4 // Surprises Can Be Good Or Bad. Mostly Bad.

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I spent the next week with Akamine doing work. Akamine started to get stressed with the amount I was doing, saying I should take I break.

Even after I did my written exams in that short week, I didn't stop working.

Maybe it's the fact I've been out of education for two years that's caused me to be this stressed about school work. I've missed so much. This is probably the only chance I'm going to get to get my shit together before I either get thrown into a class or thrown out of the school.

"Shit." Akamine whispers to herself as she hangs up the phone, worry crossing her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, holding a book on physics in my hands as I quickly read over it.

"Aiko's tutor's sick. He's not coming in today." I feel my face go pale. Despite not having to worry about Aiko as much, the raging paranoia about her eats me alive. I've been alone with her for so long I can't let something bad happen to her. I can't even sleep without her by my side, knowing that she's safe, since that's what we've done for a while now; find some shelter and snuggle together. The times without a home were rough okay.

"I'll stay here and teach myself." I snap suddenly. "It's not like I'm actually doing anything at U.A."

"No. I don't know when your exam is going to be so we have to be in school." She looks down at Aiko who is fiddling with her shirt. "She's coming with us."

After a lot of arguing and her calling Principle Nezu, I finally give in. I'm not a fan of her being surrounded by these incredibly strong people, but it seems there's not much choice anymore.

Then again, that wasn't even the biggest shock of the morning.
"Miss Hara?" I turn to see Nezu standing in the doorway of S1. He catches Akamine's and Aiko's attention. I feel Aiko hide behind me and then hear her whisper something about the cafe.

"Sorry it's taken me this long to arrange this, and at such short notice. Your enterence exam will be today." The words hit me like a truck. Am I prepared? No. Am I still going to have to do it? Absolutely.

"It's this afternoon. Unfortunately, you'll be in ground beta which is where class 1A will be training with All Might but we can't wait any longer and it's a big training ground so it should be fine." This afternoon.

"Wait why not the other ground?" Akamine questions. Honestly everything else he said went over my head.

"Those grounds are under preparation for future training. I'm sorry." He looks directly at me." Good luck." He leaves the room and I'm left in complete shock.

Me and Akamine quickly form a plan for Present Mic to look after Aiko at the edge of ground beta. That doesn't stop me from pacing back and fourth and thinking about possible arrangements of the exam. I quiz Akamine on it as she came up with the exam, but she dances around my questions and gives me absolutely nothing to work with.

As for class 1A being in the same ground as me, I'm unfazed. I've spoken to the girls a couple of times and there was obviously Bakugou and Kirishima that one time but the only person I actually, truly like and get a long with is Mina. Well, so far at least. She insists I call her Mina because we're "friends and shit" which is fine by me.

She's also the only person I talk to outside of school. Akamine gave me an old phone of hers, which is still pretty high-tech, but I only have two contacts. Mina and Akamine. So it's not really in use, but I should've used it to find out if Mina new anything about the exam. She probably wouldn't though.

I don't meet up with her at lunch and focus on training instead and before I know it, I'm stood in front of the training grounds.

I'm allowed to wear my hero costume since it has literally no effect on my abilities at all and all it does is make it easier to carry my weapon. Which I have been permitted to use.

I take a deep breath and slide my mask over my face. Due to the rush this morning, Akamine didn't have time to fuss about my appearence, meaning my hair is a scruffy mess which overall suits the aesthetic of my costume better.

Akamine stands in front of me and we have a mini staring contest before she smirks.
"Alright Kiriko, the test is simple. All you have to do it play a game of capture the flag." That's it?

"But," of course not, "you have 45 minutes to find the flag and claim it and, that's not all, you're up against me and Midnight." I look past Akamine and the scandelous hero waves at me.

"Wait so I'm up against pros? Isn't that unfair?" I state, trying to stay calm since Aiko is watching with Present Mic and I don't want to make a fool of myself.

"Yeah, but this test has to be somewhat harder than the current exam to prove that it's worthy of being an exam. Not to mention that this was an old training activity that was stopped because people couldn't seem to pass. Then again that was with three pros per two students." She gets quieter as she speaks, slowly turning into a mumble. "Anyway, we'll go slightly easy on you, but my goal is to stop you, despite wanting you to do well, so keep that in mind."

She checks her wrist watch.

"All right. You get a head start by about five minutes. Good luck. Go!

This chapter is slightly shorter than I was intending, mainly because I was going to have a short introduction and then straight onto the exam, but I couldn't do that because the introduction was not short. If I added the actual exam onto this chapter it would be waaaayyy too long.

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