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Jack runs his hand over Lucky's head, her hair is just little stubs.

She cries, wanting to feel better. More than anything, she just wants to feel better. Her tears feel like acid running down her cheeks. She grips onto Jack's shirt, praying she can get out of here.

Jack smooths his hand down her back, whispering to her, "We'll get you out of here. And you'll see Ginger and Edgar."

Lucky nods her head in Jack's chest, pulling away and wiping her face. She leans over and presses the red button near her bed, a nurse rushing in, "Yes, Mrs.McLoughlin?"

"Get. Me. Out." She says sternly, wrapping the IV cord between her fingertips.

The nurse looks at Jack, as if looking for him to tell Lucky to stay, but he says,"You heard her." Instead.

The nurse tells Lucky that since she will not be staying for treatment, the hospital is not responsible if she dies outside of the state.

Lucky and Jack sign the release forms, collecting all of her things.

Jake's head is stitched shut, but still his head is a little foggy.

Lacey gets picked up by Jake, Hunter picked up by Jack, but both of the twins begin to cry.

"MAMA!" Lacey screams, trying to get out of Jake's arms. She succeeds, waiting for her mom to be sat in the wheel chair before climbing into her lap.

Hunter wiggles out of Jack's arms and does the same, resting his head on his moms chest.

"Hi, babies." She coos, kissing the tops of their heads.

They smile, and climb into the green truck, Jake sitting between them in their car seats. Lucky needs help jumping into the front seat, so Jack has to pick her up and set her down in the seat.

Lucky leans back and smiles, breathing in fresh air.

"Let's go home, baby." Jack says, kissing her sweetly.

She kisses back, her cheeks red.

Her smile was so wide.

~~Time Skip To Home~~

Lacey and Hunter show their mom all the things they've made in school. All the arts&crafts that they were making for Lucky.

She thanks them, telling them they need to start packing. Saying they have an important trip to go on.

They agree and run up the stairs, Jake following behind them to help them pack.

Jack helps Lucky up the stairs and helps her pack, coming behind her and hugging her, "Baby?"

"Yes?" She answers, shoving shorts into her suitcase.

"Go take a bath. I'll do this." He kisses her neck, pulling her away from her suitcase.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll come check on you in a minute."

She gathers some sweatpants and a tank top, her speaker and her abandoned phone.

Jack could hear the bath and her favorite song, 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol.

Jack smiles. He lets himself relax. 

"She's home. She's your star again." Jake says, smiling, "She's home." Jake walks up to Jack and hugs him.

Jack melts like putty into Jake's arms, both of them crying.

Jack pulls back and smiles at Jake, "Thank you so much, Jake Michael."

"Always." Jake leaves the room, and Jack walks into his bathroom, Lucky in the tub.

Jack takes a moment to take her in. 

Her skin is covered in bubbles and bruises. Her arms skinny, her legs pale.

She's Beautiful.

Don't you think?

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