ATC Concert

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I'm sorry for not updating for a short time but I'm working on the next part so I hope to get it out soon.

Soooooo, as you know I went to an Against the Current (ATC) concert last Tuesday, November 3rd, and it was AWESOME! (If you have not heard of them, I strongly recommend that you look them up.)

My friend and I went to their show at a very, very, small club called The Bottom of the Hill (in picture above - and yes it is at the bottom of a hill). The stage and standing area was literally only half of an small to average size house. Although it was quite crowded, the audience was nice and respectful so that made it all that much better.

The concert was a few hours and two acts played before ATC came on: Jule Vera and Vinyl Theatre, respectively.

I loved Jule Vera, a small band from Alabama. Their sound was great and they really engaged the audience. For one song they even had some people in the front hold up a drum and box that they played on. I'd say they are one to watch. (A video for one of their songs is above).

Next was Vinyl Theatre. They were good, but truthfully not my favorite. I would still check them out if you get the chance to do so.

And FINALLY, ATC! They had all the lights and smoke and EPIC entrance. When they came out I think my friend almost fainted. They played most of their own songs (including Dreaming Alone YAY! but of course the audience was put up to the challenge of singing TAKA's part. oof!). They also did a few covers (like Chocolate and such) and played two songs off of their upcoming album: Outsiders and other that shall not be name in case some of you have not been to a concert recently (but I will tell you that I thought it was great and it still sounds like them - which is a good thing :) Chrissy even did her famous backbend!

During the show, Chrissy came down into the crowd right behind us, so we were in the front row of the circle around her. My friend almost fainted again when he got to hold her hand as she sang and started a crowd jump - I bet we had the whole place shaking :) lol.

Then they did a kind of cruel thing (yet it seems to be common at concerts - it happened at the first one I went to which was 5SOS - this was my second concert). They acted as if one of the songs they played was their last one and they left the stage. Then someone in the crowd (I personally think he was a bit drunk because he was of age - my friend and I were underage so we had Xs on your hands) started chanting DAN! DAN! DAN! and soon the crowd joined in. Then ATC came back onstage and the finished off the concert fabulously.

Afterwards, we got in line to meet Chrissy and to get some merch (there was only one line because the place was tiny). My friend was speechless when he met and took pictures with her and I was at least able to choke out a "Hello. How are you? You guys were great!" Then we got some merch (my friend was lucky to get the last t-shirt).

Then we talked and took pictures with Jule Vera and they seemed kinda surprised we even came over - sadly a lot of people were just ignoring them. They were really nice.

On the way out we ran into Will and also talked and took pictures with him.

As we drove him home (yes my parents did come and they liked the concert too) my friend and I blasted all the ATC songs he has on his phone.

Overall, the concert was great! I would definitely recommend seeing ATC (and even Jule Vera) live. It was sooo much fun!

Signing off

thx ATCAgaisntTheCurrent ;-)


Have you ever heard of ATC, Jule Vera, or One Ok Rock (or Taka)?

answer in the comments pls

I hope to get the next part out soon.

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