6 // Half And Half

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"Welcome to the hero course." I stand up and look at the Principle in disbelief. I've actually done it. I've actually gotten myself onto U.A.

"Hell yes!" Akamine yells, making me jump. She rushes up to me and attacks me, pulling me into a bear hug. Considering she seemed tired a minute ago, she's certainly sparked up again.

Her hug is very rough and slightly painful due to the way she's decided to go about it.
"Hey, watch the arm." I hiss at her.

"Oh yeah shit." She says in a gargle of letters in a quiet whisper so only I can hear her curse. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I just went a bit ham."

"Yeah I might've noticed." I smirk at her playfully, despite the pain raging through my arm, my mood has been lifted tremendously. "'Go easy on you' my ass!" I playfully punch her in the shoulder and she pretends to be hurt.

"Anyway, Present Mic, do you have sommet you wanna say?" Akamine says as she lets go if me. She faces the man and a look of fear crosses his face.

"Uhm, " He stutters slightly, "your sister's really quick like damn!" He notices my scowl and instantly changes his tone. "I'm sorry I let her out of my sight."

"It's fine." I say after a slight sigh. He's not wrong. Aiko can be incredibly quick and strong due to her quirk. Energy.

Aiko's quirk produces energy in its purest form, which she can then use herself or others can use. Energy is obviously incredibly valuable which caught the attention of many villains once her quirk settled in. That's the main reason we went on the run, to avoid villains after us for her quirk to make money.

I can't blame Mic for losing track of her because I can't keep up with her either.

"Since you've already managed to impress class 1A." Nezu begins again, catching me off guard. I turn and look at the class who are all blankly staring at me, except Mina, who's stood there with a giant smile of her face.

I take the chance to observe my new classmates. All of them seem unique and vibrant but a couple of people stick out. Obviously Mina because of her bright pink skin, a boy that looks to have grapes on his head that is staring me up and down (he sticks out due to the fact he's not even a subtle pervert), and a boy that has red and white hair and a scar over his left eye.

This guy intrigues me the most out of the class. His half and half hair is unique and like the grape bitch, he looks me up and down but it's not as intense or creepy or even quick. It's not like he's attracted to me, it's like he's observing me.

He notices that I've caught him observing me and I expect him to look away, like most people would. Instead he holds my gaze and I'm not sure how to react. This kid has some balls. He gives off a similar vibe to Bakugou but without the whole "I'm going to murder you" thing. It's cold but also hypnotic at the same time, like he knows his worth and his place and he won't back down.

"You're going to be part of that class. You'll be joining them as of tomorrow." Nezu continues, snapping my gaze away from half and half. "You should probably go and see recovery girl about your arm." I respectfully nod at him as a thank you before Akamine tells me and Aiko to follow her.

I walk past class 1A and try to give off a friendly smile to as many people as possible. Even Bakugou, who doesn't seem to react, he just raises his eyebrow at me. I make eye contact with half and half again, I still maintain my happy face and all he does is give me a puzzled look. He almost seems annoyed. I turn my back on the class and Aiko slips her hand in mine, muttering a soft sorry to me. She's also holding my mask in her other hand, she must've picked it up when I wasn't paying any attention.

It takes me a matter of seconds to start lecturing Aiko on running away and going against direct orders and requests. I tell her about how dangerous it is for her and others when she decides to do that and that it could cause a real problem. I'm talking to her for a long time until she finally promises not to do it again. She's already apologised multiple times, but the promise was what I needed from her.

Recovery girl partially heals the wound, saying that I'm already low on energy and that I'll have to see her tomorrow to fully heal it, which is fine by me.

She gives me new bandages and I tell her I'll do it myself. She gives me a puzzled look but doesn't comment.

I go into the bathroom and quickly change the bandage on my right arm. I can't help but grimise at my arm. An incident a couple of years back left me heavily scarred. My entire top half from just under my chest to the top of my neck is cover in pink jagged lines that look like branches, like the scars from being struck by lightning.

The skin around these parts is still pretty sensitive. I'm not really ashamed of how they look, I just don't like the questions or exposure considering how sensitive the skin is.

I put the uniform back on and me, Akamine and Aiko head home.

I can't believe it. I'm actually going to be a hero. Kinda.

But that thrill and pride doesn't last too long. Later that night, I'm snuggled up in bed with Aiko. We always cuddled together for shelter and warmth out on the streets when we couldn't find a bed. It was also a comfort thing, knowing that we had somebody with us. I know she wouldn't be able to sleep very well without me, and as much as I hate to admit it, I doubt I would without her.

Despite being curled up next to her, I normally fall asleep at around midnight. I used to fall asleep later and wake up earlier, so it's an improvement. I always had to be on high alert to look after her.

It's about 11ish and she starts quietly sniffling to herself. I can't figure out if she's getting a cold or crying for a solid minute. She is definitely crying.

"Aiko?" I whisper. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She might be a child, but she surprisingly doesn't get that emotional, so this is strange. She simply shakes her head and sniffs. "Alright. We can talk about it when you're ready."

I pull her into a hug and I hear her mutter something.
"What was that?"

"I'm so sorry." She whimpers. "You got hurt because of me." My heart breaks. She's been the cause of my injuries numerous times, but I don't regret jumping in once. I'd rather take a hit than watch her die.

"Hey, hey. It's okay." I say softly. "I'm better now. You don't need to worry about it. It's in the past now, okay?" She sniffs and nods before burrying her face in my chest. "Just try and go to sleep, okay?" She nods again.

I'm probably lay there for about an hour until her breathing steadies and I can tell she's finally gone to sleep. That's when I can finally let myself rest.

After all, tomorrow should be interesting.

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