Chapter 7 - The Hidden Enemy

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   It was dark.

In every direction, every way, it was complete; and it was deafening. The void was silent, still. It may have held nothing at all; it may have held the universe. None could tell. For an undeterminable amount of time, that was all there was.

   Then, at last, he felt something.

Through the misty veil of darkness a consciousness emerged. At first it was as a daze; but slowly it grew brighter, more awake.

   He was not just a part of the endless void.

   As Luigi began to come to, he found what soon felt like a cold stone floor beneath him. So he could feel something; he was alive. Of that much, at least, he was now certain.

Slowly gaining something like sensation, Luigi tried sitting up, only concerned with the slight headache that now plagued him. There were his eyes - blinking, he looked around him; and instantly scrambled to his feet.

   Where am I? In a rising panic, he tried to remember something; anything. What had he been doing? Sleeping? What about before that?

   Did I get hit on the head? Wh-what -

   Then, almost as if to answer, it all flooded back in a rush: the mansion, the lab, the professor... and Mario.

   All of it was fresh before his eyes... and nowhere to be seen. Was it... a dream? Luigi wondered dumbly. What happened?

   But there was nothing, at the present, which served to reassure him or provide answers. In fact, looking around, he was starting to feel a bit panicked. How did I get here? Turning about in circles, he felt dread begin growing in the pit of his stomach. Where, exactly, is here?

   Trying not to completely freak out, he closed his eyes for a moment and tried hard to think of the last thing he'd done before... going to sleep or something. I was in... the professor's lab, right?

   Or did I get knocked out? Perhaps all of this was a dream - or maybe the mansion was a dream. Or all of it: why didn't he know?

   Luigi opened his eyes, telling himself that it was the best idea to remain calm, whatever happened. It was simple - but then it wasn't.

   He was still there when he looked again - wherever 'there' was. He honestly couldn't tell; the place in which he stood was so dark that in all directions the blackness spread into the distance and he couldn't make out anything – walls or surroundings of any sort. There was no indication even as to whether he was inside or out. It was just like a void of his imagination; and all he could see was the white, stony ground beneath him. He wasn't even sure how exactly, since there were no sources of light in this place as far as he could tell. 

   Am I in the mansion? he wondered suddenly. Did something happen...? At that thought, he reached instinctively for his flashlight; but he was soon disappointed to find it gone. He then found, to his slight horror, that he was also missing the Poltergust 3000 and the Game Boy Horror - everything. Then is none of it real? he wondered in bewilderment. Or... no, I took them off in the lab, right?

   "Mario!" he called abruptly into the darkness. At least his voice still worked; sometimes it didn't. He could hear it split the enormous silence, echoing now off walls far away; perhaps he was in some big room or chamber. "Mario, are you here?" he shouted again.

   He had no reason to think so - but then, he had every reason. What if Mario was nearby; what if it was he who helped Luigi?

   Still, Luigi didn't expect to be answered; at least not quickly. So he was startled nearly witless when, quite casually, someone did.

   "Yes, he is here," a deep, throaty voice rippled through the void.

   Alarmed nearly out of his skin, Luigi jumped and turned again in a circle. What??

   The voice faded off into the distance, and then came back, almost like a speaker bouncing through his head. It didn't seem to have a source; it resonated throughout the place, coming at Luigi from all sides.

   "But the question is... why are you here?" it inquired slyly.

   Startled, Luigi took a moment to respond. "W-Who are you?" he asked, trembling a little at the growling tone. "What is this place?" Remembering his initial words, his breath caught. "And where's Mario? Please, if you know where he is –"

   Luigi cut himself off. He suddenly got the distinct feeling that whoever it was wasn't listening anymore; it was odd.

   "Where are you?" he asked.

   Somehow knowing he wasn't going to get an answer, Luigi lowered his head with a sigh. Mario was here? What did that mean? Had he just imagined the voice?

   At that he stopped. Maybe it was a trick of some sort. Maybe the mansion was playing with him...

   Have I been kidnapped? he wondered. Try as he might, he couldn't recall with complete certainty where he had last been. He thought it was E. Gadd's lab, but...

   And then, without warning, the mystery voice came back.

   "Yes, you might say so... from certain points of view."

   Luigi raised his head and looked around in surprise, hoping for a glimpse of his visitor. Aha! Is he talking to...? Had he said that about the kidnapping out loud?

   "What do you mean?" Luigi asked the emptiness around him.

   "I mean, in a sense, yes."

   The human blinked in alarm. "I-I've been kidnapped? By whom?"

   The voice chuckled, a deep, raspy laugh that grated against the air. "That's unimportant. I'm more interested in why you're here."

   "Well, if I've been kidnapped in my sleep, I don't really know that, do I?" Luigi replied testily.

   "Oh, don't play coy," the voice snorted. "I know what you're after."

   "My – Mario," Luigi said, suddenly disarmed. "You said he's been kidnapped too??"

   "You catch on real fast," the voice praised sarcastically. "Yes. I did."

   "You know where he is?" Luigi asked hopefully, a flicker of excitement running through him. "Can you take me to him?"

   "Perhaps," the voice said thoughtfully. "When I think it right."

   "Right? But I want to see him now, and..." Luigi trailed off skeptically, unsure what to say. He'd suddenly remembered: Mario had been kidnapped by the boos, right? Maybe he was in the mansion. Perhaps he was right on top of him -

   "Who are you?" he demanded again.

   In answer, the voice laughed with a hint of contempt. "As you should already know, Mario doesn't need rescuing."

   Luigi frowned. "What do you mean? Is he safe? Is he here?" Growing frustrated, he looked about him again, but still saw nothing. Nothing was making sense; and he hated not understanding.

   But the visitor soon clarified. "Mario doesn't want to be rescued."

   "W-why not? Where is he?"

   A small chuckle. "Oh, you simpleton, don't you get it? Mario is tired of you following him everywhere. He doesn't need your help, and doesn't want to put up with the trouble anymore. The life of a celebrity is very tough - don't you think it's enough without a pesky little brother on top of it all? So he has come for solace, and he has found it. He came here."

   Horrified, Luigi took a few steps back. "What?? Why would he ever do that?"

   "Because he wanted to join me. Obviously! And now, he is free from you." The scorn and arrogance in his words hit a nerve with the boy.

   "You're lying!" Luigi growled.

   "Most of that was his words, not mine," the voice declared defensively.

   "Who are you?!" Luigi shouted now. "You think I don't know anything, do you?? Mario would never be so brutally honest, and he would never join... whoever you are!"

   "So, you acknowledge that these are Mario's true feelings," the voice purred.

   Luigi stood in angry silence for a moment. At the first, he wasn't sure what to say: he couldn't give his oppressor what he wanted!

   But that was just it... Luigi was uncertain. He had to admit he wasn't quite sure how their relationship stood; sometimes it did really seem like Mario was tired of him, and Luigi, while he wanted more than anything to be like his brother, often had to remind himself that Mario didn't always like him tagging along. In a way, Luigi didn't blame Mario for feeling that way. He probably felt like Luigi ruined his style.

   It was true that Mario rarely accepted Luigi's offers of help, and he liked to do things himself; but seeking solace from his pesky little brother? It didn't seem possible for Mario to even construct such a sentence.

   Regardless of how it was, Luigi still cared about him enough to overlook it now; and it was in remembering so that he found his reply.

   "I know Mario better than you do," he said quietly. "He wouldn't join you."

   "Oh, aren't you so smart?" the voice cackled. There was a moment of silence.

   Finally he spoke again. "Very well. You know him well enough, I'll give you that. True, he didn't want to join me. And personally, I don't want him to join me. No, I wanted him for a different reason."

   Luigi didn't say anything. He was inwardly relieved to find that he'd been right – not that there had ever been a doubt of Mario's loyalty. Luigi knew better than to actually take it seriously.

   It was only when the full meaning of his last words sank in that he turned stormy. "So you kidnapped him," Luigi accused, feeling anger build inside him. Suddenly he didn't even care who he was talking to; he just knew that it was someone of immense evil. Mario's kidnapper?!

   "What do you want with him?" he demanded.

   "Oh, it's nothing especially far-fetched," the voice replied vaguely. "But I must say, if your brother hates you, why are you here looking for him?"

   What?! "Mario doesn't hate me," Luigi replied, in anger and indignant. How dare he-?!

Even as he said the words, however, something inside him stung. Deep down, Luigi had the tiniest, most uncertain tendril of a doubt. Had Mario said that...? But it was a worry for another time.

   Maybe Mario didn't love him. But surely he didn't hate him, either.

   Luigi had always believed that Mario liked him enough, at least sometimes. But much as he wanted it, he didn't take Mario's love for granted.

   "And it doesn't matter, because I care about him," Luigi went on, for once proud to say something. It was the truth: it didn't matter.

   The voice sighed, a low rumble that filled Luigi's head. "How touching. You sure love to take away all the fun, don't you?" the voice cackled. He sounded like he was nevertheless enjoying himself. "That matter, my friend, is open to debate. But never mind all that. If you are not smart enough to leave now, you will soon share the same fate as your brother."

   With that, a bright flash of light pierced the air, shining before Luigi's eyes for only a second. It was only a light, nothing visible; but then Luigi knew he was alone.


   He gasped and stumbled forward, as if to catch his oppressor; and then he fell still.

   The silence returned - but it was not the same as before. Utterly confused and his mind in a turmoil, Luigi began to turn in circles, hoping to spot something; a way to go. He couldn't just sit and do nothing!

   The snarling words of his latest conversation still rang in his head, causing him a deal of suspicion and fear; but Luigi knew it was of little consequence right now. It had mentioned that Luigi was kidnapped... was that really true?

   No use wondering about it. For now, Luigi just needed to figure out what on earth he was doing.

   Just when he was starting to think he might have to start walking around in the seemingly endless darkness, however, Luigi's eyes caught sight of something in the void: not too far away, a dark shape, like a lump, was sitting on the floor. There was no telling what it was from the distance; the only reason he could see it at all was because it contrasted a little against the white floor.

   Was that there before? Hesitating for only a second, he began heading towards it, not having any better ideas.

   As he approached, he soon noticed that the entire place seemed to become darker; it was as if he was entering the darkest recesses of a cave. When he finally reached the place which he was sure was his destination, it was so dark that Luigi couldn't see a thing. Well, that really helps. Not knowing what else to do, he cautiously reached out a hand, feeling blindly for the supposed lump on the floor.

   Perhaps it was unwise. But Luigi never regretted doing as he did.

   As soon as he touched it, he pulled back his hand with a gasp. Oh my gosh.

   It was eerily cold to the touch, but he instantly knew what it was: a person. Specifically, it felt like someone's arm.

   They were just lying there.

   "H-hello?" Luigi asked carefully, nervous fear washing over him like a wave.

   Upon getting no response, he cautiously reached his hand out again and this time placed it on the person's arm. It remained unmoving.

   "Are you okay?"

   Nothing. I can't believe this... They're not...

   Luigi wished sorely that he had his flashlight. Not knowing quite what to do, he knelt down and carefully moved his hand along in the darkness, feeling for the person's face.

   Almost before he had done so, Luigi knew at once who it was.

   "Mario! Bro, can you hear me?!"

   No, no no... Feeling the floodgates open to adrenaline coursing through him, Luigi reached out for his face – there was no doubt. He found the big round nose, the thick, fabulously done mustache; all so similar to his own, except...

   He was cold. Even through his glove, his skin was as cold as ice.

   Mario...! Heart lurching, Luigi found his arm and tugged his brother over onto his back. Trying to keep the panic down somehow, he quickly put an ear to Mario's stomach.


   He's not breathing! he thought in terror. "M-Mario, hold on, I'll..." Feeling again for Mario's face, Luigi brought his mouth to his brother's delicate lips. Ignoring how frozen they felt, he tried to collect enough oxygen for the job; and he attempted to restore some air circulation in him until he himself ran out of breath.

   Come on, come on!! he thought, growing more and more desperate with each try. But when he finally sat back to rest a moment, Luigi still hadn't had any success; Mario hadn't stirred in the slightest. He was silent as a rock.

   "Mario... please... wake up..." Luigi breathed pleadingly. "Don't... don't do this!"

   His heart pounding in his ears like a weight, Luigi wedged his arm under Mario's head and tried to wrap the other around him, to pull him closer. That was when he discovered yet something else: when he did, his hand met something damp on Mario's other side.

   With a frown, Luigi pulled his hand back to look at it. Somehow, even in the darkness, he could make out all too well the dark liquid that stained his white glove.  

   At first he could only stare at it in horror. The awful feeling that had been growing in his stomach began to rise up and choke him; for a moment, he struggled against the strong urge to throw up. This wasn't real... this wasn't happening!

   When he finally took his eyes off his glove, he reached out in the darkness and silently pulled Mario into his lap. His brother's limp body didn't protest, not even when Luigi touched his wounded side again. It had soaked through his clothes and right onto Luigi's, but he didn't care. It was all the same to him.

   Hot tears slowly forming in his eyes, he took his brother's head gently into his arms, caressing for a moment the flawless skin Mario had always been graced with. Trembling, he rested his forehead against Mario's, and held him there for a long moment.

   "Bro..." he whispered chokingly. "I-I'm s-sorry..."

   Shaking violently, Luigi finally lifted his head and cradled him close. He was so cold... it was like handling a doll. Luigi tried valiantly to see him in the darkness, to at least get a last glimpse of his brother; but he couldn't. He was once again completely hidden from sight.

   At last, Luigi buried his face in Mario's chest and began to sob into it. He didn't know for how long; and he really didn't care.


   It felt like an eternity before Luigi moved again, as if breaking out of a trance; but eventually, he did. The silence ended abruptly when he shot up with a start; and breath coming quick, he looked around him wildly, as if he had been burned. What...?

   He was by himself in the lab. Specifically, he was sitting on the couch in the darker alcove, a short distance from the front door. The place was aglow, just as he remembered it; and although there was no Professor Gadd, there was plenty of futuristic junk, and no hostiles either.

   He was back.

   Looking at his peaceful, realistic surroundings, Luigi finally began to calm. At least, he was able to do so physically. But on the inside it was a different story.

   Luigi's mind was left whirling, plagued by the last dark scenes he could remember which felt like only moments ago. The vivid memories flooded in of his dream – Was it a dream?

   It had felt so eerily real. He could remember everything the mysterious villain had said, all the horrid lies; and most of all, the cold feeling of... holding Mario...

   At this Luigi grew faint. It... it had to be a dream, he thought. I'm here. I'm in the lab... I was, wasn't I? He stopped and took a deep breath. Yeah... none of that happened. It was just... a nightmare.

   Just a nightmare...

   But a part of him still couldn't quite believe it. Trying to convince himself, a cold chill ran down Luigi's spine and he shivered. Just don't think about it. If he was unsure, that meant there was a chance; and that chance was all Luigi had.

   Still, Luigi knew then and there that he wouldn't be forgetting it anytime soon. Despite all the horrors, all the dreams he had experienced in the past, that was without a doubt the worst nightmare he'd ever had...

   Luckily, at that moment he was distracted from the thought by a door opening on the other side of the room; and there Professor E. Gadd walked in.

   "Luigi!" Visibly relieved, he immediately rushed across the room to his side. "Thank goodness you're up. Are you... do you feel alright? I was thinking I might have to call the hospital or something!" he added. "Not that I get great reception in this place."

   Surprised, Luigi shook his head. "No, I'm fine," he said softly.

   "Are you sure?" the professor asked doubtfully. "You really had me worried there, son. Why were you acting like that?"

   "Like what?"

   "Why, you don't remember? You got really pale and started acting real cryptic, like something was wrong but you wouldn't or couldn't tell me. It gave me a real scare."

   "Um..." Luigi thought for a moment. "No, I don't recall that exactly... how long ago was that?"

   "Oh, about half an hour ago. And then you just passed out. It took almost as long for me to move you to the couch."

   Luigi's eyes widened in both anxiety and hope. So that did mean... it was all a dream?

   E. Gadd still watched him doubtfully. "Are you sure you're okay?"

   "I've... I've gotta get back to the mansion, right?"

   The professor looked skeptical. "Of course you do, but I would take it easy for a bit," he advised. "I don't know what's going on exactly, and it's none too cautious to wait a while until we do. Does this happen to you often?"

   Luigi didn't hear the question. "So... is Mario waiting in the mansion?"

   E. Gadd didn't know where his patience came from. "Yes, I assume so," he said. "Unless the boos did something else with him. Why do you ask?"

   Luigi hugged his knees. "I... I had a dream," he said quietly. "It was so real... I-I thought I saw... or felt..." Unable to keep going, he shook his head and quivered.

   "Oh," E. Gadd said gently, beginning to understand. "It's alright. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Luigi. It was just a dream." Tentatively, he reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. "Just a dream."

   "But there was more," Luigi said, raising his head. He couldn't bring himself to turn to the professor, but he kept talking. "A voice was talking to me. He said... he had Mario... and he had kidnapped me too... and he kept telling me terrible things!" Trembling, he bit his lip. "I didn't want to believe it, but I really thought... I was scared."

   For a long moment neither of them said anything.

   All the while, E. Gadd was thinking. He knew that some ghosts, primarily the more powerful ones, could manipulate and even cause dreams to victims – usually nightmares. It wasn't dangerous in itself, but it was concerning - and could sometimes spell out evil intentions. But this was hardly the time to tell the boy that.

   Finally E. Gadd said gently, "I wouldn't dwell on it, Luigi. It wasn't real."

   "B-but the boos were real," Luigi said quaveringly, turning frightened eyes on him. The old words turned over and over in his mind. We're gonna do to you what we did to your brother...

   "They have Mario," he whispered.

   E. Gadd lowered his eyes. "Yes, Luigi, we know they have Mario. But- "

   "And they want me too," Luigi persisted. "And I don't even know what they've done to him!"

   The professor was silent, not daring to suggest the first possibility that sprang to mind.

   Luigi had found his nerve now. "Why? Why are they doing this to us!? Why now?"

   "I don't know, Luigi," E. Gadd said. "But they want something... specific. I don't think they planned this to be a murder mission." Almost immediately after, he covered his mouth in disgust with himself. He hadn't meant to say something so blunt.

   Strangely, Luigi didn't seem to be bothered by it. Instead, the young man sat quite calmly, staring off as if into space.

   "No," he said, shaking his head. "Mario's still out there. But..." Luigi broke off and looked at E. Gadd sincerely. He was still calm, but there was fear in his eyes. With a surprising certainty, he whispered, "He was in pain..."

   The professor frowned thoughtfully at him. "How do you know?"

   "I don't know how," Luigi said frankly. "But I just do. It's a feeling I've got." Then he shuddered.

   "You're sure?"

   Luigi thought for a second, then nodded. "I get that sometimes. Only occasionally, but I feel a sense when Mario's experiencing something strongly. You know."

   "No, I can't say I do," the professor replied, somewhat baffled. "But you sound very close. I'll bet he knows you're looking for him."

   "Well," Luigi sighed. "I don't know... At this point I'm not even sure if Mario is expecting me. Maybe he thinks I ran off."

   Mario knew just as much as anyone - in fact, he knew on a much more personal level - how timid Luigi was. It was usually a safer bet to say that he wouldn't be showing up at all.

   Was Mario expecting him? Did he really need serious help? They had been planning to meet... but that was before everything else happened. What if Mario had been in need - and he thought Luigi had run off?

   Luigi finally shook his head in disdain. "He probably doesn't have a lot of hope in me right now," he said dully. "And for good reason."

   "Oh, I doubt it," E. Gadd replied with a wave of his hand. "Try a little optimism."

   Right... optimism. That came hard for Luigi sometimes.

   "I know," he said at last. "I'm still going to do this... no matter what anyone says. He's my only sibling, after all," he went on, talking more now to himself than to the professor. "What kind of evil twin would I be if I abandoned him?"

   "He's your twin?" E. Gadd broke in with surprise. "You're a twin? Why didn't you tell me!?"

   "Umm," Luigi said, a little bewildered. "Because it didn't seem important?"

   "Why, of course it's important! Twins can have the most special insight to the other's emotional and physical state. Sometimes. If your gut tells you something like that, you should listen to it."

   Luigi raised an eyebrow. "Well, I do," he said skeptically, "but it's not so simple as that."

   "Oh, I know," E. Gadd replied, seeming pretty excited. "Since you've been a twin your whole life, you probably can't always tell the difference."

   "I guess," Luigi said thoughtfully. "Mario's alright for the moment... I think. I don't know. I just... guess." He closed his eyes. But I know he had been hurting.

   The professor beamed. "It's truly fascinating. I've always been amazed by the strange phenomena of twins."

   Phenomena? "Well," Luigi said, feeling a little self-conscious, "I don't mean to disappoint you, but Mario and I are only fraternal twins. We're very different."

   "Only? Why, I doubt you're that different," E. Gadd waved it off. "I mean, you're still your own person, but it would still be an interesting thing to study."

   "Umm, it's okay, really," Luigi said, putting his feet back on the floor and pushing off the couch. "I'm just really more concerned with getting him back."

   "You might have separation anxiety, of course," the professor mused.

   "I know how to be by myself," Luigi said, a little irritated. He paused and added, "Under normal circumstances."

   For a moment neither of them said anything. Then Luigi said, "You'd like Mario, anyway. He's a lot better."

   "Whatever do you mean, youngster?"

   "I mean, everyone likes him. He's nothing like me, like I said. He's tough, brave, and almost never falters. Of course," Luigi admitted, "this time around it got him into trouble. Just charging into the mansion without a concern, I suppose."

   E. Gadd was about to reply; but Luigi soon went on.

"But he's older, and he sure does play the part. Sometimes it feels like... or he acts like he's older by several years. But usually I don't mind."

   "Well, I suppose it may be natural for the older twin to assume a more leading attitude," the professor put in. "Try to appreciate that."

   "I do," Luigi said. "I admire him more than anything, but..." he shook his head. "We're not that similar."

   "Well, I'm sure he still cares about you," E. Gadd said finally. At first Luigi was startled by the irony.

   "...I don't know. I guess." Luigi sighed. "You see, Mario's kind of a big deal back home. I don't know if you've ever heard about our kingdom being under siege - well, it was Mario who pretty much single-handedly stopped that. He's always traveling, going on adventures... He's a hero."

   E. Gadd raised his eyebrows. "A hero."

   "He is," Luigi insisted, almost becoming indignant. "You'd understand if only you knew him... I mean, you wouldn't expect it, but he's just got this gallant air you can't help but notice."

   The professor seemed quite lost in thought. "And you?" he asked.

   "Me? Well I'm... well... usually either I don't want to go on adventures with him or he doesn't let me. It's... kind of hard."

   E. Gadd was quiet and still as he listened, letting Luigi talk.

   "But I think the hardest part... the thing that gets me even worse than just being left behind... it's worrying about him. Every time he goes out again, sometimes without telling me, I can't do anything about it. He'll be gone for hours, days, and I don't know where he is or what he's doing." Luigi stopped and sighed at some difficult memory. "I just worry and watch for his return, and pray that the day will never come... where he doesn't come back."

   It was silent for a long moment.

   Then Luigi spoke up again. "So I want to go with him when possible... to help him, and to do something that actually matters. I just... I wish he'd put a little more faith in me."

   The professor looked thoughtful. "Perhaps," he said, "he's only trying to protect you."

   Protect me? Luigi was quiet for a second as he digested those words. Huh...

   He had never really thought that maybe Mario's independence was a form of protection. He had always assumed Mario hated bringing him along because he'd get in the way, or cause extra trouble. And now thanks to his mysterious dream visitor, maybe it was because - deep down - Mario just didn't like him.

   But then... What were those words Mario had said to him, not so long ago?

   You'll be safe here, Luigi. I need a home to come home to.

   Luigi had been too upset to hear anything but rejection at the time; but suddenly, it was almost as if Mario had spoken to him again. Could it be...?

   Suddenly empowered by the idea, Luigi turned to the professor. "Well, I'm going to protect him now," he declared, abruptly turning and making straight for the door. He didn't know anything for certain; but he was going back to the mansion.

   "It's dangerous to go alone," the professor commented behind him. "Take this."

   Luigi stopped and turned in surprise. The professor was holding out the Poltergust to him with a knowing smile. Luigi stared for a second, realizing that he hadn't been wearing it.

   "Don't you think?" E. Gadd asked.

   Luigi broke a sheepish smile and ran forward, taking it from him. Pulling the wonderful weapon onto his back comfortably, he said, "Thanks, professor." There was something instantly reassuring about wearing it once again.

   "I suppose you look as ready as anyone to get moving. Remember, your first job is to look for boos," he instructed. "Try to catch as many as you can to deplete their numbers."

   Luigi nodded. "I will."

   When he opened the front door to head out he was surprised to find it still stormy. "Is it ever going to rain?" he asked as he moved onto the doorstep.

   "Probably not," the professor replied, squinting against the wind. "The area has been in this aura of stormy skies ever since the mansion appeared. It's like this all day, every day. There's no daylight over this mansion."

   Sounds charming. Luigi looked up, surveying the roof and spires at the very top far away. Beyond it he could see a little bit of the moon, a white pale glow behind the dark clouds. Somehow it didn't seem so cold as before.

   Lowering his gaze downward, however, he suddenly caught a slight movement on the mansion's face: and froze. Staring at the twin golden eyes over the doorway, he inhaled.

   There - in the right window. He could have sworn he had seen a passing shadow; a moving silhouette as of a person!

   It was gone as quickly as it came. Fear striking him in the pit of his stomach, for a moment he waited in silence, expecting the professor to say something; but it soon became apparent he hadn't seen it. Muscles tense, Luigi turned back to him in bewilderment. How could he have not...?

   "I'm here if you need me, Luigi," E. Gadd said dismissively. "Don't forget."

   Luigi nodded feebly. "I-I won't." He turned to the mansion and stood regarding it for a moment, taking out his flashlight again. I know you're in there somewhere, too, Mario, he thought, his eyes moving over each darkened window. Please, stay safe.


   "Luigi!" Toad exclaimed with relief when the human finally appeared at the mansion's front doors. He and Jonathan had ever-patiently been waiting in the foyer while he'd been gone, and now they rushed up to his side.

   "A boo!" he cried in greeting. "There was this big boo flying around in here! Be extra careful!"

   "Wh-what?" Luigi asked, looking down at Toad with concern. "If there was a boo in here, you guys aren't safe here anymore!"

   "No Luigi, it was really okay. He didn't seem to notice us or anything. He was just passing through," Toad replied. "I think he didn't like the light."

   "But there's boos all over the mansion," Luigi told them. He shook his head in desolation. "They're everywhere now."

   The two toadstools looked at each other and then back at Luigi, who was staring down at the floor.

"Boos aren't new to us, Luigi," Jonathan put in.

   "But that doesn't make them any less dangerous!" Luigi replied, perhaps a little too harshly.

   The two were silent for a moment. "I know, we don't like boos either," Toad said quietly. Knowing that Luigi could easily be swayed, he was firm. "But we're going to stay here."

   Luigi didn't respond. Instead he grabbed one of the Poltergust's straps and adjusted it on his shoulder, letting his gaze drift over their heads to the heart doors. Still he was silent.

   "Luigi... what is it?" Toad asked. "Why did you leave for so long?"

   Luigi blinked in response and looked back at them. Finally he spoke. "It's the boos," he said depressingly. He lowered his eyes again to the floor. "They've got Mario."

   The toadstools were slow to believe. Neither said anything, but simply stared up at Luigi with fear and refusal in their dark eyes. Jonathan slowly brought a hand to his mouth.

   Luigi didn't hang around to see if they would find their voices. He turned and began heading up one of the staircases onto the second floor, knowing that the toadstools were following him with their eyes.

   Luigi had figured that if he was going to look for boos, he should start his search in areas he'd already been; basically, retrace his steps. If the boos had 'scrammed', they could be anywhere.

   The first place he went was the study. He found it still delightfully bright and warm, with the fire still burning cheerily; but it didn't give Luigi as much comfort now. This time, as soon as he stepped inside, a small sound erupted from his pocket.

   Beep... Beep... Beep...

   He frowned. It was almost like an IV, or some annoyingly persistent background alert. That didn't sound like...

   Luigi grabbed the Game Boy Horror and found that it was indeed beeping quietly, not from a communication request, but something more repetitive. The tiny lightbulb on the top of the console flashed yellow periodically, like some tiny siren. What's it doing? Luigi wondered, confused for a second. Did I -

   Then he remembered - E. Gadd's secret function! What was it... The Boo Radar! It means...

   Before Luigi could even finish his dreadful thought, he heard a familiar cackle behind him. Boo.

   He quickly turned to see it floating there, staring at him like it'd spotted a hapless victim. It was immediately identical to most of the other boos: relatively smaller than the other ghosts, and much more talkative.

   Luigi froze, staring back at the beady eyes with the silent fear that usually accompanied a boo's presence. It was achingly familiar... but that didn't really make it much more reassuring.

   For a second neither of them made a move. Then the boo broke into a dirty smile.

   "You didn't see anything," it told him in a low hiss. "Hush your mouth, and keep quiet, and all of that other stuff... and I'll make your date with destiny simple. Speak not my name... Taboo!" The boo made sudden a lunge forward, but Luigi was long expecting it and stepped aside to face him.

   "You're not going to stop me," he said levelly, bringing up his Poltergust. As soon as he saw it, Taboo started making for the wall in a sudden bail; but he was caught before he could escape.

   "You are never to speak of this!" the boo snarled, pulling against him.

   Luigi snorted. "Yeah, sure... just like you are never to see another victim!" he retaliated, yanking backwards.

   Unexpectedly, Taboo exploded. "Shut up, SHUT UP!"

   From thence there was no more exchange between the two. Luigi was quickly surprised, however, to find that while the vacuum did pull the boo back, it didn't seem to use any suction. It was as if the boo's 'body' had a kind of paranormal signature which the Poltergust couldn't latch onto. Because of that, Luigi had to keep his aim trained on the boo at all times to avoid losing him.

   Luckily, Taboo was easily defeated and was quickly gone. Luigi drew a hand across his forehead.

   "Well, I guess that was easy enough," he said aloud. It was almost like a walk in the park compared to Chauncey, for example. He only hoped the rest of the boos would be so easy. If so, he might not have such a hard time getting rid of them after all.

   Almost as expected, E. Gadd called at that moment - Luigi was sure this time. He couldn't help giving a little exasperated chuckle as he answered.

   "Mercy! You've already caught your first boo!" he exclaimed in greeting. Luigi gave him a half smile. The professor could be so lightheartedly honest sometimes, and Luigi found it encouraging. At least, when it wasn't bordering on irritating.

   "I've been researching those guys..." the professor continued, looking at something in front of him. "Well, these boos don't seem to like light much, that's for sure. They do their best to hide in and under furniture when they're stuck in a lit room. So, then, I reckon that means that turning on all the lights in the mansion is the fastest way to find all of the boos. Wouldn't you say, youngster?"

   Luigi nodded. "Got it," he said. "I'm going through the rooms I already lit up."

   "That's a good place to get started," E. Gadd said. "Just remember that boos can be tricky. They're not like common ghosts."

   "Yeah, I noticed," Luigi said. "The Poltergust doesn't hook them?"

   "Oh, it can still catch them, believe me... but that's right. You've gotta hone your skills a bit, I'm afraid. And listen to your Boo Radar!"

   "Oh yeah... you never mentioned it makes noise!"

   "Didn't I? Ah well. It didn't scare you, did it?" E. Gadd chuckled. Turning a bit more serious, he asked, "But are you holding up alright? I felt kind of bad about sending you off so soon without making sure you were really okay. After all this in the lab and everything."

   Luigi shook his head. "Yeah, it's fine," he assured. "Really, I'm... I need to be here."

   "Well, you seem alright, so... you better get moving. Be careful, Luigi!"

   It seemed that no one could tell him that enough.

   After that Luigi promptly headed out. Now that he was on the hunt for boos, it seemed as if he could almost be sure of what he was doing and not worry about what lay around the corner so much.

   Avoiding the fake doors, he next headed to the master bedroom, where Lydia had been. He was greeted by a big gust of wind from the broken window – and the soft bleep of the Boo Radar.

   The room was empty as far as he could see at first. I guess I'd better check furniture, then, he thought with a shudder, heading over to the dresser. Sure enough, as he walked closer, the beeping on his Game Boy became more frantic - the light pulsed faster as if he was nearing buried gold.

   Luigi stopped in front of the bureau and paused with interest over the pictures that sat atop it; one of Neville, the other of Lydia. They also must have been made back when the couple was alive.

   Gosh, they still look so... normal, Luigi thought with a shake of his head. Just... normal. It seemed such a shame where they had ended up.

   Luigi was startled from his musing at that instant by a boo, springing up from the drawers over which he stood. Scrambling back, Luigi watched as it stopped and looked him over in about half a second.

   "Well, hello," it said, almost in a friendly manner. "I am the yummy Boolicious! Say, I know some fellows who might find you delicious too," he said, still quite sincerely. "But that wouldn't be very fun long-term. Why don't you come with me instead? Served up with a side order of fear... and you want fries with that?"

   "Right... no thanks," Luigi said in some confusion, already reaching for his Poltergust. He was inwardly a little horrified at the prospect of someone wanting to eat him; but he knew better than to let it get to his head just now. Not if that's what the boo was trying to do. And what's he on about fast food, now?

   "Sorry, but I don't have time for side quests right now," he said, flipping his vacuum around. Boolicious might have responded, but Luigi didn't let him get any further. Without having a chance to flee, the boo promptly made for an easy catch.

   This really isn't too hard at all, Luigi thought, almost breaking into a whistle as he headed for the door. Before going out, however, he felt something stop him, call him back. He cast one look over the room: the vanity with Lydia's cosmetics and hairbrushes still waiting; the flapping curtain in the window; and the large potted plant beside the perfectly made master bed. Luigi cast a longing glance over it, then quickly grabbed the doorknob.

   It was easiest for him to follow the same pattern he had earlier, so he went across the hall to the nursery next. Ah, the nursery. This time, at least he was pretty sure there were no sleeping ghost babies inside.

   When he opened the door, it let out a loud squeak – something Luigi didn't know how he'd avoided last time. For some reason, hearing it made him stop.   

   It was a moment before he realized why, but after a second it hit him: every time he ever touched a doorknob, it always squeaked the same way – no matter how he turned it or how many times. Every single one he'd yet seen was the same, he realized - including the locked ones which wouldn't even open at all. The sound had become so normal to his ears that he'd had a hard time recognizing it.

   Luigi grabbed the doorknob again to test it. Sure enough, he had been right.

   It's probably just a coincidence, he thought, moving on into the nursery. Doorknobs are just doorknobs, after all. So they're all the same.

   Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that the sound was almost musical, as if the doors were squeaking a song – or, the first five or so notes, at least. Almost without realizing it, Luigi picked up the tune and began whistling it as he moved around the nursery, looking in the furniture for impending boos. After a moment he caught himself.

   What...? Slowly, testing himself, he tried a few more bars. He had a whole little tune going now; a pretty catchy one at that. And now it came as easily as if he'd known the song his whole life. Luigi stopped and frowned. He didn't recognize the song... had he made it up on his own?

   "You seem pretty cheery," a familiar voice commented next to him.

   Almost scared out of his shoes for a second, Luigi whipped around, Poltergust in hand, to face the boo.

   "That's kinda strange, considering the circumstances," it clarified.

   "I-I'm not cheery," Luigi stammered, not knowing how else to reply.

   "Well, good, because you can get used to it that way," the boo said with a smirk. "Just wait... just wait! The checkered flag is almost here... Anyway," he added, now eyeing Luigi's vacuum, "I am Turboo, and off I go!"

   With that the boo darted towards the door; and soon discovered for himself that the human was quicker than he was.

   Luigi let out a sigh and hooked up his vacuum. Just wait... What could the boo have meant by that? Putting the thought away somewhat forcefully, he looked over and saw with a small thrill that the roses were still there on the table; so he took a second to smell them. Always stop to smell the flowers, after all.

   With that, he headed back out to the foyer. He didn't pause to talk or even look at the toadstools on the ground floor, but this time went straight into the parlor.

   As he went, he mulled over that tune again. He was positive now that he'd never heard it in his life, but it had come to him so easily... what was it? He soon came to the conclusion that he must have invented the rest of the song in his mind.

   Luigi faltered for half a second as he entered the parlor, another thought occurring to him. Or... the mansion put it there.

   The same squeak greeted him when he opened the doors, almost sending a chill down his spine. The way the notes hit the silence was kind of intimidating him now.

   He was soon enough distracted, however, by finding a boo in open sight within; floating before the bookshelf where the talking painting of the man was. At first his tail was turned, but he whipped around when Luigi came in.

   "I thought you might stop by," the boo cackled.

   Luigi wasn't in the mood to chat. Without a word, he pulled the Poltergust on him and had sucked him down in almost no time flat.

   Taking a deep breath, he hooked up his nozzle again and adjusted his gloves tightly. "Four down, probably four dozen to go," he said, trying to keep the mood light. I really must be getting the hang of this.

   Not eager to waste time, he headed on to the next room, the anteroom. The sound of the Boo Radar was almost constant, but it was quiet enough that he easily ignored it now.

   Coming into the ornate, echoey room, Luigi couldn't help thinking now that it didn't really compare with how nice the ballroom had been. It was of a similar style; but the anteroom was much smaller.

   Since the room was open and pretty much void of furniture, Luigi knew he had only to check the small end tables for signs of boos. Moving forward, he unknowingly started whistling that song again. After a second he caught himself in surprise.

   Luigi stopped and frowned at himself. "Strange..."

   "What's strange?" asked the boo next to him.

   And it was right next to him. With a yelp of surprise Luigi stepped away.

   "The fact that you're still here alive?" the boo continued. "The fact that you're still here at all? I know, right? Crazy. Anyway..." the boo seemed to puff himself up with an air of mockery. "I'm Bootha! Looking for me?"

   For the first second Luigi didn't get what he was saying. Then he realized: Bootha... maybe does he mean... brother?

   Luigi hardened his gaze. The boo, smiling, continued playing with him. "Do we ride the same bus? I could swear I know you..."

   "You're too smart for your own good," Luigi told him as evenly as he could manage.

   Bootha let out a little cackle. "And you're not smart enough. Neither of you. You're outnumbered, wimp. Just surrender and we'll make it a little easier on your brother."

   At this Luigi's reply faltered for a moment. Wait... what?

   Easier on... Luigi widened his eyes in alarm. Was his resistance causing Mario yet more trouble? What did that... Were they...?

   The boo's nasty smile wore down on him and Luigi knew he was being manipulated.

   Fear was replaced by an unusual anger. "No," Luigi said firmly. "You can't understand."

   Bootha gave him a sour look. "You fool. I'm afraid you don't understand. Very well. You will be caught nevertheless, before the night is up. And if you're lucky maybe you'll live long enough to say your goodbyes."

   Cutting off anything more he might have been planning to say, Luigi aggressively attacked him. He couldn't listen to it for another instant.

Despite wanting to know what they had done, Luigi had resisted asking. He couldn't stand their merciless teasing, and he was afraid that if he knew... part of him would break.

   Pulling the obnoxious boo away from his power trip, Luigi bent over and tried to catch his breath. Slowly he began to calm.

   "Nobody messes with my bro," he said quietly, directing his comment at the backpack and the boo he knew was inside. Luigi knew he wasn't boasting much, but at least some of the boos seemed to be cautious of him, to an extent. They're afraid of my vacuum, not me, he reminded himself. Hardly anybody ever takes me seriously. All the ghosts act so smart... and they think I'm so dumb.

    Wearing a flat expression, Luigi was about to move on to the wardrobe room when E. Gadd called. Still somewhat distracted, he answered it.

   "Unbelievable! There's no stopping you, Luigi!" the professor exclaimed enthusiastically when the lad picked up. "You've already found five boos! You're a boo-snaring maniac!"

   "Hm," Luigi grunted, not catching the vibe. "Yeah."

   E. Gadd slowed down, already noting the glum disposition. Realizing that the boy was being driven, he said, "I understand you're worried about your brother, young feller, but just try to take 'er easy. You have plenty of time still, so try to keep your shirt on."

   Plenty of time? Luigi thought critically. What does that mean? One thing he knew for sure: he wasn't going to relax. Not completely.

   "Why not go to the washroom and splash some water on your face?" the professor was saying. "You'll feel much better, believe you me!" He gave Luigi one last encouraging smile and faded out.

Luigi straightened up, thinking. Should he go? He didn't want to break off his hunt, but he didn't think it was right to disregard the professor. The washroom... wasn't that the room where Freddy was?

   With a start, Luigi clapped a hand to his mouth. Freddy! Luigi had completely forgotten about him. He was supposed to go back for him, but so much had happened since then it felt like ages ago.

   Oh no, Luigi thought as he rushed back through the rooms. I hope he's still alright.


   "So," Jonathan ventured nervously to Toad. "Do you really think Mario's in trouble?"

   "I don't know," Toad said with worry. "Mario can handle boos pretty well, I thought."

   The two toadstools were sitting by the left staircase in the foyer on the floor. They had been maintaining a nervous silence for a while, but finally they couldn't stand it.

   "But Luigi seemed so sure," Jonathan said. "And it seemed so final..."

   "Well all I know is that Mario is missing, and if he doesn't come back we're all in huge trouble!"

   Jonathan wrapped his arms around himself. "Oh, I hope they don't get us too," he said fearfully.

   "If we stay in here, I think they won't," Toad said. "Only Luigi is allowed in the rest of the mansion. Who knows what he knows."

   As if on cue, the parlor doors above opened and Luigi came out, quickly descending the staircase. The twosome jumped up.

   "Luigi..." Toad said.

   "You two stay here," Luigi said automatically, hardly stopping to look at them. He made for the heart doors. "I'm going to get Freddy."

   "Freddy?" they exclaimed.

   The doors shut in response. Sharing a look, the companions once again took their seat.

   "Well, maybe we'll stay alive a little longer," Jonathan said hopefully. "Luigi's pretty smart, right?"

   "I guess," Toad said. "I don't know if I would trust myself to his protection. But we should try not to worry," he added, giving his friend a little smile of enthusiasm. "Luigi's on the case!"

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