Monkey D. Wren

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*She's still considered Miss. Freedom because she was married in private only a few people(The first of her crew and the top 5 of Dragon's men(yep that means Garp doesn't know he just thinks that they had a one night stand, so every time he visits and they talk alone he asks when his rebellious son and her are getting married(and get his tall a** kicked for it))) know*
Name:Monkey (nee Freedom) D. Wren
Looks:5'4 with an hourglass figure thicker eyebrows and bluish lavender eyes overall everything else is the same as the picture
Fake name: Lilith D. Robin
Looks:5'10 with an hourglass shape, thin eyebrows, brownish golden eyes, and scarlet hair
Pirate name:The Fairy Knight
(Everyone on the crew had the fairy emblem on there person)
Main one(swaying above them all on the tower and sails)

On 2 separate flags 2 ship, where the gold emblems are(look at crew)

Likes,Dislikes and other personal things will come at a later date during the story. Same with the crew.

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