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I know that I'm still in summer and I don't have to worry about school work and all that jazz, but I'm kind of going through some life changes at the moment. Last night, I stayed until about 2:30 am just thinking about everything and how everything around me is changing. So, I decided, that after my Love Live 30 day challenge, I'm going to take a writing hiatus. I have no idea for how long, or when I'll be back in the swing of things. I might post a random chapter once every, say, two weeks or so, but nothing is going to be scheduled, or planned out entirely. I want to work on writing, my art, and me entirely. In a year I'll be entering high school, and it's becoming shocking for me. After those four years, I'll be going off to college to pursue in an academic that may, actually, be completely different from what I imagined.

I know, I'm going all sorts of deep in this chapter, and if you actually read that to the end, good for you! I may be going on a hiatus, but I'm not leaving wattpad entirely. I'll still vote and comment and talk to you guys, I just won't be updating as usual as I do now. :)

Word count: 221

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