34 // Pray For A Pass

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Woooooo!! 600 reads and over 150 votes. Ya boy's goin up in the world.

"I didn't study at all!" Kaminari yells as the realisation that there's one week left until the exams hits him. He came bottom in the class during the smaller midterms and the classes. Mina's finding the whole thing funny until Kaminari swiftly reminds her she's only one better than him.

I'm ranked the 11th out of the 21 students, not bad considering I've missed about two years of education, but not great either considering no one below me has actually tried, some people above me didn't even try.

It's no surprise to me at all that Yaoyorozu is top of the class, as per usual. She seems slightly dense when it comes to social situations, but academically, she's incredibly bright. So I naturally want to beat her. Which is very obviously never going to happen, I still have a very long way to go.

I miss out of the commotion and zone out, planning what I'm going to do after school. I'll probably ask Ryu if he wants to have a sparring session.

I've been training with Ryu since he turned up and I got back into it. I honestly forgot how rough and tumble our fighting sessions could be. He's not like Akamine, where there's boundaries and she'll stop if she hurts you, or even the rest of the teachers at U.A. They'll always stop and let you breathe if you need to.

Ryu? He'll keep you going until you've passed out from exhaustion. Whilst I know I can't beat Akamine, I've at least got a couple of good hits on her during my training sessions, but with Ryu, I can't even get near him.

He started teaching himself to fight at a young age by doing research and pushing himself to insane limits, he quickly gained the attantion of a very good fighter who's only five years older than him and the trained together. This led to him having an incredibly unique and tricky fighting style. With that, his mum pushing him to be a gymnast (and me once I was in the picture) and the pure raw strength he has, he doesn't need a fighting quirk to be a worthy opponent.

"People used to fight without being able to barbecue eachother, so I can still beat the shit out of someone. Technically." His drunken slurred words are still funny to me, but they've honestly made me try harder.

"You're coming too, right Kiriko?" Mina's words suddenly startle me.

"Uh," I don't want to look like a dick and make it seem like I wasn't paying attention, "sure."

What did I just agree to? I mentally face palm. Is 'no' not a word in your dictionary, Hara, or do you just have the mental capability of a fetus?

I ask Mina during lunch and I quickly find out that I've just agreed to go to Yaoyorozu's house to study. Thanks past me for that one. You idiot.

Lunch itself was interesting to say the least. Tsuyu and Hagakure are sat with Uraraka, who's sat with Midoriya, Iida and, surprisingly Todoroki. Apparently he's sat with them since the events of the sports festival and I just haven't noticed. I mean, I guess it's better than him being by himself.

Whilst the girls all started sitting together and we're all friends still, people are going into different groups, so I mainly stick with Mina and wherever she wants to go, which is now normally sitting with Kaminari, who sits with Bakugou.

My relationship with Bakugou has been completely none existant since the enterence exam, to be fair, he just doesn't like me, understandably.

"Oi, devil girl," I'm slightly caught off guard by the name but okay, "why the hell are you sitting with us?" He snaps. Well this is going to go well.

"She's with me," Mina chimes in, making my life monumentally easier.

"Yeah well, it doesn't matter," Kirishima says cheerily, "the more the merrier!" I give the spikey toothed boy a warm smile.

Mina's sat there with a note book open whilst me and Kaminari eavesdrop on a conversation over at Midoriya's table. Kendou from class 1B is saying something about the practical exam. Something about robots I think, I kind of hope I'm wrong. Robots are probably going to fuck me over. Maybe I'm just deaf?

"Did ya hear that?" Kaminari sparks up, "it's gonna be robots again!" Guess not, huh. I need to pass that practical to get anywhere too, I'll definitely have to ask Ryu to train with me more.

"Hey guys," Mina waves her pen around in the air, "what's the chemical produced that's most commonly found in fire quirks?"

"Nitroglycerin." Me and Bakugou say in perfect unison. Bakugou just squints at me, and I don't know what to do so I just squint back. During my little staring contest with Bakugou, Yaoyorozu comes over and organises a date for the study group that I tripped myself into joining.

Honestly, the study group wasn't that bad, it just got annoying when we were going through science or that tiny bit of world history we have to know, because it came so easily to me. Everything else on the other hand, I had to actually try to get.

I've been working constantly since I got back into school anyway. Akamine, a teacher, got mad because she thinks I've been doing too much and that I'm not getting enough sleep. It doesn't matter if I'm working or not for that though, since Aiko's gone, my sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up. I can't ever seem to relax, and when I'm not working I spend most of my time on the roof.

The exams came around in no time after that, and I have to say I was pretty confident. English language tripped me up a bit, but apart from that I think I passed every subject.

Then it hit me that the practical exam is a thing. How the hell am I expected to fight robots? My abilities rely on fight or flight in a combat situation and it's not like I'm going to be able to hurt a robot.

"As such, you students will be pairing up and fighting one of the teachers you see here!" Nezu announces, I missed a big chunk of conversation right there. I really need to listen more.

Wait. That means that I don't have to fight robots! Thank god for that! I might pass then.

The students are quickly paired up and sorted out. I make a note of the most interesting groups being Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, she'll be happy with that one I'm sure, and Bakugou and Midoriya. That's going to be a rough one.

Wait, again, hold on a second. There's an odd number of students in the class, which means...

"Hara," my attention snaps back to Nezu, "as there is an uneven number of students in the class, you'll be fighting a teacher on your own."

A silence settles in the class as my heart jumps to my throat.
"But don't worry, to make the test fairer, we've paired you up with someone that you've done a lot of one on one training with."

It slowly dawns on me who I'm going to be up against, even though she isn't stood there.

"I'm against Akamine, aren't I?" I rub my brow and I hear Nezu begin to speak, but someone suddenly puts their hand on my shoulder, making me jump. I look up and meet a pair of deep, black, starry eyes.

"Yep, you sure are."

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