chapter 12: scars

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Ryans p.o.v

One day after tommy, timmy,sylvia and lily went home with mom and dad; rebecca went home with victor.

So now me and lucy finally had some time alone and i had a plan; i was going to propose to lucy but it had to be perfect because i love her so much.

So there i was on the computer figuring out the perfect place to take her that she would love, but i dont know where because she hasnt been anywhere or seen anything but that nasty cell her whole life. But i had to try to make it perfect for her or at least try to i want to make up for not being there.

At this moment lucy was on our bed messing with her wrists for some reason with a frown on her face which made me curious as to why but at the moment i was too busy worrying about the time and place for my proposal. What i didnt know was that was going to be a big mistake and i would soon regret not knowing why she was messing with them.

I noticed her get up and walk into the bathroom, from the corner of my eyes as i messed with my computer.

But soon i smelt blood and felt a little pain in my arms and legs which made me freak out so i headed in the direction it was coming from which happened to be the bathroom before walking in to find lucy on the floor her body curled in a ball her arms were pressed against her tight, her legs were covered by a towel so i couldn't see them, she was quietly crying.

"Sweetheart whats the matter?" I asked crouching in front of her trying to pull her arms away from her so i can look at them the blood smelt way stronger now.

She frantically shook her head and held them back from me

( wi..will h..hate me if you s..see) she whimpered as she mindlinked me

"Please Baby i could never hate you let me see your arms" i pleaded as i took her hands in mine again gently pulling them away from her, i felt something sticky on them and slowly turned them over.

What i saw frightened me to my very core her arms were cut from her wrists to her upper arm. She lowered her head in shame.

"Did you do this?" I whispered still cradling her arms in mine

She nodded head still down

"Why baby?" I asked

(I d..dont know i feel like i deserve this...if you w..want look at my legs,stomach and back) she whispered in her mindlink

Gently i took off the towel to find to my horror she had bloody scratches and cuts all the way to her knees onr leg had failure carved into it, the other had the word slut carved into it.

I then lifted her shirt to look at her stomach and i was also horrified to find words that she had carved into her delicate skin there was a mixture of old and new scars all over some looked like scars that may never go away and some looked like they werent even caused by her.

Those words included: worthless,bitch,whore, and slut it made my own stomach turn bile rising in my throat

Then finally i got up my courage i turned her around and lifted up her shirt once more and looked at her back and it was the worst part...

It was racked with scars,words,whip marks,cuts, burns, and other wounds. I knew none of these were caused by her and they also looked as though they also may never heal.

I growled slightly pulling her shirt down harsher than intended making her flinch and whimper covering herself so she was shielding herself from harm.

(I knew you would be mad...and disgusted at me i am sure you want to reject me now)

My heart sank hearing her talking like that, and then i calmed myself for her sake before gently lifting her onto my lap holding her close rubbing her head as she cried into my shirt.

"Baby i dont hate you like i said i could never hate you, i have told you before that i would never hurt you either so please dont be scared of me ok and dont believe anything people have told you like those words on your body you are not any of them, you are so beautiful" i whisper kissing her head

She didnt reply and just continued crying i slowly picked her up with me carry her into our room and gently laying her on the bed before climbing in it and laying beside her holding her close

Once she calmed down i told her "please dont cut yourself no more i dont like when you do that ok now i am going to bandage them up ok" i get up real quick getting the first aid kit and she flinches as i used the alcohol pad to wipe her wounds then i began bandaging her arms and legs careful not to hurt anything more than it already was

When i was done i lie back down and just lay with her in my arms as we slowly fall asleep.

Before i fell asleep i frowned (well i guess my plans are going to be put on hold for a little bit.) 

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