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"Ah, Rin. Did you enjoy your day off?" The Headmaster grinned at the pair knowingly.

"Yes." Rin smiled. "I was trying to show this dork how to cook food for himself, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't listening at all. He just wanted to eat the food and then stuff me full of it too. We still had leftovers though, so we figured you'd want them." Rin explained, offering the containers to the man. He raised a brow, but took them.

"I warmed them up already. Why don't you eat somewhere comfier, you must be stiff from sitting in that chair all day?" Rin suggested. The Time Lord gave him an appraising glance before snapping them all to his room. They were laying side-by-side in his bed, propped up by the ridiculous amount of pillows.

"I don't need to be mother henned, but I do appreciate your care, Rin." The Demon King admitted, opening the first container–it was filled with Onigiri. Before he started eating, he leaned over to deliver a warm, unhurried kiss to the half-demon. He pulled back and gave a playful tug on Rin's earlobe with a fang before starting his late dinner.

"So about courtships, do they happen more often or less often in Gehenna? You'd want more power, but greed is a double-edged sword because then wouldn't they also want to keep their power so no one else can benefit from it?" Rin wondered.

Mephisto looked thoughtful as he chewed. "I'd say it depends on the demon and how greedy they are. Some are willing to be stronger with someone they trust at their side. Others prefer to keep their power to themselves until they take that power with them to the grave, so to speak." He voiced the explanation like it was a thought that rarely came across his thoughts.

"And what do you think about it?" Rin inquired.

"Why are you so focused on this, Darling?" Mephisto eyed him suspiciously. Rin laughed, cheeks flushing red at what the man was implying.

"I'm not thinking of that! It just seems a lot more convenient and well, permanent, than Human marriages. But I wanted to know if Demons get married nearly as often as humans do? Because of the different traditions and customs, not to mention all the different species of demons...." He trailed off, thinking about if Demons could have interspecies relationships. Could some that were similar enough have a child, like a Lion and a Tiger did once? Or different types of lizards?

"You really are much smarter than you're given credit for, Dear." Mephisto told him, brushing a stray piece of hair out of the teen's face and tucking it behind his ear.

Rin blushed heavily. "Eh, it depends on the subject. Things that are more interactive and have more interesting topics are easier for me. If science wasn't made up of so much bullshit, I could probably understand it. Although, I was the first person to figure out how to make a small explosion during a lab once." He remembered the small mushroom cloud coming from the trashcan beside his table as the class evacuated and grimaced. "I haven't looked at salt the same since...."

Amaimon let out a surprised laugh at that and they both looked at him. "I'm the King of Earth, I know all the elements of the ground. Sodium can be explosive if you mix it with the right things. Most humans don't know that." He explained. Rin grinned proudly and Mephisto ruffled his hair fondly.

"It seems having Amaimon around you makes it easier for him to express himself, however dull his face may be." The Time Lord chuckled. "As for your questions on demon marriages, I'd say they happen more often than Human marriages, at least. The lower-level demons marry and usually combine into one stronger demon–a fusion, if you will. That's how Kings and Queens of nests come to be. Demons multiply like rabbits, especially the lower class. Gehenna is ultimately much more populated than Assiah, but that is because there are pockets of limbo everywhere and because demons can occupy every planet in the solar system and survive the conditions of each planet depending on their species and element, which very much helps keep overpopulation down. And the fact that while humans cannot take the cold well, there are many demons who thrive in the cold and densely populate the poles here in Assiah, along with several other climates considered deadly to humans, like volcanoes or water sources ruined by toxic waste." Mephisto began.

"There are demons for every sort of climate, including hazardous ones. Some live in the sky, even. Gehenna itself is merely the copy of Earth as a planet, but humans don't know that because any human who's had the misfortune of traveling there has died instantly due to the fact that Gehenna was rendered a mass of formless particles when Lucifer renounced his title as King of the Demon World and ruined it for the royals and the other upperclass and high-levels who lived there." He made a face at the mention of the King of Light.

Rin snorted. "Of fucking course it was that stupid blonde cockatoo." He rolled his eyes. Lucifer was a man-child and it was painfully obvious how stupid his plan of 'resetting the world' was to everyone but him and his psychopathic followers.

Mephisto carried on with his explanation, though highly amused at Rin's nickname for the King of Light. "Because Gehenna is only particles floating around in space, time moves randomly there and gravity only exists if you decide it does. That's the thing about being able to use magic–you can control the particles to be what you need them to be and do what you need them to do, though it's hard and only high-levels can manage it. Mainly high-levels stay in what's left of Gehenna anyway–some live in the sky and sleep in the sky and never touch solid ground, never fall. It's honestly a mess, but I remember calling it Organized Chaos when I still lived there, a long, long time ago." He finished, turning back to the leftover soba he'd just opened.

"Unfortunately, they're struggling right now. Everyone there had their own way of life that went on uninterrupted until Satan formed an ego and was forced to Gehenna once he ran out of host bodies. His belief that he is the true King is so strong that he's disrupted the balance we had before he showed up. He's trying to rule over a world he's not qualified to rule over. Honestly, the only thing that embarassment of a demon should be ruling over is a sand castle." Amaimon recalled how his home had been the last time he was there. Thankfully, Satan took a liking to him, so Amaimon was allowed to roam free wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted.

"So someone would have to take him down for Gehenna to go back to how it was. Would it know to do that on its own?" Rin asked with a deep frown.

"I'd assume so. Gehenna's existence doubles as the home planet to most of the high-class and also a core that has been unreachable since Satan took the throne. The Core is called Tartarus, like the Greek Myths and it lies hidden in the midst of the particle storm that is the leftovers of the planet. It is the Eternal Pit of Damnation and it is conscious enough to chose it's guardians to protect Gehenna's entrances. Those guardians on the Gehenna Gate used to be appointed by Tartarus until Satan came along and killed every last one of them, appointing his own guards and seizing total control of the Gates, coding them to respond only to his power and blood." Amaimon recounted, recalling the ruthless things he'd witnessed Satan commit when he appeared in Gehenna sixteen Assian years before.

"Huh. So, Satan is a selfish dictator and we need to stage a coup. Wow, it's a lot easier to look at my job like that." Rin thought out loud.

"That's almost insultingly oversimplifying his tyranny, but yes. And yes, it falls to you to end his reign. You're the only one who could ever even reach a power on par with Satan's that can combat him. The rest of us either cannot reach that power level, or we just can't go ahead to head with him with the abilities we have, even if they do outclass his attacks. Many humans may see your power inherited from Satan as a curse, but to the demon world and her residents, it is a blessing. They know of your existence now and look to you to save them after all the other Gehennan Royals have failed them." Mephisto reiterated. Rin nodded. It took him a while to accept the powers he was born with, but once he did, learning to control them had gotten much easier.

"Alright then. I'll just add that to my list of reasons why Satan needs to be banished from existence." Rin nodded. The list was getting longer and longer as the year went on.

Mephisto leaned down to place a kiss on Rin's cheek, letting a purr rumble in his chest. "You are a brave soul, Rin. My plans for you were cruel and so is the the bargain I made with Satan all those years ago just to piss off Lucifer and get in his way as much as I could, but this new future I'm seeing is turning out much better than I expected." He murmured.

Rin hummed. "Yeah, you can thank Amaimon for the Plot Twist. And I figured you made some sort of deal with Satan to sell my body to him, but I was just gonna turn that around on you and kill both Satan and you for it once I got strong enough." He smirked victoriously.

"Should've expected that. I haven't underestimated a person so much until I met you. I must apologize, but in my defense, you're a very good actor." The Time Lord sighed.

"Not acting, it's just that the things I actually can do are never needed in desperate situations and for most of this year I've had no idea what I was doing or what the hell was happening around me. Things finally settled into this routine of me being neglected constantly, which is nothing new to me, and I just got used to it again. Better the Devil you know, I guess." Rin shrugged, leaning against Mephisto as he enjoyed the food Rin made.

Watching the man enjoy his food enough to eat all of it and relish in every bite gave Rin the feeling Amaimon described to him earlier. It was an almost possessive feeling and he found he didn't hate it at all. Rin liked taking care of people, but that wasn't it. With two fully capable Demon Kings letting him feed them good food that wasn't Cup Ramen or candy, he felt a sort of possessiveness over them. It was why he'd liked taking care of Suguro, when the guy let him– because all his other friends seemed like they needed someone to care for them, except for Suguro. The Demon Kings could care for themselves, but they let Rin do it and it made him happy.

"Your instincts are coming in quite nicely, Darling. I wonder if it's because you spend more time around us now." Mephisto noted, flitting his eyes to look at the boy watching him eat the food so intently with a raised brow.

"He asked me about it when we were eating at his Dorm. He compared it to wolves." Amaimon said, tracing symbols Rin didn't know on his arm absently.

"A good comparison. Wolves are one of my favorite animals in Assiah. Vicious and Loyal. Like you." Mephisto mused, running a claw lightly up the underside of Rin's chin.

The two Demon Kings kept talking with Rin in between them. He was warm, full, and comfortable in the middle of the bed. The sound of his boyfriends talking in low voices over him lulled him until he fell asleep again between them.

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