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Note; Before you start reading this. I just want you to know that all of things that I wrote here are just purely fictitious. Please be open-minded about this.



       ᴛᴏxɪᴄ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴅᴏᴇsɴᴛ ғᴇᴇʟ
         ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴀʟʟ.
                                    ▸  ᵁᴷᴺᴷᴼᵂᴺ

I stand alone on the woods. Hearing the chirping of the birds and every animal's sound. The trees are so big, making the light rays of the moon vanish. Making the whole place darker and scarier.

“Are you ready?” I heard that voice. Whispering on my ears. Saying unforgivable things. Tempting my black heart. And keeping me away from the light.

I remained silent. “You are really daughter, Lucy. You are.” He whispered, again.

An evil smirked formed on my lips as a thought came out of my head. I can heard his maniac laughs. Heard his voice saying how he loves the smirk on my face.

And that thing makes me more eager to do some things on my own. “What is in your head, Lucy?” he whispered again.

“Do you want to go back to the things in the past, my dear?” I remained silent. Not wanting to answer his questions.

“Do you still want to go back to them? Lucy, they made you feel unwanted. They made you feel worthless. They neglected you and caged you because you are so poisonous,” he said, irritatedly. My knuckles turned into balls.

I can feel my anger rising up. I remember all the beatings, all the insults, all the ugly things they done to me. Instead of loving or accepting me. They beaten me until I can't take it anymore and escaped.

“And what about your-so-called-friends, my dear?” He asked, softly. I can feel his warm palms caressing my tattered clothes. I flinched when I feel a little ache because he's caressing my burned back.

“Shh,” he muttered, softly. I breath, deeply. Bearing the physical pain they inflicted on me.

“Do you remember Adias? He's your boyfriend, right?” he growled, slightly pissed. I whimpered when his touch turned into drastic caressing. “S-stop.”

“What did he do when he find out your true self? He left you and he's the one who leads the people to beat you, to kill you,” he said, full of contempt. I winced when he suddenly grasped my waist and I could feel the burning sensation in my whole body.

“Please, stop.”

My body's burning as my mind kept playing the whole thing that happened on my past. My mom saying that she disgrace me as her daughter.

My dad slapping and beating me. My brother caging me. My friend's insulting me. Adias saying to the people that I am a grave danger to the whole world.

I can't take it anymore and I begged. “Stop doing it,” I begged to him.

It's his time to be silent. I can still feel the fire all over my body and I stopped breathing when I realized that my body's consuming the fire. Making the fire travel inside my body.

I whimpered loudly when it reached my heart. Burning my black heart. Burning the last humanity inside me.

Until my whimpered died slowly. While the fire's killing me, softly. “Your black heart is becoming darker and darker, my dear.” I heard him said it.

“Fac ira eius sentire. Fac affectus inpotens sui. Suscipe eam, dimiserunt eam intus mala. Ne faciatis ea quæ mala sunt, illi pater eius hoc facere voluit.” (Make her feel the anger. Make her emotions uncontrollable. Let her accept the evilness inside her. Let her do the evil things, her father wanted her to do.) He said a ritual in latin. The pain got more intense, tearing my inside apart as I close my eyes.

Bearing the unbearable pain and making my emotions uncontrollable. Urging me to stop fighting of what will eventually happen.

“I didn't love you. I never did, Lucy. You are just one of the girls that's playing hard-to-get, but in the end you will give up all your acts and you will just give up your body.”

I remembered Adias saying those lines. Saying those hurtful words and with that. The fire inside me ignite more. “Yes, my dear. Accept it. Do it.” He urged me.

I opened my eyes and I cannot feel anything, but anger. Anger that's burning down my senses. “So, what's your plan?”

“Poison them all.” I roared before I vanished on the woods and teleported back to our nation.

Back to the place where everyone has powers. Where everyone has the ability to do anything they wanted. Including harming those person that have unexplainable powers. Like mine.

They're celebrating. I saw that Adias and Chinalyn both wearing wedding attires. My glares become deadly. You will all pay.

I smirk evilly as I let my power out. The place where I'm standing becomes black as raven.

The trees started dying so suddenly. Everyone gasper. When they finally see me. They ran away. But, there are those people who actually think they can defeat me.

I wanted to laugh. Hah! Me? No fucking way.

Someone threw ice blades. Some tree trunks. Some wind blades. And other shits. But, I burn them down.

I raised my right hand and gathered all the power and fire that I need and I made a dragon flames. Burning them down. Killing them.

I saw how they bleed. How they winces. How they beg me to stop burning them.

But, why would I stop if I'm still enjoying myself? I laughed evilly.

The darkness I brought started eating them. Started eating everyone it touches.

I gathered more power and let our whole nation eaten by my powers. Letting the darkness eat their sinful souls.

I heard them shout in pain. Scream. Beg. But, I just watched them, while smirking so evilly. They will suit into my real home.

I am as poisonous as my father.

As toxic as his flowery lies.

As ruthless as he is.

And as black-hearted as he is.

I am his daughter.

And I am proud to say that I am the reason why our world crumbles.

I am the main reason why humankind created and live in our world.

Who I am then?

I am Lucy.

Daughter of Satan. And God's greatest enemy.


COMPLETED. | darkFortalejo_16

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