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Rin found herself in total darkness, clothes gone and body bared to whatever pulled her in. She tried opening her eyes, but her eyes were already open, staring into the pure black surrounding her. It was confusing and messing with her senses. She could see, but she couldn't.

She finally decided to close her eyes. When a strange, almost chilling sensation covered her whole body. She kept her eyes clenched shut as  she felt something firm around her body. Was she being restrained? No, her arms and legs were still free and she could still flail around if she wanted. She felt material form around her body to cover her before she was dropped onto a cold floor that had goosebumps breaking across her exposed skin. She seemed to have a long dress on.

When she stood up, her feet felt the frozen ground and material wrapped around her feet until shoes formed–heels, it seemed. She felt jewelry form in her piercings, around her neck. Her hair was lightly tugged into some style and an accessory of some sort was placed in it, possibly decorative.

She looked around and still could see anything, even herself. As soon as she thought about it being too dark, the whole area around her lit up in red light.

She gasped, looking around her. She seemed to be in a building. It had two staircases going up to another floor and huge double doors in the middle of the wall under the staircases. She furrowed her brow and walked forward, pushing the doors open.


"Where did she go?!" Mephisto demanded. "She was pulled away by something in that alleyway, she disappeared!" Amaimon answered, shocked at what just happened. They got closer to said alleyway, even walking into it.


"It's Tartarus. It found a way to take Rin Home." Mephisto finished for him. They could both feel the ancient, but familiar energy that used to pulse through Gehenna before Satan came along.

"So....she's safe?" Amaimon ventured. Mephisto shook his head.

"I cannot say. Though Tartarus is Rin's and she can use it however she pleases, I don't know if her father has been alerted by her appearance there. She could be in danger." He paced in the shadows of the alleyway, floating umbrella following him and keeping him dry as he did so.

Amaimon's hand tightened on the tree umbrella he'd made. "Even if he does, you said Tartarus is hers and that it pulled her to it. If that's true, will it not do everything in it's power to protect Rin?" He wondered.

Mephisto stopped pacing and then rounded on the Earth King, picking him up and spinning him once. "Ah, my dear Amaimon, you're a genius! Of course it will protect her! Satan could lock its location away, but Tartarus can use that against him to keep Rin hidden from Satan. He probably doesn't even check the dimensions he locked away because it takes so much willpower to hold Gehenna in a material state!" He planted a happy kiss on the shorter man's lips and they carried on walking back to the Manor.

"Couldn't you just snap us there, Mephi?" Amaimon pointed out.

"Oh, you're right! I ought to speed this up!" He grabbed Amaimon's hand and snapped them into the living room at the Manor. "Perfect, now to get ahold of the others and tell them what's happened. Unless Rin is called in for a mission, no one breathes a word to the Grigori." The man decided it was easier to just text Ryuji and have him to text the group chat the former ExWires and Shura all had.

When he was done, he turned around with a baffled expression painting his features. Amaimon raised an eyebrow. "Did you just use the nickname Rin gave me a minute ago?" The Time Lord questioned.

"Yes. Why?"

A smile graced Mephisto's face. "Nothing. I like it. You just don't call me any endearments." The Time Lord actually enjoyed being called endearments, but Rin and Ryuji were the only ones who did so. He had endearments for all of his lovers because they always blushed or smiled at him so nicely when he called them like he did.

"I don't have any flowers that are like you though...." Amaimon admitted. Mephisto laughed in surprise.

"Then call me whatever flower reminds you of me." He suggested, sitting down on the couch. Amaimon automatically sat in his lap, shifting to get comfortable and letting Mephisto wrap his arms around him.

"Mh, but there's so many flowers in Assiah and Gehenna." Amaimon mused quietly. Mephisto laughed softly, stroking the Earth King's hair that had gotten longer and even slightly unruly.

The demon really thought long and hard on what to call Mephisto, during which the Time Lord soothingly stroked his hair and traced symbols on his arms.

"I like Violet." Amaimon finally said after a while. Mephisto hummed.

"Which one?"


"Ah, Let us take a chance on happiness? That's lovely, Dear."

"Or Delphiniums. I could call you Delphi. It suits you." Amaimon nuzzled his jaw and placed a kiss there. Mephisto purred, tilting his head down to connect their lips in a soft kiss.

"Cheerfulness and Goodwill does suit me, though the second is only with people I can stand." Mephisto mused.

"Protectiveness. You protect what you love to your last breath." Amaimon added, giving him a meaningful look. Mephisto was starting to wonder if he should get used to being surprised by his lovers. They kept saying such meaningful and caring things to and about him. The demon was glad he'd decided to take more of an interest in Rin once Amaimon did those months ago. Rin pulled them into his love and he wouldn't let them go after they responded with their own fondness for him.

Rin had an effect on people that he probably didn't notice, but it was obvious if you got close enough to be his close friend and especially if you were dating him/marrying him. He held people together. He mediated between people who normally didn't get along and eventually, those people could be around each other easier even without Rin there. He brought out people's best qualities.

Mephisto and Amaimon's relationship had been somewhat strained and rough for the last thousand years, but spending most of their time with Rin helped them learn how to be soft to both someone as sensitive as Rin and to each other. Amaimon immensely enjoyed getting smothered in love by Mephisto and he had Rin to thank for that.

They stayed there for a while, just enjoying each other's company, exchanging sweet kisses and snuggling on the couch. They knew there was nothing they could do about the situation with Rin and Tartarus and they trusted Rin to handle herself, so they agreed that all they could do was wait.

They laid down on the couch at some point and then fell asleep shortly after, too comfortable and content not to. They were wrapped around each other, legs tangled and arms holding each other close. Amaimon had his face tucked into the crook of Mephisto's neck, breath fanning over his collarbone.

"I love you, Delphi." The Earth King murmured. "And I love you too, Lilac." The Time Lord responded.

Lilac–First Love


Rin was having a blast running around the castle she was told was hers. Tartarus explained things by putting images in he remind and Rin understood what it was saying. Tartarus had been waiting for Rin for such a long time and it took Rin home the first chance it got. There were demons that were native to Tartarus that greeted her cheerfully whenever they saw her. They'd go to apologize for living in the castle while she wasn't there, but she told them it was okay. She liked having people around, as long as they didn't hate her and kept her company.

The castle was absolutely humongous and would be incredibly empty and lonely without other people to live in it with her.

Maybe you can fill it up with children one day. You have many lovers, they can provide you with good young. You can have many little ones, you are strong.

Rin blushed at the Pit's words. "Please don't bring up kids. The baby fever is hard to deal with and I'm oy sixteen." Rin pleaded. My apologies, King.

Rin loved the fact that demons didn't care about the concept of certain genders having certain roles. Even as a woman, Rin was still a King. It was a Title to show power. Demons didn't actually have hierarchies, only levels, because there were weak demons and strong demons and those in the middle. Kings like the Impure King were direct defendants of the strongest demons–the Demon Gods, or Demon Kings because humans refused to accept that they were gods. The strongest demon at the moment was Satan. Rin was gonna change that.

"I love it here. It feels like I'm home." Rin admitted. "I know you really want me here with you. But please, if you just wait a little longer, I can free you. I have plans. I promise I'll free you from my father. But I need to go back to True Cross. Everyone probably misses me. I have people to take down and a wedding to plan, you know?" Rin explained, smiling up at the red sky.

I did not only bring you here to have you. Tartarus confessed. Rin titled her head curiously.

Someone wanted to see you very badly. Two someone's, actually

Rin furrowed her brow in confusion as two blobs of mist formed in front of her, gaining more detail by the second. When she saw the first, she gasped. Shiro Fujimoto stood in front of her with his finger glasses and cassock next to a woman with long, unruly black curls, dark blue eyes, and moles on her face. She could only be one person. Yuri Egin.

Rin's parents had come to see her.

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