Chapter 9 - Mario's Song

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After leaving the fortuneteller's room, Luigi had an even harder time keeping his mind focused. The worry that gnawed away at him didn't seem to help him move any faster; instead, his puzzling over where his brother could be just slowed him down.

Finally, pacing around in the hallway outside the ghost's door, Luigi remembered that he had gotten a key from the butler. He forced himself to stop and take a deep breath.

"Right," he muttered, pulling it out. "Time to keep moving."

Looking at his map, Luigi tried to decide where to go. It seemed he had already explored the whole west part of the south corridor, and the rooms at the end: those were the ones he'd just done. He looked up to get his bearings. That way...

He furrowed his brow. Looking at the map again, he'd noticed something: the two doors also along that hallway, which he'd been afraid to try because he'd thought they might be fake, weren't there. They were completely missing from the map.

Luigi widened his eyes and looked to the doors, then back at the Game Boy. Of course, he realized. They're not showing up because they're fake! The map knows all the real doors!

"Well, that makes things a lot easier for me," he commented aloud. "I guess that means I am done with that section."

Then there were the foyer doors, and Madame Clairvoya's door on the south wall, which he recognized right away.

"Here," he said, pointing to it for his visual benefit. "But..." Turning around, Luigi gazed questioningly at the single door at this east end, which he'd pretty much disregarded until now. He considered for a second, and then started forward. I might as well.

Luigi was mildly surprised to find that the door was already open. Beyond he was given another surprise: the whole atmosphere and feel of the place changed drastically from the comfortable hallways. Instead of an actual room, he found himself on a small balcony at the top of a staircase corridor. It had the feel of an old musty basement already, and Luigi could see plenty of cobwebs sticking to... everything. The walls and floor were made of something hard, like cinderblock. The brick staircase turned around halfway down and led into the darkness to some other room below.

He swallowed before going ahead. It HAD to be a dark old basement. "M-M-Mario? Are you down here?" Clutching his flashlight close, Luigi began to descend the ancient steps, trying not to touch anything. The darkness was pitch, and the webs along the walls were thicker.

At the bottom he soon came to a small, dusty foyer with a door on each side. The air was stale as if it had been sitting for a hundred years, and the walls were all made of brick now; Luigi could tell that the room on his right must be underneath the staircase. Feels like a cellar.

A big round lightbulb was mounted to the wall near the ceiling, but typically it had no visible switch. Luigi found the door on the left was locked, and his key didn't work. Turning to the right one, he found it unlocked on its own; however, it didn't seem to have been opened in a long time, and the rotting wooden boards had to be forced open with his shoulder.

Inside it was cooler than he expected. It was extremely dark; Luigi remembered that he was underground. That only made him more cautious as he stepped inside. And the smell; the place had an unusual scent that sat on the air, turning his stomach slightly nauseous. Almost like rotting metal... Maybe iron?

He found that it was only a small room. The floors and walls were all made of rough stone, and on the right wall over a dozen wooden barrels were piled on their sides. Luigi looked them over for a moment, wondering what they were used for. Water? Ale, maybe?

"Marioooooooo," he chattered into the dark. He wasn't answered.

The only other thing of interest that Luigi found was a big metal panel on the wall that appeared to be an early model of breaker switch. He also found several pipes feeding from it going through the ground and running along the ceiling.

So the mansion does have an official electrical system, he thought, turning about. It's certainly a weird setup... I should go.

As long as he didn't need to be there, he wouldn't - the atmosphere of the place was more than cold.

When he was back up in the luxurious hallway above, Luigi almost breathed a sigh of relief as he shut the basement door behind him. "Okay, not that way," he muttered, returning to his studying of the map.

There was nothing else to explore in the ballroom, but there was still the door opposite it... the one that gave him the creeps.

"Why don't I try something else first," he murmured to himself, moving on to the north corridor. The washroom and bathroom sat next the clover door, with the symbol of a club; which he knew he couldn't do anything about. However, there was also another door beside them he'd never tried. That one, and then the one the butler had been pacing around – the piano room.

Luigi stared at it hard. Of course he didn't want to go in there. But at least right now, he didn't hear the piano... Now would be among the best opportunities to go in.

Almost groaning at himself, he kicked himself forward to try it. He couldn't remember if he'd done it before, because it was locked; but when he arrived outside he was startled by a new revelation.

A piece of paper was posted to the door.

Heart speeding up, Luigi rushed forward to see it; and making out the elegant hand, he read:

Go away, Shivers! Sonatas are hard enough to practice without silly butlers interrupting!

Luigi widened his eyes in amazement. Shivers... where had he heard that name? He was the butler -

Of course! The one Lydia mentioned in her diary! Luigi shook his head slowly. It just gets better and better...

He brought out his key next. Even before he opened the door, he knew it would work because the butler had been carrying it – pacing outside the girl's door. Apparently he wasn't exaggerating her refusal.

Luigi opened the door halfway and looked in. With his flashlight, he found the room actually wasn't so bad – big, dark, but several big windows were on the opposite wall. Right now, he couldn't see anything through them but the black of night. And above all: stillness.

All around on the wooden walls hung posters and portraits of various musicians, most of whom Luigi had never heard of. Well, there was Mozart; and... He moved his beam over each one, trying to read them, until he remembered that he was supposed to go in. Glancing around cautiously, he proceeded forward.

He only made it a couple of steps before he bumped into something. Something big.

Luigi recoiled in fright, but he soon found that his fears were in vain: before him stood a beautiful, full size harp, just like the magical ones he always imagined in fairytales. Instantly filled with awe, he reached out a hand stroked the golden wood.

Wow... It looks old, but I bet it still has a nice tone, he thought admiringly. He'd never gotten to really see one of them up close before. It was one of the most beautiful instruments he'd ever seen.

Wait, he interrupted himself. There was a piano –

Luigi turned and looked over the room. In that instant, before he could even raise his flashlight, a fierce strike of lightning sounded outside that nearly hurt his eardrums. It lit the windows on the back wall and for a couple of seconds, the room was bathed with white light.


In that flash of daylight, Luigi saw a wonderful sight: the whole room was filled with an assortment of musical instruments, set up as for an orchestra. They left little free space, for they were all quite large. There was a great cello on a stand, a xylophone nearby, and in the corner, he just caught sight of the black grand piano before he was plunged again into darkness.

Whoa... a music room! Suddenly excited, Luigi used his flashlight to find his way around the instruments, looking them all over in interest. Next to the windows sat three bongo drums, and by the door he found a small French horn. None of them seemed particularly cheap, either.

"Hmm," he regarded them all. "All ready for music class."

When he came to the sleek grand piano, he slowed. It looked like an ordinary piano; it sure did act ordinary. But Luigi didn't let his guard down. He remembered how Mario had once told him how on one of his adventures, he'd encountered a monstrous piano that, from a distance, looked innocent. Then, when a victim approached, it would come to life and try to eat them.

Mario hadn't sounded like he was joking when he'd said it; and with all the strange things Mario had been through and seen, Luigi believed it. So with this one, he wasn't going to take his chances. He thought Mario was very lucky he still had all his limbs.

Instead, he just tilted his head and observed it. I never could play the piano, he thought. Not that it was something he wouldn't try. He thought pianos were lovely.

That's when he kicked something hard right in front of the piano; and for one terrifying second he thought his fears had come true.

"Eek!" He jumped back, trembling, edgy as he was. Then in the beam of his flashlight he saw what it was.

"Oh... it's just a chair," he breathed, pulling himself together. The piano bench, empty now, sat invitingly. The piano might have been old-fashioned, but Luigi knew it still worked: someone had been playing it earlier. I don't care if it is mine, there's no way...

He stopped. All of the sudden he thought he'd heard something; if only for a brief second he imagined he'd heard a girl's voice. He turned in a circle to look, but he didn't see anything; and he didn't expect to. Luigi frowned. He could've imagined it.

But just when he had decided to dismiss it as paranoia, she spoke.

"Hmmph! This ragamuffin doesn't look like he could play a note!"

Luigi gasped and backed against the xylophone, looking around for the owner of the voice. Now he knew he couldn't have imagined that. But where had it come from? The strange thing was, he honestly couldn't tell if it had come from the room or if the voice had spoken inside his head. It almost kind of seemed like the latter.

It sounded like a young woman - less mature than Madame Clairvoya. And worst of all, she was talking about him.

Hey, I know a thing or two about musical instruments, Luigi thought, walking back over to the harp. He didn't specifically know how to play it; but he was going to prove something.

Gingerly, almost afraid to touch it at first, Luigi reached out a hand and drew it across the harp strings. He couldn't help being a little enchanted at the beautiful sound it let off, like the first note in a ballad. It was lovely; but little did he know he hadn't yet heard the half of it.

As soon as he backed away, he was startled in spite of himself: the harp wasn't done yet. Instead of quieting down, it did quite the opposite: Luigi stared in disbelief as the harp began to play itself, notes flowing from the strings as if pulled by the ghost of the world's best musician.

Raising his hands and backing away, as if to prove to the instrument that he wasn't touching it anymore, he just stared. He might have found it a little scary, and he might have questioned the very possibility of it a little more, if it weren't for the fact that the music... the song it played so beautifully into the darkness... was Mario's Song.

His breath caught in his throat. Luigi recognized the tune without a doubt. He didn't think he'd ever heard it played so beautifully, but he wouldn't have cared if it was being played on the worst kazoo in the world. It didn't matter; because it was Mario's Song. Their song. The one he and Mario had written a long time ago, back when they had just moved out of the house and everything had changed. Before.

It was the song Mario had used to serenade and charm the princess. It was the song Mario had used to calm Luigi the first time disaster struck the kingdom; the first time he went on an adventure or did anything dangerous. It was their special song, belonging to the both of them; but Luigi knew it belonged to Mario even more. He was the one who gave it the meaning; he was the one who believed in its power so much. He was the one who always said that if you played it, you could do anything.

It was Mario's favorite song.

"That's impossible," Luigi whispered, unable to take his eyes from the enchanted harp. How could it possibly...?

Maybe it was haunted. Maybe the fact that it knew the song and its significance was something that should have concerned him more, but he didn't care.

All night the mansion had been seemingly tormenting him, throwing one wrench after another into his path. Each time, the jab was personal; made for him. Now, for once, Luigi was going to take comfort in it.

Suddenly turning to the other instruments around him, he thought in excitement, Maybe the others will all play it too!

Rushing over to the ancient cello, he picked up the worn bow a little clumsily and eagerly brought it across the strings, holding his breath to see if he'd been right. He discovered, to his great delight, that he was.

The antique instrument picked up the tune right alongside the harp, and the two continued to play with a thrilling harmony. Running a hand along the polished wood, he thought, It's so beautiful... and they're mine!

They had Luigi going now. Next he ventured to blow on the old French horn, and watched in amazement as it, too, picked up the tune. Turning back to the darkness, Luigi let out a small laugh. It was real; it was wonderful!

The room was getting louder now with the sound of music. Almost with a bit of an airy dance in his step he headed to the center of the room to activate the remaining instruments, the drums and the xylophone. Strike up the whole orchestra! he thought.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

His fingers danced over the instruments he'd never even played before, and each joined in the theme at his command. When he was done, Luigi stood in the midst of his symphony and called to them by name, feeling more lighthearted than he had in quite a while. It felt like ages since he'd heard real music, and this song... Even though it was still dark, he no longer felt it; the room was alive, filled with his song.

He wasn't alone anymore. The instruments were his friends, surrounding him, singing Mario's praises to the world.

It almost made his brother feel near. Mario's Song tended to do that; it was almost like a beacon to him. Standing among the instruments, Luigi called into the air: "Mario!"

He didn't expect Mario to come running at his call or anything. But maybe they were making so much noise that he would hear; maybe he could. Sure, it reminded Luigi of how he was still, truthfully, by himself; but calling Mario's name with the song had a lovely sound. Luigi found that he liked it.

By then his excitement had calmed down a little. Mario, I am here, he thought. I'm looking for you.

It was around that time that he realized that another instrument had joined in the melody; one he hadn't touched himself.

The piano.

Slowly, he turned; and Luigi looked up to see a young woman, undoubtedly the one he'd heard taunting him, sitting before the old keys. The lithe-fingered ghost expertly played along with his instruments as if she had always been there, and the music had been written on her heart.

She had long, pale blonde hair and bangs that seemed to sway to the music; and the luminous yellow eyes and blue skin of the portrait ghosts. At the same time she was kind of pretty, appearing perhaps about Luigi's age - and a small smile lit her dreamlike face as she poured her soul into the piece. She was dressed in a long, old-fashioned maroon dress with a high collar, decorated with darker ribbons and bows and lace.

Luigi simply stood and stared while the ghost brought the song to a dramatic finish. He didn't even move when it was over, and the other instruments stopped playing. So this must be...

The ghost took a deep breath – or what would have been a breath – and looked up from her piano. So, the intruder had proved her wrong. Looking at him now, staring back at her with lively blue eyes filled with surprise, she found him unable to look away; and her eyes locked onto his.

In the darkness, she saw him quiver a little, as most humans usually did. Sizing him up, she found that he was actually a little cute, and not so much a 'ragamuffin' as she'd thought. But she could tell he was timid, and she had shattered his peace of mind. What was he even doing here anyway? Curious...

She knew that the scaredy-cat guys were the most entertaining victims; and she was no stranger to toying with them. Therefore it was no surprise that she was the first one to speak.

"Well, hello," she called out to him, as if it were no extraordinary meeting. "Another mortal... and at my door this time. What a pleasant surprise! My name is Melody," she went on amiably enough. "People call me the spectral beauty of the ivory keys!"

Melody... A rightly-earned title, I suppose, Luigi thought, staring in surprise at the lovely apparition before him. So then she was the one playing the piano that he'd heard! He had known he could expect this, sooner or later; and it really could have been a lot worse. But now his head swarmed with doubts... Like why is she acting so nice??

   Instantly on alert, the human straightened his stance. This was also the one the butler had been after - the one who rudely refused him time and again. And portrait ghosts were cunning: it could all very well be an act. Boy, I've been talking to too many ghosts lately.

Thinking about Shivers again, Luigi paused. He'd already slightly pondered if ghosts could fall in love, if they were capable of loving; and while he knew that it didn't matter so much, he had to wonder at Shivers' attraction to Melody. He could understand how she might be desirable, he supposed; but if appearance was anything to go by, the butler had to be at least twenty years older than she was!

Well, I don't know that for sure, he reminded himself. Maybe it's totally irrelevant for ghosts. If they die at different times... maybe they're stuck like this.

Realizing that the 'spectral beauty' was still watching him, waiting in slight amusement for a reply, Luigi almost jolted. At first he could think of nothing to say; what was there? He had detected slight pride in her voice, but was there also a sinister tone? He wasn't sure.

Finally Melody raised an eyebrow and asked, "What brings you here?"

Luigi blinked. She's trying to get information in small talk... Don't. Tell her. Anything. Finally he stammered, "That's your piano?"

"It's mine enough... for the purpose it now serves," she replied coolly, glancing at the grand instrument for a moment. Looking him over in one sweeping glance that betrayed no emotions, she went on, "I must say you somewhat surprised me. To grace the old conservatory with a symphony such as you have..." She indicated the other instruments around him. "Well, how else should I say it? What a stirring performance! I haven't been so charmed by a piece of music for ages."

Luigi raised his eyebrows in genuine surprise. Really...? But I hardly did anything, he thought. And I can't play those instruments, they just... It wasn't really me, was it?

Avoiding voicing any of his thoughts, Luigi somehow kept a mostly straight face. "You... how did you know that song?" he demanded instead.

Melody gave him a patronizing look. "Well, it's not such an unknown piece," she replied simply. "And if you can play it, I can pick it up." She tilted her head towards him. "Believe me."

Luigi looked at her warily. But how could she...? It was true that Mario's Song had picked up some popularity in the Mushroom Kingdom in recent years, but the long-dead ghost...?

"Where have you heard it before?" he asked.

She sighed. "Here, maybe there... see, music is everywhere you look. Many people carry a song with them always, unbeknownst to the humans around them... it takes one like me to hear it."

Luigi blinked and stared at the ghost in thought. Did that mean... she had seen Mario?

"How many people have visited you lately?" he asked carefully.

Melody gave him an odd look. "What is this, a clueless lovers' interrogation? I'll have you know that wishful lovers are not always welcome here."

Luigi felt his heart thump with surprise, but he nodded and kept going. "I know you send the butler away," he replied.

Melody shook her head and turned back to her keys. "Shivers has been a pain and distraction at my doorstep for half a century," she declared. "He must not see his reflection when he looks into a mirror, if you understand. And all he cares about is personal gain, you know - trust me." Brushing her pale bangs aside, she turned again to Luigi and added, "There are always more desirable options anyway... like the bodybuilder next door!"

Luigi wasn't sure what to say until she went on, "Even mortals are more desirable to that old coot, I may dare say." Then she gave him a decidedly satisfied look; one that suddenly made the human feel a bit odd.  "He is not cultured in anything but manners, you see. But you, you must have a delicate ear for music. Would you like to listen to my piano sonata?"

What? Taken aback by the question, at first Luigi was speechless; but he forced himself to keep his wits about him in the matter. He didn't know what her true motive was, but at least she did seem to be attempting to be friendly with him... and he did have a great appreciation for music. At least she's not throwing me out like the butler, he thought.

"Um... okay," he replied doubtfully. Anything to keep her happy! He kept his distance, but clasped his hands before him comfortably. "Yes, I'd love to," he encouraged.

Melody, apparently pleased, turned back to her keys. "Well, here I go," she announced with a deep breath.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And then she did. Her ghostly hands flowed along the piano, playing a lovely piece that -oddly enough - Luigi recognized from somewhere. Something relatively well-known... He couldn't remember what it was called, but he only knew it was an admirable piece he had heard before. It wasn't a scary song either; it was fast-paced, almost joyous. Luigi found himself relaxing a bit more as the minutes passed in the darkness, enjoying listening to her play. The soothing notes hit the silence in a gentle way that was actually quite nice. He didn't know if he'd ever met as talented a pianist, alive or otherwise.

When the slightly lengthy performance came to a close, Melody turned back to him. "By the way..."

Luigi took the tiniest of steps backwards, but he remained calm.

"What image do you think the piece's composer had in mind while writing it?"

Luigi frowned thoughtfully. That was not something he had expected her to ask; but it could have been worse. Much worse.

If only he could remember the name of the piece! He didn't remember who wrote it, but he did know that it was supposed to evoke an aspect of nature. Not fire... not sky... Of course!

"Water," he answered, looking at her evenly. "And fish... and swimming in an undersea world."

"Exactly right!" she exclaimed, pleased. She fixed him with another of her stares. "Very impressive," she praised, but there was something to her voice...

Melody continued to give him a pleasant smile, and it made Luigi suddenly get a bad feeling. Hoping to stave off any unwanted ideas in the ghoul, he quickly asked, "A-and speaking of musical pieces... what is the name of that one you were playing earlier? You know, I heard it in the hallway...?"

Like a bolt of lightning a frown streaked across her face and she turned on her bench to face him. "My, you're getting a bit bold now, aren't you?" she asked, tone suddenly less than welcoming.

Caution, the warning filled his head. Surprised at her reaction, Luigi stammered, "I'm sorry... I just heard -

"Well around here you'd be best to unhear everything you hear, or else," Melody growled. Abruptly she shook her head and sighed at the ceiling. "Ohh, poor thing... I'm afraid it's already too late for a mortal like you!"

Luigi shifted another step back. There it was; that mortal term again. It was like a taunting insult; and yet it was undeniable.

Melody looked again at him and smiled sadly. "And as adorable as you are..."

Luigi jerked an eyebrow. What?

"...there is little chance of escape for those who hear the melodies of the mansion," she finished without batting an eye. "And that, sweetie, is why..."

For a moment Luigi stood frozen, partially by fear, and the rest by a sudden embarrassment. Chest racing, he watched her every move like a hawk. What was she implying - ?

In one moment she confirmed his fears. "I needn't hold back with you," she declared.

What?? Was she flirting with him, or threatening him?

Raising knowing eyebrows at the young man, Melody grinned. "Would you care to do battle with my lovely music sheets?" She offered it like a beverage.

"Uuh –"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Before Luigi could even think, the ghost turned and slammed down on the piano, her fingers tumbling over one another in an immensely complicated, thunderous piece. Almost as if startled by her sudden action, the music sheets perched on the stand flew off the piano; however, they didn't stop there. Luigi could only watch in exasperation and incredulousness as the papers caught air and started to fly all about the room, as if they had minds of their own.

   Come on, he thought. ...Is that the best you can do?

"Get him, my music sheets!" Melody cried, somehow increasing her speed. Luigi looked to see the papers flutter like tiny airplanes overhead and then almost halt for a moment, before making a beeline for him. So she's got her own attack weapons, he thought. Springing to action, he dove beneath a music stand for cover. When the small horde had passed overhead, he scrambled to his feet and brandished the Poltergust for the next round.

Melody didn't seem intent on actually fighting; she had stayed where she was and delegated orders from the piano. After all, what was a battle without music?

Luigi didn't see how harmful music sheets could really be, but he wasn't going to get cocky. The next time they came for him, the Poltergust was ready. They came right into its snare and were sucked into it before Luigi could even think about the possibility of a paper jam. But the vacuum was quite forgiving; it ate all, and left nothing.

With his assaulters gone, Luigi turned back to Melody. Upon seeing what he had done, she stopped playing; and now stared at him with a look of horror, even hatred, on her face.

"You inconsiderate brat! I should have known better than to believe your manners for a second!" Pouting like a child, she threw her fists down once more on the piano keys and let out an exaggerated sob. "You have no idea what you have done... and escape or no, the song that you hear will follow you forever, like a melody of darkness!"

What? Seeing her distress, Luigi fell still; and for a moment it was oddly silent. He felt bad for her... but what was he to do? And what did her warning mean?

Melody had slumped over the piano, head in her hands; and if it weren't for the soft transparency of her glow that lit the darkness, she might have seemed human. But it was impossible to ignore the telltale sign; for that was when Luigi saw his chance: her heart!

For just a second, he hesitated regretfully. He didn't want to have to take her; but he knew he had to. What on earth had happened, anyway? She was decent enough at times; perhaps, in her real lifetime, she may have been someone very worth meeting. He had even thought they were getting along just fine... and then she just flew off the handle and decided to attack him!

That was the issue with these ghosts, he realized. It really ensured him of how right he'd always been about spirits: you just couldn't trust them. They were either brainless or naturally aggressive, as the professor had said; that was what he'd always thought, and that was why he had trouble trusting Madame Clairvoya. Even she herself had acknowledged this... although... The fortuneteller seemed entirely different in Luigi's opinion. Much more honest; likable, even... but trustworthy? Could there be exceptions to the norm, as E. Gadd had also said? Luigi wasn't sure.

With Melody soon gone, the lights in the room finally came on overhead. As soon as they did, Luigi took a deep breath and bent over, leaning on his knees. This place is crazy.

When he straightened up, he looked again over all the instruments that had thrilled him so. It was without a doubt the music room – called the conservatory, according to his map which he now had time to check. In the light he could now see that stands and chairs were scattered everywhere among the instruments, ready for practice. But this place is great.

At that second, his pleasure was interrupted when the Boo Radar started to beep in his pocket with the familiar blip, blip. Luigi sighed and reached for his weapon. Of course... I'm due for another one. This time, the boo spoke first.

"'Tis that a midnight visitor I see? Oh, and ought I to flee thusly; or ought thou to flee from me? I should think so. Wherefore am I Boomeo?" it mused thoughtfully, appearing like a poetic vision from behind the piano. Casting a gaze over the somewhat speechless human, he added, "Deny thy brother and refuse thy fate; or, if thou wilt not, suffer a worse eternity than he."

   Luigi blinked in utter astonishment and disbelief. Pardon? "Nay; never."

   The boo didn't seem ruffled in the slightest. "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?"

   The human narrowed his eyes. "Do not bother to speak another word; for hai torto, e mentre il guaio inizia questa notte, deve finire anche questa notte." With that decisive word, Luigi unsheathed his weapon and overtook his enemy.

Boomeo was an easy catch - as boos usually were. When his work was done, Luigi shook his head with a snort. Showed him, he snickered. Wonder what exactly all that was about.

   The boos seemed quite fond of punny names; perhaps they were named for their personalities. At any rate they were amazingly simple to take care of - at least so far. Luigi might have found them somewhat funny if it wasn't for their dark, sinister natures beneath. They were like a paragon to ghost kind: witty, humorous, and predictable.

At the very least, it seemed Luigi had succeeded in capturing another with a liking for Shakespearean literature; and his work there was done. Walking back among the instruments, however, a sudden thought occurred to him: if Melody was no longer here... what if the instruments didn't play for him anymore?

Surely he couldn't expect them to do that again... but he had to make sure. Quickly, Luigi rushed back over to the harp's side and brought a hand along the strings.

A relieved smile relaxed his features when it began to play again for him his brother's song; but more softly this time, like fairies were playing among the strings. Somehow, it seemed to know just what he needed.

I can do this, Luigi thought, resting his head against the harp. You can do it. He could just hear Mario saying it.

He ran a hand up the smooth wood absentmindedly until he stopped, where his fingers found a crack. Confused, Luigi stopped to look. It wasn't a crack; it was a compartment! A small pocket, only a few square inches, built into the leg of the harp.

Luigi pried it open easily and gazed in silence at its contents; and then he reached up and gently took out the key. Clasping it in his hand, he leaned back against the harp, which was strong enough to seemingly support his weight.

"Thank you," he murmured gratefully. He closed his eyes and whispered to the strings. "Thank you so much."

The loyal enchanted instrument continued to play its serenading song.


Luigi had almost no doubt that the key the harp had given him would lead into the room with the strange howling noises. He had been avoiding that door all night; now he felt that he was finally ready to go in. He could do it. He would.

Luigi took a deep breath as he stood in front of the door out in the dreaded hallway, key poised to insert it. He didn't hear anything coming from inside... right now. I'm here for Mario, he thought. That's all. And with that he plunged inside.

The still silence that initially greeted him was, almost, a relief. In the corner by the door burned another of those tall fire basins, giving off a sad orangey light; another considerable relief. Peering inside, he saw that the room was long, and a huge table, still littered with piles and piles of dirty dishes and half-burned candles, filled the room. It looked like a nice place to hold a dinner party... with a lot of cleaning up. Another set of doors stood on the opposite end. The coast seemed clear - the place was quiet. Maybe the... creature left. Cautiously, Luigi allowed himself to breathe a little.

So this was the dining room. Luigi cringed in disgust as he slowly crept in, overlooking the messy table. Even the chairs were broken down and rotting. You expect me to sit on that? he thought. Please! I have standards!

He couldn't understand how some parts of the mansion were very nice – and clearly very expensive – and then he found destroyed furniture and gaping issues that were very inconvenient. This one even looked as if they had been in the middle of a meal, and then... something had happened. He supposed it made for a perfect haunted mansion. Looks perfectly lived in, and then straight-up abandoned.

As if to make this point obvious, a small ghostly sound - not a snarl exactly, but some other sort of vocalization - made Luigi jerk upwards. Ghosts!

   Sure enough, a small, white spirit abruptly floated into the room through the opposite doors on the far end. It was far enough away that it wasn't an immediate threat; but Luigi could tell it was no type of ghost he was familiar with. It was also carrying something - a tray of food?

   Luigi tensed up and stayed where he was, still as death. However, it didn't seem to acknowledge or care about the man by the door, who just stared while it silently came up to the table and set down the tray at the one cleared seat. Luigi didn't know what all this was about – but he didn't waste much time looking at it before he attacked. It wasn't a boo; but it was something, and it was the quickest, easiest catch he'd ever made.

What, was he some kind of a waiter? Luigi wondered, turning to stare at the tray the ghost had left on the table. It was gone.

Luigi blinked a couple of times and took a step back. Unexpected, but not surprising. Must be ghost food. Luigi tilted his head and pondered again whether or not ghosts really needed to eat, when another thought came upon him. If there was food there, then who was going to...


In answer, a thunderous roar, louder and more awful than it had ever been before, suddenly filled the dining room, startling the living daylights out of him. It was back.

The horrid howling creature was here.

Heart leaping from his chest, Luigi covered his ears and smashed himself back against the wall, shrinking against the sound. Plates rattled and the floors shook beneath him as he was bombarded by the deafening assault.


He'd been right – it sounded like a rabid wild animal, although it was making noises beyond what he thought even animals could make. Far too long for comfort, Luigi cowered there, a nervous sweat beginning to take hold of him. Luckily, he didn't lose his hearing; when the torturous sound finally ceased several moments later, he dared to look up.

If it was a portrait ghost, it was certainly one of a kind. If it had even been human, Luigi had a hard time telling.

The ghost that sat at the table before him was huge: and not vertically. He was very purple and very round – the most obese creature Luigi had ever seen – with rolls of ectoplasmic fat cascading to the floor around him. A tiny, much-too-tight red shirt squeezed his upper half, and a dirty napkin clung to his neck as he sat noisily devouring the spectral food before him. His chubby, magenta face was covered in yellow sauce, and the unkempt bluish hair atop his head and rather unintelligent yellow eyes made him none the more appealing. In the back of his mind, Luigi was reminded vaguely of something similar... like a giant space slug or something. Yeech.

At the same time, he was kind of unsettling; and the human wondered, briefly, how on earth he was supposed to fit inside the Poltergust. There wasn't much to the guy other than fat - Luigi would have bet that he probably ate himself to death. And apparently he can't get enough! Well, now he knew what had been making that noise...

All too soon, the ghost finished his latest entree and looked up – and saw Luigi. Silence took hold of the room again as the two stared at each other for a couple of awful seconds. Luigi felt the terror race through his stomach and tightened his grip on the Poltergust. That beady-eyed face...

Luckily, it didn't hold long. The dull ghost, seemingly confused and uninterested, looked around the room, as if hoping to find more food about; but there was none.

Now he looked back to Luigi. Oh no.


Deprived of dinner, the spirit completely lost it. Launching into another huge howling fit, he squirmed around like an overweight eel and slammed a fist on the table. Candles jumped and pictures rattled against the walls as the slug-man yowled his heart out.

Luigi might have been able to handle that - at least for a little while - but it was when the ghost started belching balls of fire that he had to duck for cover.

Standing regretfully very near to his placemat, Luigi didn't see it coming at first and was inches away from the huge, flaming orb that smashed into the wall next to him. What in the world is going on?! With a yelp, he hit the floor and scrambled out of the direct fire. What did that guy eat?

The safest place to hide turned out to be - oddly enough - under the table. The ghost appeared to be too enormous or lethargic to move or bend down, so Luigi simply waited on hands and knees for his temper tantrum to cool – literally. He had at first been concerned that he would set fire to the whole place; but after a while it became apparent that it must have been some sort of ghostly fire. Just as well for someone who can belch like that. Mama mia...

After waiting for what seemed like ages, the enraged screaming overhead finally stopped. Luigi jerked up and scrambled out from under the table to see what had happened. To his great surprise, the dining ghost had fallen asleep – or something close to it. Exhausted, he sat in a panting purple heap by the table, perfectly vulnerable for Luigi to catch him. Well what do you know.

As Luigi had expected, the guy was huge, and it took an almost overwhelming amount of exertion to catch. The Poltergust locked into his heart and everything just fine; but he was so heavy... The only thing that helped was that he was so fat he could barely run away or struggle at all; so for a minute Luigi stood, somewhat awkwardly, tugging on the obese spirit with his vacuum.

When at last, victorious, Luigi collapsed on the floor to catch his breath, the room lit up with yellow light. So did the lightbulb of the Boo Radar.

Luigi groaned and sat back for a moment, tired. He supposed that could have been worse for what it was worth – things were never exactly what they first promised to be. He shook his head with a chuckle. The creature he'd so feared was only a fat ghost who just ate all night – it almost reminded him a little of Mario, when he was hungry.

His brother was somewhat of a pizza connoisseur, and Luigi wouldn't deny that he already had a bit of a stomach. He sometimes had to watch Mario about his diet time and again. But then, with Mario it had always been that way.

Thinking about it, Luigi began to grow saddened, realizing it was something he would miss sorely if anything happened. No; he shouldn't think about that. Quickly he got to his feet. Better look for that boo.

The only real place to search was a big dish cabinet in the corner. Luigi carefully approached and slowly opened it up.

Taking him by surprise, the boo flew out in his face. Luigi stumbled back with a yelp and fixed him with a rigid look.

"So, the scaredy-cat brother finally makes it," the ghost snickered.

Luigi tightened his gaze with determination. "I'm not a scaredy-cat."

"Oh? Then maybe it was your brother – the one we chased all over the house!"

"Mario's fearless," Luigi told the boo indignantly. He believed that with all his heart. He knew that if the boos weren't careful, Mario might very well do something they would regret.

At this the boo smiled almost maliciously. "So does fearless mean screaming and pleading for mercy all night?"

Luigi's heart began to race, but he tried not to appear ruffled. He's just messing with me, he told himself. Just messing with me... I hope. "Mario is fearless, and if you mess with him, you mess with me."

The boo raised his eyebrows for a second, and then began to smile in a most unpleasant way. "You know, you may be right about that," he said, "more than you know."

Luigi cocked his head, fixing the boo with a dubious look. "What do you want with him?"

The boo chuckled. "Oh, he's just a guest," he laughed. "A permanent guest. Unfortunately, he's been quite unhappy ever since he joined us, I'm afraid. Quite unhappy."

"What are you doing with him?"

"Whatever we want," the boo replied, as if they were talking about an action figure. He fixed Luigi with a very serious stare. "He's the master's prize now. And very entertaining."

"Where is he?" Luigi demanded.

"Exactly where we like him. Oh, don't worry, he's probably not going to die. He's perfectly safe, and besides, he's far too much fun alive. Unless you really get on our nerves."

Luigi stood still and pale, staring at the boo while it poured the stream of terrible taunts at him. It was too horrible to repeat, too horrible even to think.

When the terrified man didn't respond, the boo grinned. "That's right, you heard me. Make a wrong move and it might be bye-bye brother." He squinted, knowing he had him. "Forever."

In an air of pride, the boo started to float about in circles, like a clever mastermind. "But maybe you'll still get to see him one more time, or even better, be there for the end!" He stopped and gave a sidelong glance to Luigi. "Or perhaps... you've already seen the last of him."

The boo continued pacing. "He should be mad at you, you know. You've caused him so much trouble because of your stupidity! It'd be fun to let him have at you."

Luigi stood weakly, already feeling sick. The boo was right. It was all his fault. Oh, Mario...

"But," he continued, "we'll just have to see. We'll see."

"Liar!" Luigi couldn't take it anymore. With a strangled cry, he attacked the boo's unguarded back and quickly overcame him. But it didn't make him feel any better.

Mario, I'm sorry, he thought desperately, leaning against one of the chairs. An aching urge to cry tugged at him, but he angrily fought it away. How could he ever forgive me?

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