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~I am so sorry for not updating, I thought since summer started I would be able to update again more. Then I forgot about this book until  SunshineCj9 commented and the comment was so nice, so I remembered and was like I should update so here it is!!!!~

Wendy's POV

"W-What?!?" We all screamed, the dragon laughed at us and then she had a glowing white and golden light surrounded her. When the light was gone there was a woman, she was very beautiful!!!

"Wait where did the dragon go?" Romeo questioned. The woman smiled and replied with

" I am right here, this is my human name. Anyway my name is Celestia, I am the dragon of the galaxy, I have found the missing Prince and Princess Natsu Dragneel and Wendy Marvell-Dragneel".

We all gasped, Natsu-nii and I looked and each other and looked back at Celestia a couple times.

"Just follow me I will take you to the dragon realm, to see your parents and your other brother" Celestia told us.

"Wait, can our two friends come with us Celestia-San?" I asked Celestia

"Of course, they can" Celestia replied cheerfully. She said something in another language, and a portal opened up it was a beautiful color of light green, dark blues, and dark purples. We all walked through and on the other side of it there were a whole bunch of islands with different elements but in the middle, there was one with a white and red castle and little little blue or orange cottages surrounding it. It was amazing!!!! When I looked back at Celestia-San she was dragon form, telling us to get on her and she would take us to the castle. We all got on her and she started to fly. It felt good to feel the wind in my face again. We soon landed and we got off of her and waited for her to change back.

"Follow me" Celestia-San told us cheerfully. We followed her in the castle to a giant door with jewels on it, it was so pretty!! Celestia-San opened the doors, and sitting on the throne there was a man with fire red hair on the right and a woman with white hair on the left, next to the woman was ZEREF?!?!?

"Thank you Celestia for bringing them here" the woman spoke. She came up to me and Natsu. She smelled like Grandine.

"My children this will hurt for a little bit" she spoke before she put her hand on my head and one on Natsu's. I started to scream in pain and Natsu was trying to hold in a scream. That's all I remember until I blacked out.

Lucy's POV

They started to scream in pain and I ran over to Wendy and Romeo ran to Natsu, then suddenly Wendy stoped screaming and blacked out. I was shocked, I really hope their okay!!

"Celestia take Wendy and Lucy to their room, then come back and take Natsu and Romeo to the their rooms please" the man spoke. Celestia nodded and took me too, two doors right next to each other, one was light pink and the other was light blue.

"You can put Wendy in her room and stay with her if you want, hers is the light blue one and your is the pink, they also have a door that connects them on the inside" Celestia-Chan told me. I nodded my head and took Wendy into her room. It was so pretty

Her bed:

The rest of her room:

I quietly opened the door connecting our rooms to see what mine looked like. When I walked onto my room, I was speechless, it was beautiful it fit me completely I absolutely looked it.

My room:

I took my box of my moms letters and put them on the white desk. I then walked back to Wendy's room to see if she was awake.

"Lucy-San where am I" Wendy-Chan asked.

"Hi Wendy-Chan, your are in your room in the castle, mine is connected to yours by this door right here" I replied and I walked over to her.

"Do you want to play a game until someone comes to get us?" I asked Wendy.

"I would love too" she replied

"Okay I have Sorry, Monopoly, and Uno, Which do you want to play?" I questioned. She pointed to Uno.

"Alright you start" I told her.

Time skip

Wendy's POV

We have played all three games and we were on our 3rd game of Uno when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in" I told the person. Celestia walked in, in a black fancy gown.

"I need to help you guys get ready for the dinner tonight, you will meet all the other dragons there too!!" Celestia said. Lucy-San and I nodded.

"Alright Lucy go pick a gown from your closet you like, same with you Wendy" Celestia told us. Lucy left to get a gown while I walked to my closet. I couldn't choose between two, so I got them both, and had Lucy-San and Celestia-San choose which one, turns out Lucy had the same problem.

Wendy 1:

Wendy 2:

Lucy 1:

Lucy 2:

"For Wendy I think number 1 is cuter on you, and for Lucy I also think 1 is cuter too" Celestia-San said.

"I agree with you" Lucy-San and I said at the same time. We both giggled and got changed into our dresses. Afterwards Celestia-San that she would do our makeup.

Wendy's Makeup:

Lucy's Makeup:


Thank you so much Celestia-San, I look so pretty" I told her

"Yes thank you Celestia-Chan" Lucy said.

"No problem" Celestia-San said, "Now time for the hair"

Wendy's hair style:

Lucy's hair style:

"Thank you so much Celestia-San/Chan" Lucy-San and I said at the same time.

"Its really no problem at all, Now of to dinner" Celestia-San told us!!

~I am so so so sorry for not updating in a long time, I will try and update again soon. Also I am sorry I forgot about Carla and happy, I will add them in next chapter I promise!!!!! Thank you again~

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