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Lucy POV

Ok first of all. Everything hurts. Like really hurts. I look at my arms and all I see is purple, blue, and even black. I can't even see my freaking skin color!

Doesn't my kidnapper needs me alive or something? If I calculate things right. It's like he's only using me as a punching bag. I mean if you really want my power you need me 100% okay. Sure you can hit me here and there. But not too much to cause me internal bleeding.

I'm going crazy! I've been talking to myself. Laughing quitely at my pain! Like wtf? Is this what crazy people feels like? Nah. I. Am. Not. Crazy.
I'm just overreacting a bit. Yeah. That's it.

I shook my head from my thoughts. To keep me occupied I have been memorizing my kidnapper.

Here are the clues on who my kidnapper may be:

1) Male

2) Powerful Mage

3) Has Experie---BOOM

Pain envelopes my whole body and once again I greet darkness with open arms. Like seriously can't I have a break for once?


I opened my eyes.  As my eyes adjusts to the light. Wait did I just said light?! It's been f#cking days, weeks, months, years I DON'T FREAKING KNOW! I lost count of time. But can you blame me?

I looked up and saw my kidnapper looking down at me with a sneer. He finally showed his face! But why though?

I made a mental note on how he looks.
Long dark brown hair, really pale skin, emerald eyes, and his arms are bandaged. If I wasn't tied and maybe on my death bed I would have said he was rocking the kidnapper look and he's kinda cute. But not as cute as Natsu.

I shake my head from the crazy thoughts. Like seriously I'm almost dying and here I am thinking about guys!

"You must be thinking why am I showing you how I look?" He said smirking. Wich to be honest scared the living day lights of me. And no, I've been thinking of Natsu.

I just stared at him with blank eyes. Did he really expect me to anwser him? I'm f$cking dying here and he's making a conversation?!

"Well today I'm going to tell you why I'm doing this and then I'll kill you." He said like it's the most normal thing.

"Why..."I muttered really quietly. It hurts too much to even talk so I kept it simple.

"Well, where do I start?" He asked tapping his chin with a teasing smile
For a weird reason that really bothered me.

"Well, the begining is always nice." I retard with a smirk but deep down I'm yelling at myself why am I so stupid?

"It's really long so to make it short the love of my life died and left me heart broken so to cope with the pain I started kidnapping, torturing, and finally killing." He said with a really nasty sneer.

"But why are you telling me this?" I asked. Really confused cuz let's be real who the heck would blow their own cover?

"Because I'm going to kill you so why not have a little fun?" He said cackling like he just made the most funnient joke ever.

I just gulped. And here I thought he was going to use me to make offsprings or to just bring back Zeref. I'm really sad that my life is going to end like this but a darker side of me, a tiny  side of me thinks it's for the best.

"So the first step of my plan was to kidnap a random person. Check.
The second step of my plan was to torture you. Which is what I'm going to do know. So let me knock you out while I get my materials and plan on how to torture you." He said casually. I just sigh. As I feel the pain in my head. Before I have a tea party with darkness I thought,

When can I ever have a f*cking break?!

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