Making Waves

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"We really need to start planning things if we're gonna enter the war." Rin sighed. He didn't have to attend regular school anymore and the Order was apparently hesitant to use Rin's power on missions, so he didn't really have that many. At least his higher class as an Exorcist brought in a good amount of money even with the few missions he got.

"I agree, it's time to do something that will make some waves. You've done wonderful in your training and you've got your career as an Exorcist now. Do you have something in mind for us to start with, Darling?" Mephisto agreed, turning to Rin next to him at the dinner table.

"I was thinking that we really need to do something about that Artificial Gehenna Gate. Demons are constantly slipping through it into Assiah and the excess strains our ranks. Even with you slowing it's opening down, the Illuminati has been suspiciously quiet for a while now. I think they're going to make a move soon." Rin began.

"I killed the guardians Satan placed around Tartarus, but I still need to get rid of the ones on the actual Gehenna Gate and the Artificial one. We have to make our move before the Illuminati makes theirs. Shima hasn't mentioned anything, but it's pretty obvious anyway." Rin pointed out. Mephisto snapped and a diagram of the Artificial Gehenna Gate came up in the middle of the table to allow Rin to better visualize and show them things.

"There's the two here, one on each far side, and two more at the bottom. They'll definitely be higher-levels and prepared for an attack, so we'll have to put together a team to take them out and another team to defend the first. I'll be channelling power into the Gate's borders to destroy it, but it would be much easier if I had someone disrupting the structure while I use raw power. It's like a magic circle, erase one part of it and it disappears. It worked when I sliced the thing in half with Kurikara the first time I unsheathed it." Rin explained, looking to Amaimon. The Demon nodded his approval. "Keep going, you're doing good, Camellia." He gave a rare encouraging smile. Rin blushed, but proceeded as asked.

"So, I was thinking that since we can't make it super obvious that we're all in league with each other, we'd have to propose it and I could be the one displaying the plan and suggesting who to put where and why. They like strategy with plans for things big enough to be called Incidents." Rin decided.

"Amaimon, you'll be with me disrupting the Gate. Mephisto, I know you're pushing your hosts limits, but I need you to extend the time bubble to the demons coming out of the portal on my signal as well. I'm banking on the slower reactions of the demons while we work at the most desperate point. Ryuji, you'll be leading the Team destroying the guardians because you're already immortal and can just keep coming back until you win, not to mention the staggering power-level of the Phoenix. Shiemi, you'll be leading the Team backing them up and defending them. Shura will be on your team because she has an arsenal of techniques to defend with. I'll have Shima and Izumo on Ryuji's team because their familiars are good for offense. I'd like to request the help of the Arc Knights for this too. They're pretty useful. Unfortunately, that also means calling in Angel as the Paladin and supposedly the strongest exorcist." Rin listed out his plan and preened when even Bon and Mephisto nodded approvingly.

"Well, it's definitely a huge step. Perfect to start things off. We'll start taking the Illuminati out from there, then Satan when he has no support left in Assiah, and when the dirty work's done, we'll take down the Order and create a better version of it." Bon smiled at Rin across the table, reaching to take his hand. "You know, when I first met you, I never dreamed you could make waves nearly as big as you already have, not only in the Order, but the world, even. Makes me glad you refused to take 'fuck off' as an answer when I was being a dick to you back in Kyoto." Rin looked away as his face steadily got redder, but took the offered hand.

"You are right on all accounts, as always, Ryuji. I knew you'd shake the world as we knew it, but I didn't think it'd be like this. It makes me very glad I didn't deny Amaimon when he decided he would stick around for you." Mephisto agreed, taking hold of Rin's other hand.

"I'm just happy I get to marry you first, fuck all of you others, I saw his potential first." Amaimon said, placing a kiss on Rin's cheeks as the whole table burst out in laughter.


As per Rin's request, he was granted an audience with the Arc Knights, Grigori, and Mephisto.

He was definitely nervous, but panic wasn't the greatest for what he was about to do, so he'd eventually shut down those emotions and let Mephisto's calming presence and reassurance flow over him through their empathy bond as he sat down at the table with the audience, back straight and expression carefully blank.

"You said you had a plan to take care of the Artificial Gehenna Gate, Exorcist Okumura? Please, proceed." The female Grigori currently representing Shemihaza said politely. Rin nodded and snapped, his own sort of hologram of the Artificial Gehenna Gate coming to life in the center of the table where everyone could see it.

"The Gehenna Gate can be considered a huge Summoning circle, just on a much larger and stronger scale. So, if we break even a small part of the outside border, it will collapse in on itself. I have proof of this from the night I first drew the Koma Sword and banished the Gehenna Gate made by Satan by disrupting the borders with the blade and my own flames." He began.

He explained about the two teams to take on the guardians and defend. Then, he explained his own part in the plan of disrupting the border. He looked to Mephisto then. "I know it strains your host already, but can you extend that time spell to the demons coming out of the Gate?" He asked even though he already knew the answer. Mephisto grinned his usual wide cheshire grin, always happy to put on a show for the humans.

"The extra strain will be worth it if we can get rid of this thorn in our sides altogether. I will have time to heal my host once that abomination is gone for good." Mephisto answered smoothly, ever the people-pleaser. The Grigori nodded for Rin to continue.

"I have an asset to help me disrupt the Gate, but I need your approval." He told them. "I'm officially intrigued. Who is it?" Lucy Yang wondered, ignoring Lighting's snicker of "Now you're intrigued?"

"Amaimon, the Demon King of Earth is very useful if you happen to be on his good side. I can strike a deal with him that won't lead to any reprocussions on any of us, however, I cannot tell you that deal because he does not trust humans much. You'll have to trust me on this." He waited for someone to call bullshit and leave and as expected, Angel was the prize winner for that one.

"Nonsense! Demons cannot be trusted with matters of humans like this! In fact, Rin Okumura isn't even human anymore, he's a full-blooded demon! Who's to say he's not in league with the other Demon Kings and even his father?!" He jumped up, blonde hair bouncing and white dress fluttering.

Rin,Osceola Redarm, and Lucy Yang all wore nearly identical deadpans and Mephisto only look used at the expected outburst from the man. Then, Rin put on a patronizing smile and leaned forward. "First of all, I'm a Nephilim-part human, part demon, not a full-blooded demon. Either way, stop being racist.

"Second, if I was working with Satan, I would've just burned you all down a long time ago. I stayed and abided by your rules, I went through your training and with the deal and accepted penalties for my Exam and I passed just as I promised I would. I am at your disposal, yet no one seems to want to use me like I figured you would. So, either I'm so important that I can only ever be used to fight Satan, or someone is scared I'll turn on you all." He started matter-of-factly, nothing like the stuttering and confused brat who'd tried to stand up for himself at his trial after the Forest Fight with Amaimon.

"Get. Over. It. I'm here, I didn't run and I haven't complained once at the several threats of execution from both you and this whole organization. I have more than paid my dues and I'm tired of sitting around and looking pretty. So, you can walk out and the rest of us can make this happen without you and you'll be missing from the History books, or you can sit down, keep quiet unless someone addresses you, and go along with this plan and be a hero in the history books." Rin leaned back after he'd said his piece, waiting.

Angel glowered at him, but as he seemed to be the only person objecting, he huffed and sat back down. "Please excuse my interruption. Proceed."

"Thank you. To continue with my plan, I have looked through several files and selected candidates to be on the two teams I told you about earlier. Please look at the folders I've provided you with." He requested.

There was a long, nerve-wracking silence before Lucy Yang spoke up. "I like this plan. And this kid. I knew it was a good idea sparing you." She looked at the boy in appraisal. Rin smiled, a reminder that though he seemed so mature and put-together during this meeting, he was still just sixteen. Lucy couldn't believe the Grigori threatened to execute a kid, demon or not.

"I agree with Lucy. This is a solid plan and we have the resources to pull it off. It will be a huge step in this war against both the Illuminati and Satan." Osceola said, nodding to Rin respectfully.

"This sounds solid and it will certainly give us Exorcists a bit of downtime we've been missing because of the influx of demons coming out of this Gate. And it will make us look great. I'm in favor." Lightning decided with a grin.

"It is certainly well put-together, so kudos to you, Exorcist Okumura. This plan is also most likely the best that can be worked out with the least casualties, if any. And I do look forward to downtime as well. I'm in favor." Drac decided.

"I....I will admit it is a good plan. And, as Drac said, it will most likely be our best shot with minimal casualties. I favor." Angel admitted with difficulty. The smile Rin directed at him only made him frown. That smile had to be fake. No demon could look that happy and that human.

The Grigori nodded along before giving their input.

"You all make good points. We are grateful to Rin Okumura for forming this plan on his own and being so thorough with his choices of who to choose for this important mission. He obviously spent a large amount of time selecting who would be suited to which role abd took the time to look back to give us proof for the Gate Disruption Theory at the expense of his own traumatic experiences with the Gate. He is willing to go the extra mile to come to us instead of waiting around like we have obviously done for much too long now. All in favor of this plan, say aye."

The whole table echoed 'Ayes' and Rin did his best not to let his excitement show too much. "Thank you, for trusting me with this. When do preparations begin?" He questioned. "Preparations begin tomorrow. We will message you if any other meetings regarding this subject are held and when the plan is set into motion. We are trusting you to lead this charge, Rin Okumura. Do not turn on us." Shemihaza representative answered.


"You were perfect, my love!" Mephisto picked Rin up and twirled him around as soon as they teleported away from the meeting. Rin laughed and wrapped his arms around the man's neck and his legs around his waist, hooking his ankles together to hold himself up.

"Yeah? I didn't look like I was about to piss myself with excitement like a puppy?" Rin snorted. "No, you looked calm and controlled and satisfied when they all agreed. You stepped up and called them out and they thanked you for it, even!" Mephisto was simply ecstatic as he delivered an enthusiastic kiss to Rin's lips, prompting a happy sigh from the younger.

"I learned from the best." Rin murmured when they separated. "If I had to, I was going to use the power I have over emotions, but I actually didn't need to. I had it under control and they accepted it. I probably would have looked like a moron if I wasn't channeling you whenever you're tired of sitting in the office all day and just get to the point of whatever situation is happening so you can get it over with. But you're never rushed enough to make it seem like you're impatient. You're always so careful with those things because humans are stupid about both manners and demons." Rin explained in one breath because his energy was through the roof and he couldn't wait to tell everyone about this plan. Everyone being his two other lovers and his friends.

"I'm so proud of you! You went from being a clueless little brat who cared too much to being precise, powerful, and sure of everything you decide to tell anyone about. You've grown and made your own future without my intervention. For once-and I can't believe I'm saying this-I appreciate the destruction of my carefully laid out plans. Good job, my Love." He tilted his head so his forehead was against Rin's.

"I'm proud to be worthy of your affections." He murmured, serious once the excitement calmed. "Thousands of years will do things to people. It took me a while to understand when I was having trouble justifying this relationship, but I realized. You can't expect people not to want change in their lives when they themselves never change. And that's okay. As long as me and our children and anyone else in this relationship isn't dragged into your shit when they don't wanna be, do what you want. You'll know what's acceptable and what's not when you choose to be the bad guy." Rin smiled at the Time Lord and got a genuinely happy smile back.

"I love you, Rin." Mephisto finally said. Rin smiled even wider. "I love you too, Samael."

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