Eternity Together Begins

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I've hit nearly all the plot points I wanted to with this story, I've just got one more chapter to go to finish this story. I don't know if I'm going to be writing a sequel, but I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this AU as much as I've enjoyed writing it!

Now, please enjoy the Rin and Amaimon's Wedding/Mating Ceremony.


May 8, 2019–6:00 AM

Rin grumbled at whoever was shaking him awake, swatting their hands away.

"Do you wanna be late to your own wedding, Rin?!" Izumo snapped, shaking him harder. Rin furrowed his brows. His own wedding?

His own wedding....

Holy shit!

That was today!!

Rin sat straight up, a grin lighting his face. It was the fastest he'd ever woken up at such an early hour. He was getting married today!!

"That's the spirit! Come on, let's get breakfast. We have some time to kill." Mamushi told them.

"Then why'd we wake up so early?" Izumo complained.

Mamushi smiled. "Because pre-wedding jitters are can be intense. First it's the excitement when you wake up, then it's the pure anxiety of something going wrong. You need time to come to terms with everything that's happening before it happens." The snake woman explained.

Juzou had the baby until they met up later when everyone gathered for the wedding. Mamushi was back in shape and a stay-at-hone Mom. Juzou was super happy being as to provide for his family and he was equally enamoured with his baby daughter Sachi. Rin loved babysitting Sachi and it always reminded him how much he wanted to have kids.

"I don't know, I might have already worried myself out way before today over things going wrong during the ceremony. In the end, everything has a chance to go wrong. But if I think like that, I'll never get anything done." Rin admitted.

"I'm glad we get to be your family for this wedding, Rin. No bride should have their side of the seating empty on their wedding day. We're honoured to have you as one of us." Ao told him, Nishiki nodding along with her.

"You're going to be perfect and you'll be so happy you can't stop smiling. I just know it!" Shiemi agreed, hugging Rin tight.

They ordered breakfast to be brought to their suite–they were already in Tuscany at Belmond Castello di Casole.

"We'll start hair and makeup at 8:30, then we'll all get dressed, then we'll meet the men, take pictures of couples and families, and then the ceremony will start. We won't rush, well take our time, and Rin and Amaimon will be married by tonight. Sound good?" Mamushi went over the day's plan. Rin nodded.


Rin wanted his hair to be black so it wouldn't clash with the dress and because he had just been a regular half-demon when his relationship with Amaimon started. He elected to keep his horns visible. It wasn't too hard to do his hair around them since the do was a simple one–his bangs clipped at the back of his head while the rest of his hair flowed free down his back.

Rin's makeup was simple–a shimmery beige with just a hint of salmon shimmer and simple eyeliner and black mascara. He elected for a light pink gloss instead of lipstick. A pale pink blush was tapped onto his cheekbones.

The bridesmaids and flower girl all curled their hair and put it up, pins and clips and curlers strewn about the room as they did so. They put their makeup on–also simple, and then they began putting on dresses and finding who's shoes were who's.

To keep from messing up Rin's hair or makeup, the bridesmaids helped Rin into his dress–a white bohemian-style dress made of light, airy material with slits on either side and long sleeves, the deep neckline displaying the little cleavage he had(Rin liked to have his body be a mix between male and female, so he usually had small breasts and slight curves, but his dick was still between his legs).

His shoes were simple white open-toed heels with designs similar to the ones on his dress. His jewelry resembled leaved vines and his veil had a floral border on it. It was flipped to his hair and Rin was ready.

He zipped up Shiemi's pale pink bridesmaid dress and she put her short heels on and they were ready to go meet the men. Rin wondered what Amaimon would be wearing. Would it just be a white version of his normal getup? The thought made Rin smile. He might laugh if his fiancé did that.

They made their way down the hallways until they met in the room that led to the courtyard. The men were already there and Rin was turned around before he could see his husband-to-be and placed back-to-back with him.

Mamushi and Juzou counted it down together and Rin and Amaimon spun around to look at each other.

Amaimon was wearing an actual suit–a pale grey-green jacket and pants, a white dress shirt with a pale pink tie, and tan dress shoes. His boutonniere consisted of a pale pink protea flower and eucalyptus plant leaves matching the ones in Rin's bouquet for when he walked down the aisle. Amaimon's hair was the same as always, but Rin wouldn't have it any other way.

"Rin," Amaimon murmured his name in wonder, like he was the most amazing thing to exist. "You look perfect, my Love." He reached out a hand and took Rin's. They were allowed to hug or kiss just yet, though the contact had Rin feeling like there was a buzzing just under his skin.

When Rin smiled, he glowed pink and the bridesmaids "awwwwed" at the scene. Bon and Mephisto looked on approvingly. "Damn, he can be smooth when he wants to." Bon muttered to the Time Lord, who nodded in agreement.

"I can't wait to be yours." Amaimon told him before they had to part again until the ceremony. Rin glowed even brighter and Izumo shielded her eyes. "If you're like this now, your wedding pictures are just gonna be all bright pink." She grumbled. Rin blushed, doing his best to find down the glow.

"Sorry." He apologized with a grin.


The couples and families did their photoshoots with Juzou and then everyone but Rin and Tatsuma migrated to the courtyard for the ceremony.

"You look stunning, Rin. I think your father would be proud. He wasn't the greatest father, but he got lucky having you as a son anyway. Shiro was truly fortunate." Tatsuma told him.

"Aw, don't make me cry yet!" Rin pleaded. Tatsuma laughed and pulled the front of Rin's veil up and over his horns to cover his face.

"Come now, the music has started." Tatsuma offered his elbow to the demon and Rin took it, allowing Tatsuma to guide him through the doors. Rin took a deep breath and concentrated on not tripping.

All the bridesmaids and Groomsmen were all standing up there with Amaimon in the middle. Ucchusma was temporarily possessing a man's body to officiate since Demons did weddings differently. They were doing it this Assian way because Rin really wanted to and Amaimon liked all the attention on them. "As it should be." He always muttered.

Tatsuma gave him away with a smile and Rin was sure Torako was already crying when the man sat down next to her. Tatsuma sat where Yukio would have if he'd bothered to come. Rin dud his best not to let that fact get to him. He didn't need to depend on Yukio the his happiness. This was his day to be happy and get something he'd been waiting for for a long time. Yukio could suck a dick if he really didn't care about that.

Amaimon moved Rin'ss veil to reveal his face and gave a soft smile only Rin, Mephisto, Bon, abd Shiemi ever saw. Rin zoned out halfway through Ucchusma explaining to the humans what the demon ritual wedding was until they got to the vows.

"Rin, repeat after me." Rin nodded.

"In these two worlds that so often fight, I promise to always provide you with light. I promise to stay by your side through darkness and through pain. I promise to stay by your side no matter the cost. In these two worlds that are never the same, I promise to hold your hand and keep your name. I'll be by your side today, tomorrow, and for the rest of eternity, Amaimon King of Earth."

Rin repeated the lines(thankfully without any voice cracks, though he came close once or twice)and he could feel the energy inside him start buzzing again. He was ready to be married to Amaimon already, but Mephisto said both demons marrying always had different vows and he was curious to see what Amaimon was going to say.

He took the Ring from Kuro–a bold gold band with a celtic heart engraved on it–and slipped it onto Amaimon's left ring finger.

"Now, Amaimon, repeat after me." A nod.

"In these two worlds filled with darkness and light, I will hold you to me with everything I have. I give you everything–my name, my protection, my care, and my home. I shall serve you and give you the world if you so ask, and I shall never let you fall from my sight. I trust you with my love and my hope for a future together. I'll be by your side today, tomorrow, and for the rest of eternity, Rin Okumura, King of Love."

Amaimon took the Ring provided by Kuro–a dainty gold band with flowers engraved in the surface–and slipped it on Rin's left ring finger.

Amaimon couldn't stop smiling while he said his vows either and Rin could feel his energy and excitement. Rin's bridesmaids were trying desperately not to cry and the groomsmen looked  a little teary themselves. We're weddings normally this emotional or was that Rin's control over his empathy output slowly slipping?

"You are now binded together as Mates. You may now kiss your beloved." Ucchusma finally said. Amaimon pulled Rin to him and Rin wrapped his arms around Amaimon's neck as they kissed. It was strange kissing in front of people, but it was the best kiss of Rin's life so far. He could feel the bond firm between them, even stronger than it had been. It held them both gently and kept them together, never wanting to let go of each other.

Dinosaurs could have started walking around, a maniac could have set fire to their floral arrangements, and Jesus himself could have come down and told Rin he could go to Heaven and Rin wouldn't have cared. He married the first love of his life today and he wouldn't give this up for anything in the world. He wanted to start a family with this man and love him forever.

When they finally separated, half the audience was crying(most of the women and some of the guys). Rin laughed as he and Amaimon ran down the aisle together, everyone cheering around them and throwing Gehennan flower petals into the air like confetti.

They went inside to where food and drinks were set up. The highschool students were permitted two glasses of champagne or wine and that was it(Rin was surprised the adults actually said yes to that), and Rin and Amaimon had decided on snack foods instead of a full meal because they agreed that it was easier to not make a mess with snack foods.

Sitting next to Amaimon at their own table, Rin looked around. There were olive greens, pale greens, light pinks, and muted browns displayed throughout the room in flowers, tablecloths, napkins, some streamers. It seemed so fitting for them. Calm but outstanding colors.

Rin vacated his seat and sat down in Amaimon's lap, laying his head on Amaimon's and purring when the Earth King wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. Warmth spread throughout Rin and he could feel it in Amaimon too. The Demon King was sending Rin feelings of fondness and affection and happiness and wow, that was a lot of from a man who didn't express much outwardly. Amaimon was sending it through the Mate Bond. It still wasn't fully completeled–they needed to fully become one for that.

The thought had Rin flushing as Amaimon picked up on the underlying arousal and sent Rin similar sentiments. Rin shivered. "Stop that, we still have to dance." He chided. Amaimon chuckled under him.

"Of course, Husband." The lilting words sent a hot spike of arousal through Rin and he pinched Amaimon's arm, who laughed.

They ate the snack foods, drank the human alcohol because they didn't wanna get smashed at their own wedding, and finally, it was time for their first dance.

The song was a classic–Unvhained Melody by The Righteous Brothers. The reason they chose this song was two things–itbwas a good slow songs nd because Rin made a joke about it. "This is what people in movies get murdered to."

"Perfect, let's do that one." Amaimon had decided.

Now, they slow danced to it–their first dance as Husbands.  And because it was Rin and Amaimon, they cracked jokes the whole time.

"Someone just broke down the door and now they're trying to strangle whoever was cooking and singing in the kitchen." Rin said.

"Kitchen guy is dead now, death by strangulation via dish towel." Amaimon specified. Rin snickered.

"He's going to see who's screeching horribly in the shower now. Shower person slips on the soap after being surprised by the murderer and knocks himself out by smashing his head on the wall. A shame." Rin shook his head. Amaimon laughed and twirled him around.

"We'll come back for shower guy in a bit, time to go search the rooms. One has a child, close that door and lock it. No child killers here." Amaimon continued their murder story.

"Found Dad, slit his throat with the kitchen knife. Mom has been gone for years, a heart-shattering divorce after someone cheated. Go back to the bathroom." Rin added.

"Bathroom guy is getting his organs removed at his point. Scene ends with murderer stitching up where Bathroom guy's kidneys used to be. Time to fuck off and sell the organs on the black market." Amaimon finished as the song ended. They kissed and it was the funniest and most them thing they'd done so far.

They moved on to the cake–chocolate with white icing, floral designs piped onto all three tiers, and mini-Rina nd Amaimon on the top tier in the midst of a garden of colorful frosting flowers.

The cake was delicious and Rin did the customary feeding his partner. Amaimon did the customary smearing icing on his husband's nose. Rin laughed and licked it off.

After that, they did the whole dance with the parents thing, except it was just Rin and Tatsuma since Amaimon had no parents. Mephisto offered to dance with Amaimon, but the Earth King had wrinkled this nose.

"That would be strange. You're my lover, not my father. Ew." Mephisto cackled at the clearly disturbed expression on the Demon's face.

"I'm happy for you, Rin. You found your place and people who love you. I can't wait for the next wedding." Tatsuma said as they danced. Rin smiled.

"I'm thinking black and gold for Ryuji and I'd wedding. Think he'll like it?" He mused.

"I like your fearlessness at stepping out of typical traditions. He'll love it. But wait until he proposes to mention it, he likes to be the one to plan most things like that." Tatsuma suggested, smiling widely. Rin nodded and the dance ended shortly after that.

They played a wedding game–thevone where they each have one of their shoes and the other's shoes and they put up the shoe of the person who did whatever the question asked.

"Who's the better cook?" Rin put up his own shoe and he was sure Amaimon put Rin's up too.

"Who dances better?" Rin hesitated, but put his own up, cheeks flushing bright red. Judging from the laughing of the audience, Amaimon did the same.

"I've never seen him dance?" Izumo called out.

"He dances when he cooks." Amaimon disclosed.

"Hey, don't tell them my secrets!" Rin squawked while another round of laughter sounded.

"Who's more likely to be late to things?" Rin put his own shoe up with a knowing snicker.

"Who made the first move?" Rin put Amaimon's shoe up that time and he heard "awwwwws" from the crowd.

"Who is more likely to apologize first." Rin put Amaimon's shoe up. It seemed like a surprise to the crowd, but it was true. Amaimon almost always apologized before Rin.

"Who sings better in the shower?" Rin thought about that one before putting both shoes up. They were both good singers. Discovering Amaimon's perfect voice in the shower once was a pleasant surprise.

"Who's the better kisser?" Rin thought about that one too, but Amaimon put Rin's shoe up immediately and a round of laughter erupted as Rin hid his face.

"Who's the funny one?" That was definitely Rin, he was funny without trying.

"Who's the most patient?" Definitely Amaimon, Rin could never hope to achieve the level of patience his husband had.

"Who's the grumpy one in the morning?" Both shoes, fuck mornings.

"Who mentioned marriage first?" Rin, back after Aomori when he was recovering from fighting Hachirotaro.

"Who's the first to want kids?" Rin again, also Aomori.

"Who's more stubborn?" Oh, good question. Both had to think about that one before they both seemingly decided Amaimon.

"Who's the messy one?" Rin, totally Rin. Rin was always a mess.

"Who said 'I love you' first?" Also Rin, again, Aomori.

"Alright, let's toss that bouquet and then settle down for the night, shall we?" Mephisto suggested. Rin and Amaimon put their shoes back on and Rin turned around, all the bridesmaids grouped behind him.

He tossed the bouquet behind him and snickered at the sound of scrambling around until a cry of victory came. He turned around to see Nishiki holding the bouquet up victoriously. He grinned.

Eventually, all the guests where finally turned in for the night in their rooms and the reception area was cleaned up. Rin and Amaimon retreated to their suite together.


The hotter Rin got, the more his features changed–his electric-blue eyes turned a bright pink, slitted pupils glowing red. His tail changed to the classic incubus tail–smooth flesh with an arrow-pointed end.

Pheromones permeated every centimeter of the room and they didn't hesitate to start their long night of lovemaking.

Rin wrapped his arms around the Earth King as they made out on the bed, clothes discarded, bodies bared to the room.

"I'll never leave your side, I promise, my love." Amaimon murmured when they separated, moving to plant gentle kisses over Rin's face.

Amaimon reached down and ran his claws along the smooth tail, making Rin shudder and whine as he let the demon wrap the appendage around his arm. The Earth King then slid his own tail into the boy's mouth all the way to his throat. He thrust it shallowly and moaned before pulling Rin's tail around and pushing it carefully into Rin's ass.

Amaimon placed himself between Rin's legs and grasped the teen's hips, pulling his bottom half up off the bed as he took Rin's dick into his mouth until it touched the back of his throat. Rin thrust his tail inside himself to the same rythm Amaimon blew him, arching in the Earth King's hold.

Rin came easily after the Earth King had kept teasing him during the wedding. It took the desperate edge off so they could take their time now. They probably wouldn't, but they could.

Rin got on his hands and knees over Amaimon in the 69 position. Amaimon pushed his tail back down Rin's throat and leaned up to give a broad sweep of his tongue over Rin's ass. Rin jumped, but made no moves to stop him, so he kept going.

First, he licked around the hole and just barely nudged the tip of his tongue into it, slipping against the tail still thrusting in, then, when Rin relaxed, he let his tongue slip in. Rin moaned and bucked his hips, then gave a shudder as his tail went still.

Amaimon thrust his tongue in deeper, hitting that one point inside of Rin that sent electric shockwaves of pleasure through him. Rin cried out around Amaimon's tail and he shook where he was above the Earth King.

Amaimon ate his husband out with no mercy and Rin cried out and trembled and arched over him so beautifully. He let his tongue wrap.arounf Rin's tail still inside himself and Rin finally shouted, cumming on Amaimon's chest and stomach.

Amaimon's tail pulled out of Rin's throat, scooped up the cum, and plunged right back into Rin's mouth. Rin gave a happy sound as he cleaned the tail off and let it abuse his throat more. The older Demon King tongue-fucked him through the whole thing.

Finally, Amaimon deemed him ready and moved out from under his husband, positioning himself behind the Love god. He pushed in beside Rin's tail without warning and Rin arched, muscles held taut, before his top half collapsed and he laid his head on his arms as Amaimon started a rough pace of fucking Rin at an alternating rythm to his tail so he had constant stimulation to his prostate. Rin writhed and Amaimon arched as Rin swallowed around his tail and moved a hand to stroke himself to the rythm of Amaimon's thrusts.

With another hard thrust to his prostate, Rin threw his head back and cried out around Amaimon's tail as he came hard, dirtying the sheets under him. Amaimon groaned and thrust a few more times before Rin's spasming muscles milked him of an orgasm as well.

Rin collapsed, panting, under Amaimon. He pulled out to flip Rin over and clean him off, sliding his tail from Rin's throat as he took Rin into his.

The newlywed couple happily made love until morning, then slept most of the day away.

Rin had never been so satisfied and happy in his life.

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