I give part of my soul to you

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I see Natsu he is frozen yet I can still see he is connsious. I walk over to him only to hear a low growl of a beast but I continue to trudge forward. I now stand face to face with him his eyes glare daggers at me and I would be lying if some part of me was not afraid but my love for him and my trust in him made the worries and fears less. I grab Natsu's face in my hands don't worry I will bring you back  I let him go and I feel dizzy for some reason it is worse than when she was pregnant this pain was more excuriating what the hell is going on. Without realizing it I was speaking some incantation the room grew so bright yet it did not burn my eyes when the light subsided a key fell into my cold hands my body floated off the ground and I began the same spell as before the key disappeared in my body I felt so much power warm strength ran throughout my entire being. Stellar redemption  I yelled out and beautiful angelic wings glistens in the night protruding from my back a hallo of stars laid above my head. Shocked I gasped what in the world was happening to me as much as I wanted to know I knew it was not the time. Natsu stared at me growling fiercely the time had unfroze and End was swishing his long red spiked tail back in forth his body was now a pit of flames his eyes were a bloodthirsty red color and wings sprouted from his back pure black and lastly to horns on his scull. A roar filled the old mansion flames flew my direction I managed to dodge them heavenly star reccarnation I shout a white fire engulfs him and struggles in pain sharp cries burst in my eardrums ugh that hurt my headache came back full force and I stumbled back hitting a pillar ow. But Natsu was still trapped the white flames turned into all of the consalations surrounding him. I knew in that moment what I needed to do I just hope Natsu can come back safely. I fly to where end is and chant the same spell as before stellar redemption I yell again now a the stars were shinning lifting him up into what looked like a tornado devouring everything whole. All was quiet and the light left Natsu as he dropped with a loud thud on the Coble stone floors I gasp and rush over to him Natsu I scream with tears flooding my eyes he is not breathing and his normally hot body was freezing and limp color faded from him. I hugged him but he vanished from my arms no where to be seen my heart broke I consintrated on being brought to where Natsu was and I am surround by the same white flames Natsu had been in not long ago. When I get up I see I am in a dark space less room no sound but one the sound of a little kid crying. I feel the urge to find that small voice and cradle it saying it's okay. I follow the cries and see in a dark corner a little pink hair boy. I know who this boy is it is Natsu but why is he a child? I nicely call out to the shivering child "what's wrong?" I ask politely. The boy turns to look at me tears streaked his red cheeks and his small nose runny.  "sniff I can't find my father Igneal he has been gone for more than a day did he not like me was I trouble for him and he left?" The sobs grew louder and I hugged him so tightly I could hear him squeak he relaxes a little surprised by the sudden contact. I answer him in a soft voice "no your father loves you he has left not because he hates you but because he wants to protect you from something dark inside trying to escape" I say bawling just as he has. He looked up at me "I don't want him to go I need him please where is he?" the little boy hiccups the last sentence. Before I could speak I hear a loud voice but not scary "I am here Natsu" a deep voice echoed I turned to see a large red dragon stomping its way to where me and Natsu were. The dragon took my gaze in his "I have been called here by you young lady" he states more then questions. I nod my head and a sad smile played across he scaly lips "I wished desperately that this day would never come even though I knew it would igneal shook his head in shame I'm sorry Natsu I could not protect you."  " I have come here to destroy the demon seed known as end in his body."  I look around "wait this is I'm in his body?"  I shout surprised. "Yes in order to take the seed out I need to be inside him this is his soul you see or you could call it a spirit." I am Lucy heartfillia the wife of Natsu and proud mother of our daughters I introduce myself and state my purpose  for calling Igneal here. "I have called upon you to help bring back Natsu and get rid of end I have used my powers to recarnnate him but I'm afraid I don't know what else to do but I beg of you I will do anything to save Natsu!"  "That little brat sure is cared for he is lucky to have such a caring wife but I am afraid the only way to bring Natsu back is for you to sacrifice part of your own soul and you magic" Igneal explained all this to me.  "I will give him part of my soul and my magic just as long as Natsu can be happy and laughing again" I say with determination. "Very well if this is what you so wish I will grant your request."  Suddenly I am placed next to Natsu the kid curled up beside me I smile as a deep sleep knocks me unconscious. What seems like eternity passes and I wake up next to a snoring pink hair dragon slayer his color was back in his skin and his heat radiated off his body a nice steady heart beat sent tears of joy to my eyes "I am so glad" I say and hug Natsu close to me. I try to sit up a little but it is futile as I fall back down right I gave part of my soul to Natsu and magic which has rendered me tired and week for the mean time. "Lucy are you okay?" a loud voice asked me more like demanded it was no one other then Eraza she was running to me and Natsu in a panic I'm okay I Reply and nod back off to sleep.

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