Chapter 1

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"That'll be $13.99 please." Lucy told the customer in front of her. The customer pulled out their wallet for the right amount money. The customer then paid her and left with a small thank you. Her manager started walking up to her carrying a box, "Lucy. Can you go and restock the medicine, we're running low."she gave him a small nod, taking the box from his arms.

While restocking the shelves, she heard someone walking in the same isle. "Excuse me. Can you pass me the Pepto Bismol?" they asked. Lucy looked up with the medicine in her hands and handed it to him. "Hey, are you new here?" she asked. "Ye-Yea, I just moved here today." he answered, playing with the medicine in his hands. "Well, hopefully I get to see you soon or tomorrow new kid." she finished restocking the shelves.

Lucy walked out through the back door with the empty box in her arm. Quickly, she opened the dumpster's lid and tossed the box into the trash making sure it didn't touch her arm. Suddenly, Lucy heard loud booming voices coming from outside the strip mall. She went back inside the market and exited through the front door to see what the commotion was about, only to see the boy she was talking to earlier, have Pepto Bismol poured onto his head.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked, jogging to the boy. The boy nodded, "Yeah, he's just being an asshole.". This grabbed Kyler's attention. "What'd you say, Rhea?" Kyler taunted the boy. "I-I didn't say anything." he stuttered, backing away, on to get punched in the gut by Kyler. "Oh shit!" Lucy gasped in shock. He quickly got up and ran, but got pushed into a car by Brucks. "Where you going pussy?" he snickered.

"Hey" an old man shouted with a pizza slice in his hand. "Watch the car, man." the old guy turned around, and lo and behold, it's Johnny Lawrence. Lucy's next door neighbor. In Lucy's eyes, Johnny is a nice guy who's just misunderstood. He took care of her a few times when her mom had to go to work and her babysitter wasn't available. And she could only think of one person who she could trust and the person was Johnny. It took a while for him to agree, but eventually he said yes.

Trying to not draw attention to herself, Lucy quickly walked the tan boy, "Come on. Up up." she lifted his arm around her neck. "Who's this dude?" Kyler asked. "Just leave the dork alone." Johnny ignored the question. Kyler and his friends started making fun of Johnny and was shoved by Kyler. With a blink of an eye, Kyler was on the ground. They all started charging at Johnny, but got either kicked or punched.

"Shou-Should we help him?" the lanky boy asked Lucy, turning his head to face her. "He's got it, I think. Yea, he definitely does." she nodded her head. "Ok." he quickly nodded and turned his head back to the chaos, looking mesmerized. It looked the fight was over, "Holy shit. How did you-" he got interrupted when Kyler lunged himself at Johnny, punching him and putting him in a headlock.

"What's the matter? Having trouble breathing?" Kyler asked. With one action, Johnny elbowed him in the stomach and flipped him over his shoulder. "Is that all you got, ladies?" Johnny teased. Bruce wanted to leave, but Kyler wasn't having it and went for round two. Kyler went straight at him for a punch, but Johnny ducked and Kyler fell face first. Bruce got kicked in the face and the two other dudes got head butted and elbowed in the face.

Johnny put Kyler in a chokehold, "What's the matter? Having trouble breathing?". The cops had arrived and pepper sprayed Johnny in the eyes. "Hey it's not his fault!" the boy yelled, but was ignored. They had arrested Johnny. There was an awkward silence for moment before Lucy spoke up. "Well that just happened. Do you need a ride home?" "No. I'm good, I've got my bike." he pointed over to where his bike was parked, which coincidently was right in front of her car. "Yeah no, you're getting a ride home." Lucy immediately said, walking over to his bike.

She picked up his bike and gently placed it in the back of her car. "Come on!" she waved him over. He quickly ran to her passenger door and opened it. "What's your address?" she questioned, opening Waze on her phone, and passed it to him. He quickly typed in his address and handed it back. "Do you have a song you want me to play?" "No, I'm good."Hooking her phone to the aux, and she played Dreams by The Cranberries. They sat in silence while The Cranberries playing quietly in the background.

"Oh! What's your name?" Lucy remembered, looking at him before turning her attention back to the road."My names Miguel." he replied with a small smile.

"I like that name. My names Lucy but you can call me Lulu." she gave Miguel a smile as they pulled up into the complex, now realizing that they lived across from each other. They unbuckled their seatbelt and got out of her car. "This is our stop." "Huh?" "We live right across from each other." "Ohh." "Yea, I'll see you tomorrow?" "See you tomorrow.". They both walked away from each other and walked away. "Mama, I'm home!" she yelled, closing the door and locking it behind her.

"Hi! How was work sweetie?" Simone asked, her voice getting louder as she entered the living room. "It was, something." she replied, with her eyebrows scrunched. "Well that's new." Simone chuckled, walking up to her daughter and giving her a hug."Johnny got arrested" she told her mom. "That's not new." "Also, I met our new neighbor. His name is Miguel, and he's going to the same school as me." she finished, looking up at her mom.

"I met his mom at the store today, she's nice. Well, it's time for you to go to bed." Simone said, leading Lucy to her room. They both shared their goodnights and got ready for bed. While changing, Lucy saw that her Cocker spaniel, Bambi, was already sound asleep in her pink bed. She walked over to the small dog and whispered "Goodnight." giving her a kiss on her head, and went to sleep.

bealvrs playground ~

i hope that you guys liked this chapter i think that it's pretty good since i'm not really a good writer!

also why is school starting so early i'm not ready😭

started: August8, 2024
finished: August 8, 2024
rewritten: September 16, 2024
words: 1127

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