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Natsu POV

She left the battle field like a walk on the park! I'm so jelous of how powerful she is! -pouts- anyways I'm going to ask her if she knows where Igneel is.
So I was walking to her until she randomly stops and holds up her right hand.

"What do you want? You know I can smell you right? Dragon senses. And by the way when was the last time you've actually taken a shower because you smell like smoke mixed with poop no offense." she said very rudely. I scoffed,

"Geez chill! I'm just going to ask you a question." I said. She just rolls her eyes.

"What do you want now? Don't you see I'm busy!?" she anwsered really annoyed.

"Really? It looks like your just walking down the side walk and be careful you might fall in the water." I said smirking.

"Well, I was going to my apartment and  take a bath!"  She basicly half screamed at me.

"I was just going to ask you if you know where Ign-"

"Lucy I'm hungry!! I need fish NOW!!" Cookie said whining. Then out of no where appeared Happy.

"I know right! I hate when they just decides not to feed us! Its animal cruelty!" Happy screamed with a horrid face.

"I know right!" Cookie agrees and they flew off somewhere.

"Ugh, just tell me what the hell you want! I'm busy!" Screamed an angry Lucy clearly annoyed.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you if you know where Igneel is?" Hope clearly laced on my voice, she gasped.

"How do you know Igneel?!?!"

"He's my adopted father! Duh!" I said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Your my best friend's son!?!? Oh my god I'm so sorry for being mean to you! He's going to be so disapointed at me! Oh my god, oh my god" and thats how all the mumbling starts and thanks to my dragon hearing I can hear it just fine!

"I knew you knew him and his your best friend?! Thats so cool!" I said to her.

"Yeah... oh that reminds me follow me if you wanna see your father!"

And she grabs my hand and starts running and for some reason I couldn't help but blush! I guess she is childish just like me! I got this feeling we'll get along just fine! And before I know it we are the at the place Igneel always took me to train!

"Hey how do you know about this spot?" I asked.

"Well, this is where Igneel took me to train with him!" She said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

Out of no where she chants,

"Open Gate Of The Dragon Igneel!"

Smokes appears out of no where.

I couldn't believe what was infront of my eyes! Is my eyes playing tricks with me?!
And then she smiles at me {picture above}

"What are you waiting for?! Lets go!" she said very childish.


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