The Truth

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After the party most of the guild members left or is knocked out.

Lucy was giggling and enjoying the party what's left of it anyway.

And out of no where the siblings was curious and asked for the whole story because they were claiming they saw her die on their faces.

So Lucy calmly said, "It all started when we went to the forest running away from the dark mages, they claimed I was powerful meaning that I would've been a good sacrifice for Zeref or something like that, you guys declined and we started running to the forest..."

Lucy paused for a moment recalling the dark memories she wished was all a nightmare.

"... somehow we where all surrounded by the dark mages and they started shooting you guys eccept for me becuase they need me for the sacrifice anyways, they shooted at all of you and my instinct got the best of me and I got in the way and all the shots got on me instead of you guys. After your last words I said ' I love you ' and I'm assuming I disappeared in dust, well after all that tragic death I woke up in a weird place known as the Dragon Realm..." Lucy stops to catch her breath for a second.

"... this golden dragon appeared in front of me. She turned to her human form and claimed that she saved my life because she had been looking for the perfect princess to rule the Dragon Realm after her and she thinks I would be the perfect princess because I sacrificed myself for you guys. So I've been training for years until she decided it was time for me to become the next queen. After a few more years I decided it would be a good time to pay a visit."

"So basically I'm Queen Lucy Heartfilia in the Dragon Realm so please keep this a secret." Lucy said panting.

"Why do we have to keep this a secret if you don't mind me asking that is." Said Lisanna.

"As you can see I'm really powerful meaning that they can use me as an disavantage for their pleasure to produce more offsprings. And they can also use me for the sacrifice."

Little did they know a certain pinkette heard everything. And boy was he shocked.

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