30 // The Rhythm of The Rain

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The rain bounced off of the floor like a drum, it's rhythm as solemn and cold as the day itself. Aching numbness ruled my life since we left the hospital that day.

Ryu and Akamine didn't have much of a response to eachother. They briefly questioned who the other was but quickly realised they were both my guardians, so they're in the same boat.

I explained to Ryu everything that's happened in the past couple of months and he was honestly completely shocked. He couldn't believe I'd gotten into U.A but he quickly realised that was a conversation for a later date.

Ryu's happy-go-lucky personality and bright ways were so out of place here. He tried his very best to cheer me up during everything, but it obviously didn't work.

Akamine stood under an umbrella whilst me and Ryu welcomed the rain, his arm wrapped around my shoulders whilst he tried to comfort me. I didn't react to his touch. I didn't react to most things.

I just stared at the hole in the ground and the small black coffin being slowly lowered into it.

There she went, my sister, into the ground. I wish I would've spent these past couple of months with her. As much time as I could have possibly spent with her. I should've stayed with her instead of going out with the girls or sleeping at Yaoyorozu's. I should've talked my way out of the apprenticeship with Endeavor. There was so much I could've done to protect her and avoid this, but here we are, with everything ruined.

My regrets aren't going to change anything though, but the one question that plagues me is what am I going to do now? Sure, I've got Ryu back in my life and that's great, but I've lost the reason I'm alive. I only fought for Aiko, so now it's like I've lost my will to keep going.

I don't understand what I'm expected to do. Do I stay at U.A? Do I cut ties with everybody and leave? It's not like I've never done it before and I'm not exactly close to many people at U.A, aside from Mina. Sure, there's Todoroki but we're barely even friends, we just have some level of respect for one another. Every situation with him has been a coincidence, aside from the sports festival.

But what about Mina? Todoroki might not be affected by my absence, but Mina might. She's tried her hardest to get me to make friends with the other girls and if it weren't for her I'm almost positive I'd be by myself.

Then there's Ryu. He's currently sleeping on Akamine's couch and he hasn't really spoken about his home or anything, but he's only been around for a couple of days because we've tried to do this as quick as possible. He doesn't seem to have anywhere to go and I get the feeling that his reckless actions have gotten him a bit lost.

Nonetheless, I appreciate his presence; he did just pack up and travel across the country because I spammed him with voice mails. He's been trying to use his quirk on me the entire time he's been here, so I appreciate his determination, not just his presence.

I look up at him and I can see it in his eyes, the faint blue glow, it's definitely there. I can see the sadness in him despite him trying to get rid of mine.

He's trying desperately to use twister to clear my head but it just isn't getting us anywhere.

Twister is a strong quirk, and no, it doesn't mean he can spin around like he's from looney toons. He has the ability to twist people's emotions as he pleases just by thinking of the person. Unfortunately it is completely unless against deep routed emotions. There's a couple of feelings he can't effect, grief being one of them. Whilst I can feel the power from his quirk, we both know it's not doing anything.

"Kid?" I look up and meet his frosty eyes. In the chaos inside my head, I didn't notice that Akamine's gone inside, leaving us two to stand there. His scruffy, orange hair drips in front of his eyes but he just excepts the annoyance and leaves it. His freckled skin is damp from the rain and I can see that his cheap suit is begining to stick to him.

This is a really bad drawing of Ryu but it's all I've got sorry.

"We can't stay out here forever." There's a sadness in his voice. I can tell he feels responsible for what's happened, he was meant to be the one to look after us but he let us leave.

"I know." I mutter quietly as a stare at the mound of dirt. He holds his hand out to me and I sadly smile before taking it into my own. We walk into the church and find Akamine talking to the priest.

The funeral was incredibly small, with only the three of us attending. We were the only people in the area that actually knew Aiko and I wasn't about to invite any of my classmates. Most of them don't even know what happened to me in Hosu, and none of them know that Aiko's dead.

God, she can't really be dead, can she? I can't comprehend that my little baby sister, the little girl who was so happy to go to a cafe for breakfast once a month so she could lick beans off of her plate, the little girl that saw the sky as the only stable thing in her life, is gone.

There's so much she never got to see, to do, to experience. She never even got an actual childhood. What kind of life is that? Running away from villains from to age of three only to get put in an early grave?

A waste of one.

"Exams are coming up." My attention snaps towards Akamine, I can tell she wants to leave. The situation's uncomfortable and just plain depressing, so I don't blame her.

"I don't think now's the time." Ryu growls at her. They've known eachother for a matter of days and there's already an unhealthy tension there. I'm not looking forward to staying with both of them since we don't actually know how long Ryu's sticking around for.

Exams. Do I really have to do them? Do I really have to stay at U.A? Do I really have to become a hero?

You'll be a great hero.

Aiko's last words to me suddenly plague my mind. She said I'd be a great hero, so yes, I have to be a hero and a fucking brilliant one at that.

"I want to go back to U.A as soon as possible to prepare for the exams."

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