Chapter 5: Happy

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Lucy's POV

I woke up the a cold empty bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked for my clothes, letting out a soft yawn. I grabbed one of Natsu's shirts then slugged out of our room and walked into the kitchen. There was a note on the counter from Natsu.

Lucy~ had to go in to practice be back later. Here's some money order some pizza if you get hungry. -Natsu .

"Hmm.. I need shampoo and other things. And we need to go shopping." I went to get changed then grabbed my wallet. "I've got my card I guess that'll be enough." I looked up the closest store and headed out. I guess it was noticeable I'm not from here because every one kept asking if I needed help. I'd just smile and scratch my head.

Almost everyone would help me. Once I checked out I headed back home. I unlocked the door and sat everything in my arms on the floor by the steps.

"Hey! Give it back!" I heard a little girl yell.

I turned around and saw a group of boys probably in middle school run by with a doll snickering. I jumped off the stairs and grabbed another little kids ball from the neighbor kid. "Hey lady!" I just kicked the ball as soon as I could. "Ouch!" The one with the doll year. "Nailed it!" I yelled before walking up to the kids.

"Listen up boys" I glared at all them. "You don't pick on other kids, boy or girl. If you even think about it I'll come pummel you!" I raised my voice with a fist. They threw the doll to me then ran off. "Scary lady!" I heard one yelled.

I grabbed the kids soccer ball and handed back to him. "Jeez ma'am you're really good at soccer." I ruffled his hair. "That was four years of hard work, ever want me to teach you just bang on the door alright!" I smiled. His eyes grew wide as did his smile. "Thanks!"

I couldn't hear crying not to far off, I followed it and found the little girl. "Hey sweetie, here's your doll." She wiped her tears and looked up at me. "Thank you" she slowly took the doll before walking off. She looked around then sighed. "Honey are you lost?" I asked and earn a nod. I walked over to her and crutched down. "Want me to help you find your house?"

"Yes please"

I stood up and starting walking, I could hear her little pitter patter of footstep behind me. Soundly her tiny hand grabbed mine as we walked. I looked down smiled, it warmed my heart. 'I always wanted a little sister as a child. But I guess it would be logical for me to have my own children huh?' I felt a little blush move across my face. I quickly shook my thoughts. 'It's not time for kids just yet'

"Asuka!!" I heard some yell. The little girl stopped. "Mommy mommy!"
She let go of my hand and ran towards the women with long green hair. "Thank you so much ma'am! Our sitter quit and Asuka ran off." I tapped my chin. "If you want I can baby sit for you." She looked up from her child. "Really!?" I nodded. "Ah thanks so much.." "Lucy" she shook my hand.

     L "Lucy, hi I'm Bisca. I'll just send you a text if we need a sitter and just let me know if your available" I nodded and gave her my number. "Thank you again for bringing my little baby back" I shook my head. "It's no problem, it's the right thing to do" I walked away in victory. 'I just got my self a part time job'

Natsu's POV

    I whistled while I walked up to the apartment. My whistle slowly dying as I saw the front door cracked opened. I pushed it opened slowly and saw fresh groceries on the ground. I crept up the stairs and looked around. "Lucy!?" I called but no response.

    I gulped and ran back down the stairs and out the door. "Lucy!?" I called again. Every time I saw I bond id panic. "Thank you so much ma'am" "don't worry about it" my ear twitched 'that was Lucy's voice.' I ran the corner and saw Lucy standing there holding two cats. "I feel bad, but would you mind taking one to the shelter for me i just can take in both. I only knew about the brown one when I asked for your help"

     I saw Lucy frown and look at the kitten. "I'll find something to do with him." She slowly started walking away. "Luce" she looked up and smiled brightly. "Natsu!" She called out while jogging over to me. "Lucy where's that cat" she avoided eye contact and pulled her hand out from behind her back, revealing and little blue kitten.

    "Can we keep him please! I'll take good care of him!" She begged. "Lucy you left the door open and groceries all the floor." She started sweating a bit. "I was helping.. I caught some bullies, told the neighbor kid is teach him soccer, helped a little girl find her mom, got a baby sitting job and saved two kittens!" She explained.

    But I zoned out a bit. Her brown eyes had me memorized as did her bright smile. I stopped walking and pulled her arm. "Nat-"

"God I'm in love with you so much"

Her eyes widened and pink flushed in her cheeks. "Natsu~" she whispered before hugging me, I kissed her head and held her kitten free hand. Then a sudden burst of "awes" could be heard. A group of teenage girls sat on the balcony giggling and gawking at us. "I wonder what we should name him?" I thought for a moment.

     "How do you feel right now?" She smiled. "Happy" I softly patted the kittens head. "Then that shall be his name, Happy" the kitten purred and nuzzled into Lucy.

It's short but it's an update. I have eoc for the next two weeks and I've been updating My Enemy like everyday. Kind of forgot about this story😅don't fret more updates soon.

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