All Nighter

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Bon was the only one of them to actually sleep that night after dinner. Rin, Lightning, Mephisto, and Amaimon all stayed up looking through the old Asylum files.

Rin every report on Shiro he could find. After reading everything there was on Shiro, he knew the man better than he'd ever known him as a kid growing up with him. And that was a really depressing thought.

Rin sighed and read everything on Goro next. His file was ripped out in the catalogue of clones, but there were still reports on him every now and then. Rin then set to gathering information on his mother. Mephisto let him go on his laptop and find the non-redacted versions of Yuri Egin's files. He printed them out and put them in a separate folder from all of Shiro's paperwork.

They were doing this until the sun came up. Bon had fallen asleep about an hour before midnight with his head in Rin's lap, so Rin somehow was as to not move from the same position the whole night. It was a great in and of itself for the ADHD teen, but his legs falling asleep an hour after Bon fell asleep helped with that. He couldn't feel his legs most of the night.

"I wanted to read up more on the elixirs themselves, but I can't process stuff like that very well." Rin sighed in frustration. "That's fine. I like going through it. It's a ton of data to make a case with, possibly several cases." Lightning waved it off. He stood up and stretched, bones in his back popping. "I'm gonna head to my apartment to start making case files. Bye!" He waved as he left the living room and followed Belial out of the Manor.

Bon woke up shortly after that, when the sun was higher in the sky and shining through the curtains. His eyes fluttered open and he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Rin smiled down at him. "Good morning. I hope sleeping on the floor wasn't too uncomfortable?" He greeted. Bon smiled and pulled him down for a good morning kiss. Rin hummed happily.

"G'morning. Have you not moved since I fell asleep on you?" Bon wondered. Rin blushed and looked away. "He hasn't moved a muscle. He even made me retrieve things for him like a servant!" Mephisto griped as he walked into the room with breakfast– several stacks of pancakes with floating toppings following close behind him.

"Well that's your fault for listening to him. He wouldn't ask if you didn't listen every time." Bon pointed out, sitting up and yawning. "Ugh, I know. But the poor boy had never been spoiled a day in his life before we got directly involved." The Time Lord groaned. Rin's cheeks burned more and he hunched his shoulders.

"Oh Darling, that wasn't to make you feel bad. I really don't mind doing what you ask me. Trust me, I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to." The Demon King called to him. "Yeah, he just has to complain because he needs to keep up his appearance and reputation as a pest." Amaimon added.

"Why is everyone digging their claws into me this morning?!" The Time Lord cried indignantly. Rin laughed. Bon knew his legs were completely numb, so he picked the smaller teen up and carried him to the armchair, sitting Rin in his lap comfortably as the feeling slowly returned to the half-demon's legs.

"Do did you find anything interesting?" Bon asked, stealing a bite of Rin's pancakes. Rin smacked him on the knuckles with a butter knife and answered, "Well, I'm not good with science bullshit, so I just gathered all the information I could on my parents. Shiro, Goro, and Yuri are all in separate files."

"When did Lightning leave?"

"A few minutes before you woke up, actually. We all stayed up the whole night." Amaimon answered him that time. He was cuddled up to Mephisto's side on the loveseat. Occasionally, they fed the other bites of their food and Rin thought it was cute, though he'd never tell them because they'd stop if he did. It took him a while to get the two to be just as affectionate around each other as they were around him, but they were doing good.

"So you guys had fun in the limo after everyone else left, huh?" Bon commented. "Yup. And you two had fun washing off in the bath, huh?" Rin countered. Bon chuckled. "Yeah. Yeah we did. When I first came to True Cross Academy, this is not where I saw myself in a year." The teen admitted, grinning. "But I like how things turned out. This is much better than I thought my future would be. Thank to this mess of a guy, no less!" He placed a bite on a fading mark on Rin's neck to keep it from fading and Rin laughed. "There's that smile." He pulled Rin into a kiss that wasn't really a kiss because they were both smiling too much. Mephisto smiled fondly at them from his pace across from them. "Remember those days, Amaimon?" He murmured. The Earth King nodded. "Good days." He reminisced.


Rin and Bon visited Shiemi later that day. Bon had never been to her home, so she showed him around the Garden and told him all the stories of her childhood that she'd already told Rin. Rin smiled at them. He wished Shiemi would join them in more than just their side of the war, but it couldn't be helped. She'd rejected him and he respected that decision. He still wanted her by his side, even if it was just as good friends.

They sat down by the gate, giving Rin deja vu of when he'd first met the blonde. He knew her cooking still wasn't great, so he'd packed a picnic for them to eat at lunch time. "Mm! Your cooking is still as amazing as ever, Rin! The Headmaster and Amaimon are so lucky! They get to live with you and have you make them food all the time!" She commented, enjoying her food immensely. Sometimes she got sick of her own cooking. She wasn't great at cooking meat yet, so she made mostly vegetarian meals.

"Heh, they always ask me to make desserts! Sugar addicts, both of them!" Rin rolled his eyes, grinning.

"Of course they are, you're super sweet and they love you." Shiemi said.

"If that's the case, they'd love you too. Amaimon likes you giving all his Greenman Haven in your garden. And Mephisto usually likes anything Amaimon does, surprisingly. They're closer than I originally thought they were before I actually paid them any attention." Rin replied smoothly. Bon watched the talk of relationships unfold carefully.

"It's something you'd have to be around often to see, huh?" Shiemi guessed. Rin nodded. "Yes. They're good at hiding things. Secrets, plans, relationships. They like me because I don't care about any of that. Because I understand what it must be like having to live for millions of years. You'll go from good, to bad, to neutral, and keep switching. It'll never stay the same as long as you live forever. We all do things we're not proud of. Demons understand emotions, they just shut them away to keep from hurting when bad things happen. They convince themselves they don't care." Rin explained. Shiemi nodded in agreement.

"That makes a lot of sense. You're very wise, Rin." She beamed at him. "Eh, I just know how to read people. Emotions and creative things are more my schtick. Bon has the booksmarts. Mephisto and Amaimon can do all the complex thinking if we need it, though Amaimon is also a powerhouse and well-suited for the battlefield." He shrugged a shoulder. "Sounds like you have the whole crew!" Shiemi enthused. "No. Just because I understand emotions doesn't mean I'm actually good at them. I'm still emotionally stunted from years of neglect. You've got the Heart. I mostly contribute split- second thinking, bullshit plans that somehow work, and raw power." Rin told her, shrugging as he admitted his own faults.

"He's not wrong." Bon agreed simply. It was always easier to let Rin handle socializing with people. Bon's default expression was just naturally brooding, so people avoided him. Rin was always open, always kind, always willing and ready to listen. But now, there was a different look behind his eyes.

It used to be more like a "you can tell me anything, I'm right here" kind of look. But now, it was more like a "make sure you trust me if you're gonna tell me your secrets" kind of look. Rin knew what he was doing now. He knew he had to use every utility he had coming in this late in the war. He knew he'd have to use anything and everything that could give them more high ground. That included secrets. Information.  And Bon trusted Rin to use him as he saw fit. He'd never been good with handing control to others, but his gut told him he could trust Rin. He wondered if Shiemi wanted to lead beside Rin or let him use her too.

"You've changed a lot. Both of you. It makes me happy that we can all learn from what's happened in this last year. I....I'm so glad you broke the gate, Rin. You showed me the world that I was missing. Your brother was content to say a few words to me and then leave me behind every time he visited. You pulled me out of this place." She gave him a warm smile.

"And Suguro, you were always paying attention to Rin very closely. Even in the very beginning, you always watched him and got angry because he was distracting you, so you'd try to fight him a lot. We have that in common. We've always tried to keep track of Rin because we knew he was worth our attention even if we didn't realize it at first." She was still smiling.

"I'll join you one day. But for now, I have to keep learning and getting stronger. I have to learn how to contribute to other people and not just myself. I trust that Time is on my side. I will be with you one day." The blonde told them honestly.

She leaned forward and cupped a hand on either of their faces. "You will wait for me?"

"Of course." Rin answered, just as Bon answered "Always." He'd grown pretty fond of Shiemi as the year went on and she tried her hardest at every twist and turn of events. They continued eating lunch and talking leisurely.


"Will she join us?" Amaimon asked as soon as Rin returned to the Manor after walking Bon to his dorm. "Oh, Amaimon, if I heard you right, you almost sound eager." Rin lilted, grinning at the Earth King knowingly. God, Mephisto was rubbing off on him. Soon he'd start talking about war like it was chess and making elaborate and un-needed hand gestures.

Amaimon pouted at him and Rin laughed. "She will, someday. She wants to learn more and get stronger before she does, though. Give her time." He answered the question. Amaimon seemed pleased enough with the results and jumped on the teen, clinging onto him like a monkey. Rin could feel Amaimon's tail wiggling in excitement under his shirt and huffed out a laugh. He heard a snap and the two were teleported to a place Rin had never seen before. Or rather, he'd never been in the place before. He'd always seen it from a distance: the Belfry that signaled when periods ended and school started and began.

Amaimon didn't give him.a chance to ask about the setting, instead pushing Rin to lean against a pillar and kissing him deeply. Rin relaxed into the kiss and wrapped and arms around Amaimon's neck, tilting his head to slot their mouths together better.

"It's a place no one will think to look for us." Amaimon breathed when they separated. Rin smiled and kissed him again. His tail flicked Amaimon's button open and Rin reached a hand down to pull down the zipper. Rin's tail pulled the Demon King's dick out and then did the same to himself. Amaimon groaned into the kiss. "Your coordination with that tail is much better than before." He said against Rin's lips. Rin smiled and then let out a moan when his tail wrapped around them both and started stroking.

Amaimon's tail came up and pushed into Rin's mouth. Rin let it thrust into his throat a few times, watching Amaimon shudder at the feeling of his hot, tight throat around the sensitive appendage through hooded eyes. The half-demon swallowed reflexively around  the tail and the muscles in his throat contracted amazingly around Amaimon. He slid a clawed hand up and wrapped it loosely around Rin's neck to feel the tail stretching it. They came together like that.

Rin's tail was covered in their mixed release and Amaimon didn't hesitate to bring the tail up to his mouth and lick the release off as he slid his own tail out of Rin's mouth and around the teen's dick instead. Rin rutted into the smoothe scales around him. Amaimon made sure to get every drop of cum off the tail and by the time he was done, Rin came again, moaning his name. "Amaimon~!"

Amaimon dropped to his knees, licking up all of Rin's cum as he stroked himself with the hand not holding Rin's hip. He came and before he could lick how own hand clean next, Rin grabbed his wrist, pulled him up, and licked the release off in broad strokes on his tongue.

They kissed one more time, both moaning at the taste of each other on their tongues. Then they went back to the Manor to take a bath and possibly pull Mephisto on with them for more fun.


Writing smut is very hard when you're not actually in the mood. I wrote half the smut when I wasn't feeling it and I was just sitting there trying to make it sound hot with my face plain as a brick. I'm sorry if it's not as good as my usual content. 😅

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