ibis paint drawings

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my process (first time drawing something with the app)

decided to only use the pencil setting 

made up a random person. i went too dark on the shading by accident but went with it. it looks so much different when turned upside down 

seeeeeee TwT I'm cursed to have my drawings look better when upside down

process of this weird cyborg superhero with a propeller that makes him fly on his back. was a request from my friend LOL tried to do perspective and failed miserably 

me from memory (not very accurate)

twilight sparkle and spike LOL

random characters made up for fun (they don't have a story but you can make one up if you like LOL)

i drew this one upside down to see if I really am better drawing upside down. the answer is: YES. T-T wow I really am cursed. it was kinda creepy when I started so I embraced that hahahaha

all of these I did without reference and on ibis paint 

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro