Chapter 18: Jude

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Lucy's POV

      Prom slowly came to an end and me and Natsu were forced to leave. It was a little past 11, past state curfew. Since Natsu's house was closer we snuck in as quit as possible.

       Natsu locked the door behind us then we went downstairs. "Hey Natsu can I borrow some clothes?" I whispered and he nodded back going to his drawers.

     He handed me some basket ball shorts and a t-shirt. I mouthed thanks then went into his bathroom. Only to come back out seconds later. "Natsuu" I whined.
      "What's wrong Luce?" I pointed to my back. "I can't unzip" he chuckled then helped me.

      As soon as it broke free I ran into the bathroom and changed. I decided to take my makeup off since I don't want my face to break out. "Oi Luce, you alright in there?" "Yea" I opened the door up to face him. "Just taking off my makeup" a smile appeared on his face as he grabbed my hand.

        "Let's go go bed I'm tired" he sighed. I pulled my hand out of his grasp earning a look. "Sorry but.. I'm sleepin in my room" "wha why!" He asked. "Because your rooms freezin"

        "Thats because I'm always hot" he smirked "in many ways than one" he wiggled his eye brows at me.

       I chuckle then playfully punched his arm. I turned heel and head for the stairs. "Goodnight Natsu~" I told him then headed to my room, well the spare room.  I crawled into small bed and hide my self beneath the covers going to dream land.

*time skip*

        I felt my self on the very edge of the bed so I entendres to roll over to the other side but.. When I did roll over my face slammed into something hard and warm. I tick mark appeared on my head as I opened my eyes. 

      There lays Natsu hogging the bed! Wait.. "Natsu!!!" I yelled shaking him violently. "Arg five more minutes" he groaned. "Why the hell are you in my bed!?" "You said not my room it's cold. So I came up here." He said with his face stuffed in the pillow.

      "My beds to small for two people." I complained. "No my fault. My beds fit for me my queen. Since you know it's a queen size." I felt my self blushing.   "Nat-" I stopped when I noticed him fast sleep again. I smiled to my self and kissed his head before getting out of bed.

       I made my way down stairs into the kitchen. I pulled out the eggs, milk and some other things and started making a big breakfast. I started the coffee and made a pit of tea. As if on cue mr. Igneel came down scratching his bed hair and yawning.

       I poured him some coffee and handed it to him. "Good morning sir" I smiled. He looked down and smiled at the coffee "Hood morning Lucy, why are making breakfast?" "Oh I thought it would be nice" I told him as I flipped some pancakes.

      Later on everyone else had woken up and joined us in the kitchen and got their share of food. Breakfast has been done for about 20 minutes now and Natsu still hasn't shown up. I crept up the stairs to find him still buried in my covers.

      A devious smiled stretchers across my face. I got into my attack position then pounced on the bed. "Natsu!!! Wakey wakey!!!" I yelled as jumped on him. But I was quickly snatched up in a pair of tan arms. "Kya! Natsu!!"

     He pinned me down. "My my, where have you been Lucy? I've been waiting" he smirked then started tickling my sides. "Gahahah stop!!! Gahahahh!!" I couldn't keep my self from laughing. "Where were you Luce?" He asked again.

        "I.. Hahaha!! Made BREAKFAST!!" I finally yelled out between laughs. He stopped almost immediately. "You made food?" I nodded. "Everyone else already ate besides us" he let me go then took off down the stairs yelling "FOOOOD!!!" I giggled and followed him.

        By time I made it down stairs all that was left was a pancake which he was going for. That's when everything went in slow motion.

Natsu's hand reaching for it.

Me diving for it.

Natsu's eyes getting wide at my attempt to take his precious food.

My desperate attempt to get some food failed as Wendy walked by and grabbed it.
       Still in slow motion me and Natsu's eyes slowly avert from the plate to her. "Wendy!!" We both yelled. "Nani!!" She screamed. "Pancake" was all we could say. "Oh yea I was still hungry" my stomach then growled.. Loudly. "Jeez Luce" I pouted and held my stomach.

      "I made that huge breakfast and didn't get any of it in starving" I whined. "Aww Luce I'm so sorry I didn't know you hadn't eaten" I sighed and grabbed his hand dragging him out. "Well let go to my house then I still have some things I need to cook up."

       He nodded then ran down stairs to get his phone and wallet. "Be back later!" He called out. When we walked out I jumped on his back and he gave me a questionable look.

       "Look Dragneel, all I have is your clothes, my dress and heels. You have to carry me" "aye sir" he replied then headed to my house. I opened up the door and headed inside.

      "So whatcha making for us Luce?" Natsu asked me. I shrugged the walked in the kitchen.

"Welcome home princess"

        I screamed and backed into Natsu. "Who the hell are you!?" Natsu yelled at the person. "Oh my, Virgo?!?" I asked suddenly being able to see them clearly. "Yes mistress." I was suddenly over whelmed with happiness, I ran up and hugged her tightly. "Ahh I've missed you"

     Natsu looked at me confused. "Oh Natsu, this is Virgo she was my maid but at my old house." "You had a maid?" He asked surprised. I nodded then looked to Virgo. "But um, why are you here?" "Ah yes, master Jude has requested you o Come see him"

       When I heard that come out of her mouth I just looked at her in disbelief. "There's no way in hell in going to see him!" I yelled, Natsu walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, almost as he was saying he would let her take me.

     "Please princess, it's dire, you see your father is very ill and wishes to to see you at least once. " I gulped then looked at Natsu. "If Natsu can come I'll go" she nodded. "Then pack your bags we leave in an hour. Sorry I must drive us there weren't any last minute flights."

      "Okay, I'll pack quickly. Then we must stop by Natsu's and our work to take off for the day." She nodded "I'll be out in the car" Natsu looked down at me. "Oh my god Natsu I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to drag you into this. I understand if you do-"

       I was silenced with his lips. "Shut it Heartfilia, I'll gladly go if it makes you happy, besides I have some things I wanna talk to him about."

       I went and packed a few things and we got in the car and headed to Natsu's. Of course his mother approved she said that her son must meet his girlfriends dad etc.

       "Mira!" I waved as we walked into the cafe. "Lucy Natsu!" "Hey Mira is it alright if we talk today and tomorrow off? I have some manny issues to attend to" she smiled sweetly. "But of course!" "Thanks Mira!"

      I slowly got back into the car and leaned against Natsu as we headed to the place I hated most. The road trip was a couple of hours long, I kind of wished we could've got a plane but then again.. "I spy something tall and green" Natsu said looking out the window.

       I chuckled "hmm let see I'm gonna say a tree" I rolled my eyes. "Man Luce you're awesome at this game." "Alright ight. I spy with my little eye. Something pink-" "my hair!!" I made a cross with my arms. "What you mean no! It the only pink thing!!" I shook my head.

       "One Virgo has pink hair too and two it's my phone case." I showed him my phone and he sighed. I just laughed then leaned against him. Luckily we brought pillows so, Natsu laid against the door and window and I pretty laid my pillow on his butt. I fell asleep to Natsu playing with my hair.

      "Lucy.. Luuuuuce" I groaned and sat up. "Why'd you wake me up?" He point at the front gate. "Oh we're here." I watched as Natsu's eyes grew as we approached my house.

"Well let's go meet my father"

Hello minna! Hope you like the new chapter.💕
It was kind of short oops. I'm tired so :p

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