body.

"Cum Noona"

And I orgasmed so hard moaning his name. He slid his fingers out of me and placed them in his mouth, licking them clean.

"What's with the Noona stuff?"

He grins at me, and I know I'm blushing.

"Are you not my Noona?"

He winks at me and takes my mouth in a hot kiss. I grab at his hair with one hand while taking his hard hot dick in my other. He groans at my touch and I pump him slowly. He gropes my breasts and flicks the nipples with his thumbs. I am so oversensitive that I moan loudly and squirm under him.

"Noona... Can I make love with you?"

I look into his eyes and feel him push his cock through my folds stimulating my clit again. I am panting with how good he makes me feel. I'm lost imagining him inside me and whether I'm ready.


I raise my head again and lock our mouths. Nibbling on his bottom lip causing him to groan into my mouth.

"I'm scared Jungkook..."

"Trust me?"

I nod at him. He kisses me and looks deeply into my eyes. I feel him position himself at my entrance and push my knees wider, never breaking the look we're sharing.

"I go slow. You say stop if it too much. Look to my eyes Noona... It will feel good."

"Yes... Ok... "

He pushes his hard cock into me slowly, and I feel so full. His eyes are shining and he moans and throws his head back, but never breaking our eye contact. He moves slowly and deeply and I feel a little panic start. He sees it in my face so he joins our lips and kisses me softly.

"Noona, you feel so good... So tight around me."

He takes my right leg and hooks it over his shoulder and pushes back in, hitting me deeper. I moan loudly and start moving my hips to meet his thrusts. He connects our foreheads to stare into my eyes as he moves a little faster. I can tell it's taking all his control to not pound me senseless. I appreciate the care, and I love how he makes me feel.

"Faster... Fuck... Move faster..."

I don't need to tell him twice as he starts thrusting at a quick pace. We're both moaning and panting in each other's mouth. I grip his shoulders, digging my nails into him.

"Noona... You feel good?"

I nod my head quickly and moan again.

"So good Jungkook... Aaaahhhh... Soooo Gooood... Mmmhmmm"

He quickens his thrusts and is pounding into me, hitting my spot on repeat and I'm in heaven. He slows some and swirls his hips making me groan at the new sensation.

"Fuck... Noooonaaa..."

His sexy moaning whine makes me crazy. I grip his hair and bring his mouth to mine again. Sucking on his bottom lip, I feel the coil in my abdomen. I'm close... I moan and buck my hips to meet his thrusts, whining when he pushes in and stops deep inside me. The tip of his cock resting against my cervix. I feel like I can't breathe at the fullness. He is looking into my eyes, and I smile at his beautiful face. I place my hand on his jaw and brush my thumb over his skin.
"So soft... I love your skin."

"I love....you."

My eyes go wide at his statement. I don't know what to say. I am looking for the lie in his eyes, and it's not there. I see only sparkling brown eyes with adoration in them. I move my hips to signal him to move, but he just pushes deeper. He moves his thumb to stimulate my clit again. I lose my mind. I want him to move, but he is driving me crazy instead.

"Aaaahhh...  Jung-jungkook... Move... God...unnnnn..."

I'm a moaning like crazy, and he's loving every second of my suffering. I try to buck my hips, but he's holding them down with his arm and he continues his sweet torture. I am begging him at this point while I pant, whine, and moan... He doesn't move except for deeper... How is that possible?


He's now a grinning idiot..

"You don't love me Jungkook... You're lying..."

He smiles at that, and pulls out torturously slow to slams back in hitting my spot and making me scream his name. He stays still again and continues to lazily circle my clit with his thumb.

"You not believe my love Noona?"

I'm insane with what he's doing. He pulls out again and slams into me again... I can't contain my voice and I scratch his biceps

"Noona... You believe?"


"Please what Noona?"

"Jungkook... If you love me... You'll fuck me... Please..."

"No no no Noona... I not fuck you... I make love to you tonight... Ok?"

I nod vigorously making him smile.

"I love you Noona Cafferine..."

As soon as those words leave his lips he starts thrusting into me fast and deep. I can barely catch my breath and I feel my orgasm building again.

"Noona... Soo tight... You feel so good... So warm... So wet..."

He squeezes my breast and takes my other nipple in his mouth and I know I'm about to cum.

"I-I'm close Jungkook... God... I'm gonna... "

"Cum for me Noona... Let it go..."

I cum hard on his cock but he keeps going. He's insane... How is he not tired?

"You ok Noona?"

"Are you close Jungkook?"

He smirks at me, and just keeps moving in and out.

"I dream of this Noona. I not want to end..."

I feel him hit my cervix and I can't stop the moan. How is he able to do this to me again. I'm so oversensitive at this point that I know I'm going to cum again.

"Noona... Turn over."

I look at him with a little hesitance. He smiles and caresses my face.

"I promise... You like it... Trust me"

I turn over and lay on my stomach. He grabs a pillow and puts it under my stomach and grips my hips tightly. I feel him slide back into me causing a loud low moan to leave my throat... I can't believe this feeling... It's like he's in my stomach. He pulls out slow and snaps his hips in fast. He repeats this a few times causing me to grip the sheets tightly at the sensation... He pulls out and then slams in deep and continues at an animalistic pace. He's leaning over my back and I feel his abs flexing against me, our sweaty bodies sliding together. He's moaning and I'm close for the 3rd or 4th time... I feel his thrusts getting sloppy while he pants. I feel myself thrusting back to meet his hips as he continues to pound into me. Nothing has ever felt this good... His grip on my hips is tight and I know it's going to leave marks, but I don't care. I just want this... Even if tomorrow I can't walk... I want this man buried deep inside me all the time...

"I'm close Noona... Are you on pill?"

"Yes... God you feel so fucking good. I love the way you move inside me... You fill me so well... FUCK!"

"I love you Noona... Aaaahhh. mmm... SHIT!!"

He thrusts into me a few more times and I cum hard again, clenching around him. I feel him release... The warm liquid filling me up makes me feel something I didn't imagine. He's thrusting slowly to ride out his high while tears are running down my face. How did I deny the truth?

I am in love with Jeon Jungkook...


Hello all! Thank you so much for over 1k reads!! I appreciate all of your support.

Please continue to vote and comment!

Just a side note... I (ironically) wrote most of the NSFW content while sitting at my desk at work... 🤭🤭







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