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The next morning he arose from his slumber a bit hungry and parched from his endeavors the day before. He wanted to head back to the heart of Reina's territory. Shaking out his scales and stretching stiff limbs he set out. He gently navigated the dense forest he had to pass through at Triad Falls. Finally he could see the clearing of White Cliffs in front of him. He was ready for a drink at the cool spring pond. His head held high as he watched for danger. His nose scenting the air, his eyes darting about. He wore a perfect camouflage for the forest but not out in the open.

Coming to the steep slope which lead to the watering hole. He sighed heavily pausing for a moment as if thinking if he really wanted to do this. Making up his mind he began the assent. Taking each step carefully he managed to make it to the top. Making up his mind that he would sleep up here for the night. Walking towards the pond he checked it for danger. Lowering his head he began to lap at the cool crisp water.

A sharp thrill close by had him yank his head up. "What was that?" He thought to himself. Taking a step back and his head pivoting as he scented the air. Yet he scented only the faintest of scents. Egg white, a hint of blood and Allosaurus. Another thrill had him moving forward with curiosity. His head searching the air for any other scent. Yet there was none. Whatever it was grew quiet for a moment. Until he stood over it then it stumbled from the nest of broken egg shells. Moving towards him on wobbly new legs. His heart pounding in his chest as his blue eyes gazed upon this creature.

Its soft baby calls made his heart swell with a strange unknown feeling. Finally he broke his trance and call back to it. A soft fatherly call that could only be done with love. His attachment to this creature was sealed. He would protect it with his life if need be. His tongue darting out as he began to wash the egg white and shell remnants from his body. "Mine," was the words echoing in his mind. Standing up he looks around to make sure no other allosaurus was close by. There were no other scents other than his own and his baby.

His hunger momentarily forgotten as he washed his babies face and body. "Niko, shall be your name." He thought to himself. Lying down beside his baby he cooed softly to Niko. Allowing this bond he felt to grow stronger. He was still at a loss as to where his mate was. But knew she was somewhere within the territory. For the rest of the evening Lucky remained at Niko's side cooing softly and even hunting a couple of small rodents and reptiles for him. That evening he curled up closely with him to keep him warm throughout the night.

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